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New Zealand music registered for copyright 1879-1900


For over one hundred years New Zealand law has required copies of published material to be deposited at the General Assembly Library. The resultant collection is an invaluable record of New Zealand’s imprint, and through it a record of changes and developments in the country’s cultural identity. Early published material is one of our strongest remaining links to the period following European settlement, and through it we can observe various developments in artistic style, method and subject as well as a growing sense of national identity and confidence. As in many countries, New Zealand’s legal deposit requirements are associated with copyright protection. While not a prerequisite for copyright protection, present legal deposit legislation is part of the Copyright Act 1962, amended 1971. Similarly the first legal deposit provisions were included in the Fine Arts Copyright Act 1877 Amendment Act, 1879. The Act was passed to broaden the provisions of the Fine Arts Copyright Act 1877 which enabled copyright for paintings, drawings, engravings, photographs and ornamental designs. The 1879 Act widened the scope to include dramatic works, where ‘dramatic work’ was defined (section 2) as ‘every tragedy, comedy, play, opera, farce or other scenic, musical or dramatic entertainment’.

The amending Bill was introduced to the House of Representatives by the Hon. John Sheehan, Minister of Justice, and passed through both Houses with little discussion. Hansard records only one speech, given when introducing the Bill for its second reading:

Mr Sheehan, in moving the second reading of this Bill, might state that at present, in this colony, if a man stole another’s money or goods, he could be sent to prison, but there was no punishment for the man who stole another’s brains. The Bill only proposed to give dramatic authors in the colony the same protection which they had at Home, and to prevent the products of their brains being stolen, or used by other persons without payment. 1

However, there was an amendment made by the Legislative Assembly that was to have great importance. Added to the Bill was the provision that a copy of each dramatic work registered under

the Act should be deposited at the General Assembly Library. Registration was not, however, compulsory on publication but linked only to copyright protection —those works registered must therefore be seen only as a random selection rather than a comprehensive collection of the published material of the time. Applications for copyright were recorded in a Register of Copyrights held by the Justice Department. Also recorded was the name and address of the proprietor of copyright (usually but not always the author) and a description of the work. Each item was allocated a unique register number. This Register is now a vital source of information, as few of the published works contain the date of publication, and information about the authors is often scarce. The Register not only contains valuable information but in many cases also still contains a file copy of the registered work. This applies not only to musical items but to articles as diverse as plays, photographs and sample labels. Originally located in the Wellington Post Office, the Register was moved to the Patent Office where it remained until 1959 when the Copyright Office was closed and the records handed to National Archives, where it is part of the Justice Department archive. 2

It is to the music registered for copyright that this survey has been restricted. So far, there has been little work carried out on the history of the establishment and development of a music publishing industry in New Zealand, or on the place of music in a wider social history of New Zealand. Popular music has always been a vivid reflection of a society and its study reveals not only the state of musical tastes of a period but also gives an indication of the concerns and interests prevailing at any particular time. The General Assembly Library has several volumes of popular music bound together under the general title ‘Copyright Music’ or ‘Songs’. These volumes contain twenty-nine items published in New Zealand between 1879 and 1900 inclusive. Inspection of the Register brought to light a further twenty-three items still in existence. It is quite possible that these are the only remaining copies of a number of the items.

As mentioned earlier, the Register was first held at the Wellington Post Office. Unfortunately, a fire in April 1887 destroyed all registers and therefore all copies of works deposited to that date. Policing of the deposit requirements of the Act appears to have been more than haphazard and there are only two works published prior to 1887 held in the General Assembly Library volumes —Ellard’s Swing On, Old Pendulum published in 1880 being the earliest with a register number of 53. The new Register started at the arbitrary number of 501 and the first two items listed in the Register of Dramatic Copyright are both songs. An indication of

