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Notes on Accessions to the Manuscripts and Archives Collection

A Selective List of Acquisitions, July 1998 to June 1999

A selection of manuscripts and archives acquisitions is listed in the Turnbull Library Record to alert researchers to newly acquired material judged to be of significant research value. Additions to existing collections are not usually listed, except where they add substantially to what is already held. Microfilm material produced by the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau and the Australian Joint Copying Project has also not been included. New accessions for the Archive of New Zealand Music are listed in Crescendo , the bulletin of the International Association of Music Libraries (New Zealand Branch). For access to newly acquired collections the Library would welcome notification that access will be sought, preferably with an indication of a likely date. This will help staff in establishing priorities in processing collections.

alley, rewi. Papers, 1943-1988. 7m. The collection comprises Alley’s inward and outward correspondence, translations of Chinese verse and songs, indexed photograph albums, travel notes, diaries, manuscript articles and other papers, donation: The Chinese Peoples’ Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Beijing.

arohata women’s bridging association. Records, 1926-1990. 46cm. The association was formed in 1926 to support and provide friendship to inmates and assist in finding jobs. The records include minutes, agendas, correspondence and applications for assistance, donation. bats theatre company (inc.). Records, 1973-1988. 18cm. Records including correspondence, minutes, production papers, reviews, financial matters, press releases and other papers, donation: Bats Theatre.

bay of plenty volunteer cavalry corps. Minute-book, 1866-1880. 1 volume, donation: Parliamentary Library. bunny and barrett, solicitors. Solicitors’ diaries, 1935-1940. 2 volumes. Logbooks of cases of Lower Hutt solicitors, Bunny and Barrett, used to compile clients’ accounts, donation: Lower Hutt War Memorial Library.

cable price downer. Further records, ca 1880-1975. 2m. Correspondence, files, plans, reports and administrative papers including papers on the Wanganella dispute in 1948. donation: Brierley Investments Limited, Wellington. campion, edith. Papers, 1939-1998. 4.5 m. The papers reflect Ms Campion’s interest in theatre and literary matters and include correspondence and other papers relating to her interest in Downstage Theatre, her affiliation with the family of R. H. Hannah and Company, and the activities of her daughter, Jane, and other children, donation.

catacombs club. Records, 1959-1998. 10cm. The club was established in 1959 as a social drop-in centre at St Peter’s Anglican Church, Willis St, Wellington, and later became an interdenominational activity. The records include minutes, membership lists, reports, circulars, rosters and team lists, donation: Mr A. L. Olsson, Wellington.

dalton family. Correspondence and accounts, 1862-1906. 10cm. Francis Dalton came to Auckland in 1862 and lived in the Auckland area until his death in 1891. This collection of letters written by him and his family to their relatives in England includes extensive descriptions of life in the new colony, purchase.

danilow family. Papers, 1890-1998. 2m. Ariadne, a music teacher, and Nicholas Danilow, a lecturer in Russian and German, arrived in Wellington in the 19405. Their papers reflect their interest in the arts, music and theatre in Wellington and include much correspondence in Russian and German, donation.

dunningham, Margaret mathie. Gupta places and Sojourn at Sanchi, ca 1970-1973 . 2 volumes. Accounts of Dunningham’s experiences and interest in the Gupta culture of Bihar and Madhya Bharat and of living in Sanchi. donation: Parliamentary Library eastern cricket club (Wellington). Records, 1958-1997. 33cm. Minute-books, financial records, scoring books and photographs of members, donation.

eccles, marton ashton. World War I diaries, 1916-1918. 3 volumes. Eccles served with the ANZAC Mounted Division during World War I in Egypt and Palestine and saw action at Gallipoli, donation: Mrs L. Eccles, Auckland.

featherston family. Papers, 1830-1881. 2 microfilm reels. Microfilm of letters held in private hands from Dr Isaac Featherston, mainly to his sister in England, describing his arrival in New Zealand, Wellington political and domestic events, relations with Maori and other matters, purchase.

fisher, thomas william. Papers, 1872-1919. lm. Fisher was a Maori Land Court judge and had previously owned the Waitotara Store. His papers, which include a ledger book, correspondence and reports, reflect both these occupations, donation: Mrs P. Edwards Sextus, Dannevirke.

