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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications eor Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Eba atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications fob Succession)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession)— continued.

Kahiti —B,

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Hoti te Wha Hangaroa Matawai B 4. 2 Hera Poraku Haereone Hauomatuku 9d 3a. 3 Herd Ngawhata Mangahauini 7/113. 4 Ereatara Rangiwhaitiri Okirau F. 5 Waioeka Paraone .. Puhatikotiko 2a 1. 6 Tiripa Puku Puninga 11a. 7 Eriki Katene Rangatira 3J 4a. 8 Ereatara Rangiwhaitiri Ruaotaua 7c 2b. 9 Whiti Hand Tangutuhanui 1b. 10 Mahaki Paraone .. Tapuihikitia C 3. 11 Ereatara Rangiwhaitiri Tarewa 3b 2b 2. 12 Turuhira Hinetoia Toreohaua 4. 13 Hare Matenga „ 5. 14 Taawhe Paraone .. „ 6. 15 Pera Kararehe „ 15. 16 Turuhira Hinetoia Waihirere E. 17 Karauria Kerekere .. 5 j 18 Taare A. Kipihana Waihoru 2. 19 Ruihi Heihi Waituhi Id 2 20 Manu Terekia ,, 2d 4. 21 Wi Patene Waiwhakaata 2. 22 Paea Peneha Whaitiri 1a. 23 Ereti Pahura Whakaruaroa 3. 24 Apikara Lardelli .. Whangara K 2a 4b 1. 25 William Leach „ K 3b Id 3. 26 Heni Tipuna Whatatutu 2c.

N ama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 27 Tiki Riiti Te Ana-a-Paikea Whakawa take paanga Investigation of title. 28 Hone te Rua .. .. • • 9 9 29 Te Tumuaki Kai-whakawa (The Chief Judge) Waihirere Pitihana Nama 257/1928 a Marangai Haapu, kia whakawakia ano taua whenua Petition No. 257/1928 of Marangai Haapu, praying for rehearing in re the said land. 30 >9 Mangatu 1 Pitihana Nama 201/1929 a Himiona Katipa kia utua te moni i moketetia ai mo te whakahaerenga i te keehi o Mangatu Nama 1 Petition No. 201/1929 of Himiona Katipa, praying for relief in re Mortgage on Mangatu No. 1. 31 Hori te Eke Mangapoike A me era atu poraka (and other blocks) Tono i raro i tekiona 7/1922 kia whakatikatikaia nga ota kairiiwhi ki a Tuapawa te Eke, kua mate, i roto i aua whenua Application under section 7/1922 for amendment of the succession orders to Tuapawa te Eke, deceased, in the said lands. 32 Apiata te Hama te Ota.. Puatai 3 me era atu poraka (and other blocks) Tono i raro i tekiona 7/1922 kia whakatikatikaia nga ota kairiiwhi ki a Apiata te Ota, kua mate, i roto i aua whenua Application under section 7/1922 for amendment of the succession orders to Apiata te Ota, deceased, in the said lands. 33 Raroa Apatari Patutahi Tono i raro i tekiona 7/1922 kia whakatikatikaia te ota kairiiwhi ki a Tepora Waaka, kua mate, i roto i taua whenua Application under section 7/1922 for amendment of the succession order to Tepora Waaka, deceased, in the said land. 34 Turuhira Kerekere Tahora 2c 2/2 Tono i raro i tekiona 7/1922 kia whakatikatikaia te ota kairiiwhi ki a Papa te Mini, kua mate, i roto i taua whenua Application under section 7/1922 for amendment of the succession order to Papa te Mini, deceased, in the said land.

