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Notes on Manuscripts Accessions


Acquisitions of manuscripts are listed selectively in the Turnbull Library Record to alert scholars to newly acquired material judged to be of research value. For items marked ‘Access subject to sorting’ or ‘Restricted access’ the Library would welcome notification that access will be sought, preferably with an indication of a likely date. This will help the staff in establishing priorities for sorting collections. The following list updates the Notes in the Record for October 1979. Material produced by the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau and the Australian Joint Copying Project is not listed except for items copied under the latter’s Miscellaneous series.

ABORTION LAW REFORM ASSOCIATION. Record, 1970-1976. lm. DONATION. Minute books, correspondence including branches and with MPs relating to legislation etc, submissions to Royal Commission, speeches, committees, newspaper clippings, articles; records of Auckland Medical Aid Centre, Remuera Medical Aid Centre and newsletters. Access subject to sorting and restriction. ANDERSEN, JOHANNES CARL, 1873-1962. Papers, 1907, 1951-1956. 5 items. PURCHASE. The story of Sigurd and Brunholde, play and related letters, 1907, MS copy of The Windsor chevalier, list of publications, notes recalling childhood in Christchurch, his Danish heritage, translations of Danish ballads, 1956.

BARR, JOHN, 1877-1971. Papers, 1935-1939. 10cm. DONATION: Mr G. T. Alley, Upper Hutt. Chiefly correspondence as convenor of Carnegie Library Group with G. T. Alley, Association for Country Education with Dr S. C. Allen re Demonstration Library Group in Taranaki, with Carnegie Corporation of New York; papers re Country Library Service report to Minister of Education, 1939.

BRITISH MUSEUM. Extracts from registers, 1771-1950. 14 1. DONATION: Mr B. Kernot, Wellington. Details of Maori artefacts held by British Museum, including items collected on Cook’s voyages and by Sir George Grey compiled by Mr Kernot. Photocopy. CAMPAIGN AGAINST RISING PRICES. Records, 1967-1978. 1.5 m. DONATION. Includes National committee minutes 1969-1977, correspondence 1970-1975, press clippings 1967-1976 and files covering specific products 1967-1977, C.A.R.P. leaflets and newsletters. Some branch material 1967-1969.

CAMPBELL, RICHARD MITCHELSON, 1897-1974. Papers, 1916-1979. lm. DONATION: Mr I. A. N. Campbell, Auckland. Apart from diaries, 1927-1928, typescript and published articles, 1927-1934, the collection comprises correspondence, notes and recollections relating to his association withj. G. Coates, P. Fraser and Sir Walter Nash and their biographers; also Dr J. C. Beaglehole, Sir Ernest Marsden, John Mulgan and G. B. Shaw; material re New Zealand House. Restricted access.

COLERIDGE, MARY CHRISTINE M. Scrapbook, 1944, 1948-1959. 149 1. DONATION. St Paul’s Procathedral Choir notes, clippings re choir activities and those of members, orders of service, photos, list ofchoir members, mostly printed material with annotation; minutes of Wellington Repertory Society War Service Guild, 1944. Photocopy.

CONGREGATION OF FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, WELLINGTON. Papers, 18531860. 2 items. DONATION: Rev. D. M. Steedman, Wellington. Letter from Colonial Committee of Free Church of Scotland re appointment of Rev J. S. Moir to Ministry in Wellington, fund-raising for Australasian colonies, 27 April 1853; printed financial statement of the Trust Funds of the Free Church Congregation, Wellington, 1858-1860. Mr Moir became first pastor at St John’s Church, Wellington.

COUNCIL FOR EQUAL PAY AND OPPORTUNITY. AUCKLAND BRANCH. Records, 1969-1977. 3cm. DONATION. Records cover complete life of the Council, which was disbanded on the passing of the equal pay legislation. They comprise statements of accounts, minutes of A.G.M.s, of Executive Committee meetings, reports and newsletters. COWIE, WILLIAM, 1854-1931. Diary, 1883-1889. lv. DONATION: Miss I. Cowie, Timaru. Farm diary recording daily activities, weather etc. on Netherdale, Balfour, Southland.