forsaith, thomas henry. Letter to Bob, 12 Nov 1845. 2 folders. An illustrated letter from Forsaith to Bob, probably his brother, describing a month-long journey through the Thames, Waikato and South Auckland areas. The 10 marginalia watercolours illustrate aspects of the people he journeyed with and met and the country they passed through, purchase.

friends of the earth. Campaign against the use of leaded petrol, 1972-1996. lm. The FOE campaigned against the use of leaded petrol. This collection includes minutes, reports, correspondence, publicity material and policy statements, donation.

frood, james n. Journal on the Ocean Mail, 1874. 1 volume. Frood was surgeon-superintendent on board the Ocean Mail from Gravesend to Blind Bay; he recorded details about the vessel, its passengers, medical matters and events, donation: Parliamentary Library.

gray, Godfrey. Papers, 1937-1991. 3 folders. Includes Gray’s unpublished reminiscences of working in broadcasting, ‘33 years behind the mast’, and of growing up in Wellington, ‘A capital childhood’, donation.

hadfield, william vernan. Papers relating to J-Force, 1945-1948. 4 folders. Hadfield served in J-Force and his papers include reports and manuals particularly relating to Japanese agriculture, donation.

hall, Winifred. Candy Nevill. 2 folders. Hall wrote novels for children under the pseudonym, Clare Mallory. This is an unpublished novel about family life, donation: Ms H. Faville, Taupo.

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS. MANCHESTER UNITY. NEW ZEALAND BRANCH. WELLINGTON district. Records, 1853-1998. 80cm. Includes minute-books, letterbooks, financial records and a history of the branch, donation.

job research trust. Records, 1978-1996. 6.6 m. A Taranaki-based charitable trust whose aim is to help communities create more jobs. These records include newsletters, pamphlets, training programmes, reports and published material of the Trust and of predecessor agencies, donation.

john martin, solicitors, Edinburgh. Further papers of New Zealand clients, 1863-1915. scm. Correspondence from clients in New Zealand on financial, farming and legal matters, and other papers, purchase.

mcbride, columba. Papers, 1965-1999. 19cm. Mcßride was a writer and her papers include literary drafts, poems, short stories and radio plays and her correspondence with Joe Stroud, donation: Ms Trish Mcßride, Johnsonville, Wellington.

Mackenzie, duncan henry. A manuscript account of the Taranaki war, ca 1866. 1 volume. Mackenzie joined the 40th Regiment from Australia; he records his service during the Taranaki and Waikato conflicts until his departure for England in 1866. donation: Parliamentary Library.

mckinnon, Walter sneddon. Papers, 1934-1995. 35cm. McKinnon was Chief of Defence Staff and his papers include correspondence relating to this, his involvement with the NZBC, and papers relating to the opposition against the Vietnam War and the visits of nuclear vessels, donation: Mr John McKinnon, Wellington.

mcwhirter, james. Diary of the Great War, 1914-1919. 1 volume. McWhirter, who came from Scotland, served in World War I joining the Auckland Infantry Battalion in 1915 and saw action at Gallipoli. He wrote this account in 1920 from diaries kept during the course of the war. donation: Mrs J. C. McWhirter, Scotland.

matauranga school. Records , 1963-1984. 40cm. The records of a Wellington alternative school, including minutes, circulars, membership and class lists and other papers, donation: Mr J. Rose, Wellington.

middleton, ian. Papers, 1960-1998. 1.3 m. Middleton is a writer and his papers include drafts of published and unpublished work, literary and personal correspondence, contracts, reviews and related material, purchase.

new horizons for women trust. Records, 1990-1999. lm. The trust promotes second-chance education and training and the records include minutebooks, applications, correspondence and other papers, donation.

new Zealand (hms). Log books, 1906-1909. 2 volumes. Two log books kept by Horace V. Silk including hand-drawn and water-coloured charts of British ports visited, donation: Parliamentary Library.

new Zealand association of citizens advice bureaux. Further records, 1961-1996. 6.3 m. The records include minute-books, correspondence, reports, submissions and related papers. DONATION.

NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION OF PSYCHOTHERAPISTS. Records, 1948-1996. 40cm. The records include administrative correspondence registers and files, papers relating to conferences, constitution matters and registration, reports and papers on mental health issues. DONATION.

