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Tono kia Whakatuturutia nga Tukunga Whenua. (Applications for Confirmation of Alienation.)

Tono kia Whakaaetia nga Tukunga Whenua i earo i Tekiona 298 o te Turk Whenua Maori, 1909. (Applications for Consent to Alienation under Section 298 of the Native Land Act, 1909.)

Tono kia Huihui max nga Tangata i raro i Wahi XVIII o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909. (Applications to summon Meetings of Owners under Part XVIII of the Native Land Act, 1909).

Tcno kia Huihui mai nga Tangata i raro i Wahi XVIII o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909 (Applications to summon Meetings of Owners under Part XVIII of the Native Land Act, 1909) — continued.

WHIRIWHIRI I NGA MOTINI I PAAHITIA I NGA HUIHUINGA I RARO I WaHI XVIII O TE TURE WHENUA MAORI, 1909. (Resolutions passed at Meetings of Assembled Owners under Part XVIII of the Native Land Act, 1909, for Consideration.)

Na,ma. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ahua o te Tuku. (Nature of Alienation.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku atu ana. (Alienors.) Nga Tangata e tango mai ana, (Alienees.) 1 4853 He hoko (transfer) Rangitaiki Rota (Lot) 38a 2d 1 Ririwhenua Kuaha Arthur Bloor. 2 4860 He riihi (lease) Rangiuru 1a 15e Paora Pene ma (and another) Hugh Graham. 3 4864 Waimana 1b 4b 1 Tapui te Kaka ma (and another) Thomas J. Wardlaw. 4 4872 He m o k e t e (mortgage) Mangorewa - Kaharoa 6e 3/2e 2a 1 Clara Pirihira Morgan Ngarongo Maihi. 5 4884 • • Papamoa 3b 1 .. Ataraiti Ngatau John P. Harris. 6 4892 He hoko (transfer) Whakapoungakau 16/2b 1b Tuahangata Wahanga Tihini Wahanga. 7 4893 „ 16/2b 1a Tihingi Wahanga H. W. Beale. 8 4901 99 Rangitaiki 28b 10c Te Paraha Hiriweteri ma (and another) Materoa Waititi. 9 4903 99 Waipahihi 19a 2 Popoki Ngamotu ma (and others) W. W. Dove. 10 4913 He riihi (lease) Omataroa 8a wahi (part).. Peka Himone ma (and others) Lewin Lewis. 11 4947 He hoko (transfer) Okoheriki 1h Raki (North) 3 wahi (parts) Tutanekai Taua ma (and others) Herbert M. Munro. 12 4949 He riihi (lease) Rangitaiki 38b 3s 3b Rua Hiki ma (and others) Thomas W. James. 13 4950 He hoko (transfer) Whaiti-Kuranui 2e 2 Rato (West) 2d 1b 1 Kerewaro Mihinui Thompson Mulholland. 14 4951 99 Whaiti-Kuranui 2e 2 Rato (West) 2d Id 3 Roha Wehepeihana 99 15 4953 He riihi (lease) Waiotahi 19c Titia Hemi ma (and others) A. C. Butterworth. 16 4954 He hoko (transfer) Matapapa 2a 2a 2 Weeti Katae ma (and others) James Walker. 17 4955 • a Waiotahi 373 Henare Rako J. T. Clark. 18 4957 99 Matapihi 1a 3d 8 Matekohe Ratima Taki Tureiti Ihaka. 19 4960 aa Te Kaha 16b.. Tuakana Harawira John Pirini. 20 4961 Waikotokoto Rewi .. Michael J. Wilson. 21 4962 99 Whakarewarewa 1, Tekiona (Section) 2b 1b Kepa Hamuera Ehau Geo. Urquhart me (and) Eric Roe. 22 4963 He riihi (lease) Maungaroa 1, Tekiona (Section) 6 Taikorekore Tarena ma (and others) Hakaraia Pahewa. 23 4964 He hoko (transfer) Maungaroa 1, Tekiona (Section) 11 Himiona Kururangi 99 24 4965 He riihi (lease) Te Kaha 16b .. Mita Harawira ma (and another) Hoani Pirini. 25 4966 99 Maungaroa 1, Tekiona (Section) 15 Riwai Miringaarangi Hakaraia Pahewa. 26 4987 He hoko (transfer) Waipahihi 24b 2a Rangimarama Paora James C. Key. 27 4990 Te Moari 5a 5 .. Allan Chisholm Swinton .. Peter S. Swinton. 28 4992 He riihi (lease) Orete E wahi (part) Kanarahi Pururangi Allan C. Swinton. 29 4993 9 9 Omaio 41a, Tekiona (Section) 1 Te Ara Ngamoki George F. Powell. 30 4994 He hoko (transfer) Waiohoata A 25a Rapi Hunia Guy L. Francis. 31 4995 Opape 3w 2b wahi (part) .. Hira Ruka Amoamo te Riaki. 32 4996 99 Waimana Parish, Rota (Lot) 266a 2 Timi Kara Rangitowhare Joseph J. Bennett. 33 5002 99 Parawai 3b 3 .. Turi te Karaha John J. Smyth me (and) Hibernicus T. Smyth. 34 5003 „ 2e 2b 2a Pita Taua John U. Collins. 35 5004 99 Matata Rota (Lot) 72b 3w Paki Kinita ma (and others) Make Rangiheuea.