DALTON, JOSEPH EDWARD, 1851-1942. The Waipiro Trouble, 1891. 51. DONATION: Gisborne Museum and Arts Centre. Dalton, whaler and native agent, recounts meeting between Tuta Nihoniho Penamene Waipapa and his people, police and regular forces under Sir George Whitmore at Waipiro Bay, 1891. Photocopy of typescript. DICK, RUSSELL GLADSTONE, 1898-1966. Report, 1938. 41 1. DONATION: Fisheries Management Division, Wellington. Investigation of Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Islands, February 1938, instituted to establish title to bed of lagoon. Comprises historical background material, settlement, reminiscences of early residents, physical features, photographs. Photocopy.

DINWIDDIE, WILLIAM, 1863-1937. Papers, 1912-1921, n.d. 3 items. PURCHASE. Dinwiddie’s notes on causes of W. Colenso’s suspension from Church Missionary Society, 1852, n.d.; Old Hawkes Bay two papers read before Hawkes Bay Philosophical Society published in 1916 and with sequelSowe Stray Notes, 1921, all with considerable annotation by H. T. Hill whose annotated address Labour Socialism and Religion, 26 May 1912, tipped into 1921 edition. ELECTRONITE SYNDICATE LTD. Papers, 1911. 3 items. DONATION: Hoare, Taylor and Neale, Christchurch. Letter, report and balance sheet relating to Company with a mica mine and proposals for exploitation and patents.

EWEN, CHARLES ALFRED, 1853-1921. Letter, 27 March 1900. 71. Lent for copying by MrsJ. H. Canning, London. Comment of New Zealand book collector on literature relating to New Zealand in a letter written to O.T.J. Alpers. Photocopy of typescript. GODFREY FAMILY. Journal and account book, 1867-1874, 1900-1903, 1940. ca. 1501. DONATION. Details of farm life at Woodbourne estate, Marlborough, including accounts,

1867-1874; Mrs Eliza Prichard’s history of the area, social life etc, 1900-1903 and Memories of early Marlborough: the Godfrey family and Woodbourne estate, ca 1940. Photocopy.

HALCOMBE, BLANCHE, 1860-1953. Papers, 1914, 1925-1939, 1950. 43 items. DONATION: Mr B. Groshinski, Wellington. Chiefly correspondence reflecting her interest in ornithology, her collections, petition on bird catching methods, taxidermy; lists describing birds.

HAMLIN, JAMES, 1803-1865. Journal, 1826-1837. 112 p. DONATION: Mr P. W. and Mrs L. A. Hamilton, Wellington. Transcription of journal kept while serving as Church Missionary Society lay teacher at Waimate and Keri Keri, Maungapouri and Manukau. Includes visit to the Waikato with Rev A. N. Brown, 1834. Photocopy of typescript.

HEMPTON, ELENOR, 1887-1974. Scrapbooks, 1915-1964. 3v. DONATION: Wellington Public Library. Mrs Hempton, soprano, was involved in fund raising for servicemen’s welfare in World War I and afterwards and for other welfare organisations in Wellington prior to her removal to Sydney in 1927. She continued her work founding the New Zealand Club, New Zealand Women’s Association, Sydney Younger Set. Collection comprises letters, photos, programmes, invitations and clippings.

HUIARAU NATIVE SCHOOL. The Story of the Tuhoe tribes. 321. DONATION: Estate of Dr N. Foden, Auckland. Brief history of tribes in pre- and post-European times. Includes account of Hauhauism and campaign to stamp out movement, locates pa sites in Lake Waikaremoana-Ruatahuna area. Typescript with MS corrections illustrated with sketches and photographs.

HULTQUIST, AXEL GORDON, 1904-1941. Papers, 1932-1941, 1970. 15cm. DONATION: Mrs M. Lusty, Auckland. Copies of letters to his wife while campaigning for Bay of Plenty seat in 1935 election, details of meetings and living conditions in Depression, clippings and electioneering material, meeting book, 1932-1933; letters while serving with 2 N.Z.E.F. in Middle East, 1941, letters of sympathy after death in action; radio script, 1937, ‘A trip from Whakatane to Gisborne’.