Nama. 1N0.) Kai-tcno. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 35 Katerina Takawhaki Tahora 2c 1/3 Tono kia whakawakia ano te ota kai-riiwhi ki a Haua Peka, kua mate, i roto i taua whenua Application for rehearing of the succession order to Haua Peka, in the said land. 36 Kararaina Iranui Otahu Tono kia whakawakia ano te whakatauranga i tetahi rori i runga i taua whenua hei huarahi ki Pipiwhakao 3 Application for rehearing in re the laying off of a right-of-way over the said land to give access to Pipiwhakao 3. 37 Henare Ruru .. Ruangarehu .. Tono kia whakawhiwhia taua whenua ki te Taitara Application to have the said land clothed with a title. 38 Jane Wallis .. Whangara G .. Tono i raro i tekiona 11/1929 kia whakaturia he kai-whakahaere mo te taha ki nga moni whakapainga hei utu ma te iwikainga ki te kai-tono Application under section 11/1929 for appointment of a receiver in respect of compensation monies payable by the Native owners to the applicant. 39 Janies Spiers Paterson .. Mangaheia 2c 2 • • 40 Jessie Ada Pyke 1b • « 41 Te Minita o nga Mahi mo te Katoa (Minister of Public Works) Umukapua A 2 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo te wahi kua tangohia hei rori For assessment of compensation for land taken for road purposes. 42 Te Kaute Kaunihera o Waiapu (Waiapu County Council) Anaura Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo te wahi kua tangohia hei tuunga whare mo nga kaimahi For assessment of compensation for land taken for Workers’ dwellings. 43 99 Tuatini Poraka (Block) II Tekiona (Section) 4b Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo te wahi kua tangohia hei rori For assessment of compensation for land taken for road purposes. 44 99 Waipiro A 16 99 45 99 Waipiro Taonehipi (Township) VII/2, 3, 4, VIII/1 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo nga wahi kua tangohia hei rori a hei papa takaro For assessment of compensation for land taken for road and recreation ground purposes. For assessment of compensation for land taken for school-site. 46 Hawke’s Bay Education Board Marangairoa 1c 6e I, Ic 6d Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana mo nga wahi kua tangohia hei tuunga wharekura 47 99 Raupo 4 99 99 48 Waipiro A 8 99 99 49 Te Kaporeihana o Whangara E me F. (The proprietors of Whangara E and F) Whangara E me (and) F Kia kimihia te moni kapeniheihana mo te wahi kua tangohia hei rori For assessment of compensation for land taken for road purposes. 50 99 „ E .. Tono kia katia etahi wahi o te rori i runga i taua poraka a ka whakatau ki te kaporeihana Application to have portions of a road on the said block stopped and vested in the proprietors 51 Te Minita o nga Mahi mo te Katoa (Minister of Public Works) Hereheretau 2c 1 Tono kia whakataua te rori kua whakakorea e te whakaaturanga i kahitia i te 19 o Aperira, 1928, ki nga tangata e tika ana Application to have the area of old road, as stopped by Proclamation gazetted on the 19th April, 1928, vested in the persons entitled. 52 99 Paraumu 3, Poroporo, Rotokautuku 1, 51) 2, 5a, 2f, 3a, 2f, 3b, 3a Tono kia whakataua te rori kua whakakorea e te whakaaturanga i kahititia i te 17 o Oketopa, 1929, ki nga tangata e tika ana Application to have the areas of old road, as stopped by Proclamation gazetted on the 17th October, 1929, vested in the persons entitled. 