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ahua o te Tuku. (Nature of Alienation.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names"of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku atu ana. (Alienors.) Nga Tangata e tango mai ana. (Alienees.) 36 4863 He riihi (lease) Waimana 1b 4b 1 Nga tangata no ratou te Thomas J. Wardlaw. whenua (Native owners) 37 4928 He boko (transRangitaiki 28n 10b 99 Materoa Waititi. fer) 38 4934 He riihi (lease) Orete H 2 99 Wi Tupaea.

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No. Te Ingoa o te Wheuua. (Name of Land.) Nga Motini hei Whiriwhiringa. (Resolutions for Consideration.) 39 4846 Pouakani .. Kia riihitia tana whenua ki a Rangi Tnanui Tamihana raua ko Joseph Zenker, o Muriwai, tangata mahi paamu, o Turanga, mo nga tau mo te wariu o te Kawanatanga apiti atu ki te mana whakahou i te riihi mo etahi tau o 21 atu ano i runga i te wariu whakapaingakore o te whenua i taua wa tonu a ka ahei ranei ki te tango i te moni kapeneheihana mo nga whakapainga. (That the said land be leased to Rangi Taunui Tamihana and Joseph Zenker, of Muriwai, Gisborne, farmers, for a term of 21 years at Government valuation, with a right of renewal for a further term of 21 years on the then unimproved value of the land or, in the alternative, be entitled to compensation for improvements.) 40 4890 Kenana 2b 13b Kia hokona taua whenua ki a John Witherow, tangata mahi paamu, o Te Puke, mo te rahi o te wariu a te Kawanatanga. (That the land be sold to John Witherow, of Te Puke, farmer, for the amount of the Government valuation.) 41 4899 Rangitaiki 60b 11 Kia hokona taua whenua ki a Alexander Kinnaird, tangata mahi parama, o Akarana, mo te moni e £278. (That the said land be sold to Alexander Kinnaird, of Auckland, plumber, for the sum of £278.) 42 4956 Whangaparaoa 3b Kia riihitia tetahi wahi o taua poraka ko te rahi nei e 2,450 eka, a, ko Rota 4 kei runga kei te mapi 10600, ki a Roderick Arthur Mead, o Cape Runaway, tangata mahi paamu, mo nga tau e 21 apiti atu ki te mana whakahou i te riihi mo tetahi 21 tau atu ano mo nga moni reti whakaaetia i te hui. (That part of the above block containing 2,450 acres, being Lot 4 on deposited Plan 10600, be leased to Roderick Arthur Mead, of Cape Runaway, farmer, for a term of 21 years with a right of renewal for a further 21 years at a rental to be agreed upon at the meeting.) 43 4958 Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7b 1 Kia whakaaetia he whakakorenga i te riihi o taua poraka ki a Makitanara Turuku me Thompson Gardiner me nga reti kua toopu ka ore ano ranei kia utua, kia whakakorea katoatia. (That a surrender of the lease of the above block to Meketanara Tukuru and Thompson Gardiner be accepted and that all rent accrued, due, and unpaid to date, be remitted.) 44 4997 Okoheriki 1h R a k i (North) 5 Kia hokona taua poraka ki a Herbert Munro Martin, tangata mahi paamu, o Ngongotaha mo nga moni e £87. (That the above block be sold to Herbert Munro Martin, of Ngongotaha, farmer, for the sum of £87.) 45 4998 Tahupango.. Ko etahi wahi o taua poraka kei waenganui o Te Whaiti me te Rori ki Ruatahuna me te Awa o Whirinaki ko te rahi nei e ono eka (ko aua wahi kua kiia ake nei ka tino whakamaramatia o te mapi ka whakatakotoria ki te aroaroa o nga tangata i te hui) me riihi ki a Oliver Smith, o Te Whaiti, tangata taraiwa rore, mo nga tau 15, mo nga moni reti e whakaaetia i te hui a nga tangata no ratou te whenua. (That portions of the above block lying between the Te WhaitiRuatahuna Road and the Whirinaki River, and containing approximately six acres (such portions being more particularly described on a plan to be produced at the meeting), be leased to Oliver Smith, of Te Whaiti, motorlorry driver, for a term of 15 years, at an annual rental to be agreed upon at the said meeting.) 46 4999 Rotohokahoka E, Tekiona (Section) 4 Ko etahi wahi o taua poraka ko te rahi e 44 eka 0 ruuri 10 paati, ko Rota 6 me te 7 kei runga kei te mapi nama 7245, me hoko ki a Richard Dawson, tangata mahi paamu, o Rotorua, mo te wariu te whakapaingakore a te Kawanatanga mo nga paanga o nga Maori no ratou te whenua. (That parts of the above block containing 44 acres 0 roods 10 perches, being Lots 6 and 7 on deposited plan No. 7245, be sold to Richard Dawson, of Rotorua, farmer, for the amount of the Natives’ interest in the unimproved Government valuation thereof.) 47 5000 Waiohoata A 30d .. Kia hokona taua whenua ki a Guy Lloyd Francis, tangata mahi paamu, o Torere, mo nga moni e £50. (That the said land be sold to Guy Lloyd Francis, of Torere, farmer, for the sum of £50.) 48 5001 Paengaroa Raki (North) A 3, Tekiona (Section) 2 Kia riihitia taua whenua ki a Edward George Cruickshank, tangata mahi paamu, o Te Puke, mo nga tau e 21, mo nga moni reti kia kaua e hoki iho ite 5 paihaneti o te wariu a te Kawanatanga. (That the said land be leased for a term of 21 years to Edward George Cruickshank, of Te Puke, farmer, for not less than 5 per cent, of the Government valuation.) 49 5005 Tahorakuri Kia hokona te katoa, tetahi wahi ranei o taua poraka ki te New Zealand Perpetual Forests, Limited, he kamupene i aata whakakaporeihanatia, a, ko tona tari kua oti te rehita kei Akarana, mo nga moni ko tahi pauna i te eka. (That the whole or part of the above block be sold to New Zealand Perpetual Forests, Limited, a duly incorporated company having its registered office at Auckland, at and for the sum of one pound per acre.)

