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UUALITY 40" X 45" - $26 | | | I E D = E A E e e ey EY Yl PYI BArY Bl Yl o ST (ST e Eeemem——— kel e o GAB TR eol B BBP BB B B\ o eee T s eel e B ABBB Bl BN m LSRN | i 'eel o feeas &Nvyo es B Bl RB B e 1 g’!sAe é: fi R eP E D DN AN sßlee ol B BBy Bl 081 RO %l | Y Fad ei| gn . pi - DBl leal i B GeNelet gPI R Boniteied 808 l B Bl BolSl e o !Sl [ % 9" B = b B GA P SEmmnnemisen e B g 88l Nl s ATV e L egPr i Fig el kel Ba i b ANG AN ee e eeee—nen B BWBB 808 BRSO ; LOY;) '\\\‘, 7P XA R ‘ ';%*‘ Tl AN DN sel P 2 Eed 88l Bl 888 le TV l*‘fm Y P e eee AN e Ge e e e el BBbb By OB ORAEI o B eblseit |qW“ B 108 l P e GRS NG M PolBlBB Bl Bl Bl BA b A oVI 4. 40 el s] A L cal Bov e et 0 e Srereememmer—tic b2l pod Bl ped B BN BB B P ] SRR RS fe e sl L(| B B SRR e T g 3 ‘“*:fi“*" e ‘w"‘L“‘(’»« Shalass g “5,', eg - Bia fiie v‘» cRESAT R DLR WHOI Pink Floyd - WH24 Doors-Morrison =7= W3S U2 15 =0 i~ ooWs Y N eo N B : B RG] BR B L, 'R L ee ] oey e BELYf ] .RBl BB W hvpp ‘f/ W‘W ol O )=AN 4 » F |l ]V Yy Rv - B P ; £ 2 Fini = : . 1 ‘BNAIoAN]HM ‘P "% P- A e WOE] BN 4B BBy N vßlblGy vV ‘?SIS /' o 4 Batareloy i“é 3 B et el eet S e G L PRy BEEY -NG O NGy eel{é i e oRe - B ee sl RSB oye-Qiny gl S IR R - B B A e e eTLT e g SRS LY S : SIBPIEIRER, NP A Wb soo LNG OPN G 4% Rl . N A B GENEY Pamel - DRI B R S S e RSt eR Dt S eeeeßet e] | e | | .f? L LYAN R e ' L G |\ ' 3 ‘ ‘,." & Bl ," K % ; Sl et el i FEStam s | A | SN X # ’ s iel nm AR 3“4 | i wimngeatadied | Laugh, be amazed and -sy{E - I's] =4 e [lnterviewswith =~ : A | 7 _,,\ wiingeadadiend | Laugh, be amazed and - [FS)/lE=SE INKS! Interviews with GIEN=I-Idi 4wr R LA\ e eed | wonder at the Prankish By il ot b Henelotter, Lewis Pet Dbl lod] By )AN // (AN gAR T | PeN s eBB Y R SS Tt SRt S G i | stories from: - L e B v S Meyer, Friedman, - WHOB Jimi Hendrix -= 7 * WH4I Metallica --, . WH43 New Kids on the Block {ll |l/ ovol i . ) &fi‘%{%{’wfixu . lEE R L gt e : R o . | Jello Biafra, Boyd Rice, BS o ' SEEER ~ Cohen & others. | 1 \\{‘\WRG@ o ‘ P John Cale, Timothy g - N W SRI Articles on Biker i lE\” et wDS IR BPR B ~-{a Le a Henry RO"II'IS, Lo ' ”"i&g %oe el ,;§ LSD MOn d 0 SRS Ye N NP L L a 4 L B eN g | i oo R e el ) ei e g ] R fg" N| T - SN Abbie Hoffman, .4 B Esawaw ] Scxploitation & So N [ SIS B i Mark Pauline, -[| oST -] B = Qfi\ 4 Women in Prison el JonWwatersg 0 B *°‘ BREEREREE] .oooo..oims Films, b John Waters & | N oo Films. ISt AR: R e SN Ne i AU e T ReL (] Mont SCR e i t il oR S FEERRE SR e S 4 s;lft?e::*xgfigf:\‘?{;‘* &u§’§,}§§g§£§g’§}:‘:§§‘fiifi% Pl eGB%s eWAt e i R e —— ; Cope o B e LSRR R s 1 ] Py :WH44 ed Zeppelin -== ==« WH3O Sex Pistols /1 .-+ . WHOG Natures Way of Staying onte Lazazza, tfl oo KNSR R e ;f‘a%m“ui%‘%ffim’;‘:%?