53 Kai-rehita Poari Whenua Maori (Registrar, Maori Land Board) Whataupoko 9 ji rota (Lot) 3 Tono i raro i tekiona 12/1927 kia whakaputaina he ota mo taua whenua ki nga tangata e tika ana Application under section 12/1927 for an order vesting the said land in the persons entitled. 54 Kai-rehita, Kooti Whenua Maori, Kihipane (Registrar, Native L a n d Court, Gisborne) Okirau F Kia whakatakotoria be rori ma runga i taua whenua hei huarahi atu ki Ruaotaua 7c Poraka To lay off a road over the said land so as to give access to Ruaotaua 7o Block. 55 99 Whangara D .. Tono whakakaporeihana Application for incorporation. 56 Grace Murphy Tauwharaparae 2a Kia whakaputaina he ota whakatu ia Ani Taumutu, Hone Heke te Rure, Te Urunga Potae, Wi Matahiki, me Enoka Potae hei mema mo te komiti Whakahaere o taua poraka mo nga tuunga o Eraihia Matahiki, Peta Toto, me Wi te Rure, kua mate katoa For an order appointing Ani Taumutu, Hone Heke te Rure, Te Urunga Potae, Wi Matahiki, and Enoka Potae, as members of the committee of management of the said block in lieu of Eraihia Matahiki, Peta Toto, and Wi te Rure, all deceased. 57 Huatahi Tamaeara ma (and others) Hangaroa-Matawai B 4 Tono kia wehea te tahi wahi o taua whenua ki waho o te kaporeihana Application for exclusion of a portion of the said land from the operation of the incorporation.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 58 Tukunoa Hohapata • • Kia whakaputaina he oranga mo te kai-tono, te Pouaru a Paora Kerehi, kua mate, i roto i nga paanga whenua o te Tupapaku Application for maintenance by the applicant, widow of Paora Kerehi, deceased, out of the real estate of the deceased. 59 Coleman me (and) Coleman, Solicitors, Gisborne Anaura Kia whakakorea te ota i hanga i raro i tekiona 140/1909 kia Ani Winiata, he pouaru, i roto i iiga rawa a Taare Winiata, kua mate For cancellation of an order made under section 140/1909 in favour of Ani Winiata, widow, in the estate of Taare Winiata, deceased. 60 Te Kaporeihana o Paraumu A 1 (The Proprietors of Paraumu A 1) Paraumu 3 ; Whakarei 2 Kia wetekina te here o Wahi 16 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909 For an order declaring the said lands no longer subject to Part 16 of the Native Land Act, 1909. 61 /Himiona Katipa TTangaroa-Matawai B 4 Whakawhiti Exchange. \Kurumoa Wehiterapu.. Waihirere U .. 99 • • • • • . 99 62 f Kurumoa Wehiterapu.. M • • • • 99 • « . . • . • « \ Peneti Katipa Hangaroa-Matawai B 4 • • . . • • 9 9 63 /Mahaki Paraone Matawhero 3b 2 99 . . • • • • \Taawhe Paku Paraone Puhatikotiko 2a 1 64 [ Herewini Ngaronoa ma / (and others) IK. S. Williams Matahiia A3.. 