the small number of works ever registered is that after four years only twenty items appear. The music itself consists chiefly of popular songs varying in subject from the patriotic through romantic to sporting. There are also a number of piano solos but instrumental writing is limited to obligato accompaniments. On the whole the music is not technically of a very high level—it is however immensely illustrative in its portrayal of society of the time and at its best provides clear examples of the parlour-room entertainment that was so important. The period up to 1901 includes the Boer War and a number of fiercely patriotic songs are included stressing the link of New Zealand to Britain and the Empire. What may now make us intolerant of the colonial sentiment does not in any way detract from its relevance to those for whom it was written. Similarly the naivete or effusive content which now easily attracts ridicule should be considered in context. There can be no denying that they are not great works but none-the-less they are some of the material from which New Zealand’s musical identity is formed.

The titles of the works give a good indication of their styles. Thus we have Our Bykes and We, Brave Old Pioneers, the Huia Waltz and the Maori Haka Rondoletto to name but a few. Our Bykes and We (music by C. Algar, words by A. Booth) would appear to be a typical parlour song written by two middle-class women for their own enjoyment. The words now seem almost a caricature of Victoriana. The piano accompaniment is simple and predictable and the final verse leads into a four-part chorus —presumably so that all those gathered around the piano could join in.

Our little bykes are trim and neat; Their tyres are firm and strong, Their lamps send forth a brilliant light, Their bells ring fast and long; Then onward speed our tireless steed (Nor rest nor feed takes he) O’er hill and dale, o’er flat and plain; A merry band are we. CHORUS: Are we not all fairies, Speeding swift on wing Through the air so gaily Brightly thus we sing!

A second example, Brave Old Pioneers is quite a different work, being a serious tribute to the pioneers of New Zealand. The composer, George Garry of New Plymouth, seems to have been involved in music as a commercial enterprise as he sold the

copyright of each of the items registered to another individual. While still lacking much originality his music is of a higher standard showing a wider technical knowledge than many.

As well as providing valuable insight into the musical standards ofthe country, this music is also an important source of information on the establishment and growth of the music publishing and printing trade. A few publishing companies are prominent, namely, Charles Begg and Company, the Dresden Pianoforte and Agency Company, and McKee and Company; the Lyttelton Times Co. and A. D. Willis of Wanganui appear most often as printers. There is much work still to be done identifying and recording the work of these early promoters of music in New Zealand. The following list attempts to give a clear description of each of the works held at either the General Assembly Library (GAL) or at the National Archives Centre, Lower Hutt (NARC). Only works by those living in New Zealand and published in New Zealand are listed —thus the various editions of Gilbert and Sullivan printed and registered for copyright in New Zealand have been excluded. The information is from either the work itself or the copyright application form. While primarily descriptive some comments from the title page have been included (in inverted commas) where they add further information on the performance or identification of the pieces.

Algar, Clara Our bykes and we. A bicycle song. Words by Alison A. Booth, music by Clara Algar. McKee & Co. Music Printers, W’tn N.Z. sp. of music; song with piano accompaniment. Registered September 1898 (No. 581); Clara Algar—Wellington; Alison Booth —164 Hereford St, Christchurch. Copies: GAL, NARC

Barth, Arthur J. Marcia in F for the pianoforte by Arthur J. Barth. Op. 10. Chas. Begg & Co., Dunedin. Payton & Corrigan, Printers. sp. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 41-.' Initialled by composer. Registered March 1892 (No. 526). Copy: NARC

Benjamin, Henry Heel and toe (Valse refrain). Words by Gilbert Rock, music by Henry Benjamin. Published by the Dresden Pianoforte and Agency Co., 29 & 31 Princes St, Dunedin, N.Z. Thomas George & Sons, Dunedin. 2p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright: Price 71- net.’ Registered July 1888 (No. 507); H. Benjamin —Dunedin. Copy: NARC