‘gf&?ni‘«g Plus,lotsmfll’e,,;_,;{;\; - Hammer of the Gods o = iawame i High (green ink) ciiienn | ettt L Qe ee s : e e o | ‘name but a few. RE#T - OTHER RESEARCH BOOKS AVAILABLE " Strange Films. . re#lo !e?; b :.35 "a \& lEWHE]FFIEM | 4 4 FOSTIR DM TPIS PT B S 0 . - =SROAT s A SRS AR I S SRR P v arta g G . \“l’ AN4 : ) / RSN GICIOF- ¥ DT T . ,T N R B NSI : ; i R TR Rr o BIA Rk TR AN KBRe ot A st ARIRAeLA eeU eSI o . L e s A Ae S el ke e e b L E L . ey At Fisid RO A R A BRSOI S e AT Bl e TSt TG RIR e R gSe el eR s A T R RT PR ST Nol 57 eS et L eBIA, P ST BT ePR ENROR AR Av] LB I EEIAY R |ol| || o e f o K i | i B ] oe N BEemeaed MNP N (A AR ||| : e ] 4B b ee] . e Mo B Y SR O R||fi 2l r I § VAO f B WH46 Skid Row -/ = < WHIT Led Zepplin .. *~* WHO 3 Led Zeppelin - * - EECRE o fyf 4 B 'y (> ePE e } eS s - Swan Song (blue ink) . (silver ink) v B : . w @Y %‘\\ it e es e . Other Silk-Screened Designs Available -. S ' IR = it o i ol Yel WHO2 AC/DC (yellow ink) "~ " WHIB Ghost Rider " - ' WH33 Osbourne -No Rest... [ aesse Y Y e :el ) ) L B R Sy ITN WHO 4 Fear the Reaper .=*. - WHl9Poison > - «=: -~ WH34 Guns & Roses - Appetite EiSaa : : ].Py R Se S e ‘(\\%‘\%% Es, sy £l A e WHOS Black Sabbath (purple ink) - WH2O Motley - Girls, .. - WH36 DRI . - il il H E Bl o P s |LoL, B Y ie [ e WHO 7 Iron Maiden === =° = - WH2I Bon Jovi - Group = - - WH37 Megadeath .~ "~ - - Euaid - Fail - ¥ - B M R R e S, ] WHO 9 Lamborghini £ =22 % WH22 Bob Marley 2245 .~ =% - WH3B Bon Jovi- New Jersey © " Eii sAti et el e ey i) gP B G O §\\\ eeteye e: e WHIO Iron Maiden - Chains - WH23 Iron Maiden - Stranger WH39 Guns & Roses - Lies -¢©[ It e e Biital ie e e ‘g}%@\ e WHI2 Easy Rider "= %. - WH2S Bad to the Bone -t - WH4O Beatles - Collage » - ... - BEIE SiQi et eil SNO iEiatns &ol o \s\@&’w@?\ eBDG e e Ss e WHI3 Helmet Laws Suck 7- - WH27 Whitesnake Group -+ - WH42 Metallica - Damaged Justice Eiets APPROXSiB Y 351) ee \ M‘%\‘«“ 5b e g R e e WHI4 Easy Rider - Logo - WH2B Guns & Roses - Cross - WH4S The Doors - Morrison J»“x E o] | \ fl Vf ; "‘-\ " J' ~‘,‘*éi‘;“»y,{\fi:zf; ?h;,f(:'*a:\w r':» R t‘r "»“74,);_(:5_&"‘:’»" WHIS Peace Sign (pink ink) - WH29 Guns & Roses - Picture . WHA7 Motley Crue - Picture - EEEESieMiiesi ie e el it ee B i eel|o &Sl Pflflfl I@«3‘*r WHI6 Grateful Dead - Skull WH3I AC/DC - Blow up your Vid. - \WH4B Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood [ SMR S stigiaaii oil ;e) el 5 ]~ -itil i e WH?I7 Iron Maiden -f»_u’ e¥ '7 WH32 Iron Maiden - 7th Son e v g DE S S.—. Wb Blr @y S b v~.-.r,~.,\».».~:_~ STTR R S R SIS A eSR ST n.,-r\~.:;:,‘n\:.—.:f«-;l-.-,\«»r.r,-:.wu,-a..~-v~"4r._.¢g=,, PR T~4 ceorpey rrorr RS ;x.»