French explorers in New Zealand, 1769-1840: a list of manuscript material; Part I
A French Government bursary enabled me, between October 1980 and November 1981, to carry out research in France on the manuscripts of the French explorers who visited New Zealand prior to 1840. In the course of that year, I located a considerable number of manuscripts, which have subsequently been copied and deposited in the Alexander Turnbull Library. This list is a record of my findings and an attempt to show what material in this field is now available in New Zealand.
Notes made during the year in France are contained in a set of nine books, the first six of which are blue, the last three, red. Each entry in the books is given an item number so that it can be quickly located. The books are to be kept with the manuscripts in the Turnbull Library; each reference in this list, therefore, has my personal reference number added in brackets: for example, (Blue Book 1:7). Organisation of the material: this list contains references to manuscript material drawn from nine French voyages which called at New Zealand between 1769 and 1840. The material is organised chronologically, grouped by expedition under the name of the commander. Where there were two ships in a single expedition, the commander’s ship is listed first. For each expedition, the following information is given:
NAME of Commander Name of ship/s Dates of stay in New Zealand from first sighting to day of departure. Ports or places where the ship anchored. For each ship, material is listed under the name of the author of the manuscript, arranged in order of rank, followed by miscellaneous or anonymous material. Charts and drawings are given last. For each manuscript, the following information is given, where known: NAME of author with dates of birth and death. Rank at the time of the visit to New Zealand, in French (and English).
Title of manuscript in language of original. Location of the original: institution and call number. My research reference number: e.g. (Blue Book 1:7) (see above). ATL: indicates that a copy of the manuscript is held in the Alexander Turnbull Library. Brief description of the manuscript. Reference to existing manuscript copies. Abbreviations: the following abbreviations have been used: AN Archives Nationales, Paris BN Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris C&P Departement des Cartes et Plans MSS Departement des Manuscrits NAF Nouvelles Acquisitions Franfaises SHM Service Historique de la Marine, Paris MHN Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris MH Musee de l’Homme, Paris AGI Archivo General de Indias, Seville ATL Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington
SURVILLE, Jean Francois Marie de St Jean Baptiste 12-31 December 1769 Lauriston Bay (now known as Doubtless Bay)
Surville, Jean Francois Marie de (1717-1770) Capitaine de Vaisseau de la Compagnie des Indes (Captain with the French India Company) ‘Suitte de journal du Vau Le S Jean Baptiste 7bre 1769 de Chandernagore a La Cote du Perou’. AN Marine 4JJ. 143.24 (Blue Book 1:7) ATL The captain’s personal journal. ‘Journal du navire le St Jean Baptiste parti du golfe de Bengale pour aller a Lima. (Nota) ce journal est en langue Espagnole’. AN Marine B 4 316.30 (Blue Book 111:46) ATL Spanish translation of the captain’s journal. Lab£, Guillaume (b. 1741) Premier Lieutenant (First Lieutenant and Second in Command) ‘Journal de navigation pour servir au Sieur Guillaume Labe embarque de Premier Lieutenant . . . sur le vaisseau le St Jean Baptiste, Capitaine en chef Monsieur de Surville . . .’.
The original of this journal (AN Marine 4JJ. 143.22) is now missing but a microfilm is held in the Turnbull Library. (Blue Book 1:7) ATL Labe’s personal journal with navigational information.
Monneron, Pierre Antoine Ecrivain (Clerk) ‘Extrait du journal d’un Voiage fait Sur le Vau Le St Jean baptiste commande par M de Surville Cher de l’ordre Roial et Militaire de St Louis, Capne des Vaux de la Compagnie des Indes’. AN Marine 4JJ. 143.23 (Blue Book 1:7) ATL A summary of the voyage. A manuscript copy of this version is to be found in BN(MSS)NAF 9436.
‘1769. de Surville. Journal Du Voyage Fait Sur le Vaisseau Le St jean Baptiste. Commande Par Mr de Surville, Capne des Vaux De la Compagnie Des Indes, Chr de l’ordre Royale Et Militaire de St Louis’. AN Marine B 4 316.28-9 (Blue Book 111:45) ATL A summary of the voyage, a version of manuscript AN Marine 4JJ. 143.23. A manuscript copy of this version is to be found in BN(MSS)NAF 9437. POTTIER DE L’HORME, JEAN Second Lieutenant ‘Journal de Pottier de L’horme Lieutenant du Vau Le St Jean Baptiste pour le Voiage des Decouvertes; dans le Sud commence en 1769 et fini en 1773’. AN Marine 4JJ. 143.25 (Blue Book 1:7) ATL
Personal journal of this officer with navigational information, marginal sketches, drawings and charts. A manuscript copy of this journal is held in the Service Historique de la Marine MS 265.