Royalties grand march. As played by the Engineers Band at the Royalties Bazaar, Nov. 23rd 1887. Composed by Henry Benjamin, conductor of the Engineers Band. Published by Thos. George & Sons, Dunedin. 3p. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 2/6.’ Registered March 1888 (No. 505). Copy: NARC

Cato, T. Anson One flag, one speech, one empire. Patriotic song composed and set t o music by the Rev. T. Anson Cato, for the peace demonstration, and dedicated to His Excellency (Earl Ranfurly) the Governor of New Zealand. Caxton Printing Company, General Printers & Lithographers. Manse Street, Dunedin. 3p. of music; song with pianoforte accompaniment. ‘Copyright.’ Signed by the composer. Registered August 1900 (No. 628); Thomas Anson Cato—The Vicarage, Wairoa. Copies: GAL, NARC

Coupland, Harriet Mulga town. Words from Will H. Ogilvie’s ‘Fair Girls and Gray Horses’ published by Sydney Bulletin Co. Ltd. Music by Harriet Coupland. Printed by Lyttelton Times Co. Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand. sp. of music; song with piano accompaniment (no words printed). ‘Copyright: Price 41-; ‘Dedicated to Miss Jessie Ramsay and sung by her with great success in Pollard’s Opera Company.’ Registered November 1900 (No. 631); Harriet Coupland—l6 Inglis Building, Christchurch. Copies: GAL, NARC

Duncan, Elizabeth Emma Sons of Zealandia. Song. Written and composed by Mrs David Duncan, Blackwater, Grey Valley. Published by Kerr, Arnott & Co. Limited. 3p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. Registered October 1900 (No. 629); Mrs David Duncan = Elizabeth Emma Duncan. Copies: GAL, NARC Ellard, Frederick

Swing on, old pendulum. Music by Frederick Ellard. Published solely by the proprietors George R. West & Co., Princes St, Dunedin, N.Z. Daily Times Steam Litho. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘The only correct and copyright edition: Price 3/-’; ‘As sung by H. G. Gooch Esq: Associate R.A.M. (Professor of music and singing, Auckland) with immense success everywhere in the renowned Carandini Company.’ Registered June 1880 (No. 53). Copy: GAL

Forrest, Hugh Adelene valse. By H. Forrest. Published by A. E. Cousins, Grey St. Wellington. Turnbull, Hickson & Palmer, Printers. lOp. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 21- nett.’ Registered July 1897 (No. 574); Hugh Forrest —90 Taranaki St, Wellington. Copy: NARC

Gardiner, Frederick William The favourite Berlin polka. By F. W. Gardiner. McKee & Gamble, Music Printers, Wellington, N.Z. 4p. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 21- nett.’ Registered May 1897 (No. 573); Frederick William Gardiner—6s Sydney St, Wellington. Copy: NARC

Garry, George The brave old pioneers (patriotic song). Written by Arthur B. R. Fookes. Music Geo. Garry, New Plymouth, N.Z. Arthur B. R. Fookes, Courtney Street. Payton & Corrigan Print, Dunedin. 7p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Author’s copyright: All rights reserved: Price 21- net’; ‘May be sung in public without fee or license’; ‘Dedicated by permission to His Excellency the Earl of Glasgow, GCMG —Governor of New Zealand’. Registered November 1893 (No. 557); G. Garry sold rights to A. Fookes. Copies: GAL, NARC

At last. Song with violin obligato. Words by Edith Grace Levy, music by Geo. Garry. Published by J. H. Kingsley, New Plymouth. W. A. King Litho. New Plymouth. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment and violin obligato. ‘All rights reserved: Price two shillings nett.’ Registered February 1893 (No. 556); Rights sold to J. H. Kingsley; manuscript copy also. Copy: NARC

The song of football. Music by Geo. Garry, words by E. M. Dell. Printed and published by Joseph Hooker, Printer & Lithographer, New Plymouth. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘All rights reserved: Price2/-nett’; ‘Dedicated to the New Zealand Rugby Union’. Registered September 1899 (No. 596); Rights sold to Edgar Michael Dell. Copy: NARC

