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Kim Fowley's been calling New Zealand again; / The veteran American producerpromoter has been talking to people here to keep tabs on the New Zealand music scene. He believes NZ music is going to succeed Australian as the ■ Big Thing internationally and he's determined not to miss out4jH "He says Los Angeles is two years behind us," says Mandrill studio's boss Glynn Tucker Jnr, one of those called. "They're only just starting to catch on to the new British music." Fowley, Tucker and many other people for that matter, think New Zealand artists are in an ideal position to move in on the US market. Assuming local ' artists have the talent the only stumbling block is giving records inter;national standard production. For this reason the confidence and competence of local studios are [crucial to NZ music's venture into the big, wide world. Half the battle is having competitive equipment. Harlequin studio's head Doug Rogers has

placed a premium on the acquisition of up-to-date recording gear but some of it isn't owned by the studio. "No one can afford to own $25,000 items," Rogers says. He has formed a separate company, Sound on Stage, to hire out equipment like effects racks to other studios when required. It's a good system, as much expensive gear is needed only in mixdown and not at the time of recording. Another private company, Barton Sound, does the same thing in Auckland. The other half, of course, is the human factor, the producer. Hopefully, local producers can learn a few tricks from outsiders like Dave Merritt, the expatriate Kiwi who returned from Australia to work on the Dance Exponents' album. Familiarity with a studio is also vital, as Phil Yule (Herbs' album producer) has shown at Auckland's Mascot studios. Because of the cost of recording, studio-based record labels seem likely to lead the way. Ze Disc (Harlequin), Reaction (Mandrill), Warrior (Mascot) and Marmalade

will all be looking at international ventures in the year to come. But studios will find it hard to simply give time to their acts. NZ's comparatively low studio rates (as little as half some in Australia and one third those of some USA studios) make it hard for the large investments in studios to pay for themselves. Studio label artists will have to record in "down time," when money-spinners like advertisement soundtracks are not occupying the studio. Studios of all sizes have been included in the RIU survey, because with hard work and judicious use of hire equipment, some smaller studios can reach international standard. Those smaller studios are also often the only ones within reach of promising young acts. There's a sense of urgency about this gearing up of the NZ music machine. As Tucker says: "One of us needs a big one in the next 12 months. There has to be an international success to break New Zealand music and it has to come within a year." RB

AZIMUTH . 132 St Georges Bay Rd, Auck. Aims:To maintain a consistently high professional standard and to provide the best 8-track facilities inltHwMMßl Facilities: 8-track Otari, 4-track Teac, 2-track 1 Revox; Soundcraft Series 800 16-8 console; Digital delay; plate reverb; Noise gates; flanging . parametric EQ; compressor limiters; Shure, AKG, Sennheiser mics; Countryman Dls. Rates: 8-track $25 hour; 4-track S2O hour; special album rates negotiable. Tape extra. Rehearsals s6'.so^q|^MßßHs99Hsi Staff / Engineers: Len Salt, Mai Finlayson, Bruce Sheridan. Recordings: All I Can Do', Dance Exponents; 'Hot Guitars', PG & the Hot Tips; Prince Tui Teka live LP and current LP projects; Wayne Gillespie; Kathryn Tait, John & Paul. Demos for DD Smash, Dance Exponents' etc.

Leisure: Lounge, coffee, tea, magazines, etc, and lots of atmosphere. Coffee: The best. Contact: Studio 798-057, Len Salt 766-355, Mai Finlayson 456-034, Bruce Sheridan 601-186, Tony. Morgan 34-264. BASEMENT TAPES 545 Mt Eden Rd, Auckland Aims: To offer a "no frills" option to NZ musicians combined with a keen interest in production assistance to individual artists or groups. The studio is also interested in expanding into film & dance music. Facilities: 8-track with DBX noise reduction. Outboard facilities include 2 reverb plates; Orban dual 'reverb; digital & analogue delays; compression, etc. Rates: sl2 hour including engineer, tape extra. Instruments & backline (including upright piano) usually available free on request. Staff / Engineers: Steve Garden,

Tim Gummer. Recordings: Phil Bowering, Ivan Zagni, Graeme Gash, Tom Ludvigson, Steve Garden, Perry Trotter, Robbie Sinclair, Mike Farrell, Paul Clayton, Peter Morgan. Leisure: Adventure playground. Coffee: Synthesised technoflash. Other info: In-house technical backup & workshop. Contact: Steve Garden or Tim Gummer, ph 687-605.