Monneron, Pierre ‘Role d’equipage du Vaisseau particulier Le Saint Jean Baptiste du Port d’Environ Six cent Tonneaux Arme de Trente Six Canons Et de Cent soixante douze hommes d’Equipage tant Blancs que Noirs allant de ce Port de Chandernagor Riviere de Bengale a Manille Et la Chine’. Bibliotheque du Port de Lorient 2P45.1, 10(1) (Blue Book VI: 138) ATL Muster roll. There are four muster rolls for this voyage: Departement du Port Louis—Role d’armement 1767 Departement de Nantes —Role d’armement 1767 Departement de Bengale—Role d’armement 1769 Departement de Lorient —Role de desarmement 1773 All four are held in the Bibliotheque du Port de Lorient; the roll drawn up in Bengal is listed here. Charts and Drawings
I have located 21 charts or drawings concerning New Zealand which come from the voyage of de Surville, but many of these are copies. There are in fact only five different subjects: 1 A chart of the northern part of New Zealand skirted by de Surville 12-16 December 1769. 2 A chart of Lauriston (Doubtless) Bay where the St Jean Baptiste was anchored. 3 A full length portrait of Ranginui, the chief captured by de Surville in Lauriston Bay. 4 A sketch of a number of artefacts. 5 Three sketches: (a) of a fortified village on a mountain; (b) of a food platform and framework for drying nets; (c) of a house.
Few of the charts or drawings are signed although several of them are contained within the journal of Pottier de l’Horme, which suggests he may have been the artist. To show the relationship between the various versions, I have arranged the references in a table below. I am unable to identify the ‘original’ of any of the items and would like to emphasise that manuscripts with the same call number do not necessarily form a set, the exception being those appearing in the same journal: AN Marine 4JJ. 143.25 and BN(MSS)NAF 9436. Titles in French: 1 Carte de la partie de la Nouvelle Zelande decouverte par le vaisseau le St Jean Baptiste En Decembre 1769 et levee par le Sr Pottier de l’Horme. 2 Plan particulier de la Baye Loriston a la Cote de la Nouvelle Zelande.
3 Chef de Sauvages de la Nouvelle Zelande tire au Naturel. 4 Armes, Idoles et Instruments des Sauvages de la nouvelle Zelande. 5 Vue d’une montagne ou les Insulaires de la Nouvelle Zelande sont retranches avec leurs maisons; echauffaudages qui sont au pied de leurs montagnes pour conserver leurs poissons; piquets pour mettre leur filet au sec; maison de sauvages.
MARION DU FRESNE, Marc Mace Mascarin and Marquis de Castries 23 March-13 July 1772 Port Marion (now known as the Bay of Islands)
1. MASCARIN Marion du Fresne, Marc Mac£ (1724-1772) Capitaine de brulot (Fireship captain) ‘Correspondance diverse’. AN Marine B 4 317.1-58 (Blue Book 111:47) ATL Correspondence which includes some major pieces, listed separately. ‘Correspondance’. BN(MSS)NAF 9439 ff6l-80
Crozet, Julien Marie (1728-1780) Capitaine en Second (Second in Command) ‘Extrait de la campagne de la flutte du Roy Le Mascarin, a commencer de Son depart du Cap de Bonne Esperancejusqua Son arrivee Aux Manilles’. AN Marine 4JJ. 128.38 (Blue Book 1:3) ATL A summary of the voyage. Four manuscript copies extant (see Table 2). Folder marked ‘1773’. AN Marine B 4 285 (Red Book 1:162) ATL ‘Journal du Voyage du Vaisseau le Mascarin. 1772. Depuis le 17e de 9bre jusqu’au 6 De Xbre 1772 a continuer jusqua Lisle de France’. AN Marine B 4 317.60 (Blue Book 111:48) ATL Navigational journal of the Mascarin from Guam to Mauritius. The journal which should precede this one would presumably contain the New Zealand portion of the voyage. AN Marine B 4 317.59 is missing.