Gleeson, Horace Speak to me speak. Written and composed by Horace Gleeson of the Pollard Opera Company. Caxton Printing Company, Manse St, Dunedin. sp. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright: Price 21- nett’; ‘Dedicated to Mr Tom Pollard’; ‘Sung with great success by Mr Chas. Carter in the “Belle of New York”.’ Registered September 1899 (No. 598); Horace Gleeson —Pollards Opera Coy. Christchurch. Copy: GAL

Hawker, Sydney Young New Zealand's national song. Words and music written and composed by Sydney Hawker. Dunedin: the Dresden Piano Manufacturing & Agency Co., 29 & 31 Princes St. Wellington: Lambton Quay & Brandon St. Caxton Co. Litho. Dunedin. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment.

‘Copyright: Price 41-.’ Registered September 1897 (No. 572); Sydney Hawker—New Brighton Beach Christchurch. Copy: GAL

Hill, George Alexander Rosemary. Written and composed by Alec Hill. Wellington and Dunedin. The Dresden Piano Co. McKee & Co. Wn N.Z. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright: Price 21- nett.’ Registered November 1899 (No. 601); George Alexander Hill—Wellington. Copies: GAL, NARC

Hodder, William Reginald Forwards on! Song. Written by J. B. W., N.Z. Composed by Reg Hodder, Richmond, Nelson, N.Z. 7p. of music; song with accompaniment. Registered September 1892 (No. 555); William Reginald Hodder—Stanley Brook, Nelson. Copy: NARC

Hulbert, J. B. God bless our trade unions. Song and chorus, written & composed byj. B. Hulbert. (Sydney) Nicholson & Co. (Melbourne) Nicholson & Co. S. George Lith. Dunedin. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright. England & Colonies: Price 4/-’; ‘Dedicated to the Trade Unions of Australias and sung with immense success by Frank Norton’; ‘Words & Music Blper 100 copies, to be obtained at “Globe” Office, Dunedin’; ‘This song may be sung in public without fee or license’ (p.l). Registered October 1890 (No. 515); J. B. Hulbert —Tuam St, Linwood, Christchurch. Copy: NARC

James, Sydney Robert The Huia Waltz. Composed, and dedicated by special permission, to His Excellency the Earl of Onslow, KCMG, Governor of New Zealand, by A. Mateur, Auckland, N.Z. H. Br6tt, Printer, Star Office, Shortland & Fort Streets. 1891. Star Steam Printing Works, Auckland. Bp. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 2/6 net’. Registered April 1891 (No. 519); A. Mateur = Sydney Robert James, Albert St, Auckland; John Thomas Comrie, proprietor of copyright. Copies: GAL, NARC

Jones, Frederick William Barn dance. Pour piano par Frederick W. Jones. Bock & Co., imp. 2nd edition. 4p. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 21- net’; ‘Performed with greatest success at all principal balls’; ‘Just published: “Barn Door Waltz”.’ Registered January 1891 (No. 518); Frederick William Jones —Home St, Wellington. Copy: NARC

Jupp, William Tui waltz for the pianoforte composed by William Jupp, New Zealand. Bock & Co. Lith. Wellington. 12p. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright registered: Price 2/6 nett’; ‘The third figure of this Waltz is suitable for Waltz cotillons.’ Registered September 1891 (No. 522); William Jupp—Wood Turnery Works, 132 Willis St, Wellington. Copy: NARC

Kehoe, Percy Boys, rally round the Union Jack. (Music, Percy Kehoe). Words C. De. C. Williams. Alex. Ferguson, Printer & Lithographer, Wellington. 1 sheet (lp.); vocal line and words only. ‘Prompted by the enrolment of N.Z. contingents for the Transvaal’; ‘These inspiring verses are set to a stirring military march composed by Mr Percy Kehoe, Musical Director Bland Holt’s clever Dramatic Company. Will be introduced by Mr James Williams, the renowned basso-profundo of London Concert Rooms, now of the ever-popular Steele-Payne Bellringers, and played by the Garrison Band. Sheet music arrives in a few days.’ Registered January 1900 (No. 602). Copy: NARC