99 . • • • • • • 99 Waikohu 2 .. f Rangikohera Pahu Puhatikotiko 2a 1 99 99 65 / Paora Kingi ma (and others) Tapuihikitia C 3b 99 • • • • 99 [ Aorere Matahiki Tuakaupirauau 1a 1, 1a 2 99 • • • • • • 99 66 5 Ruangarehu Rimititi (Ruangarehi, Limited) Ruangarehu 1 Rota (Lot) 2 99 • • • • • • 99 67 f Hera Pouaka Waima Taonehipi (Township) 56 ,9 99 ( Turn Riki Mangahauini 7/49 Tono kia uiuia no wai ma enei ingoa a Piihi Nuku me Piihi Tamahaua i roto i taua whenua Application for identification of the names Piihi Nuku and Piihi Tamahaua in the said land. 68 Motu Heremia Whakapaupakihi 2 69 War? hi Tako .. Tono i raro i tekiona 147/1909 na te kai-tono kia whakamutua tona kai-whakahaeretanga i nga rawa a Hone Potaka, kua mate, ka whakatu i te Kai-tiaki Maori Application under section 147/1909 by the applicant for his removal and appointment of the Native Trustee as administrator of the estate of Hone Potaka, deceased. 70 Kai-rehita, Kooti Whenua Maori, Kihipane (Registrar, Native Land Court, Gisborne) Tono kia whakaturia . he kairiiwhi mo nga taonga tin ana a Mary Kelly, kua mate Application for appointment of successor to personalty of . Mary Kelly, deceased. 70a Wiremu T. Rangi Tono kia whakaturia he kairiiwhi mo nga taonga tinana a Meri Whakaatere, ara Tangohuanoa, kua mate Application for appointment of successor to personalty of Meri Whakaatere, alias Tangohuanoa, deceased. 71 Ahenata Waaka raua ko (and) Ka Huka Tono whakamana pukapuka kaiwhakahaere mo nga rawa a Wiripine Makaia, kua mate Application for letters of administration in re Wiripine Makaia, deceased. 72 Arihi Huka • • 99 73 A. Trevor Coleman • • Pukapuka whakamana i te Wira a Honiana Matuakore, kua mate Probate of the will of Honiana Matuakore, deceased. 74 Eru Kara • • Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Mere Moana, kua mate Probate of the will of Mere Moana, deceased. 75 Paetai Wilson • • Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Minnie Kate Wilson, ara Haereone, kua mate Probate of the will of Minnie Kate Wilson or Haereone, deceased. 76 Hori Taipiha .. • • Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Rina Rangireremoana, kua mate Probate of the will of Rina Rangireremoana, deceased. 77 Hare Taipiha .. • • Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Riwai Taipiha, kua mate Probate of the will of Riwai Taipiha, deceased. 78 A. Trevor Coleman • • Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Rutu Tawhiao, kua mate Probate of the will of Rutu Tawhiao, deceased. 79 Putiputi Walker • • Kia mauria a Dudley Moncrief, he tane, hei tamaiti whangai He kai-tiaki mo — For adoption of Dudley Moncrief, a male child. Trustees for— 80 Kereama Piwaka Paremata 3,4, 64, 73, 73a; Arakihi; Mangaheia Hare Nahonaho raua ko Manu Tangirua Nahonaho, he tamaHare Nahonaho and Manu Tangirua Naho2d ; Pakarae 2b 2 ; Whangara B 1b, B 2b 2, D, G riki naho, minors.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) He kai-tiaki mo— Trustees for— 81 Koroua Piro .. • • Tahora 2c 3/2 Heriata Tahurakau, he tamaiti Heriata Tahurakau, a minor. 82 Ohaki Tari • . Totaranui A 10b Hine te Ariki, he tamaiti Hine te Ariki, a minor. 83 Maora Carrington • . Aohuna Id Horomona te Rangi ara Paia, Horomona te Rangi or he tamaiti Paia, a minor. 84 Harata Morris • • Anaura ; A rakihi; WhaKarauna Morete raua ko Moetu Karauna Morete and ngara B 1b, M 4, N 2 ; Pakarae, 1c, 2b 2; Morete, he tamariki Moetu Morete, minors. Mangaheia 2d, 2k, 2c, B 2 ; Paremata 1c, la, 2b, 2c, 2e, 2f, 26a, 2a/d, 3, 4, 64, 73, 73a ; Tuawhatu 1b 2/2b 2 85 Heni Maitai .. • . Mangaheia 2k 2b, 2l 1b Kura Puhipuhi, he tamaiti Kura Puhipuhi a minor. 