Roux, Jean Lieutenant de Vaisseau (Lieutenant. (Ensign at the time of the visit to New Zealand)) ‘Journal du Voyage fait sur le Vaisseau du Roi le Mascarin . . . par le Sieur Jean Roux, Lieutenant sur le susdit Vaisseau le Mascarin’. AN Marine 4JJ.142.18 (Blue Book 1:5) ATL An historical account of the voyage, without detailed navigational information. Written retrospectively. Four copies extant (see Table 2).
Chevillard de Montesson, Paul (1748-1787) Enseigne et Ecrivain (Ensign and Clerk) ‘Extrait du Journal de la Campagne de M Marion du Fresne . . . Capitaine de Brulot et Chr. de St Louis, Commandant La flute du Roy le Mascarin . . . Expedies de L’isle de France pour Otahiti et la Nouvelle Zelande’. State Library of Tasmania. ATL A summary of the voyage. No copy located in France. Role D’EQUIPAGE du Mascarin. AN Marine B 4 317.56 ATL Muster roll of the Mascarin.
2. MARQUIS DE CASTRIES Duclesmeur, Ambroise Bernard Le Jar (1751-1792) Garde de la Marine (Commander of the Marquis de Castries) ‘Journal de navigation A commencer du Cap de Bonne Esperance pour servir a la flutte le Marquis de Castries Commandee par Mr Duclesmeur Garde de la Marine . . .’. AN Marine B 4 317.61 and 62. (Blue Book 111:49) ATL A two-part navigational journal which leads up to the stay in the Bay of Islands and continues at the moment of departure. Intended to be read in conjunction with his historical journal.
‘Relation d’un voyage dans les mers australes et pacifique commance en 1771 sous le Commandement de M Marion du fresne Capitaine de Brulot, et acheve en 1773 Sous celui de M Duclesmeur garde de la marine’. AN Marine 4JJ. 142.19 (Blue Book 1:6) ATL An historical journal dealing in detail with the New Zealand stay. Seven copies of this journal have been located (see Table 2).
ROLE d’Equipage du Marquis de Castries. AN Marine B 4 317.57 ATL Muster roll of the Marquis de Castries.
Charts and Drawings So far, 11 charts and drawings from the New Zealand part of this voyage have been located. They cover four subjects: 1 A chart of the northern part of New Zealand (2 versions) 2 A chart of the Bay of Islands (Port Marion) (5 versions) 3 A plan of a New Zealand village (2 versions) 4 A sketch of a New Zealand canoe (2 versions) The two drawings of‘New Zealand canoes’ have been included with this voyage because they are catalogued with Marion du Fresne material in the Bibliotheque Nationale, but there is nothing to link them conclusively with this voyage. All but one chart are held in Portfolio 189 in the Departement des Cartes et Plans of the Bibliotheque Nationale, in Paris. The exception is a chart of the Bay of Islands, held in the Peabody Museum, Salem, Massachusetts. Titles in French: 1 Partie du Nord de la Nouvelle Zelande, dressee par moi Et sur mes propres routes —Duclesmeur (BN(C&P)PfIB9/3/3D & Pfl 89/3/2)
2 Plan du Port Marion Par Mr Du Clesmeur (Pflß9/5/2 & Pflß9/5/1 1 ’ 2 23)> 3 ) 3 Plan d’un Village Zelandois (Pfl 89/5/3) and Plan d’une forteresse zellandoise (Pflß9/5/4D) 4 Pirogue des peuples de la Nouvelle Zelande (Pfl 89/5/5 and 5 1 )
ENTRECASTEAUX, Antoine Raymond Joseph Bruni d’ Recherche and Esperance 11-12 March 1793 Off the Northern Coast of New Zealand; Three Kings Islands
A considerable body of material, both historical and scientific, remains from the voyage of D’Entrecasteaux. However, the two ships had only the briefest contact with New Zealand: the Recherche hove-to off the Northern coast to wait for the Esperance and to trade with natives who approached in canoes. In the following list, therefore, I have included only those journals giving an account of that meeting and some containing navigational details concerning the Three Kings Islands. Entrecasteaux, Antoine Raymond Joseph Bruni d’ (1739-1793) Contre-amiral. Commandant (Rear Admiral. Commander) ‘Notes a ajouter au journal’. AN Marine 5JJ.6 (Blue Book 1:10) ATL D’Entrecasteaux’s own journal; very difficult to read, full of crossingsout. The text of this part of the journal corresponds closely to Rossel’s printed account of the voyage.