Key, Harry When de stars begin to shine. Coon song. Words & music by Harry Key. A. Eady & Co. 112, Queen Street, Auckland N.Z. Wilson & Horton, Letterpress and Lithographic printers, Herald works, Auckland. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘All rights reserved: 21- nett’; ‘As sung with great success by Miss Gertie Campion of the Pollard Opera Co.’ Registered August 1900 (No. 627); Harry Key = Harry Fountain, Vermont House, Vincent St, Auckland Copy: NARC

King, Francis Arthur Huia Schottische by Francis A. King, Wellington, N.Z. Te Aro Music Warehouse, 53, Manners Street. Lithographed at Evening Press Office, Wellington. 4p. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 21- Nett.’; ‘Suitable for the barn dance.’ Registered May 1891 ( No. 520) Copy: NARC

Light, Harold Edwin Matai waltz. Composed by Harold E. Light, organist All Saints’ Church, Nelson, New Zealand. Bond, Finney & Co., Printers, Waimea Street. Bp. of music; piano only. ‘Price, two shillings nett.’ Registered July 1899 (No. 592); Harold Edwin Light —Waimea Rd, Nelson. Copies: GAL, NARC

McGlashan, John The lad that comes at E’en. With violin or cello obligato ad lib. Words and music by John McGlashan, author of ‘Ken ye the Glen’, ‘The Banner of Scotland’ etc. McKee & Co. Music Printers, Wellington, N.Z. sp. of music; song with piano accompaniment, violin and cello obligatos. ‘Copyright: Price 21- Nett.’ Registered July 1898 (No. 578); John McGlashan — No. 6 Wellington Terrace, Wellington. Copies: GAL, NARC

New Zealand anthem. Words by William Allan of Dundee. Music by John McGlashan, Wellington. Bock & Cousins, Wellington, N.Z. 1887. 2p. of music; 4 part song and piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright: Price two shillings’; ‘Dedicated by permission to Lt. General Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois KCMG, CB Governor of New Zealand by the Caledonian Society of Wellington’; ‘Full orchestral parts may be obtained on application to the composer.’ Registered July 1887 (No. 502). Copy: NARC

McLean, Alice The old flag. Music by Mrs Donald McLean Mus. Bac. 3p. of music; vocal line with piano accompaniment. Registered April 1900 (No. 606); Alice McLean —Kinraid, Tinwald, Ashburton; words by Vincent Pyke and not copyright. Copies: GAL, NARC

Mcßae, William Oh! never again. Words by Norman Cunningham. Music by William Mcßae. 3p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘This song may be sung in public without fee or licence except at music halls & theatres.’ Registered March 1898 (No. 576); William Mcßae —St Albans, Christchurch. Copy: GAL

Manning, J. Katterns Colonial patriots. Song in honour of the contingents who so willingly left New Zealand, Canada, and Australia to help England in South Africa 1899-1900. Written by W. R. Taylor, M. A. Music composed by J. Katterns Manning. A. D. Willis, Litho. Wanganui, N.Z. 2p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright: Price 21- (Nett)’; ‘Dedicated by permission to His Excellency Lord Ranfurly Governor of the Colony of New Zealand.’ Registered May 1900 (No. 618); Copyright held by W. R. Taylor, Wanganui. Copies: GAL, NARC

Morison, Jane Maori haka rondoletto for the piano. ByJ. Morison. A. D. Willis Lith. Wanganui. sp. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: 21- nett.’ Registered August 1896 (No. 571); Jane Morison —59 Wellington Terrace, Wellington. Copy: NARC