CAPTURE 47 Lowe St, Gisborne. Aims: To record and produce musicians' material as they want it; through our package deal, create enough income for bands to record, play & return home with $ in pocket; to allow the creative, relaxed atmosphere of Gisborne & studio to enhance musical producrtion4MßHHßMHl

Facilities: Electrovoice, Sennheiser, Countryman mics; Otari

8-track MX7800; Otari MX5050; Soundcraft 18-8; Yamaha NS-1000. Effects: Eventide H 949; Orban stereo reverb; Markland compressor; Markland voltage controlled phase shifter; EMU Drumulator. Rates: S2O per hour with engineer plus tape cost. Or River Bar package deal. Staff / Engineers: Brett Sherriff, Manager; Maurice Priestly, Asst. * Manager, Engineer. CJKMfIPH Past Recordings: Fast Sides Get Played at Parties LP; 'Piecing the Blue' 45, both Capture label. Leisure: Video, colour TV, TV games. Coffee: Black/white, bring your own Royal. Other info: Weekend package deal for touring acts. Play) Fri/Sat iat 'River Bar'. Free meal/day accom. Record before or after live gig at studio one block away. Excellent door takes. Contact: Maurice - Priestley, ph Gisborne 82-057, 76-484- PO Box 123ljGisborne?|HflBiBBHtB9

CRESCENDO 44 Miramar Ave, Wellington. Aims:Attempting to keep recording at a price that musicians can afford, with the highest technology and practicality. Facilities: 16-track; 24x16 console; all usual effects & outboard equipment; full range of studio instruments & amps, etc. Rates: S4O hour. Key Staff / Engineers: Manager, Derek Archer; Studio Manager, Glen DeWitt; Assorted inhouse musicians etc. Recordings: Albums, singles & thousands of jingles. Leisure: Receptionist. Coffee: Miramar Magic. Other info: Very Low Level of Bullshit & Oh Wow!! Contact: Crescendo, ph 882-222, 24 hours.

EMI 7 Wakefield St, Lower Hutt. Facilities: 16 track & 4 track studios; Neeve console; 2xEMT Echo Plates; Ampex recorders; JBL , monitors. 16 track studio, 28' X 34', includes Steinway grand & Hammond C 3 organ. Newman, Sennheiser mics. Rates: S4O or SSO hour. . Staff / Engineers: Frank Douglas, Peter Hitchcock, Rob McEwen. Recordings: Suzanne Prentice,

Patsy Riggir, John Hoare, Eddie Lowe, Platters, John Rowles, Sharon O'Neill, Ron Goodwin, Hollies, Michael Houston. Leisure: Coffee room, company canteen and pool table. Coffee: Faggs’ Brazilian Fiesta, Cona. Other info: Pressing of 7" & 12" records and tape to cassette duplication service. Disc cutting service, processing labels and sleeves, minimum order 100 LPs, singles or cassettes. Contact: Manager Frank Douglas, ph 694-759, 7 Wakefield St, Lower Hutt, Wellington.

GENESIS 14-16 Liverpool St, Auckland Aims: To offer the best possible facilities & technology to the music industry, but never to forget that music is created by people. Facilities: Two control rooms overlooking 700 sq ft music studio. Control room A: 16-track Otari (soon 24); Soundcraft 24/8 desk; JBL 4430 Bi-radial monitors; Digital delay; Plate reverb; unique video playback & sync facilities. [Control Room B:*[ 8-track TEAC; adjoining voice booth, JBL 4301 [monitors. Music Studio: isolated drum pad; Neuman, Shure, AKG mics; stereo headphone monitoring; video monitoring. Rates: $65 hour during day, $55 off peak. Special rates for band demos'p.o.a. 8-track, $45 hour, special I demo j'ratesTfißWSMMßß Staff / Engineers: Larry Killip, . Mike Farmer. Recordings: 2 RWP Specials, including live sound on location & post prod, mix for, Sweet waters 'Bl. LP for Somersault. Singles for Car Crash Set, Insatiable Party, Solo, Larry & the Ladders. iLeisureAVideogpgP^BpK Coffee: 9-5 percolated; 5-mid-night, instant; midnight to dawn, Irish. Other info: Bands recording: at Genesis are offered special rates for video clips via our ' parent company . City Television/Video Workshop. Contact: Larry Killip 796-297. HANDICAPPED STUDIOS Summer St, Auckland. Aims: Hits / credibility / elitism / poverty (easy!) / education ([(pretentious?). . Facilities: TEAC 3340 S 4 track