Hesmivy d’Auribeau, Alexandre d’ (1760-1794) Capitaine de Vaisseau (Captain) ‘Entrevue avec les naturels de la Nile. Zelande’. AN Marine 5JJ.6 (Blue Book 1:9) ATL An account of the meeting with the natives. Although this document is anonymous, it corresponds exactly to one signed by d’Hesmivy d’Auribeau (AN Marine SJJ.I3 6 ). ‘Suite Dujournal Du Voyage au Tour Du Monde fait a Bord De la fregate La Recherche Commandee Par M D’Entrecasteaux . . .’. AN Marine SJJ.I3 4 (Blue Book 1:19) ATL A navigational journal, to be read in conjunction with the historical journal (AN Marine 5JJ.6). Willaumez, Jean Baptiste Enseigne de Vaisseau. Chef de Pilotage (Ensign. Navigator) ‘Journal continue de la Campagne de la recherche et de l’Esperance autour du monde sous les Ordres de Monsieur D’Entrecasteaux . . .
Tenu par le Sr. Willaumez aine officier a bord pendant les annees 1791, 92, 93, 94, 95’. AN Marine SJJ.5 2 ATL Journal with an account of the meeting as well as navigational notes.
LONGUERUE, Enseigne de Vaisseau (Ensign) ‘Journal de L’expedition De la Recherche de Mr De la peyrouse commende par Mr D’entrecasteaux contre amiral de france, montant la Recherche . . .’. AN Marine SJJ. 10 (Blue Book 1:16) ATL Journal with a very brief account of the meeting.
Gicquel, Pierre Guillaume Aide-pilote (Assistant pilot) ‘Remarques faites Pendant le voyage de la fregate la Recherche Commandee par le Contre amiral Entrecasteaux par P Gicquel pilote sur la Ditte fregate et actuellement Enseigne de vaisseau’. AN Marine SJJ. 14 (Blue Book 1:23) ATL Historical and navigational account.
Raoul, Joseph Francois Premier pilot (First pilot) ‘A Monsieur. Monsieur Raoul pr. pelotte Demeurant a Treguier’. AN Marine SJJ.I4 1 (Blue Book 1:24) ATL Historical and navigational account.
Avignon, Pierre Augustin Canonnier de la Marine. 3 e classe (Gunner) ‘Par un Canonier de la Marine —Cahier remit a Monsieur D’Hesmivy D’Auribeau’. AN Marine 3JJ.397 (Blue Book V:112 and 106) ATL Three copies of this journal exist, the first two in Paris, the third under the name of ‘Piron’ in the Mitchell Library, Sydney. It is an historical account with little navigational material.
Bearings and Notes on Three Kings. ‘Relevements, Distances et Azimuths relatifs a la partie Nord de la Nouvelle Zelande. Les 11 et 12 Mars 1793’. AN Marine SJJ. 1.1456/7 (Blue Book 1:8) ATL Views of the land accompany these observations and notes. LOG-BOOK of the Recherche. T9eme Cazernet de Campagne. Mars 1793 l e Semenne’. AN Marine SJJ.6 2 (Blue Book 1:15) ATL The log-book of the Recherche, with full notes of movements.
ROLL of the Recherche. ‘Role d’equipage de la Recherche. La Campagne commence le 21 Septembre 1791. Depart de la rade de Brest’. Archives du Port de Brest —AN Marine CC 6 34 (Blue Book VI: 134) ATL Muster roll of the Recherche. Gives information about promotions but very little personal detail.
Charts and Drawings Because of the very short time spent in New Zealand, there is very little pictorial material from this visit. The familiar engraving of two natives which appears in Labillardiere’s published account seems to be the only drawing, but there are some charts and coastal profiles. Charles-Franfois B EAUTEMPS-BE was responsible for the following: 1 ‘Carte de la Partie Nord de la Nouvelle Zelande Reconnue le 11 Mars 1793’. The North part of New Zealand. AN Marine 6JJ.3.35 ATL 2 ‘Carte des lies Reconnues Par M d’Entrecasteaux du 15 au 17 Mars 1793’. The Kermadec Islands. Three versions: AN Marine 6JJ.3., items 37, 38 and 39 (Blue Book 111:61 and 62). * * *
DUPERREY, Louis Isidore Coquille 3-17 April 1824 Bay of Islands
Duperrey, Louis Isidore (1786-1865) Lieutenant de Vaisseau. Commandant (Lieutenant. Commander of the Coquille) ‘Etat major de la corvette de S M la Coquille’. Archives du Port de Toulon 1 A 3 llO 1 4 (Red Book 111:275) ATL The Captain’s notes on his officers: Jacquinot, Berard, Lottin, De Blois.