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Motini hei Whiriwhiringa. (Resolutions for Consideration.) 50 5006 Pokohu B 1c, Tekiona (Section) 2 Kia hoatu ki a Ethel Harriet Knap, o Rotorua, mo nga tau 10, te mana tapatapahi, wawahi, harihari hoki i nga rakau katoa (totara) kei runga i taua whenua, mehemea ki te utua nga moni roiriti e whai ake nei, i te 20 o nga ra o te marama i muri iho i te haringa i nga rakau. Mo nga tiripa e pai ana mo nga reiri we a te Kawanatanga lid. mo te me a kotahi. Mo nga poohi e tika ana hei mahi taiapa £1 12s. 6d. mo nga poohi kotahi rau. Mo nga poohi tereina Is. Id. mo te mea kotahi; i raro ano hoki i nga tikanga e whakahaua e te Poari. (That the owners grant to Ethel Harriet Knap, of Rotorua, for a term of 10 years, the right to fell, cut, split, and remove all marketable timber (totara) from the said land on payment of the following royalties on 20th day of the month following removal of the timber : For standard Government railway sleepers, lid. each; for fencing posts, £1 12s. 6d. per 100 posts ; for strainers, Is. Id. each ; and subject to such conditions as may be imposed by the Board.) 51 5007 Pokohu B 1c, Tekiona (Section) 1 »»

Sama (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Motini hei Whiriwhiringa. (Resolutions for Consideration.) 52 4528 Taumami Nama (No.) 3 Kia whakakorea te riihi ki a Reweti Rewiri a kia whakakorea ano hoki nga reti. (That lease to Reweti Rewiri be surrendered and all rents be remitted.) 53 4670 Rotoiti Nama (No.) 10 wahi (part) Kia rihitia tana whenua ki a Sidney James Goodyear mo nga tau e 21 apiti atu ki te mana whakaha mo tetahi 21 tau atu ano mo te reti Is. i te eka i te tau mo nga tau 21 tuatahi a mo te 5 paihaneti o te wariu whakapaingakore a te Kawanatanga mo nga tau 21 tuarua. Mo nga rakau katoa e pai ana mo te Mira, me utu hawhe o nga roiriti ki nga rangatira o te poraka. (That land be leased to Sidney James Goodyear for 21 years with right of renewal for a further 21 years at a rental of Is. per acre for first 21 years and 5 per cent, on the Government unimproved value for second 21 years. Should any mill-ing-timber be sold off the block half the royalty to be paid to Native owners.) 54 4875 Opape 6 toenga (balance) Kia hokona taua whenua ki a Amehia Doris McDonnell mo nga moni e £900. (That the said land be sold to Amelia Doris McDonnell for the sum of £900.)

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 4, 30 January 1930, Page 42

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 4, 30 January 1930, Page 42

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 4, 30 January 1930, Page 42

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