deck; TEAC 32-2 B Vi-track mastering deck; cheap & nasty Fountain stereo; Pearl microphone (SM 58 copy). Rates: Paid by the Landed Gentry. Staff / Engineers C. Knox & very occasionally D. Hood but no one of any real use. Recordings:.Tall Dwarfs, 3 Songs EP, Louis Likes His Daily Dip EP, Canned EP; C. Knox Ego Gratification LP; bits of Bill Direen's LP; Bobzilla, the Jessels; plus various components used in other nationwide ventures (Clean; ; Dunedin double, Fall tapes, etc). Leisure: | Beds, toilet, couch, TV, food, toys,, comics. Coffee: Greggs or Nescafe. [Contact: Chris, 760-350, but don't expect logic or sympathy. HARLEQUIN 112 Albert St, Auckland. Aims: To be recognised as a studio of international reputation. So we have armed ourselves with the most up to date equipment in NZ [in order to lure the? top acts. We are the first studio in NZ to offer digital recording facilities. Rates: 9am - 12 midnight, $75 (including full effects rack, $65 without). Special demo rate mid-night-dawn, S2O (effects extra). Facilities: 24 track with computer assisted mixdown. Best range of outboard effects equipment in NZ. American Sierra Eastlake acoustic design and monitors. Also 8 track studio. Staff / Engineers: Paul Streekstra, Doug Rogers, Reid Snell, . Lee Connolly, Gerard Carr, Steve Kennedy, Nick Morgan, ■ lan Morris (five of whom are winners or nominees for current RIANZ recording awards). Recordings: DD Smash,. Legionnaires, Narcs, Graeme Gash, Dance Exponents, Screaming Meemees, Blam Blam Blam, Neighbours, Big Sideways, Dave McArtney, Grammar Boys, Tomorrows Parties, Josie Rika, Graham Brazier, Willie Dayson, thousands of others. Leisure- Kitchen, large lounge with video games, billiard table (Bx 4), listening room. Coffee: We will provide anything the artist requires. Other info: We also own Sound on Stage NZ Ltd, a company hiring sophisticated studio and musical | instruments which are

available through Harlequin at .reduced rentals. Contact: Doug Rogers re all booking information, project viability & cost breakdowns, ph 779-353. THE LAB 104 Fanshawe St, Auckland. Aims: To provide a quality cheap recording deal for NZ bands in the most relaxing and hassle-free conditions possible. Also to try & have musicians involved in every stage of recording process. Facilities: Main studio 2000 sq ft, large control room. Tascam mixer; 8-track & 2-track recorders & cassette deck. . JBL & mini monitors; digital delay; reverb plate & spring; graphic EQs; compression, Neuman, Sennheiser, AKG mics. Grand piano, synths, guitars, amps available. Rates: $25 hour, tape extra, all outboard equipment included in price. Rehearsal $6 hour, all night S3O.

Staff / Engineers: Willie Lattimer, lan Inglis, Murray Hancox (Producer / Arranger). Recordings: This Sporting Life, Bellrope EP; Sneaky Feelings, Be My Friend'; Shane, 'Starting Out All Over Again'; Prime Movers EP; Royals, 'Faster'; Chills 'Pink Frost'; Flak, new EP; Shane Don't Play That Song Again'. Leisure: Darts, hot tubs, polo. Coffee: White with two sugars. Other info: We have a special cave which has the most interesting reverb sound. Musicians & singers also available.