-.::--.,-- SR Sl SRR S RS AL SRR SoS SAT SS T B a2 o B iRS i '»i":‘-’ii‘.;v"-::'-z::.;.;:s.::s::"'Z.Zfl:i"‘"’ R w\\“&\\‘\\\\\»‘\\\\\\\*\% W e .:-.r.»:,.:'-‘:;:;::;-;‘ & o &kS t) g b e ! BEeR ke ÜBek | ‘A,~"<,<f/<*v’ GO|R eh s e e[|| s|| crsal W I Y e g (P | ||| | S .. - 1 *"gg,; 2 §\\}*\‘\\\\\\‘i\ Gl | B BRE - N cRe A B %|| E o | fl% eag |E s Lve eel sN | eB B Ya et B Y PSS | | Oy, | A | e e Bl LB ) cie || et e et | NGI | Y e . . e Ne|el | B YU NI AVI YVE | E | f;:};/,,,W 0l ey N E e ;"4‘,« 1E §‘\§\\\“\\\\“\\\§ iAAeB |- au ALI TY USA b| 3 }J“«fii /// e | % ..:e;”'v:ai:':szz:z‘z:;::’%"’«':?f se, e e ; i b i \Ei\‘\\‘\Q‘\\\\\\\\% BT T ,-;;-4 | B eet bl el ¢el ] {}% 2G < --v%:-:.::xr:--::za% % T 2 o 7% ; \\\ BB -R e e eTRR eP e B Lly SRS ’Nk- e B be i e i~, ~,///, 4 | Si“%i@%%;i\m 4 (oémmjmfz{w/ w&»’f%@*ffi, & az I M aR Ts B RATE Ty £ %i%%f%’%%;% i * . » 1101 The Cure "7 < =270 1047 Punk 27> 3009 De La Soul *~ *"~ 1098 Flying Nun -~ o 0 B Sl "4 RFLLLFA AKLE\ £ 2219 Sisters of Mercy /""" 5030 Led Zep " """ *“" 2042 The Cult > **“ >~ 1070 Smiths 77" 7 ¢ - Standing on a Beach (S2B) - Sleeveless .- vt - Fluoro 55204 00 e v - Orientation 1990 = A eSS e - Merciful Release ==~ ° - Swan Song '/ . . - Sonic Temple >~ ..7 .. - Queen is Dead .. . : j”‘é*f;é%@ Gk LULT fifiwéflé e sreans. |- BE2&AI- %£ Nl T | B E VENEE Y BSOS T “M %ch s Eee s| L iy¥ 800 B B | }gga |- Febm 9ATB [ Y % { A g ~ ¥ - 5 ] _ /w.;g{i"“;% 1 ?0 L 1 &ol ] | g Heveee || || AR || PR eA | | (TR ; BPet O | | BaesA | | LUBLIc| BN | | A gSVe || GEEEEEN ||RNB || | e| W T /oW |B et |P||BBRO% OO RN -| AN ~e) | R i G e EiPE || -%f’ S EiEaM £.|Bl| BR | | “NEMY |Bl| e o PO et | EE Y | B A|eTw |B% il | B e eal (]| 5.9 i%iy PN R | NI Sy || 28 |/ N 7 ) |RO | Fen | ] R ’S(e T “| ST BEE B| | ERE el | | Üb| BiU |~o et B letemEAG R]-(R ] - RS LY ghe L | ?; | ~g s | Bs e ”fi&’ Al | g ipeee e] [ RSN 1017 Dead Kennedys " 2042 The Cult ©~ """ 1099 New Order " :*_-. 5056 The Who ..: *. ' 1049 Ramones ~ '’ ‘' 1100 Bad Brains ‘> "' . 1099 Public Enemy ', ' 5008 The Angels ' ' :'6OOI Red *¥ i 7™ ""s7 1103 Clash .= © & {7o} - Wwil nsiios o - Sonic Temple 252 TR e L Kids Tour 5o DD: 5 - Logo A e Loteminies eo - Terror Dome vl -No Way Get Fxcked - AEHNH o - - London Calling zg%%é g%’%,ffiyf//zg’//f4 . eB2 3 L :;qe i% "////://4/?/”% @a7 | 7 o ||” SR L oot AT ALL T-SHIRTS, e g 6dd 90 1 EmODR & “HES TT ] /"l/éfi | . R 500 H S SINGLETS & SLEEVELESS | MLaP SN ||| X" ("R |||WL || g %Mfi% : Vo & RGP |g | | WS | SINGLETS & SLEEVELESS . | BlegP XSt | | NPT (71 | | FendlN || EE A % ‘{/9/{4}/ 4 R B s g e T | 0 cofEr Re | S - e SRae e B Gamiegk v ARI R| | e T ':f".v . i-« | Paate @(Be | | ~ SHIRTS $33 UNLESS (=L M| (n RAR| B B || AN eeel (] L e OTHERWISE o | eNG | M?}” PR g|| g | el M F | olisanni e s STATED cont s | THE RESIDENTS |gt 8 o . el ogt g|| e syt L 5 STA TED srl SRR eSR | i £§£S¥fi£fl¥3 ; "f?ma%fi*;w‘%& yv]| Y 1‘»« *\f)% s | PSRRI Bl e lAET | L ee et s R 2 I e R 3 S S e LIHE BLaidEn g| - IO PSRN v SEFRIOEE N BR R 1001 Butthole Surfers 1051 Ramones o 1022 Heads Eating Each 11% Lou Reed TR . ————————————————————————— T 1100 Residents i - 1096 Bauhaus (',28) 1102 Faith No More == . 