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P. Crisp

A SELECTIVE LIST OF ACQUISITIONS DECEMBER 1968 TO DECEMBER 1969 The following list continues the Note in the Record for November 1968. As before, it is in two main categories, firstly, original manuscripts which have been donated or purchased and secondly, material lent to the Library for photocopying. Because of the volume of photocopies involved it does not include material held in original form in other libraries or copied by the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau or as part of the Australian Joint Copying Programme. However the more important groups of New Zealand manuscripts in Australian libraries which by courtesy of the libraries concerned are being copied following arrangements made by Mr R. F. Grover will be listed in a later issue of the Record. A. ORIGINAL MATERIAL ACTON-ADAMS family.

Station and private letterbooks, 1872-1905. 20v. Donation: Mr Wilden Acton-Adams. These volumes comprise the correspondence of the Acton-Adams family during their tenure of the Molesworth and Tarndale runs, Marlborough (1877-1901). Also private letterbooks (mostly concerning business matters) of William Acton-Adams. ADAMS, Martha.

Journal, 1850-52. 422 p. Purchase: K. A. Webster estate. Also: Photocopy made of typed transcript lent by Mr Wilden Acton-Adams. Daily account of voyage to New Zealand, and detailed account of domestic and social life at Nelson, Nov. 1850-Feb. 1852 - including some reference to her husband’s legal activities. With this is William Adams’ diary, Nov.-Dee. 1851 (2ip.). ALEXANDER, William Frederick, 1882-1957 Papers, 1935-57. 6 ins. Donation: Miss F. E. Alexander. Inwards correspondence, mainly on literary matters. Includes letters from A. E. Currie, F. A. De la Mare, Jessie McKay, Alan Mulgan, Blanche E. Baughan. ALLEY, Rewi.

Papers, io ft. From three sources: (a) The late Professor W. Airev (b) Mr Phillip Alley (c) Professor H. Winston Rhodes. Not yet available. AMATO, Renato Michael, 1928-64. Papers, 1950-68. 10 ins. Donation: Mrs S. Albanese. Mainly R. M. Amato’s literary work, including much unpublished material. Also some correspondence and personal papers. BAUGHAN, Blanche Edith, 1870-1958.

Two New Zealand roses. 1940. 356 p. Donation: Mrs Berta S. Burns. Typescript of an unpublished novel. Access subject to restriction. Additional papers, 011935-58. Donation: Mrs Berta S. Burns. CAMPBELL family. Poukawa Station Ledger, 1903-38. 3iop. Donation: Mr M. D. N. Campbell.

Also includes accounts of Horonui Station, 1908-38. The property was originally owned by Hugh Campbell, and subsequently subdivided among his heirs. CHAVE, Richard Branscombe, 1849Adventures of a guano digger in the Eastern Pacific. 1871. 2oßp. (typed transcript). Donation: Pacific Manuscripts Bureau. Relates work on guano sites on Starbuck Island, and adventures leading to his marooning on Suwarrow Atoll for two years. CHEW family.

Papers, 1867-91. 8 ins. Centred on Wellington, the material includes timber and general trading papers, and correspondence and other records relating to Crofton Downs and the Wellington Harbour Board. COOKE, John George, 011819Reminiscences, 1759-1850. 3V. Donation: Admiral Torlesse. Also acquired: Photocopy of typed transcript (of vols 1 and 2) held by Canterbury Museum. Family history in England until Cooke’s settling in New Plymouth, 1841 - with references to Jane Austen and her family. General account of the colonization of the North Island, especially Taranaki, and history of relations with Maoris there.

COPELAND, J. and H. M. Letterbook, 1901-4. 1023 1. Donation: Dr A. D. Osborn, Ontario. Correspondence detailing activities of Copeland Bros in Palmerston North, mainly in real estate, but also in mowers, reapers, bicycle mechanisms, etc. CURRIE, Archibald Ernest, 1884-1968. Papers, 1901-66. 5 ft. Donation: A. E. Currie estate. The kernel of the collection is a large group of correspondence between Currie and W. F. Alexander, and much correspondence with literary figures of the day - particularly relating to the compiling of Otago verse (1949) and New Zealand verse (1906). FAIRBURN, Arthur Rex Dugard, 1904-57. Letters to Philip Smithells, 1946-57. 43 items. Donation: Professor Philip Smithells. GLOVER, Denis James Matthews Papers, 1930-68. 6 ft. Purchase: Denis Glover; Smith’s Bookshop,

Wellingtop. Papers personal and literary. These include a large group of letters from A. R. D. Fairburn to Glover. Not yet available. Access subject to restriction and completion of sorting. HELM, Arthur Stanley. Papers, 0*1954-62. 4 ft. Donation: Mr A. S. Helm. Ross Sea Committee minutes and Trans-Anarctic Expedition material. Not yet available. HOBHOUSE, Edmund, 1817-1904. Papers, 1847-1905. 3 ins. Donation: Miss Dorothy Hobhouse, England. Chiefly letters to and from his wife. These contain acute and informative details of life in Nelson during the period. Not yet available. INGLIS, Lindsay Merritt, i895?-1966. Papers, 1915-65. 10 ins. Donation: Mrs A. M. Inglis. Mainly the records of Major-General L. M. Inglis during the Second World War, including material relating to his office in the Military Government Courts in Germany, then in the Control Commission Courts.

