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List of Donors, July 1996 to June 1997

Mrs Joy Adams, Africa Information Centre, Ahadiyya Muslim Assn, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Fiji, Aigantighe Art Gallery , Mr Rex Alexander, Mr W.H. Alington, Mr B.W. Houghton Allen, Ms Penny Allen, Amnesty International (NZ Section), Mr Vincent Amopiu, Ms Rhonda Ander, Mr Bruce Anderson, Antarctica New Zealand, Mrs Sheila Armstrong, Ernie Asher, Australian Council of Archives, Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions, Ms Saliha Azzouz.

Dr John D. Baeyertz, Mrs Lois Baeyertz, Professor C.L. Bailey, Ms Rona N. Bailey, Mrs Sylvia Baird, Mr Harold Baker, Ms Olive Baldwin, Mr Murray Ball, Mr Trevor Ballantine, Mr Stephen J.S. Barker, Mrs Nola Barron, Mr Leon Basile, Dr Murray Bathgate, Mrs B.R. Battersby, Mrs Dorothy Battersby, Mr Norman Batty, Rev P.D. Bean, James Beard, Messrs Richard and Warwick Beauchamp, Mrs Mary Beaven, Mr Francis Dickens Bell, Mrs Beverley Shore Bennett, Mr Dennis Berdinner, Mr & Mrs R. Berry, Mr Vivian Bevan, Mrs Linda Bevan Smith, Mr Eric Biddington, Mrs Lois Bieder, David Bilbrough (estate of), Bitumus, Sr Antonia Blake, Charles H. Bliss (donation and estate of), Miss Juliet Blomfield, Mr Val Blomfield, Mr M.N. Blundell, Mr Melvin Bockelman, Books Pasifika, Mr Kevin Boon, Dr David Branagan, Mr T.C. Brandon, Mr John Brebner, Mr R.J. Breen, Rev. Dr David Brewster, Ms Jennifer Briars, Robert Briggs, Jessie Mary Brocas (estate of), Dr Bob Brockie, Mr J.W. Brodie, Mr Peter Bromhead, Mr Keith L. Brown, Mr T.S.B. Brown, Mrs W.H. Brown, Mr Alan Bulleyment, Mr John Burland.

Canterbury Museum, Mrs A. Kay Carter, Cawthron Institute, Dr Chris N. Challies, Chamber Music NZ, Mr Danny Chan, Mr Laywood Chan, Mr Bryce Cheesman, Mrs M.P. Chiles, Chilton Historical Trust, Mrs Jocelyn Chisholm, Christian Coalition, Ms Fiona Clark, Mr Laurence Clark, Miss Nancy Clayton, Ms Colleen Cleary, Mr Michael Clements, Dr Les Cleveland, Dr Roger Collins, Concert FM, Conference of Churches in Aotearoa NZ, Walter Cook, Mr Eric Cordery, Mrs Patricia Counihan, Ms Ngaire Cowie, Ms Natalie Crane, Mrs Mary Crowther Cree, Mr David Crerar, Mr Alex Crockett, Miss B. Cumming, Mr Edmund J.B. Cutler.

Mr John Daniels, Mr Matthew Davidson, Mrs Daphne de Jong, Ms Marie de Joux, Dame Miriam Dell, Mr Jonathan Dennis, Department of Corrections, Department of Library and Information Studies (Victoria University of Wellington), Department of Survey & Land Information, Ms Marie Direen, The Dominion, Mrs Marsha Donaldson, Mr James Hugh Donohoe, Mark Dower, Mr Peter Downes, Druids Friendly Society (North Island), Ms Yvonne Du Fresne, Mrs June Duncan, Miss R.K. Duncan, Mr D. Duthie.

Mr Bill Earle, East Harbour Kindergarten, Dr John Eaton Turner (estate of), Ms Kay Edwards, Electoral Reform Coalition, Mr Anthony Ellison, Edward (Ted) Ellmers, Embassy of Turkey, Dr Frank G. Engel, Ms Rita M. England, Dr Pauline Fargher Ernst, Mr Phillip Evans, Ms Anne Evans-Scott, The Evening Post.