86 Pohoira Maata Whakapaupakihi 2, 4 .. Merania Makao, he tamaiti Merania Makao, a minor 87 Tautohe Taunoa • • Pakowhai Paea Taunoa, Noema Taunoa, Paea Taunoa, Noema raua ko Karaiti Taunoa, he Taunoa and Karaiti tamariki Taunoa, minors. 88 Hori Haere Paremata 3, 4, 64, 73, Ra, Ihaia, Hiraina, Rahera, Ra, Ihaia, Hiraina, Ra73a, 2a/e, 2f 24; Penetana, Hoturangi raua ko hera, Penetana, HoMangaheia 2d ; KouraHoupara Tautau, he tamariki turangi and Houpara teuwhi 1e 4e, 2g 3b ; Pourewa 6 ; Marau ; Wharekaka Id 1 ; Tautau, minors. Mangatuna B, In 1b, 2a 3 89 Moanaroa Pere • • Rangatira 3a me era atu Tame Erueti, he tamaiti Tame Erueti, a minor. Whenua (and other lands) 90 Hera Poraku Haereone.. Ohuia 3 ; Kopuatarakihi Wiremu Tuahine Haereone raua Wiremu Tuahine Haere2b ; Waipaoa 3 b ; ko Raiha Taketake Haereone, one, and Raiha TakeTangutuhanui 2; Patuhe tamariki take Haereone, tahi 91/2 ; Ruaotaua 8 a ; Whaitiri 1c 2 ; Maraetaha 2b ; Kourateuwhi 1a ; Mangaoae ; Ihunui; A h i r a u ; Hauomatuku 9d 3; Tahora 2c 2/2, 2c 3/2 ; Rangatira 3b ; Matawhero minors. 91 Hare Matenga.. • . Hare Matenga, he koroua Hare Matenga. 92 Kai-rehita, Kooti Whenua Pouawa 1, Rota (Lot) 9 Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki hou For appointment of a new Maori, Kihipane (Regismo taua poraka trustee for the said land. trar, Native Court, Gisborne) Land 93 Apiha Whakahaere o te Mangatuna If 2c me Kia whakaaetia e te Kooti a For leave of the Court Poari Whenua Maori o (and) 1c 5d Katerina Hei, kai-tiaki mo for Katerina Hei, as te Tairawhiti (AdminisKeita Pahura, he tamaiti, ki trustee for Keita Patrative Officer, Tairate mokete ki taua Poari nga hura, a minor, to mortwhiti, District Maori hea o taua tamaiti i roto i aua gage to the said Board Land Board) whenua the interests of the said minor in the said lands. £ s. d. 94 Te Tumuaki Kai-ruuri, Aohuna E 2b Moni ruuri .. 2 8 9 Survey costs. Kihipane (Chief veyor, Gisborne) Sur95 99 j Hauomatuku 4c 1 „ ..16 9 „ 4c 2 .. „ ..16 9 99 96 99 „ 9d 3a .. „ ..12 11 „ 9d 3b .. „ ..1 10 7 97 99 r Hueatepo 1 .. „ ..0 6 10 99 ,, 3 .. „ ..017 10 Hurimoana Al „ ..11 0 j „ A 2 „ ..11 0 98 „ A3 „ ..11 0 >> A 4 „ ..11 0 • • 'Kaiupoko „ ..5 19 5 99 Poukokonga 2a „ ..214 6 99 „ 2b „ .. 1 17 2 9 9 Mangamimiha 1 „ .. 2 10 0 99 99 • • „ ..12 5 • • Pekamaroke 1a ..11 0 99 „ 1b „ .. 2 16 0 „ 2 „ ..11 0 99 99 99 „ 3 „ ..3 0 2 Te Kaiwahie „ .. 3 12 6 Waiwhakaata 1 „ .. 1 10 7 „ 2 „ .. 4 10 7 • • TakopalA3.. „ ..015 4 99 „ 1b 2.. „ ..216 2 H orahorakakahu „ ..5 0 2 99 Taheremaro .. „ ..11 0

Mama. (No. Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) £ s. d. 100 Te Tumuaki Kai-ruuri, Kihipane (Chief SurKaiwahie Moni ruuri .. 11 14 0 Survey costs. 101 veyor, Gisborne) r Matawhero 3b 1 .. 13 15 3 99 >> L „ 3b 2 99 .. 15 9 8 102 r Mirimiri 2c 2b 3a • • .. 0 15 0 1 4 „ 2c 2b 3c .. 0 15 o 99 103 r Opou Id 2a .. 99 4 15 6 99 99 „ Id 2b .. 99 .. 2 9 99 104 ' Takopa 1 a 2.. 99 .. 3 0 0 99 99 1 „ 1a3.. 99 1 10 0 4 4 105 J Tapuihikitia C 3a 99 1 1 0 99 99 I „ C 3b 99 1 7 0 44 Toreohaun 5a 99 1 1 0 99 „ 5b 99 1 1 0 99 106 99 - „ 5c 99 1 1 0 4 4 „ 5d • • 1 1 0 44 I „ 5e 44 1 1 0 44 r „ i2c i 99 1 1 0 44 107 99 „ 12c 2 • • 1 1 0 44 < „ 12c 3 99 1 1 0 99 108 J r Waihirere 3d 1 99 .. 0 9 0 99 99 „ 3d 2 99 1 14 0 99 Wairoa .Military Settle99 1 6 0 99 109 ment 42b 99 Wairoa Military Settle99 .. 1 6 0 99 110 _ ment 42c ' Waituhi Id 1a 99 1 1 0 99 99 I „ Id 1b 4 4 1 6 0 4 4 111 'Waiwhakaata 1 99 .. 2 7 0 999 99 ,, 2 • • .. 21 13 0 44 [ Whaitiri If 1 44 1 1 0 99 112 j „ If 2 99 1 1 0 99 99 „ If 3 4 ' 1 1 6 4 4 I „ If 4 99 1 1 0 99 113 99 W h a k a t o Papakainga 99 .. 2 8 0 99 (Reserve)