The Wellington Washington Post dance , byj. Morison. McKee & Co. Music Printers, Wellington, N.Z. 2p. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 1/- Nett.’ Registered April 1898 (No. 577). Copies: GAL, NARC

Newbould, Walter Matthew Goal!!! Waltz. Composed for the Hawkes Bay Rugby Football Union by W. M. Newbould, Napier, N.Z. Sept 25th/90. 6p. of music; piano only. Registered December 1890 (No. 517); Walter Matthew Newbould —Coote Road, Napier. Copy: NARC

Good luck to our Rough Riders. Words and music composed by W. Newbould. 2p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. Registered March 1900 (No. 605). Copy: NARC

Omaranui march. Composed by W. Newbould. 2p. of music; vocal line and piano accompaniment. ‘Dedicated to the Napier detachment of the 3rd contingent.’ Registered February 1900 (No. 605); reissued with words as ‘Good Luck to our Rough Riders’. Copy: NARC

Pearson, Arthur lima waltz. Composed by Arthur Pearson. Printed by the Brett Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd, Auckland, N.Z. 4p. of music; piano only. ‘All rights reserved: Price 21- nett.’ Registered May 1900 (No. 619); Arthur Pearson—Kingsland, Auckland; MS copy also at NARC. Copies: GAL, NARC

Pfeifer, J. E. Thusnelda waltz. Composed byj. E. Pfeifer, (Receiver of a first-class award at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition for musical compositions). Published by the Dresden Piano Manufacturing and Agency Company. Lambton Quay Wellington. Evening Press Litho., Wellington. 6p. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price 4/-.’ Registered 1891 (No. 523); Johann Egidius Pfeifer —North Avenue, Wellington. Copy: NARC

Richmond, Mary Elizabeth Our old tattered flag. Words & music by M. E. Richmond. Wellington. McKee & Co. 3p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. Registered July 1900 (No. 622); Mary Elizabeth Richmond —Brougham Street, Wellington. Copies: GAL, NARC

Robertson, J. The Scottish emigrant. Song. Words and music by J. and M. Robertson. Dunedin. Chas. Begg & Co., 21 Princes St. sp. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘All rights reserved: Copyright: Price 21- nett’; ‘ “Tired Mother”, by the same composers, may be had from all musicsellers.’ Registeredjanuary 1892 (No. 525); J. and M. Robertson—Herald Office, Timaru; MS copy also at NARC. Copies: GAL, NARC

Tired mother. Song. Words and music by J. and M. Robertson. Dunedin. Chas. Begg & Co., 21 Princes Street. Payton & Corrigan, Printers, 106 George St, Dunedin. sp. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘All rights reserved: Price 21- nett.’; ‘ “The Scottish Emigrant” by the same composers may be had from all musicsellers.’ Registered January 1892 (No. 524); MS copy also at NARC. Copies: GAL, NARC

Rossiter, Harry Onslow valse by Harry Rossiter. The Dresden Pianoforte Manufacturing & Agency Co., 27 Princes St, Dunedin. J. A. X. Riedle Manager, J. Wilkie & Co. Litho. Dunedin. Bp. of music; piano only. ‘Copyright: Price = 4/-’; ‘Dedicated by kind permission to the Countess of Onslow.’ Registered June 1890 (No. 511); Harry Rossiter —27 George St, Dunedin. Copy: NARC

Sears, Frederick To the Countess of Glasgow, The Four Homes, is dedicated by Sears & Bowman. Published by Frederick Sears. Island Bay Wellington. Bp. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright 1895 by F. W. Sears & J. W. Bowman, N.Z.’; ‘All rights reserved: Price 21- nett.’ Registered Jan. 1895 (No. 562). Copies: GAL, NARC

Spiller, William Henry New bam dance, by W. H. Spiller. Neumeyer Piano Depot, Lambton Quay, Wellington. N.Z. Bock & Co. Lith. Wellington. 4p. of music; piano only. ‘Entered at Stationers Hall: Price 21- nett.’; ‘Also by same composer, Tennis Dance, Fedora Mazurka, Arawa Polka, USS Polka.’ Registered August 1892 (No. 554); William Henry Spiller —Boulcott St, Wellington. Copy: NARC

Tennis dance. By W. H. Spiller. Neumeyer Piano Depot. Lambton Quay, Wellington, N.Z. Bock & Co. Lith., Wellington. 4p. of music; piano only.