Ms Fiona Farrell, Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand, Fiji Trades Union Congress, Mr Brian L. Fisher, Mrs Pauline Fitchett, Mrs Betty Fitzgerald, Mrs Joy Flanagan,

Dr Maryanne T. Force, Mr John C. Foweraker, Ms Janet Frame, Mr Paul T. Franken, Mr lan Franklin, Ms Alice Fraser, Friends of the Turnbull Library, Brigadier J. Ferris Fuller, Miss Ursula Furkert.

Mr Allott Lorimer Gabites, Ms Sarah Gaitanos, Dr D. Carleton Gajdusek, Mr Len Gale, Nick Garland, Ms Anne Geelan, Geological Society of NZ, Mrs Jennifer B. Gibbs, Mr James Gidley, Ms Linda Gill, Mrs D.A. Gillum, Mr John Gimson, Mr Brian Glover, Jennifer Godfrey, Mr Dick Gooch, Professor lan. Gordon, Mr lan F. Grant, Ms Andrea Gray, Mrs Pam Grayson, Greater Green Island Oral History Memory Bank, Mr Frank Greenall, Mr Richard L.N. Greenaway, Mr D.R. Griffis, Ms Penny Griffith, Mr M.A. Gunn.

Haining Street Oral History Group, Mrs Caryl Hamer, Ms Jenny Hames, Dame Kate Harcourt, Mr Rene Oswald Hare, Mrs K. Harper, Ms Kate Harris, Mr Malcolm Harrison, Haut Commissariat de la Republique en Nouvelle-Caledonie, Hector Library (Museum of New Zealand), Helensville Historical Society, Mr Wharehuia Hemara, Murray Hemi, Mr James Herbert Henderson, Mrs E Herron, Mr Paul Hewson, Mr Julian Hill, Mr Geoffrey Hinds, The City of Hiroshima, Dr Michael Hoare (estate of), Hobson Wharf Auckland Maritime Museum, Mrs Allison Hodge (estate of), Holyoake Biography Project, Miss Janet Horncy, Horowhenua Library Trust, Ms Leeann Horrill, Housing Corporation, Dr H.G.A. Hughes, Humanist Society of New Zealand, Mr Glenn Hunt, Rt Hon Jonathan Hunt, Ms Gabrielle Huria.

The Independent, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd, Mr Kevin Ireland, Professor Tom Isem.

Dr Rob Jackaman, Mrs V. Jacobs, Japan Local Government Centre (Sydney), Ms Jadwiga Jarvis, Mr John Jensen, Dr Paul Jesson, Mr Andrew Johnston, Ms Vicki Jones, Mr lan Jonson, Ms Helen Jordan,.

Karori Historical Society, Ms Frances Katene, Mr Kauraka Kauraka, Ms Sue Kedgley, Elizabeth Kelleher, Mr Graham Kelly, Mrs Cara Kelson, Mr Lex Kempton, Mr James Semple Kerr, Mr Larry Killip, Douglas A. King, Wilfred King Family, Mrs D. J. Kingston, Mr Robert F. Kinnear, Dr Robert Kiste, Miss M.O. Knight, Krishnamurti Foundation of America, Kure Municipal Office.

Ms Pauline La Rooy, Dr Marshall Laird, Ms Loretta Lander, Mr K. Langmaid, League of Mothers & Homemakers, Ms Christine Leov Lealand, Mr David Lee, Mrs Elizabeth A. Lee, Mrs Elizabeth Lee-Johnson, Lilburn Trust, Mr R.T.V. Linnell, Ms Catherine Linton, Lion Breweries Central Region, Mr Bob Lithgow, Ms Elsie Locke, Mr Steve Locker-Lampson, Ms Moira Long, Mrs P. Long, Ms Rachel Lord, Ms Michelle Lovric, Nola Luxford (estate of), Ms P.A. Lynch.