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 114 Ereti Hema .. Tahora 2o 1/3 .. Ahipene te Waha. 115 Koopu Erueti Mangatu 3 Ani te Puaroa. 116 Apiata te Hame te Ota Rotootahe Apiata te Hame. 117 Hetekia te Kani te Ua.. Toreohaua 19, 6 Arihia Tako ara (or) Arihia te Kotiti. 118 Raharuhi Westrupp Tangihanga Mokete (Mortgage) Arona Kaihau ara (or) Arona Raekaihau. 119 Wharehuia Kohiti Waipaoa 5b Ata Naa. 120 Tahuri Hira .. Tahora 2c 3/2 .. Te Au Hira. 12] Kataraina Kerekere Mirimiri 2d 4 .. Ema Peka. 122 Rangi Tuanui Tamihana Nuhaka 2e 3a 7b 2a Ema Piripi te Maari. 123 Te Ao te Ohaere Ohahuatiu 1e ; Pipiwhakao 1b 3a Erena Whakirangi. 124 F. Harris raua ko (and) Hinehou Tureia Kaiti 320 Erueti Harete. 125 Kino Kerekere Te Koutu 3b .. Haerepo Kerekere. 126 Kenehi Piri .. Tangotete 1, 2 ; Te Kuri 1, 2 ; Tarewauru ; Whareongaonga Hami Tupeka. 227 Meri Whakatere Aohuna E 2 Hapi Kiniha. 128 Iritana Tipene Arai - Matawai; Paokahu 3c, 4 ; Whakaongaonga 1; Nuhaka 2a 4g, 2b 2j 1 ; Mangapoike 1e 2, 2e ; Ohuia Id ; Pipiwhakao 2b 4a ; Tutuotekaha 2c Harata Apatari. 129 Nukama Karini Mangatuna 2f 4 Harata te Ihi. 130 Kino Kerekere Te Koutu 3b .. Hare Kerekere. 131 H. te Kani te Ua Waiohiharore 2 Hemi Taka te Whiwhi. 132 ? , • • • • • • «« 133 Horiana Taura Maraetaha 2b .. Heni Hie. 134 Te Uri Herewini Whareongaonga B Herewini te Uri. 135 Tangi Wai Tahurakau Te Koutu 1c .. Herieta te Ua. 136 Mihi Himiona Rangiauria (Pitts Island) 4c Himiona Tahuhu. 137 Wharekauri Im (Mairangi 3) >> 138 • • • • ,, Ip (Ngatikitiki) >> 139 ,, Im (Mairangi 3) Hinewhaiora Noanoa, 140 Wairongoa Noanoa Nuhiti 2g 2 ; Tuawhatu 2b 1b/2b 3 ; Whangara B 1 B 2 me (and) D ; Pakarae ; Pokotakina ; Puatai ; Paremata 2a/d, 3, 4, 64, 73, 73a

Kama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o to Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 141 Kere Jones Kaiwhiitiwhiti; Horahorakakahu ; Wharaurangi 4d ; Paokahu 3b, 3h Hiria Taruke ara (or) Tamitami. 142 Hinehou Tureia Kaiti 320 Hirini te Kani. 143 Haare Kawenga Maungawaru 3 Hirini Kawenga. 144 Raharuhi Westrupp Tangihanga Mokete (Mortgage) Hirini te Raekaihau. 145 Ihaka Whaanga Nuhaka 2e 3c 6e 1, 2e 3c 13b 2b, 2e 3c 17a, 2e 3c 17b me (and) 17c ; Mangapoike 2e ; Mangatu 1 ; Motu 2b 6 ; Waikawa ; Waipaoa 3b ; Whakaongaonga Hirini Whaanga. 146 Mapere Paiaka Tahora 2c 3/2 .. Hohepa Rangiaro. 147 Teneti Tamati Paku Mangatu 1 Hohipene Matete. 148 Warihi Tako .. Rota (Lot) 15, D.P. 1766, wahi (part) Tekiona (Section) 174, Taone o Kihipane (Town of Gisborne) Hone Potaka. 149 • • • • • • Waipiro A 20 9 9 150 Whakaara Waitoa Marangairoa 2e 2b 9 Hone Waitoa Taotu. 151 L. Nelson Marangairoa Id 1, Id 3, Id 4, Id 5, Id 6 ; Tarata ; Wairoa A 2 Hori Waikari Nerehana (Nelson) ara (or) Waikari Nerehana. 