Dumont D’Urville, Jules SLbastien C£sar (1790-1842) Lieutenant de Vaisseau (Lieutenant) ‘Journal d’un voyage autour du monde entrepris sur la Corvette de SM la Coquille Sous les ordres de Mr Duperrey Lieutenant de Vaisseau par J Dumont D’Urville’. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle Ms 1602 (Blue Book 111:72) ATL Meteorological and nautical information only. ‘Dumont D’Urville. Poeme sur les nouveaux Zelandais ou histoire Australienne’. AN Marine GG 2 .30 (Blue Book VI: 122) ATL A long romance, in verse, written during his return to France in 1825 (200 p.).
‘Notes relatives au roman des Nouveaux Zelandais’ 31 aout 1825. AN Marine GG 2 .30 (Blue Book VI: 123) ATL Footnotes for the poem giving historical, ethnographic, geographical, philosophical etc. notes on the inhabitants of New Zealand (200 p.). ‘Papers 1825-3 T. Mitchell Library, Sydney.(C7 reel 154) July 1973. ATL Including letter concerning his voyage on the Coquille.
‘Voyages of the Coquille and the Astrolabe'. Mitchell Library, Sydney, A 1827, ATL French manuscript almost entirely in the hand of Dumont d’Urville. Divided into seven sections: ‘I Tableau general des iles de l’Oceanie’. A table of Pacific islands with information about geography, population and history of discovery. ‘II Observations phytologiques’. Botanical information gathered during the first twelve ports put into by the Coquille. Stops at Sydney Cove. ‘lll Observations entomologiques’. Entomological information gathered during the first twelve ports put into by the Coquille. ‘IV Notes geographiques, hixtoriques et ethnographiques . . .’. Notes which refer to a literary work, probably Dumont d’Urville’s own poem on the New Zealanders (see AN Marine GG 2 .30, above). These notes are similar or perhaps even identical to the notes held in the French archives (AN Marine GG 2 .30). ‘V Especes et races humaines’. Notes of a physical and geographical nature about mankind. ‘VI Lettres’. Letters kept by Dumont d’Urville during the voyage of the Astrolabe. Not in his hand. ‘VII Portrait’. Pencil sketch of Dumont d’Urville.
Jacquinot, Charles Hector (1796-1879) Enseigne de Vaisseau (Ensign) ‘Cahier 3:pl01 (Port Jackson) —pl6o 3 Octobre 1824, arrivee a Pile de france’. AN Marine 5JJ.82 (Blue Book 1E29) ATL Historical journal. Lottin, Victor Charles (1795-1858) Enseigne de Vaisseau (Ensign) ‘Journal tenu par l’Enseigne de V.sseau Lottin Sur la Corvette de S M la Coquille 1822, 23, 24 et 25’. AN Marine 5JJ.82 (Blue Book 11:31) ATL Historical journal.
Deblois de la Calande, ThLodoreJulien (b. 1799) Enseigne de Vaisseau (Ensign) ‘Journal de la Coquille. M de Blois. Traversee de Port-Jackson a la baye des lies’. AN Marine 5JJ.82 (Blue Book 11:28) ATL Historical journal. Gabert, Andr£ Paul (1797-1855) Commis entretenu de 2e classe et commis aux revues et approvisionments (Clerk) ‘Precis de la campagne de la Corvette de S M la Coquille Commande par Mr Duperrey Lieutenant de Vau’. Bibliotheque de la Rochelle Ms 639 (Blue Book VI: 151) ATL A very brief account of the voyage.