JEWSBURY, Geraldine Endsor, 1812-80. Letters to Thomas Carlyle, 1840-41. 9 items. Purchase: Mrs Susanne H. Nobbe, USA. Personal letters on Miss Jewsbury’s preoccupations, spiritual matters. LEES, Thomas Orde Hans, 1877-1958. Antarctic Journal, 1914-16. 1 ft. Donation: Mrs T. O. H. Lees. Orde Lees was motor expert and later store-keeper, on Shackleton’s Imperial Antarctic Expedition of 1914-17. Journal gives full account of journey from England to South Georgia, the loss of the Endurance in pack ice, and life on Elephant Island awaiting rescue. LEVIN and Co Ltd.

Papers, 1843-011960. 30 ft. Donation: Levin & Co. Includes remnants of the firm’s records, several District Office letterbooks, some private associated archives, and early insurance records. Covers the Wellington, Nelson, and Marlborough provinces. Not yet available. Access subject to restriction and completion of sorting. LYTTELTON Waterfront Workers Industrial Union of Workers. Papers, 1951-55. 3 ins. Donation: The Lyttelton Waterfront Workers Union.

Minute Books, 1951-55; correspondence and other material, 1951-52; and papers concerning Union elections. MACKAY, Horatio Murdoch, 1886-1968. Papers, 1929-63. 8 ft. Donation: Mr Reay M. Mackay. Papers concerning H. M. Mackay’s pioneering aviation activities in New Zealand. Documents the history and then fold-up of his company

New Zealand Airways Ltd, and subsequent petition and appeal. Also material on related transport interests. MOKOIA Co-operative Dairy Co Ltd. Minutes, 1898-1901. 7V. Donation: The Mokoia Co-op Dairy Ltd. Records from the inception of the company as Mells Co-operative Dairy Co. The Mokoia Dairy Co went into liquidation in 1968 and was absorbed by the Kiwi Co-operative Dairies Ltd. MUELLER, Gerhard, 1835-1918. Papers, o*lß6o-90. i| ft. Donation: Miss Isabel Forrest. Letters to his wife - with Miss M. V. Mueller’s notes for her book based on these, My dear Bannie (1958). Also surveying records, Charles Douglas sketches. NEW ZEALAND Citizens’ All Black Tour Association.

Papers, 1959-60. 2 ft. Donation: The Association. Records of the national body and Wellington executive set up to protest at the exclusion of Maoris from the All Black team to tour South Africa, i 960. The outgoing correspondence, speeches, etc, are mainly by David Stone and Rolland O’Regan. NEW ZEALAND Company. Principal Surveyor. Letterbook, 1839-43. 0*345p. Donation: Lands and Survey Department, Wellington. Mainly outward letters by William Mein Smith and S. C. Brees. Includes surveying and topographical reports on the Company’s settlements at Wellington, Manawatu, Wanganui.

NEWMAN, George. Memoir of James Anderson, by George Newman; Recollections of a South Sea whaler, by Henry Foster. 0*1833-72. 013 iop. Purchase: Smith’s Bookshop, Wellington. Transcript (handwritten) of a book published privately at Gravesend, 1877. Only one extant copy recorded: BM 10803.b.i(15). Contains a number of personal accounts gathered by Newman, variously relating to Captain James Anderson, 1822-72. PERKINS, William W.

Papers, cai 860-80. 12 ft. Donation: Miss Joan Perkins, Australia. W. W. Perkins was a solicitor practising in Greymouth. These papers record his legal activities in detail. PHILLIPS, Coleman. Papers, 1858-1922. 1 ft. Donation: Mr G. Coleman Phillips. The earlier material deals with Coleman Phillips’ commercial endeavours in Fiji and his proposed banking and commercial company for the Polynesian Islands. From aBBO his dairy and Friesian interests, in which he figured as a pioneer, are covered. PHILPOTT, Harold George, 1895-1968. Papers, 1880-1965. i\ ft. Donation: Department of Agriculture.

Papers dealing mainly with the history of the New Zealand dairy industry, and also with herd testing, milk treatment and dairy produce, marketing, administration. Includes the notebook of W. K. Hulke, 1819-1908, who was a pioneer of the dairy industry in New Zealand.

RICHARDS, Rhys. List of locations of whaling records in the United States of America. Including lists, indexes and notes upon logbooks, journals, etc, in libraries, museums and other institutions. 1969. I2op. Donation: Mr Rhys Richards. Prepared for the library by Mr Rhys Richards during his research in the United States.