152 Ngahuia Paia Okahuatiu 2e ; Tangihanga 1b Hotama Kahukura. 153 Koopu Erueti Mangatu 3 Huhana Matarae. 154 Hare Kawenga Kainanga A 3b .. Ka Nahonaho. 155 Tekere Orupe Tahora 2f 2 Karawhira te Maipi. 156 Matewai Turei Hangaroa-Matawai 2b 3 ; Te Reinga ; Tauwharetoi; Whakaongaonga 3b, 2g 1 Karu Turei ara (or) Matenga Turei. 157 Eria Raukura Waikaremoana .. Kawana te.Kaaho. 158 Rewi Kerehi .. Mangapoike B .. Te Kerehi Wahapango. 159 Pene Heihi Ahikouka A 6b .. Keriana Peka Mirina. 160 Pukeamaru 2 .. 161 •• •• •• Tikitiki 2a 2 162 Wiremu Kingi Tahora 2c 3/2 .. Kaoa Apera ara (or) Taka. 163 M. Kaiwhaf a.. Nuhaka 2f 2b .. Kumeroa Haraki. 164 Rawiri Kutia Paremata 2a/2e Mahar ata Whana. 165 Tiopira Kingi Hauomatuku 9d 2 Makere Kingi. 166 Meri Whakatere Whakaongaonga 1 Manera Kiniha ara (or) Hohapata ara (or) Pakiaka. 167 Tiopira Kingi Hauomatuku 9d 2 Maraea Kingi. 168 Hoeroa Tiopira ,, 9b Mere te Huhu. 169 • a • • • • Mangatu 4 Mere te Huhu ara (or) Hoeroa. 170 Manukawhitikitiki B 2 .. Mere te Huhu. 171 Waiohiharore 2 .. 172 Karauria Patareti Whareongaonga 0 12 4b .. Mere Tauira ara (or) Panuera. 173 Tn Turetahi .. 99 • • . . • • 9 9 174 Waihua 1c 4 Mini Turetahi. 175 Tautahi Hoera Paokahu 2 ; Wharaurangi 4b ; Whareongaonga 0 1b, C 8, C 10b Miriama Turahiri ara (or) Hoera. 176 Mamaeroa te Hihi Whakapaupakihi 2 Ninia Peeke. 177 Eruera te Kura Tahoka 1 ; Waikanae 5 ; Makauri 14 Noa Whakaatere. 178 Heni Ruru Tahora 2c 3/2 me (and) 2c/2; Mangapoike 2a 3 Otene Houia ara (or) Otene Hakihaki ara (or) Otene Tawhaitaru. 179 Karauria Kerekere Mangatu 1 Paea Kingi. 180 John Harvey Whangara Pani Kirikiri. 181 Horiana Taura Maraetaha 2b .. Peti Hie 182 Matanuku Piro Puhatikotiko 7b 2d 2 Paoa. 183 Hetekia te Kani te Ua.. Patutahi 91 VII/2 Paora Puta. 184 Hotene Hutihuti Manutahi A 27 ; Makarika M ; Tawhiti If. . Pene Hutihuti. 185 Wiremu Kouka Arai-Matawai; Ruaotaua 6b ; Manutuke F 2 ; Te Kuri Pera Kouka. 186 Te Hereti Whangara B 1b. . Pera Whakatete. 187 Takerehi Tame Grayson Mangatu 3 Pere Hana Patene. 188 Mihi te Owaina Popata Toreohaua 15 .. Pirihi Tutekohe. 189 J. I. Ngapuhi Whakapaupakiki 2, 3 Poihipi Ngamoko ara (or) Takirau. 190 Waitohi Waaka Kaupapa 2a 1 .. Raihania Waaka. 191 Meri Whakatere Whatatuna 3c 2 ; Paiakawai 1 ; Manutuke E 1 ; Awapuni If 5 ; Mirimiri 2a 3b Ra ara (or) Rakaihikuroa Kiniha. 192 Mere Tahatu Akurangi ma (and others) Wharekopae 1b 1, Tekiona (Section) 1 Ranapia te Amorere. 193 Hotene Hutihuti Manutahi A 27 ; Makarika M ; Tawhiti If ; Waipaoa 3b Rangi Hutihuti ara (or) Rangi Turei te Whiwhi. 194 Ruku Hinaki Mangapoike 2e .. Rangikahiroa Hinaki ara (or) Tangi Hinaki ara (or) Rangi Hinaki. 195 Paea Peneha .. Whaitiri 1a Rawiri Haua. 196 Haare Parata Tawhiti 1e 4; Akuaku A 4c ; Waipiro A 5, A 24, 2, Taonehipi (Township) 2d Renata Parata. 197 Alec Tuhi Manuoha ; Paharakeke ; Waipaoa 5 b Riripeti Wairoa ara (or) Te O Koura Tuhi. 198 Rita Heke Waikaremoana Residue 1 Taka Heke. 199 Rutene Karaitiana Taupara 2c 1b .. Tama Tepene. 200 Rauhina te Hau Okahuatiu I, 2 ; Tangihanga Tamati te Rangituawaru. 201 Hoeroa Tiopira Kopaatuaki 2 Tame Hoeroa. 202 Papakorokoro 5 203 99 • ♦ • • Rakaiketeroa Al ,, ,.