Lesson, Ren£ PrimevLre (1794-1849) Pharmacien entretenu de 2e classe (Pharmacist) ‘Voyage de la Coquille: Chapitre 21e. Traversee du port Jackson a la Nouvelle-Zelande du 20 mars 1824 au 3 avril. Sejour a la Baie des iles du 3 avril au 17 Courant: Observations generates sur le pays sur les habitans, leurs moeurs, leurs usages etc’. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle Ms 1793 (Blue Book IV:82) ATL A detailed account, later the basis for his published work. ‘Voyage Autour du Monde de la Corvette la Coquille . . . Suite et complement de la relation imprimee du meme auteur’. Bibliotheque Municipale de Rochefort-sur-Mer Ms 8168 Res 1-C (Blue Book VI: 140) ATL A continuation of MHN manuscript 1793 and therefore the text is not relevant to New Zealand, but there are charts and botanical sketches which are.
‘Journal medical ou Rapport a messieurs les Membres du Conseil de Sante du port de Toulon (1822 a 1825)’. Bibliotheque de l’Hopital Maritime de Toulon MS 3467 (Cl 17) (Red Book 111:268) ATL Medical report. Lesson has used material from this journal to supplement his published account. ‘Voyage autour du monde . . . Collection R-P Lesson’. Museum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle MS 354 (Blue Book IV:81) ATL Lists of animals conserved in alcohol. Ornithology. Testaceans. Crustacea. Poret de Blosseville, Jules Alphonse Ren£ (1802-1836) Enseigne de Vaisseau (Ensign) ‘Journal nautique; Evenemens. Remarques; Notes Voyage de la Corvette
la Coquille. Notes. Brouillons; Commerce du grand Ocean, etc’. AN Marine 5JJ.82 (Blue Book 11:32) ATL Notes of all sorts. BLrard, Auguste (1796-1852) Enseigne de Vaisseau (Ensign) ‘Voyage de la Coquille autour du monde. Notes recueillies par Mr Berard, enseigne de vaisseau’. AN Marine 5JJ.82 (Blue Book 11:30) ATL Not a private journal but a series of excerpts from various sources.
DEBLOIS DE LA CALANDE, ThLODORE, and PORET DE BLOSSEVILLE, Jules Alphonse Ren£ ‘Voyage de la Corvette de S M la Coquille. Vues de cotes et relevements. Observations des Marees. No 8. Nouvelle Zelande. Plan de la baie des lies. Plan du Port de Manawa. Plan de la riviere de Kedekede. Observations des Marees a Manawa. 1824’. AN Marine 5JJ.81 (Blue Book 11:26) ATL A sketchbook for the charting of the Bay of Islands, containing pencil sketches of settlements and coastlines as well as observations and calculations, soundings etc.
LOG-BOOK of the Coquille ‘Casernet de bord de l’Etat Major Du 18 Mars au 25 avril 1824. No 12’. AN Marine SJJ.B0 B (Blue Book 1:25) ATL Log book with navigational notes only. ROLL of the Coquille. ‘La Corvette du Roi la Coquille commandee par Mr Duperrey, Lieutenant de Vau. Role pour 1824’. Archives du port de Toulon l c 1122 (Red Book 111:271) ATL
Charts and Drawings The three ensigns, Berard, de Blois and de Blosseville spent much of their stay in New Zealand charting the Bay of Islands. The first six charts listed below are the result of their work: 1 ‘Partie des cotes de la Nile Zelande’. 2 ‘Nouvelle Zelande. Cote au nord de la Baie des lies’. 3 ‘Carte de la Baie des lies’. 4 ‘Plan de la Baie des lies’. 5 ‘Plan du mouillage de la Coquille dans le Port (de Manawa)’. 6 ‘Plan du mouillage de la Coquille (Port de Manawa) dans la Baie des lies’.