5015 Jimi Hendrix i 773 ST S L Mania (e s @2t -wa Other - Russian (328) dnisow - The Blue Mask - ovz SRS ERs Al e e eL R R Rs ; e e B, < Could be with you (S2B) ' - The Real Thing == .+ : - Guitar 57 ios ikl e S B ] | cooemenvenanessomomene ||4l | S iee Lol iao | e || B Vo %f///////////é////// R Paanne e )B R ]- | Seeremeseanonseomemonns || ) | BBBOSR e| 1 e 0 g;i o ki ey el | e . ”4’/ ’///’ |pa ||| BNG | ASTE]] EmmE |G s | Sl o B EERER S oa |. | enEEE e|Le Nly 8 G ||| DRSS o e PRI |Bl | iy . By DRI 4 HE OO i ||| el || | Ol | (D@t Bl e ||| | B “"" SRR N BT Y :e- HE / Je N [ w /’%gi// 2| e e Boke|| A S |B i e 3 Gk 8 A@R AR Bops @ o R g R | i ] ol |RS BRI R (@ AMEER | R %fif | L Ae| || B T| | B A |™. Ll B | YeelT|B ee] || R L N e L Tewy |‘ B | | et B | (LR Gel el |(||lß |.. mfi\@i o W T e %«»”/" : 7 ] ég, s TN .. 1065 Siouxie 1108 Frank Zappa iiiiiic 6001 Bon to Ride “** % 1106 Selector 71T (¥ 1110 Butthole Surfers 5026 Led f;gg) i 1054 Ramones R 5005 The Angels };_',.‘~/_','~-.'if.'?;s(;'_l3 Jimi Morrison ¥ 1046 REM VI’ ] - Peepshow .. - Picture o - Skull iSi L - Skate Rock oo - Tie Dye (S4O) - - Shorts (S6O) .. - Pit Bull i 5 - Face i Teis . - Reconstruction - iAU =+ 1043 Pop Will Eat Itself (S2B) = [r:in s v il eetet g LRggeac e ‘ R g S S gi | 8 3045 Run DV = Leather.” -©- 5025 Led Zep - Physical Graffiti: 1005 The Church - Metropolis 1044 Public Enemy - -.-: |- Find enclosed::.Cheque: [+ Money Order. Q- Please supply the following: i 3047 RunDMC = Photo -~ 5027 Led Zep - Album 1 Graffiti - 1005 The Church - Metropolis 1044 Public Enemy - Album Find enclosed: Cheque [ Money Order (1 Please supply the following. 3047 Run DMC - Photo 5027 Led Zep - Album 1 1006 The Church - Reptile .- - 1046 Public Enemy - Terror Dome [ -=zoo ot Lo 3 Visa o vember Band ilt i oot - 3051 Tone Loc - Wild Thing - 5028 Led Zep - Album 2+ - ¢ 1105 The Clash - Cutthe Crap 71048 Ramones - Picture (S2B) =+ | -+~ -+ " Bankcar d [ Visa = . *-2ld o | Number'| - Band M L XL| Cost : 3883 Erz;nfvisionOVaanp.- Topless 5029 o - Overlords e : e Clean - Vehicle : ... +.:loso.Ramoneés - Logo Ex-Tour. -|: p. A$ o randhara PO RAy G SRR e e ] at Logo -On White 'v:* = 5031 Marley - Bleach/slvless = = 1003 The - Electic. .~ 1052 Ramones - Rosa Tofun - | Payable to: Threadbare PO Box 99421 T|| hEareai, - - 5033 Marley RS * i 1010 The Cure - Bob n Blue -+ 1053 Ramones - Russia "= ~--| . " .=~ ". - Newmarket, Auckland. === : [ =| - o 7njs oo] o|| 4007 Flintstone - Family - 5034 Monroe - Kiss 1011 The Cure - Disintegration/blk 1055 Rebel Flag - Sleeveless .+ | o ici -0 i coi o e beiaanis e n2l T ee T e =- | 4009 Flintstone - Yabba Dooo - 5037 Monroe - Skyline ¢+ - . 