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S s *’“ L 24 \" »> : Peß s s s s Larntia e R e R %etBM St b Ar‘\;‘v SFi e e eS R hber B R Laa. o s hianeat iy LR e ee e e g colmned Si ,/ S e b e e s B x .::'\ss*:':”‘;;\)’\: AR Xe B YRR BRSSR e, e \';"v‘f'»".'-‘;., )SR s o Pl Beeta T GeN Te e SRR BR R b eSt R b e Eehed esen 0 o B s s Bl Srenih LR soy e r PSRI s CECACTRE S e e s s SR SR - St daane RE LS '/ SR ‘/, Sey=l . R - ol e]eOyeg egl it festeon eR i 5 v egP egl Sl e R e SOy ol SR eiy o e ? S R sa oglee eet g = k,'rq:,./;-;; Sl g b//eSbit PAel S i R L e E SUSE )RoyL Gy et Beo. 2SN 5 CAee oMo K% 7 Y -BSI e » £ 5 Se M NG o o | 3 zey T S & Aat A ot A iy BeSl oe e SaiiiAre ey Vegu L T Ge S o Features the hit single THE ® ° ° : e Original line-up | o lop2oin US charts . Available on CD, LP and Cassette

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Rip It Up, Issue 145, 1 August 1989, Page 10

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