Kingsley Smith Ltd 26 Customs St. Auckland Ph 793-139 Yamaha Amp GIOO SISOO Eminar 200 & Quad SI 6OO Abbey Boogie RCF 5950 Fender Twin Reverb' Si69o Jansen 5-100 & Cols. SIBBO Gibson LP Standard SISOO Gibson ES 335 Walnuts 1500 Hamer USA SI6OO Gibson LP Custom SI6OO Korg Poli-Six Synth 51950 Pearl Poly-Phonic Piano S2OOO Poly Moog S3OOO Moog Taurus II Si7oo Moog The Source 52649 Roland Juno (Dec) Si3Bs Roland Rhythm 808 Si 3Bo Roland Compurhythm 5895 Roland Jupiter 111 52500 Hohner Clavinet 5650 Yamaha Organ YC2O 5550 ARP Odyssey Synth Si2oo PLUS GHS Strings, Seymore Duncan and Di Marzzio pickups, D’Angelico Strings and Pearl Drums. Smith Ltd 43 Rugby St. Wellington Ph 857-902 Rockit P.A. 200 52295 Rockit Pro Champ JBL 1375 • Rockit Super Lead SIBOO Jansen 8-200 & Cols 53078 . Gibson Les Paul Deluxe - ; 51943 Gibson G 5345 SI SOO Gibson Fretless Bass 5950 Fender Stratocaster Si 100 Fender Stratocaster 5995 Fender Telecaster S 1 180 Kramer Bass 5550 Fender Precision Bass $750 JBL Double Finn Bass SI3OO. Wurlitzer Piano SI2OO Korg Poly-Six Synth 51950 Korg Mono-Poly 51340 Korg Sigma Synth S 1 2 15 Korg Electric Piano SBBO Yamaha SK IO S6OO Yamaha CS3O SI 100 Huge: range of Effects Pedals, Tuners, Promark Sticks, Remo Drum Heads, Strings' and Pick-ups. TERMS AVAILABLE TO 1 I m sfst 4fs f • JBL PA. HIRE 2,3,4- way system. /orZwpy rftJ&cff. 3/ Band ;EQ, Compressor L/nu'ter % Chorus Echo, Pitch TrjgnSposer etc, 4 Systems E your own price or specs. • ROAD CREW 2, TRUCK HIRE— Modern fleet of rehie/es . Experienced Count* engineers ond rogdies. .*• • LIGHTING HIRE y v. Pv/I range of fighting equipment; • BACK LINE HIRE AmpS, Bins, &H/M& flhd Ppgbogrot speeS % Prgi/pp/e on request 0 SPEEDY SERVICE DEPT jbl Eeru/ce Centre- e/so serr/ee on PAeonipmenf £nof inSfPi/Aieffts. • AGENTS, jbl spegAe/s &nd ceb/nets, MXR, JAN PS, HOLDEN, JANSEN, SHURE E.V., SENHEISER i, ROLAND. :: mVMt- MARK. STEWART &US. 52700 A/H. 52900 office .. '■' 134 a victoria ave po &ox zed wamoanui. PO fcOX 2 60 WANGANUI.
SOUNDPROOF PRACTICE STUDIO Bands and Individual Musicians PA and Drumkit Available Ph Rex (Ak) 668-796 Willie Dayson Blues Band Book Direct PO BOX 5 Swanson Ph 8339988 Festival Recording Artists
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Rip It Up, Issue 65, 1 December 1982, Page 28
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