Contact: Bill Latimer, lan Inglis, Murray Hancox; ph 735-128. LAST LAUGH PRODUCTIONS 10 Vulcan Lane, Auckland. Aims: To keep stimulating the alternative audio & arts industry, catering for a complete range of music. Diverse experience & interests of engineers makes Last

Laugh an extremely supple studio. We intend to keep expanding our' facilities & make better & even more competitive recordings. Facilities: Soundcraft IS 16 channel mixing console; Tascam 38 8-track with DBX noise reduction; Tascam 32 2-track; TEAC 3440 4-track Reverb unit & various good feeling, sounding small effects units; Pereaux 3 way monitors, radio monitors, Yamaha headphones; 300 watt, 50 watt & 30 watt stereo amplifiers; DBX stereo compressor; Marshall & Roland guitar amps; Gretsch drum kit; Prophet 600 synth. Rates: sls hour plus $5 per minute 8-track tape, $2.50 minute 2-track tape and hireage of special audio processing equipment. Staff / Engineers: Martin Williams, Simon Alexander, Gregory Brice, engineers. Michelle Sainsbury, consultant. Susan Nash, rehearsal manager. Recordings: Miltown Stowaways EP & LP; Don McGlashan, Ivan Zagni Standards EP; From Scratch, Pieces from Gung Ho EP; . Fetus Productions, Self Manipulation cassette LP; Peking Man, 8 track live; Gill Civil, Virginia Were, Yello Read Aloud EP; Schmeel Brothers, Yabba Yabba • cassette E AiPivpvni Leisure: Colour TV, heater, general obnoxity, oxygen, knucklebones. Coffee: Bring your own milk. Other info: Last Laugh cares deeply about the quality of-its productions & refuses to own nasty, . over-rated processing equipment. I would prefer to think about effects required to strengthen sound & hire appropriate units that would be very expensive to own. One reason the studio's rates are so low is to encourage this idea.

Contact: Third floor, 10 Vulcan Lane, ph 794-562, speak to Greg or Michelle. Greg home ph 789-338. Simon, Martin, ph 798-703.

MANDRILL 11 York St, Auckland. Aims: (1) To produce records for our clients of which we can all be proud. (2) To record & promote NZ music and take it to the world. (3) To continually update our studio facilities so that NZ talent will always have an international state-of-the-art studio to work in, essential in achieving the first two goals. Facilities: Studio A: 24-track, based on Ron Milan's new US state-of-the-art design. Trident TSM mixing console with capacity to mix up to 56 tracks of music & effects. Large control room, timealigned Urei 813 speakers, plenty of digital effect units in the racks. Studio B: 16-track. "WBKM I Rates: $45-75 hour. Staff /Engineers: Graeme Myhre (6 years' experience engineering for Tony Visconti, in London, engineered on many Bowie sessions & mixed Stage album. Also engineered Gary Numan's Telekon); Tim Field; Glyn Tucker Jnr. Recordings: 83 albums & over 88 singles & EPs since 1977. Includes Coconut Rough; Dance Exponents LP; Monte Video; Car Crash Set; Marginal Era; Blase; Diehards; Danse Macabre; Alastair Riddell; Stephen Bell-Booth; Mockers; Hammond Gamble; Penknife Glides; Tina Cross; Wayne Roland Brown; Midge Marsden; Hattie & Hotshots, etc. Leisure: Drinking, smoking, falling over, playing table tennis, arguing among yourselves, watching TV or video. Coffee: Irish, Steinlager, Jim Beam or whatever the client requests. Other info: Easy loading access & parking. Most synthesisers, musical instruments or effects racks available for hire on request. You name it, we'll get it! Contact: Studio, 11 York St Parnell, ph 795-236 or 793-222. Glyn Tucker Jnr, Graeme Myhre, Tim Field or Carole or Karen.

MARMALADE 11 Sturdee St, Wellington. Aims: To help establish NZ music in its rightful place the top of the international charts. Facilities: 24-track fully-equipped music studio; 8-track commercial production studio. Hi & Lo band video production & editing. Rates: Full 24-track, $75; Evenings & weekends, for self financing bands & artists, SSO. Video & production rates on application. Key Staff / Engineers: Dave Ginnane, lan Morris, Simon Hughes, engineers. Steve Robinson, Jim Hall, inhouse producers. Recordings: John Stevens, Sharon O'Neill, Dennis O'Brien, Little River Band, Mockers, Steroids, Spaces, Beat Rhythm Fashion, Body Electric, Shadowfax, Spines, Paul Schreuder, Precious, etc. Leisure: Computer games. Coffee: Percolated available at all times. Best coffee shop in town! Contact: Studio, 11 Sturdee St, Wellington, PO Box 27-266, ph 859-050, Telex NZ3O-384.