Mr George MacDonald, Kathleen Macklin (estate of), Miss Willow Macky, Mr Lance Majendie, Manawatu Museum, Mrs L. and Mr R. Manning, Manoa Press, Mr Hugo Manson, Mr Graeme Marshall, Massey University History Department, Massey University Library, Mr lan Matheson, Mr Jim McCabe, Miss Thora McCarthy, The Hon Roger McClay, Dr Eric McCormick (estate of), Ms Joan McCracken, Ms Hilda McDonnell, Mr Bret McKenzie,

Ms Ruth McKenzie, Mr J.B. McKinney, Mr B. McLean, Mr Chris McLean, Ms Rosemary McLeod, Mr Tara McLeod, Ms Cecily McNeill, Dr D.R. McQueen, Miss M. McWilliams, Ms Beverley Melville, Merivale Community Inc, Mrs Barbara Metcalfe, Ms Sarah Metcalfe, Mrs Bubbles Mihinui, Mr Bruce Milbum, Ms Julia Millen, Mr Dion Minhinnick, Ministry of Commerce Library, Ms Mary Montgomery, Ronald Hugh Morrieson (estate of), Mr Colin Morris, Mrs Ellen & Mr Richard Morris, Mr Peter Gillard Morris, Alastair Morrison, Mr John Mortimer, Mr Geoffrey Moss, Mr Duan Si Mou, Mr Eric Moult (estate of), Mount Victoria Residents’ Association, Mr Brian K. Mountjoy, Dame Thea Muldoon, Ms Lynette Hanson Munn, Mr Stephen Murray, Museum ofNewZealand/Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of Sydney, Museum of Transport & Technology (Auckland).

Nari Shakti Collective, Mr Andrew Nation, National Council of Women, Ms Shelia Natusch, Dr Margaret Neave, Ms Joyce Neill, Nelson Memorial Public Library (Apia), Netball New Zealand, Dr Klaus Neumann, Professor W.H. New, New Truth, NZ Army Public Information Office, NZ Association of the Blind and Partially Blind, NZ Bankers’ Association, NZ Council of Trade Unions, NZ Department of Conservation, NZ Educational Institute, NZ Employment Service, NZ Ex-Prisoner of War Association, NZ Family Planning Association Inc, NZ Federation of University Women (Wellington Branch), NZ Herald, NZ Historical Association, NZ Institute of Architects (Wellington Branch), NZ Institute of Archives (Wellington Branch), NZ Institute of Mechanical Engineers Inc, NZ Labour Party, NZ Library and Information Association, NZ Manufacturers Federation, NZ On Air, NZ Patent Office, NZ Playcentre Federation, NZ Railway-Locomotive Soc Inc, NZ Society of Genealogists (Papakura Branch), NZ Society of Genealogists (Porirua Branch), NZ Stock and Station Agents’ Association, Mrs Ann Newman, Nga Kaiwhakapumau i te Reo/Maori Language Board, Mr Gordon A. Nicholls, Ms Gwyn Nicholls, Mr N.F. Nicholson, Mr A 1 Nisbet, Mr Jamieson Norrish.

Mrs Gail O’Brien, Te Ohu Whakatupu - Ministry of Women’s Affairs, H.W. Orsman, Otago Daily Times, Mr Weston Owens.

Mr F.J. Page (estate of), Mr Ronald C. Page, Mrs M. Palmer, Pan-Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association (NZ Branch), Mr Philip Parkinson, Parliamentary Counsel Office, Parliamentary Library, Parliamentary Service Commission, Mr Anthony Patete, Mrs A.D. Payne, Ms Karen Marie Peacock, Mr Jon Peacocke, Dr W.H. Pearson, Walter Pearson (estate of), Mr Burnett Borthwick Pender, Penguin Books (NZ) Limited, Mrs M. Penrice, Performing Arts Museum Melbourne, Ms Jane Perkins, Mr & Mrs M.C. Perry, Dr Peter J. Perry, Phillips Fox, Pierpont Morgan Library, Miss Pomeroy, Ms Hilary Pope, Porirua Licensing Trust, Mr Kenneth R. Porter, Mr Michael Powles, The Press, Mr N. Prickett, Mrs Allona Priestley, Ms Dinah Priestley, Mr Michael Pringle, Protech International, Pub Charity, Dr Chris Pugsley.

Queen Elizabeth II National Trust.