1012 The Cure - Inbetween Days 1089 Union Jack - Collage/sgt - | Name - oot s i i i ie v s : w0 || 4012 Freddy Kruger - Street 5042 - Phantom - 1013 The Cure - Inbtwn Days/sgt 1090 Union Jack - Sleeveless = | imo oo oo e ol e e |/ 4016 James Dean - Jacket 5052 Pink Floyd - Collage " - 1014 The Cure - Kiss Me/blk 1057 REM - Green World Tour | Address = o o ; ---- 4018 James Dean - Photo ©-~ 5055 Pink Floyd - Pilot -~ " - 1015 Dead Kens - Graveyard (S2B) 1061 Sex Pistols -UK Tour [oo e e o ; e e R e e | e| e | 24019 Jetsons - Elroy £t 5063 Stars & Stripes - sleeveless 1016 Dead Kennedys - Cambodia 1062 Sex Pistols - .| >=o Tow 0000 0 s e ---- |2 4021 Jetsons - Meet George - 5059 Skulls & Rats - sleeveless” 1018 The Fall - World #5355 1065 - Peepshow il | evt Tree o o e o aatg o e s(s ei o | it 38%3 yfinrge K'&S 5061 Skulls all over - sleeveless 1117 Hoodoo Gurus - Tour 'B9 1069 Smiths - Morrisey (S2B) e ‘Enclosed is SRS R Le [ e eS [ s 4034 Phantom - Classic 5066 Wailers - Collage/sleeveless - 1023 Hunters & Col = Ghost Nation 1107 eARee Te e es T eb B e 14 e e »*-"% 6000 2000 AD - King of the Streets 1024 Hunters & Col - Logo/Orange 1074 ugarcubes -LP Cover :“'hatUr”’e' Se e SRR D i [ s [ 144047 Roger Ramiet - Hero - 6002 Classic British Motorcycles ;. 1025 Hunters & Col - - - 1077. Transvision Vamp - Topless S'gnature—————————————————————-————— eseSl o [ [ | 4048 Roger Ramiet - Plane 2« 6003 Egyptian Writing %75 sy 1026 Hunters & Col - River Tour . 1078 Trans Vamp - Velveteen E Dt Pt osocoaleens an Dnn s e eb e eee | | 4049 Three Stooges - - 6007 Stop Driftnetting |- A 1027 Hunters & Col - Tour Grey - 1082 Hg - Joshua Tree/blk = Xphyoae__ --~ . - . 11—~ 1/ 4050 Three Stooges =Group’ - A full list of titles is available by - 1029 Joy Division - Love 27"« 1085 U - Rattle & Hum eLT | Plus P& P e vae e iiaa] s $2.50 || 5009 Doors - Album Bull .. *~ writing& enclosing $2 to:i= & 1050 3 Ovkion=Love -~ 1065 Fae &t A[TDLL [[ [ [PusPAP | 8250 5608 pos S ogt suosng 2o 1030 Joy Division - Unknown = 1091. Violent Femmes . cooh 07 |oS s e GST eoo D eer )| e S el fest | e +5017 James Dean - Jacket "<~ Box 994217 tin s 1034 Midnight 0"_; Deisel & Dust : 2219 The Cult - Picture .- rices include ,GST\;jL; SRR T L STR 004 IT°tal el e e e R SRR -5018 James - Outlaw wionk Newmarket, sisn oci i i 1037 piL- Logo i=-nscp ez 2190 Skid Row - Big Guns 272 S |st smiowcturan s boirwmiting SR R SBPR i — : 5019 James Dean - Photo - Auckiand. "&o il s 1040 Pixies - Doolittle/wht . ... 3067 Ziggy Marley & Mel. Makers - === =oon e : ie T ee e e i 3 e o s e 5023 John Lennon - Black (oAI other enquires welcome. -

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Rip It Up, Issue 157, 1 August 1990, Page 9

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