Manager Rocky Douche, home ph 735-129. MASCOT 34 Charlotte St, Auckland. Aims: To make quality records to sell overseas. Facilities: 16-track. Rates: Studio A: 16-track, $65 hour; 2-track S4O hour. Midnight till dawn, 16-track S4O hour, 2-track S3O hour. Studio' B. (dubbing, editing, copying): S2O hour. Recordings: Herbs, 2 albums & singles; Dalvanius; Dave Hollis; Swingers; Mike McGregor Band; Alastair Riddell; Radars; Diatribe; Rusty Greaves; Golden Harvest; Roy Phillips & the Peddlars. Coffee: Percolated. : Contact: Bob Jackson, Hugh Lynn, 793-763. . MONTAGE 49 Murdoch Rd, Auckland. Aims: To introduce and develop recording techniques using natural acoustics rather than simulated electronic, effects. Facilities: Tascam. 16-track; |SoundcraftT6oo series 24/8 Otari 550 Mastering; Harmoniser; Orban com/limit selection. Shure, : Sennheiser, Countryman’, AKG mics. Rates: 9am-6pm,. S4O hour; 6pm-12pm $35 hour. Willing to negotiate with bands for. rates. Key. Staff / Engineers: Manager/Chief Engineer Michael Donnelly; Asst. Engineer, Eion Brown. Recordings: Film? soundtracks, band demos. . ’JHjjjjqpH Leisure: Kitchen, lounge, developing outside area. Coffee: Greggs (Earl Grey tea). Other. info: Interested in meeting person(s) with ideas about forming record I label.

Contact: Michael Donnelly, ph 762-691, PO Box 47-382 Ponsonby. Eion Brown, 761-801, 9 Bond St, Grey Lynn. NIGHTSHIFT 143 Wilsons Road, Christchurch. Aims: To carry on a low cost, progressive, high quality service for local musicians in order to assist them in the recording of demos, singles, EPs or albums with production geared to their own tastes. Facilities: 8-channel facilities (Tascam 80/8). New series 5 Lewis Le Gros desk due to arrive in August, 16 channel. Master recorders: Revox 877, TEAC A-33405. Effects: 2 X Roland echo systems, Eventide digital echo and harmoniser, UE4OO guitar effects, ARP Avatar, custom-built reverb system. Rates: At present sls hour. Staff / Engineers: Arnold van Bussell, NZCE, producer-engineer; Richard Greenwood, engineer. Recordings: Albums: 20 Solid Krypton Hits, Gin & Raspberry. EPs: Netherworld Dancing Toys, Vortex Brothers, Ballon D'essai, Playthings, Bill Direen, Newtones, etc. Singles: Clean, Terraces, Johnnies, Ritchie Venus, Desperate

Measures and many others. Leisure: All the comforts of home. Coffee: Only the best. Other info: Pearl 6-piece drum kit available. Guitars, bass, piano, percussion gear available no charge. Session .musicians available at $5 hour. Back line gear can also be hired. - Contact: . Arnold van Bussell ph 324-106. PROGRESSIVE 43 Anzac Ave, Auckland. . Aims: To provide an excellent recording studio, aware o and enthusiastic about modern music, willing to experiment & take risks & not costing the earth., We like to be relaxed & have a good time & sincerely want to help the young musician. ..SpflHHi Facilities: TEAC 8-track with DBX noise reduction; TEAC 32-2 B 2-track; TEAC C-3X cassette deck; digital delay; plate reverb; 4 March noise gates; patchable EQ; analog delay; Audio Technica, Shure, Electrovoice mics; Philips monitors; LEDE designed control room. Rates: S2O hour plus tape. Includes all effects & engineer. We do not charge for set-up times. Straight to cassette or 2-track rates negotiable. Key Staff/Engineers: Terry, King & Paul Gilbert available as engineers but bands welcome to use their own. Recordings: Mix of No Tag live LP; Diehards, 'Freedom's Son'; They Were Expendable, Stones EPs; Great Unwashed LP mixdown; Silent Decree cassette EP. Leisure: Lunatic engineer floor show. Coffee: Nescafe Classic! Other info: Rehearsal studio at S2O session (usually 6 hours) with PA. Storage lockers available,' limited equipment hireage. The studio is a non-profit organisation. Contact: Terry King or Paul Gilbert, ph 795-344 or call at 2nd floor, 43 Anzac Ave, Auckland.STEBBING 108-114 Jervois Rd, Auckland. Aims: With large facilities we aim to support local artists, cultural groups, etc, as we have done for the past 30-odd years and anticipating to support more in' the future, especially in film/video productions. bMipPH Recording Facilities: ,4 studios. , Studio 1: Accommodates up to 60 people, 24-track Quad 8 computer mix desk (disc drive storage). Studio 2: 16-track, Quad 8 desk, computerised mix, total lock to film & video, accommodates 15 people. Studio 3: 8-track, Quad 8 desk. Studio 4: 4-track Custom desk. All effects available, including AKG & EMT reverb, digital reverb. Rates: 24-track, S7O hour (studio instruments extra); 16-track (2 inch), $65; 8-track (1 inch), SSO; 4-track (Vi inch), $42. [Staff / Engineers: Head Engineer, Tony Moan; Production Engineer, Vaughan Stebbing; Asst. Engineers, Clive Broughton & Stephen McGough; Maintenance Engineers,