IVISON, THOMAS. Notebook, 1846-1847, 58p. PURCHASE. Notes and sketches made on voyage to New Zealand aboard Louisa Campbell ; contains sketches of boats and ships including convict ship Tory, sketches of Porto Santo, Bay of Islands, Hauraki Gulf Islands, Government House, Sydney, coastal profiles of Bass Strait Islands. Notes include fragment of Maori vocabulary, visit to Paparoa for timber cargo, thence to Great Barrier Island with comment on yard of John Gillies, shipbuilder. Held in Art collection.

KARORI BOWLING CLUB. Records, 1903-1971. lOv. DONATION. Minute books, 1903-1971, cash books, 1905-1938, subscription books, 1905-1929, membership records, some correspondence, photos and clippings. KELLY, DESMOND LANCE, b. 1928. Papers, 1969-1974. ca.Bcm. DONATION. Collection includes material relating to Wellington Regional Planning comprising schemes, notes, letters, etc and F. M. Hanson’s submissions to Committee of Enquiry into Urban Public Transport, 1969. Also papers Values Party candidate for Wellington City Council in 1974, 1973-1974, comprising notes, policy, pamphlets, etc.

LILBURN, DOUGLAS GORDON, b. 1915. A search for a language, 1969. 23 1. DONATION. New Zealand composer’s philosophy especially with regard to music in this country. Photocopy.

LUSIS, JANIS. Humans and horses, 1944, 1978. 19 1. DONATION. Studfarm manager’s flight from Latvia in refugee train ahead of advancing Russians, with emphasis on care of family as well as horses. Typescript. MACPHERSON, ALEXANDER, 1854 P-1937. Personal record, 197-. 26 1. DONATION. Personal record of Alexander Macpherson, agriculturalist, New Zealandfor a period of over 61 years from 1876 to 1937 compiled by unknown author. Macpherson worked for New Zealand and Australian Land Co., South Canterbury, Longburn Slaughtering and Freezing Co., Manawatu, becoming first inspector appointed to Dept, of Agriculture, Christchurch, 1901-1921.

MILL, JOHN STUART, 1806-1873. Letter, 12 December 1868. 2 1. DONATION: Dr T. H. Beaglehole, Wellington. From Avignon to Sir Edward Stafford, Premier, advocating the use of a direct annual grant rather than protectionist duties as the means of encouraging the development of new industries. MORRIS, GUY AND MAUDE. Papers, ca. 1907-1977. PURCHASE. Collection of Katherine Mansfield’s printed material and memorabilia with correspondence, Mrs Morris’s notes on characters and locales in Mansfield’s writings, lecture notes, photographs, programmes etc. Access subject to sorting.

MOYLE, HON COLIN JAMES, b. 1929. Papers, 1973-1975. 3m. DONATION. Files of MP for Manukau reflecting his service as Minister of Science and Agriculture. Access subject to sorting and restriction. NATHAN, PHILIP J. Letterbook, 1910-1916. lv. DONATION: Mr E. Williams, Wellington. Letters to his father in London and to his brother, Louis, concerning financial and business affairs of Joseph Nathan and Co.

NEW ZEALAND NURSES ASSOCIATION. Records, 1909-1976. ca.llrn. DONATION. Includes minutes, annual conferences, correspondence and branch files, records of international organisations, also Student Nurses Association and national committees of NZNA. Restricted access. NICHOLS, JAMES WILLIAM, 1851-1934. Diary, 1874-1876. 173 1. DONATION: Mrs J. E. May, Auckland. Life as boilermaker in England, shipboard life on Carnatic, and work in Marlborough, 1875-1876. Photocopy.

OLIVER, WILLIAM HOSKING, b. 1925. Lectures, 1972, 1976. 3 items. DONATION. New Zealand about 1890 Macmillan Brown lectures delivered at Canterbury University, 1972: Some aspects of the welfare state in New Zealand, delivered at University of Waikato, June 1976. Photocopy. ONSLOW HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records, ca. 1912-1970. 2m. DONATION. Includes records of Newlands School Committee (minute books, correspondence etc.), 1956-1970, correspondence and accounts of Ngaio School Committee, 1924-1958, and Khandallah School Committee, 1912-1976; MS copies of local

notes, newspapers and newsletters dealing with Johnsonville, Ngaio, Khandallah area. Access subject to sorting. OWHANGO SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Minute books, 1911-1919. 2v. DONATION: Mr A. Devereux, Owhango.