‘Entered at Stationers Hall: Price 21- nett.’; ‘A new dance for the ballroom with instructions how to dance it’; ‘Also by same composer USS Polka, New Barn Dance, Fedora Mazurka’. Registered July 1892 (No. 553). Copy: NARC

Squire, Woodley Come away. Song. By Woodley Squire. Printed & published by A. D. Willis, Wanganui. 3p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Price 2/-.’ Registered June 1884 (number destroyed). Copy: GAL

Uarda Erin’s right. A song from Maoriland. Words by Tuarangi, music by Uarda. A. Eady & Co. 112 Queen St, Auckland. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Author’s property: Price 2s net.’ Registered August 1900 (No. 625); corrected copy also at NARC; Tuarangi = Henry Nicholas Quick, Parawai, Thames; Uarda = Florence Emeline Clara Swindley, Parawai, Thames. Copies: GAL, NARC

Watkins, Laurence F. For their Queen and Union Jack. Words by W. E. Grantham, music by Laurence F. Watkins. Published by the Dresden Piano Co. Wellington N.Z. A. Ferguson Litho. Wellington. 4p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Price 2/-’; ‘(Written as a welcome home to the troops from South Africa).’ Registered December 1900 (No. 630). Copies: GAL, NARC

White, Allan Boys of the Southern Cross. Music by Allan White. The South Cross Soldiers’ Song by C. Clarke-Irons, Freeman of the City of London, Member of the Livery of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers. Christchurch, N.Z., H. J. Davis, 182, Cashel Street. Printed at the office of the ‘Lyttelton Times’ Co. Ltd, Gloucester St, Christchurch, N.Z. 3p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Author’s copyright: Price 21- nett.’; ‘May be sung without fee or license’. Registered February 1900 (No. 604). Copies: GAL, NARC

Whiteley, William Eugene Sons of the colonies (‘England in danger’). Patriotic song. Words & music by W. E. Whiteley. Published by Chas. Begg & Co. Ltd, Dunedin, Timaru & Wellington. Caxton Printing Company, music lithographers, Manse St, Dunedin. 6p. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright: Price 21- nett.’; ‘Dedicated to Britains brave colonial troops.’ Registered February 1900 (No. 603); William Eugene Whiteley—Hastings. Copies: GAL, NARC

Zimmer, John Jerome I love thee for aye. Song. Adapted from the Italian stanza‘Mio Ben Ricordati’. Music by John j. Zimmer. Mills, Dick & Co. Dunedin. sp. of music; song with piano accompaniment. ‘Copyright: Price 4/-.’ Registered March 1896 (No. 570); John Jerome Zimmer —Professor of Music, Invercargill. Copies: GAL, NARC

REFERENCES 1 N.Z. Parliament, Parliamentary Debates, v. 32 (23 Sept-13 Oct 1879) 625-626. 2 National Archives Record Centre, Lower Hutt, Justice Copyright PC 13/1, 13/4.1 am grateful to Mr Clive Sowry, film historian, who traced the Register’s history and location, for passing on this information.

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Turnbull Library Record, Volume XVII, Issue 2, 1 October 1984, Page 85

Word Count

New Zealand music registered for copyright 1879-1900 Turnbull Library Record, Volume XVII, Issue 2, 1 October 1984, Page 85

New Zealand music registered for copyright 1879-1900 Turnbull Library Record, Volume XVII, Issue 2, 1 October 1984, Page 85

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