7 ‘Chart of the harbour at Tokeanga on the western Coast of New Zealand (Riviere Gambier) le nom est celui de la riviere. Ce plan a ete leve par le Cap herd et Communique par Mr Kendall’. AN Marine 5JJ.83 (Blue Book 11:33) ATL
Lejeune, Jules Louis Dessinateur (Artist) ‘Recueil de 138 dessins, de formats et de techniques differents, montes sur onglets et relies en un volume in-folio. Vers 1822’. Service Historique de la Marine 356. f. 107 ‘L’etablissement des missionnaires anglais a Kidikidi’. f. 108 ‘Cascade de Fanafaous a 3 milles de l’etablissement des missionnaires anglais a Kidikidi’. f. 109 ‘Naturels de la Nile. Zelande. Trois figures, dont un soldat vetu a l’europeene’. f. 110 ‘Nile Zelandaise de 16 a 18 ans’. f.lll ‘Nile Zelandaise de 20 a 22 ans’. f. 112 ‘Habitants de la Nile. Zelande avec une vue de leur place fortifiee ou Hippah. 10 avril 1824. Au premier plan, une pirogue avec de nombreux indigenes’, f. 113 ‘Jeune fille de la Nile Zelande. Sur l’avant-bras droit on lit: La COQUILLE 1824’. f. 114 ‘Etinou. Jeune fille de la Nile Zelande. Annote en bas a droite: Nanette’. f. 115 ‘Ta'ifanga. Sauvage de la Nile. Zelande. C P cuivre clair. Tatouage tres creux. Chef. II porte un uniforme europeen et il est vu de profil a gauche’. f. 116 ‘Sauvage de la Nile Zelande. Chef. Vu en buste de profil a gauche’. f. 117 ‘To’i. Roi des Sauvages de la Nile. Zelande. II a ete a Londres. Vu en buste, de profil a gauche’, f. 118 ‘Objets de la Nouvelle Zelande. Flute, hache, hamegon, dent de poisson’.
‘Le manuscrit du Journal de M Lejeune, dessinateur de l’expedition de Duperrey’. SHM 355 The manuscript journal of Lejeune, which unfortunately stops before the Coquille reached New Zealand. Lesson, Ren£ PrimevLre In ‘Voyage Autour du Monde ... Suite et complement de la relation imprimee du meme auteur’.
Bibliotheque Municipale de R.ochefbrt:-sur-Mer MS 8168 Res 1-C (Blue Book VI: 140) ATL 1 ‘Carte de la baie des lies de la Nouvelle Zelande’ 2 ‘Oiseaux de la Nouvelle-Zelande’ (List of birds) 3 ‘Carte de la partie nord de la Nouvelle-Zelande’ 4 Sketch (Carved vessel) 5 Watercolour (plant) 6 Plant 7 Plant
To be concluded in the October issue
1 2 3 4 5 AN Marine 4JJ. 143.25 AN Marine 4JJ. 143.25 AN Marine 4JJ. 143.25 AN Marine 4JJ. 143.25 AN Marine 6JJ.39.98 AN Marine 6JJ.39.99 AN Marine 6JJ.39.100 AN Marine 3JJ.378 AN Marine 3JJ.378 BN C&P Pfl 89/3/1 BN C&P Pfl 89/4/1D BN(MSS) NAF 9436 BN(MSS) NAF 9436 BN(MSS) NAF 9436 BN(MSS) NAF 9436 SHM 365 SHM 365 SHM 365 (missing) SHM 365 (missing) AGI Mapas y Pianos: Estampas 208 AGI Mapas y Pianos: Ingenios y Muestras 235
Table 1: Location of charts and drawings from the voyage of de Surville.
MARION DU FRESNE CROZET DUCLESMEUR ROUX CHEVILLARD DE MONTESSON OTHER AN Marine B 4 317.1-58 AN Marine 4JJ. 128.38 3JJ.391.9 B 4 317.32 B 4 317.34 AN Marine 4JJ.142.19 3JJ.378.29 C 7 197 3JJ.391.8 3JJ.333.17 SHM MS265 BN(MSS) NAF 9437 AN Marine 4JJ.142.18 3JJ.378.8 C 7 197 State Library of Tasmania: Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts AN Marine B 4 317.56 Roll of the Mascarin AN Marine B 4 317.57 Roll of the Marquis de Castries AN Marine B 4 285 BN(MSS) NAF 9437 AN Marine B 4 317.60 AN Marine B 4 317.61/2
Table 2: Location of the manuscripts. All references contained within the same box are to copies of the same manuscript.
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Turnbull Library Record, Volume XVI, Issue 1, 1 May 1983, Page 5
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4,332French explorers in New Zealand, 1769-1840: a list of manuscript material; Part I Turnbull Library Record, Volume XVI, Issue 1, 1 May 1983, Page 5
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• David Blackwood Paul, “The Second Walpole Memorial Lecture”. Turnbull Library Record 12: (September 1954) pp.3-20
• Eric Ramsden, “The Journal of John B. Williams”. Turnbull Library Record 11: (November 1953), pp.3-7
• Arnold Wall, “Sir Hugh Walpole and his writings”. Turnbull Library Record 6: (1946), pp.1-12
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