PARSONSON, ANN ROSEMARY. King Tawhiao and the new Maori monarchy, 1878-1882. 1972. 30 1. DONATION: University of Canterbury Library. Text of paper presented to Conference of New Zealand Historians, May 1972. Photocopy. PEARCE, EDWARD, 1832-1922. Papers, 1869. 10 1. DONATION: Mrs M. Waddy, Seddon. Three letters to Pearce, merchant and financial agent in Wellington, from Bishop C. J. Abraham, re rents for Maori lands held privately by the Bishop of Wellington.

PERKINS, CHRISTOPHER, 1891-1968. Papers, 1906-1968. 18 items. PURCHASE. Album of letters of reference from W. Rothenstein, A. M. Hind, R. Fry and others, reviews of exhibitions of Perkins’ paintings in New Zealand, Australia and United Kingdom, and associated clippings; Microfilm. Exhibition catalogues, letters, clippings, family photos and letters. Photocopy. PHILLIPS, COLEMAN, 1846-1925. Papers, ca. 1870-1925. 1.7 m. DONATION: Miss C. Phillips, Eastbourne. Papers, correspondence, newspaper clippings and other printed matter relating to his landholdings in the Wairarapa and in the Pacific Islands, his articles on agriculture, politics and public issues at the time.

PILMER, ALEXANDER ANTHONY GORDON, b. 1820 . Correspondence book, 1864-1870. 34p. DONATION: MrsJ. D. Pilmer, Gisborne. Letters relating to application for a grant of land after service in Wellington Volunteer Rifles, 1864-1868, and to his work as a contractor. POWLEY, MYRTLE ELLEN. Reminiscences, 1979. 14 1. DONATION. Reminiscences of childhood in Lyttelton, local personalities and events including waterside strike, 1913, influenza epidemic, 1918, etc.

RAE, BARRY JAMES. Urban development in New Zealand, 1912. 2.5 cm. PURCHASE. Seminars given at University of Auckland School of Architecture based on studies of Athens School of Ekistics. Photocopy. RAY, LENA MARIE. Living on the line, 1904-1914, 1968-1970. scm. DONATION. Autobiography reflects childhood in railway construction camps throughout New Zealand; includes research notes on construction of line from Stratford to Okahukura, annotated photographs.

ROSS, SIR JAMES CLARK, 1800-1862. Papers, 1836-1859. 1 reel. PURCHASE. Correspondence and papers of commander of expedition to conduct magnetic survey of the Antarctic region, 1839-1843, and later papers relating to attempts to establish fate of Sir John Franklin’s expedition lost in Arctic, 1845. Originals held by Public Record Office, London. Microfilm. scales, HELEN FLORENCE VICTORIA. Papers, 1929-1935, 196-. 20 items. DONATION. Notebooks kept by New Zealand born artist while studying at the Academie Colarossi, at the Hans Hofman School of Fine Arts, Munich, and at the Academie

Lhote, Paris. Cover constructivism, proportion, movement and colour; working sketches and diagrams, miscellaneous printed material. SOLOMON ISLANDS. Reports, 1930-1955. lv. DONATION: Professor S. M. Mead, Wellington. Reports mostly from District Officer, Kira Kira Station, San Christobal, Eastern Solomons relating to population, economics, judicial matters, agriculture. Photocopy.

TRAILL, ROBERT HENRY, b. 1892. Scrapbook. 118 1. DONATION: Mrs S. Natusch, Wellington. Deals mainly with Maori and European families on Stewart Island, notes on Southland history, ledger of cutter Sally, 1885; material covers events ca. 1809-1937. Photocopy. TYNDALL, SIR ARTHUR, 1891-1979. Papers, ca. 1900-1979. ca3m. DONATION. Personal papers of Judge of Arbitration Court, 1940-1965, also reflect his career as Director of Housing, 1936-1940, his services on national and international commissions etc; includes autobiography, photographs. Restricted access.