Harold Killip & Robert Stebbing. Managing Director, Eldred Stebbing. •• Recordings: Monte Video, 'Shoop I Shoop Diddy Wop'; Dudes 'Be Mine Tonight? Patsy Riggir albums; Hello Sailor, 'Blue Lady', 'Gutter Black'; Ray Columbus 'She's A Mod'; La De Das, 'Hey Baby', 'How is the Air Up There'; Howard Morrison Quartet, .'Battle of the Waikato' plus many others all big sellers. Leisure: Studio 1: 2 lounge areas. Studio 2: Lounge area! Visual contact to recording areas. All studios air-conditioned. Video links. Other info: Hammond organ, grand and bar-room pianos. Full 1 isolation rooms for studios 1 & 2. High speed duplication, video to super eight, Arp synthesiser, JBL monitoring throughout.. Contact: Penny or Margaret .Stebbing, ph 762-426, 760-607, 761-218. 108-114 Jervois Rd, Herne,Bay. TANDEM 5928 Colombo St, ChCh. . Facilities: Two 4-8 track recorders, 24' x | 22' studio, drum booth! Tannoy and Auritone, speakers. Rates: lßo]KourMH|qp||i Staff/Engineers: John Phair, Eric Johns. Recordings: Suzanne • Prentice, Newz, Noel Parlane, Max Whitehouse, Kitten, etc, an average of 20 albums per year. Other info: Main function radio and TV commercial soundtracks, jingles, audio-visuals, etc. .?? Contact: John Phair, ph 67-281, bus. hours, 5928 Colombo St, Christchurch. _iin ijm TV EYE 506 Queens Drive, Invercargill: Aims: Basically to record anyone and everyone who wants their own particular brand of brilliance ;to be able to take a chance/place in the vagaries of the collective popular consciousness that would otherwise be criminally unaware of their very existence (ie, record some things and let people hear MViMiH Facilities: TEAC Portastudio 144 (4-track cassette machine), plus a few instruments & an amp & speaker, plus Nakamichi 301 mics. Rates: As much or as little as "they" can pay as long as it doesn't [cost Ime monies. Staff / Engineers: One S. Watson tends to engineer everything. Recordings: TV EYE C9os 002-008 (Here Comes the Jungle, Crumbs It's a Pterodactyl, Music for Bath- - rooms, Legacy of Ears & HyphenSmythe dbl, Wierdicats (new), Legacy of Ears' Beetroot in Orbit): Leisure: I'm not sure I understand and I I don't think I want to. Coffee: Eh? (I'm told this is an actual brand). Other info: We'll basically record anyone who wants to be recorded, provided I/we can be in the same place as them at the time of said ■ recording. Contact: ph 86-657 andi ask for Steven.

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Rip It Up, Issue 73, 1 August 1983, Page 34

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STUDIO PROFILE Rip It Up, Issue 73, 1 August 1983, Page 34

STUDIO PROFILE Rip It Up, Issue 73, 1 August 1983, Page 34

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