Mama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 204 Hoeroa Tiopiro Rangatira 3b 2 .. Tame Hoeroa. 205 9 9 • • • • Tutamoe 2 206 Ihipera Whano Paremata 2a/e, 3, 4, 64, 73, 73a .. Tame Whano. 207 Putere Kerekere Whareraurakau 5 Tapapa Putere. 208 Te Haumate Mika Tahora 2f 2/2 .. Tapena Teruinga. 209 Wi te Hauwaho Broughton Patutahi 91, Rota (Lot) 2/VII Tiria Broughton. 210 Mini Keita Wirihana .. Tiria Hauwaho. 211 Te Ranginuiaihu Puru Tahora 2c 3/2 .. Tokowhitu Puru. 212 Wetini Taku .. Mangatu 1 • • 213 Rangikapua Puru Rangatira 3c .. 9 9 214 Meri Puru Mangatu 1 215 Iranui te Huhu 1, 4 .. Ruaotaua 8a .. Turi te Huhu ara (or) Hona. 216 W. Arthur Waaka Taketake. 217 Rutene Karaitiana Tahora 2f 2 Wahanga Tipene 218 Hira Poraku Haereone Wharekopae 1b 1; Hangaroa Waitu Akurangi. 219 Otene te Waka Puhatikotiko 2b 3a 1 Te Wai Weka. 220 Matuakore Maiere Patutahi 91/2/VII ; Hangaroa-Matawai B 4 ; Waiohiharore 2 ; Okahuatiu 1e Warati Kereti ara (or) Maiere Komene ara (or) Hawera. 221 Mokena Mauhana Whakaangiangi 1b 2 Watene Mokena ara (or) Mauhana ara (or) Te Wera. 222 Tangi Kawenga Kaiinanga A 3b Watene Taraka ara (or) Te Wheru. 223 Hare Kawenga ,, A 3b ; Pukemaire Watene Taraka. 224 Ka Nahonaho Tutu 2 225 R. Karaitiana Mangapoike 2a 3 ; Tauwharetoi 2b 2 ; Whakaongaonga 2g 1 Wehikore te Rea ara (or) Wehikore Tamihana. 226 Pare Kiripai .. Tutaekuri 1c 6 .. Wereta Kiripai. 227 Paku Neera .. Pakowhai 6, 8, 17 ; Paharakeke ; Taupara 2h 2, 2p ; Manuoha; Ngamotu-Tahora 2f 2 Wi Neera. 228 Taawhe Paraone Arai-Matawai; Mirimiri; Matawhero Wi Paku Paraone ara (or) Wi Paraone ara (or) Potatutatu. 229 Mei Rangi Whatautau Kaiti 313/2d 4 .. Wiremu Iretoro. 230 Raiwa Hone .. Arai-Matawai; Puketapu G ; Oariki 1b ; Hotuapaka ; Ruaohinetu 1a 2, 2b 1, 2b 2, 1a 1c ; Hahaenga; Pohonga; Wharaurangi 4a ; Paokahu 2 ; Ruaotaua 7c 1a 2, 4 ; Patutahi 91, Rota (Lot) 2/VII; Mirimiri; Pipiwhakao ; Manutuke F 2 Hare Hone. 231 W. Arthur Taumatapatiti 1b ; Kopuatarakihi 2c Beckham Paikawa Arthur.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 35, 28 August 1930, Page 405

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 35, 28 August 1930, Page 405

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 35, 28 August 1930, Page 405

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