VINCENT, MELVA G. The Inky Way, 1978. 366 1. DONATION. Account of founding and development of settlement in Wellington, 1840-1853, based on extracts from the town’s first newspapers and linked by accounts of printers involved in their production particularly William Thomas Vincent (1823-1862). He was of a family of printers with Chartist sympathies, arrived in Wellington 1841 and was employed printing and writing for these newspapers. He held licence for TeAro Hotel, 1850, and left colony for N.S.W., 1853. Typescript.

WAINUIOMATA DEVELOPMENT LTD. Records, 1927-1975. 4.2 m. DONATION: Brierley Investments Ltd., Wellington. Minutes of directors’, shareholders’ and bondholders’ meetings of company set up to develop Wainuiomata as garden suburb of Wellington; includes financial records and promotional material. Access subject to sorting. WALSH, PHILIP, 1843-1914. Papers, 1864-1907. 9 items. PURCHASE. The Irish Crocodile, an illustrated children’s story; Baldys romance, a story of New Zealand; The passing of the Maori, papers read before Auckland Institute, 1907; annotated sketchbook of views in France, miscellaneous printed material, newsclippings etc.

WELLINGTON CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. Records, ca. 1878-1974. 3m. DONATION. Members Roll, 1879-1948, Trustees Minutes, 1879-1906, Deacons Court minutes, 1878-1968, correspondence, 1877-1907, Sunday School records, 1882-1967, Bible class records, 1905-1926, financial records, 1911-1965; also Vivian St., Literary and Debating Society minutes, 1913-1922, Youth Hostel minutes, 1947-1970. Access subject to sorting and restriction.

WHITE, EDWIN, fl. 1874. Journal, 2 May-9 August 1874. 211. Lent for copying by Mrs A. Sheraton, Paremata. Voyage to Nelson on Adamant describing shipboard life and effects of measles epidemic, first impressions of town of Nelson, reception of immigrants, depressed economic situation, obtaining work as carpenter. WHITNEY SOUTH SEA EXPEDITION, 1920-1939. Guide to journals and records, 1920-1935. 28 1. donation. Chronological summary and guide to MS records of series of field studies mostly

in ornithology sponsored by American Museum of Natural History covering area from New Guinea to French Polynesia including New Zealand; includes letters and journal of Rollo H. Beck and other members of expedition. Original held by American Museum of Natural Nistory, New York. Photocopy.

williams, LT.COL. EDWARD ARTHUR, ca. 1825-1898. Continuation of Remarks on the operations of the Royal Artillery during the Campaigns in New Zealand. 12 1. 1867. PURCHASE. Describes movements of various sections of Royal Artillery serving in New Zealand, 1864-1866, deployment of troops and armament, especially in Wanganui-Taranaki area, skirmishes and conduct of hostilities.

WILLIAMS, WILLIAM LEONARD, Bp., 1829-1916. Papers, 1896-1905. 20 items. PURCHASE. Records compiled by Bishop of Waiapu of wild native plants collected by girls of Napier High School in and around Napier, 1902-1905, notes on Abnormal growth of Phormium Colensoi, associated photos and clippings, specimens; letter of thanks from Thomas Kirk with comment on his botanising and specimens sought, 30 March 1896.

WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION OF NEW ZEALAND. Records, 1889-1976. 3.6 m. DONATION. Collection contains minutes of National Convention and Executive meetings, 1895-1960, together with records of some branches including those in Southland, Nelson, Auckland provincial branches and others. Restricted access. WOTTON, PERCY. Papers, 1903-1906, 1915. 10cm. DONATION: Estate of Mrs W. Fitzherbert, Wanganui. Farm diary kept at Upper Tutaenui, Marton, 1905, related inwards letters, 1903-1905, accounts, insurance policy, clippings.

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Turnbull Library Record, Volume XIII, Issue 1, 1 May 1980, Page 48

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Notes on Manuscripts Accessions Turnbull Library Record, Volume XIII, Issue 1, 1 May 1980, Page 48

Notes on Manuscripts Accessions Turnbull Library Record, Volume XIII, Issue 1, 1 May 1980, Page 48

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