Mr Sela Vuinakasa Rayawa, Ms Catherine Redmayne, Mr Tony Reeder, Ms Marion Rego, Mr Klaus Reinhard, Mr David Retter, Mrs P. Reynolds, Mr Dirk Rinckes, Mrs E.M. Roberts, Mr H.S. Roberts, Mr lan & Mrs Elayne Robertson, Ronald Sinclair Munro Robertson (estate of), Mr Mike Robson, Mrs Barbara Rockel, Mr Mike Rodwell, Mr J.B. Rolfe, Ms Mary Ronnie, Mr Mick Rose, Laura Rosier (estate of), Mr Gregory Ross, Mr Robert Rousseau,

Mrs Annette Roy, Ms J.B. Roydhouse, Runanga Puka/National Library of the Cook Islands, Mr George Rushton. St Mary’s Church (Karori), St Peter’s Church (Wellington), Mr Brian Salkeld (estate of), Samoan Studies - Victoria University of Wellington, Mrs Margaret Scott, Mr Tom Scott, Sellerio Editore, Service Workers Union of Aotearoa, Mrs Sheila Sherratt, Mr Jack M. Shinnick, Ships In Focus, Dr D.P. Short, Mrs A. Shroff, Ms Deborah Shuker, Ms Lynette Shum, Mr David Simmons, Dr Peter Simpson, Professor K. V. Sinclair, Sister Cities NZ, Miss S.C.M. Skerman, Ms Wendy L. Smith, Society for Research on Women, Mr David Somerset, Mr Robert Sowman, Spiral Collective/Women’s Gallery, Mr Randal Springer, Ms Hilary Stace, Mr Laurie & Mrs Jan Staffan, Mrs Eleanor Stahl, Mrs June Starke, Statistics New Zealand, Ms Helen Stevens, Mr C.L.H. Stonyer, Sir Robert Stout, Mr Oliver Strewe, Ms Margot Stuart, Student Christian Movement Aotearoa (NZ), Sunday News, Sunday Star Times, Mr Roger Swanson, Mr F.C. Swanwick.

Mrs Mairatea Tahiwi, Mr J.E. Tait, Takapuna Public Library, Taki Rua Theatre, Professor Makoto Tanabe, Tauranga Historical Village Museum, Ms Christelle M. Taylor-Rance, Te Awamutu District Museum, Ted Gilberd Literary Trust, Television NZ Natural History, Mr Philip Temple, Ms Elizabeth Tennet, Mrs Beatrice Thom, Mr Alan Thompson, Mr Eric H. Thompson, The Thomdon Trust, Mrs Helen Tobin, Mr Garrick Tremain, Ms Jill Trevelyan, Miss Elsie E. Tucker, Dr Reg Tye.

United Nations Development Programme, University of Auckland Geography Library, University of Auckland Music Library, University of Canterbury School of Music, University of the South Pacific Institute of Education, University of Waikato Library, Mr B.N. Upchurch, Urban Training Centre. Mr Jock Vennell, Ms Claire Viskoric’, Mr Gordon Vogtherr.

Wadestown Wilton Horticultural Society, Wainuiomata Anglican Parish, Mrs Mary Waldin, Dr Kim Walker, Mr Malcolm Walker, Mrs Ellen Wallace, Mr Michael Walsh, Mr John Walton, Mrs Rose Walton, Brother Basil A. Ward, Mrs D.M. Way, Mr Murray Webb, Mr Norman Webb, Mrs Suzanne Webb, Mrs Elwyn N. Webster, Ms Lois Webster, Mrs Istimah Week, Wellington Business and Professional Women’s Club, Wellington Community Law Centre, Wellington Manufacturers’ Association, Wellington Piano and Instrumental Group, Wellington Public Library, Wellington Savage Club Inc, Wellington Shakespeare Society Inc, Mr Robert E. Wells, Westpac Banking Corporation, Whanganui Regional Museum, Wheldon & Wesley Limited, Mrs Eira White, Mrs L.T. Willan, William Georgetti Trust Board, Mrs P.C. Williams, Mrs J.R. Wilson, Mr John M. Wilson, Professor Margaret Wilson, Mr Mark Winter, Women with Benefits Network, Mr Robin Worboys, Mr Simon Wright. Mr Michio Yamaoka, Dr Barry York, Mr David Young, Young Women’s Christian Association of Dunedin, Young Women’s Christian Association of New Zealand, Young Women’s Christian Association of Wellington and the Hutt Valley.

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Bibliographic details

Turnbull Library Record, Volume 30, 1 January 1997, Page 103

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List of Donors, July 1996 to June 1997 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 30, 1 January 1997, Page 103

List of Donors, July 1996 to June 1997 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 30, 1 January 1997, Page 103

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