SARGESON, Frank, 1903Letters to Denis Glover, 1935-56. 58 items. Purchase: James Dally, Australia. Access subject to restriction. STUDHOLME, John. Papers, 1879-1904. 1 ft. Donation: Mr Derek Studhohne (formerly lent for copying). Material dealing with the management, financial affairs, and litigation concerning the Mangaohane, Owhaoko and Murimotu Blocks Wellington province).

TAPSELL, Phillip, 1779-1873. Events in the life of Phillip Tapsell, the old Dane. 1869. 287 1. Donation: Mrs E. Tapsell. Tapsell’s original name was Hans Homman Felk (Falk). This is the manuscript source of Cowan’s Trader in Cannibal Land; the life and adventures of Captain Tapsell (1935). The account was taken down by E. Little, at Maketu, from Tapsell in his ninetieth year, and describes a life of whaling and trading. Tapsell reached the Bay of Islands in the early 1820 s. WELLINGTON. Musical Union Committee. Minutes, 1904-16. 207 p. Donation: Mr W. G. Lewis. The Committee started life as the Musical Festival Committee, adopting a constitution in March 1904.

WELLINGTON Professional Orchestra. Papers, 1910-28. 0740 items. Donation: Mr A. S. Hilliker. Programmes, annual reports, news clippings. The orchestra formally disbanded in 1928, the twenty-first year of its existence. WILLIAMS, William, 1800-78. Annotated copy of Ko te kawenata hou . . . Paihia, 1837. (W2O). 356 1. Donation: Dr G. C. Petersen. Williams’ proof copy of the Maori New Testament, amended by him for final printing by W. Colenso.

YATE, William. Journal and diary, New Zealand, England and New South Wales, 3-45. 435 p. Purchase: K. A. Webster estate. The original, of which the library acquired a microfilm in 1961. Describes Yate’s work for the Church Missionary Society in New Zealand, 1833-34, then in New South Wales and Ireland.

B. COPIED MATERIAL BATTISCOMBE, Albert H. W. Journal kept during the Maori War, 1860-61. 74 1. Photocopy. Original in Dorset Record Office. Describes engagements, Maori defences and battle tactics, and includes some comment on the Maori people. BRABAZON, S. Farming journals, 1891-1932. 15V. Microfilm (neg.) of originals lent by Miss E. Brabazon. Detailed record of farming pursuits (mainly sheep farming) in the Norsewood district.

CRAWFORD FAMILY. Diaries, letters, documents and business records of James Coutts Crawford, 1817-89 and his family. (a) Lent by Brigadier H. N. Crawford, Fife, Scotland. 25 ft. (b) Lent by Mrs J. C. Crawford, Upper Hutt. 1 ft. (c) Crawford deeds donated, cazo items. FENTON, Francis Dart, 1821-98. Papers, 1856-1936. 4 ins. Microfilm (neg.) of originals lent by Mrs. H. Cockrcm. Mainly inwards correspondence, especially from George Herbert, 13 th Earl of Pembroke. In one letter Fenton refers to his standing with the Governor, and to his writing an explanation of English Law for Maoris (January 1858).

HARRIS, Emily Cuming, i837?-1925. Papers, 1856-1914. 17 items. Photocopies of originals lent by Mr P. W. Bryant. Mainly letters to Edwin Harris and his eldest daughter Emily from the Rendel family in England, with the emphasis on family news. HERRING, Margaret (Eaton), b 1838. Papers, 1861-70. 3 ins. Photocopies donated by the State Library of Victoria. Mainly letters from Mrs Herring describing the voyage out, Nelson, with Bishop and Mrs Hobhouse, and Wellington, with Bishop and Mrs Abraham. Also reference to Mr F. Thatcher. Reverend Herring was clergyman, Upper Hutt, until 1870.

HOKIANGA Harbour Board. Shipping records, 1886-1934. 4v. Microfilm (neg.) of originals lent by Mrs Olive Bracey. A full account of shipping at Hokianga for the period, kept at the Signal Station. MARIST FATHERS. Archives. Papers relating to the Catholic Mission in New Zealand, 1836-73. Microfilm (neg.) purchased from the Archivio P.P. Maristi, Rome, where the originals are held. Comprises papers of Pompallier, Epalle, Viard, Garin, Petitjean, and others. Much correspondence is with the Administration Generale, Paris, and almost all the material is in French.

MOUNTAIN, Thomas, 1819Memorandum books, 1861-70. 4.V. Microfilm (neg.) of originals lent by Mr T. Thompson. Record of trade along the New South Wales coast in various schooners, and the barque Schoolboy. Trade was in cedars, potatoes, wheat, and coal.

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Turnbull Library Record, Volume 3, Issue 1, 1 March 1970, Page 49

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NOTES ON MANUSCRIPT ACCESSIONS Turnbull Library Record, Volume 3, Issue 1, 1 March 1970, Page 49

NOTES ON MANUSCRIPT ACCESSIONS Turnbull Library Record, Volume 3, Issue 1, 1 March 1970, Page 49

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