NEW ZEALAND ASSOCIATION OF SMALL FARMERS. Records, 1979-1996. 1.3 m. Administrative records including correspondence, minutes and reports, and papers relating to the Small Farmer of the Year award, donation: Mr lan Grant, Masterton.

NEW ZEALAND COMMISSION. CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, MELBOURNE. Record book of exhibitors, 1888. 1 volume. A record book recording the exhibits of a number of New Zealand artists and other exhibitors at the exhibition, and containing other related papers, donation: Parliamentary Library.

new Zealand company. Minutes of the Court of Directors, 1853-1861. 1 volume, donation: Parliamentary Library.

NEW ZEALAND FEDERATION OF SPECIFIC LEARNING DIFFICULTIES ASSOCIATIONS (iNC.) (SPELD). Records, 1974-1989. 6m. Minutes, reports, correspondence and other papers relating to the local and national work of SPELD. DONATION.

new Zealand veterinary association. Records, 1923-1997. 3m. Includes minutes, correspondence, membership records, subject and historical files, technical and financial records, donation.

ngata, apirana turupa (sir). Letters from W. Page Rowe, 1927. 1 folder. Two letters, probably copies, written by Rowe to Ngata regarding a proposal for a national festival of Maori art and culture to enhance the state and status of Maori art, culture and performance. donation: Mr A. Williams, Gisborne.

nisbet, henry (rev.). Letters to his wife, 1858. 1 folder. Nisbet was with the London Missionary Society and wrote these letters to his wife from Samoa discussing his work and expressing concern about her health, purchase.

Norwood, hugh. Papers relating to Katherine Mansfield and other matters, 1958-1986. Bcm. Correspondence and ephemera, mostly of a minor nature, relating to Mansfield, collected by Pat Lawlor and Harry Rodewald. purchase.

onslow college tramping club. Log book, 1963-1976. 2 folders. The log book kept by members of the Onslow College Tramping Club with journal entries, clippings and photographs of tramping, canoe and ski trips to the Tararua Range and other venues, donation: Ms G. Martin, Paekakariki.

pemberton, Charles louis. Rough diary and memoranda relating to a journey and surveying work, 1884-1885. 1 volume. Pemberton recorded his travels up the Whanganui River and the Tuhua country prospecting for gold, including problems relating to access from local Maori, and survey work in the Manawatu-Wanganui area. The journal has been previously published, donation: Mr G. F. Sommerville, Wellington.

petone college. Records, 1915-1998. 3.3 m. The school was established in 1904 as Petone Technical School and had several name changes until it closed in 1999. The records include enrolment forms, admission registers, minute-books, principals’ and annual reports, donation.

Phillips family. Papers relating to Coleman Phillips, 1858-1963. 30cm. The collection includes volumes of clippings reflecting Coleman Phillips’s wide-ranging interests in politics, colonisation, commerce and the Pacific. Included also is the minute-book for the Greytown Butter and Cheese Factory and Phillips’s Dry River Station diary. It complements other Phillips material already held, purchase.

pitman family. Papers, 1824-1897. 2 folders. A collection of letters, mostly from Charles Pitman, a missionary in French Polynesia and other Pacific stations, to his brother, Abel, describing his life and work. Also includes a religious song by Pitman, personal certificates and other family papers, purchase.

rainbow valley company ltd. Records, 1974-1998. scm. The Rainbow Valley community began in 1974 and the collection comprises two minute-

books (1985-1995) and a photocopy of a history of the community compiled by Gregor Koolen. DONATION.

ranfurly, uchter john mark knox (sth earl). Papers, 1896-1913. The papers relate to Lord Ranfurly’s term as Governor of New Zealand from 1897 to 1904 and include correspondence, reminiscences, an illustrated journal kept by his chief aide-de-camp, Dudley Alexander, scrapbooks, a series of photograph albums and artworks by Lady Constance Ranfurly. purchase.

REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE OF NEW ZEALAND. WELLINGTON BRANCH. Records, 1913-1982. 1.4 m. Minute-books, 1913-1982, and property sales records, 1952-1974, for the Wellington area. DONATION.

st mary’s orphanage (nelson). Registers, 1880-1997. 50cm. Registers of children at St Mary’s Orphanage (Nelson) (1880-1941), Sunnybank Orphanage (1942-1964) and Sunnybank Boys’ Rural Training School (1964-1970). permanent loan. Restricted.

st ninian’s Presbyterian church, karori. Records, 1913-1997. 1.4 m. Includes marriage and baptismal records, minute-books, attendance books, correspondence, reports and other papers, donation.

scott, thomas henry. Papers, 1938-1962. 51cm. Scott was a psychologist and mountaineer who was interned as a conscientious objector during World War IE His papers, which include correspondence, diaries and literary documents, reflect his personal and work relationships, professional career and his interest in mountaineering, which eventually caused his death, purchase. Restricted.

scout association of new Zealand. Further records, 1910-1999. 6m. The records include papers relating to jamborees, National Executive Committee minutes and agendas, correspondence and conference material, donation.

smith, william mein. Papers, 1813-1841. 4cm. Smith was the New Zealand Company’s Surveyor-General. Included is a diary kept by Smith for 1832 to 1833 when he was with the Royal Artillery in Gibraltar, donation: Mr B. Smith, Masterton.

Stafford, edward william (sir). Traveljournal, 1859, edited by Edmund Bohan [typescript]. 1 folder. Stafford left New Zealand in January 1859, visiting England, and Scotland and Ireland; the journal finishes in May. donation: Mr Edmund Bohan, Christchurch.

stagecraft theatre (inc.). Records, 1984, 1994-1999. 19cm. A collection of records which includes agendas and minutes, correspondence, programmes, reunion material, newsletters, photographs and related papers, donation

startup, robin mcgill. World War I and World War II correspondence, 1916-1949. 6cm. Startup originally acquired this collection of letters from New Zealand servicemen to their families for its postmarks. Included are a wide range of letters from men and women serving in both world wars, donation.

te whaiti family. Papers, 1870-1980. 9m. Papers include Te Whaiti family whakapapa, records of the operation and management of their South Wairarapa farm and and personal letters and diaries of various family members. PERMANENT LOAN. Restricted.

thomas, trevor lloyd. World War II diaries and paybook, 1941-1945. 6cm. Thomas wrote of his experiences in the 35th Battalion while he was stationed at Fiji, New Caledonia, and the Solomon Islands, donation: Mrs N. A. Thomas, Auckland.

villiers-stuart, henry j. r. New Zealand journal, 1863-1866. 2 microfilm reels, 1 folder. Villiers-Stuart describes his travels on the Continent, coming to New Zealand with the 68th Regiment of Foot, and his service and travels in various parts of the North Island. This acquisition also includes abstracts of the logs of the Wellesley (1866), the Sea King (1864), the Bengal (1865) and the Prince Alfred (1866). donation: Mr James Wellings, London.

Wellington tennis club. Records, 1898-1985. lm. Minutes, reports and correspondence for the Club and its predecessors the Newtown Tennis Club and the Wellington Lawn Tennis Club, donation.

wells, peter. Papers, 1990-1997. 80cm. The papers include correspondence relating the anthology Best mates, other correspondence, drafts for Wells’ novel Boy overboard, working papers for Ricordi! relating to Wells’s film work and Artists Against Apartheid, purchase.

women’s international motorcycle association (wima). Records, 1984-1990. 6cm. Records of the Association including correspondence on women and motorcycling, a history of the association, annual reports, clippings and some financial records, donation.

wynyard, Robert henry. Two Maori letters, 1851-1852. 1 folder. Two letters to Wynyard, Lieutenant-Governor of New Ulster, from Te Taniwha requesting an audience, and from Wiremu Maihi requesting part of a Maori hostelry for use as a shop. Accompanied by contemporary translations, purchase.

zeigler, john. Papers, 1987-1998. 10cm. Zeigler is an American poet. The papers mainly comprise letters from the New Zealand writer, Noel Virtue, donation. Partial restriction.

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Turnbull Library Record, Volume 32, 1 January 1999, Page 102

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Notes on Accessions to the Manuscripts and Archives Collection Turnbull Library Record, Volume 32, 1 January 1999, Page 102

Notes on Accessions to the Manuscripts and Archives Collection Turnbull Library Record, Volume 32, 1 January 1999, Page 102

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