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WIIIRIWHIRI I TE MOTINI I PAAIIITIA I TE HUIHUINGA I RARO I WAHI XVIII O TE TURE WIIENUA MAORI, 1909. (Resolution passed at a Meeting of Assembled Owners under Part XVIII of tue Native Land Act, 1909, for Consideration.)

Tenei ka panuitia hei mohiotanga mo nga tangata e whai take ana tera e patua e te Poari nga tono e man i raro iho nei ina kore e whakahaerea i tenei tuunga ote Poari. Te take i penei ai he roa rawa o te whakahaere o enei tono.

It is hereby notified for the general information of parties that unless reason is shown to the contrary the Board will dismiss, on the ground of non-prosecution, any of the undermentioned applications which are not brought on for consideration at the meeting.

Tono kia Whakatuturutia nga Tukunga Whenua. (Applications for Confirmation of Alienation.)

Tono kia Whakatuturutia nga Tukunga Whenua (Applications for Confirmation of Alienation)— coitiivwied.

Kahiti —U.

Tono kia Whakaaetia nga Mokete i raro i Tekiona 230 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909. (Applications for Consent to Mortgages under Section 230 of the Native Land Act. 1909.)

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ahua o te Tuku. (Nature of Alienation.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku atu ana (Alienors.) Nga Tangata e tango mai ana. (Alienees ) 1 3236 He riihi (lease) Pakaraka 2b 1b Te Ata Kahura me etahi atu (and others) Rangiore Tamou me (and) Merania Ruru. 2 3253 He hoko (transfer) Ngatirahiri 5c .. Rahiri Rawiri me etahi atu (and others) L. R. Sarten. 3 3317 Mimi 23d 2b 3 .. Hohipera Kahe .. G. Salway. 4 3318 He riihi (lease) Wahi (part) Oeo C Rangitaniwha Pihama F. Muggeridge. 5 3319 He hoko (transfer) Motukawa 2a 6a Ratima Hakopa E. R. Batley. 6 3320 Waimarino A 13c Hinewaka Hakopa H. R. and J. G. Pike. 7 3321 He riihi (lease) Hapotiki Nama (No.) 2 .. Rangitahae Pokere J. 0. Bublitz. 8 3322 99 • • Te Huri Pokere me etahi atu (and others) 99 9 3323 >> Waokena Tekiona (Section) 255a 2 Te Onetu Pihama G. L. and C. A. Smith. 10 3324 Araukuku 1 1b .. Putaka Waikatere F. Ogle. 11 3325 , y Inuawai 3b Waipatara Toi . . Pouwhareumu Toi. 12 3327 99 Rangiwaea 4r 16 Nama (No.) 2a 1 Te Rihi Rewi me (and) Atiria Kahukoka M. McDonnell. 13 3328 99 Wahi (part) Kai Iwi 5b 2a Ratana te Rangitahua J. J. Power. 14 3329 99 Ngarakauwhakarara Nama (No.) 4 Haimona te Oti me etahi atu (and others) H. Whakarake. 15 3330 99 Rangiwaea 4f 14a 2d 3e Ngaone Waara me etahi atu (and others) C. S. Harris. 16 3331 He hoko (transler) Motukawa 2a 5 wahi (part) Whakahihi Paki E. R. Batley. 17 3332 99 99 Te Kore Ngamako me (and) Noti Ngaparau 99 18 3333 He riihi (lease) Manawakoara 1a wahi (part) 1b, 1c me (and) Id Panatahi Mete Kingi me (and) Rangipouri Marumaru W. Little.

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka, (Record No.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Motini hei Whiriwhiringa. (Resolution for Consideration. 20 3204 Wahi (part) Murimotu 3b 2 He hoko atu ki te Karauna. . Sale to the Crown.

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. I Record No.) Te Ahua o te Tuku. (Nature of Alienation.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku atu ana. (Alienors.) Nga Tangata e tango mai ana (Alienees.) 21 1580 He riihi (lease) Whakaihuwaka C 13b Maata Keepa me etahi atu (and others) Matenga Keepa. 22 1613 He hoko (transfer) Matangerei Nama (No.) 2 Hori Wikimoa .. J. F. Ross. 23 1758 He hoko rakau (sale of timber) Waimarino 4 a 1 Mataera Rongonui me etahi atu (and others) Waimarino Development Co. Ltd. 24 1734 • « 4a 3 Wi Rihia 25 1801 9? ,, 4a 4 Puna Hohepa me etahi atu (and others) 9 9

Nama. (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Aliua o te Tuku. (Nature of Alienation.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) • Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku atu ana (Alienors.) Nga Tangata e tango mai ana. (Alienees.) 26 1846 He hoko (transfer) Ngapakihi 2a 2b Korako Keti Kerei D. Bates. 27 1838 9 9 9 9 Kakakura Kerei me etahi atu (and others) 95 28 1920 Taumatakoro Fiori Wikimoa . . F. J. Ross. 29 1929 He riihi (lease) Ngatimanuhiakai 10 b Turaki te Rangihurunuku me etahi atu (and others) Hapeta te Rangihurunuku. 30 1990 9 9 Oeo Poraka (Block) II, Tekiona (Section) 1, Wahanga (Sub.) B Tekenui Pihama W. Frank. 31 2018 He hoko (transfer) Ruatangata 1b 4k 2 Piripi te Nguhunga Waitere ara (or) Piripi te Muhunga A. N. F. Bignell. 32 2023 He riihi (lease) Ngatimanuhiakai Nama (No.) 8 Matekohi J. Freimann. 33 2026 5 ? Wahi (part) Awarua 4o 9a Haukoraki Potaka V/. A. C. Picard. 34 2032 9 9 Taumaha Nama (No.) 7 . . Maru Hokai T. Foreman. 35 2085 He hoko (transfer) Raetihi 5b 1 Herewini Tupaka H. M. Wells. 36 2123 He in o k e t e (mortgage) Tnuawai 5a 2 Anaru Ngatai me (and) Ngatai Tangirua J. F. Kiley. 37 2150 He riihi (lease) Ngatitu 17 d 2 .. Whakaike Ata me etahi atu (and others) F. Mouri. 38 2240 He hoko (transfer) Whitianga 2b 16b 4 Hinaki Ropiha me etahi atu (and others) M. F. Somerville. 39 • 2247 He riihi (lease) Kaipo B 10b Hinewhaea Turereao P. Leahv. 40 2118 9 9 ,, B 10 Hoani Turereao me etahi atu (and others) R. Leahy. 41 2259 9 9 Ngapakihi Is 2 .. Ngahina Tahuparae me (and) Potatau te Kauhi S. Barakat. 42 2352 He hoko (transfer) Mataikahawai 5b Reweti Ritai me etahi atu (and others) M. A. Fischer. 43 2365 9 9 Ngapakihi Is 3 . . Rangiapohia Ngarongo S. Barakat. 44 2366 9 9 Iw2.. Te Rou Taurerewa me (and) Hinemata Mariana ara (or) Hinemata te Ataiwaho 9 9 45 2387 He riihi (lease) Puketapu 3c 8 . . Hira te Akau B. J. Tuck. 46 2405 99 Awarua 4c 9d . . Tungore Potaka Ngapera Potaka me (and) Ripeka Utanga Potaka. 47 2536 He hoko (transWahi (part) Matatera 1e 3b Rihipeti (Pene) Ihaia R. Symes. 48 2544 He riihi (lease) Motukawa 2b 4a Heperi Pohe me etahi atu (and others) The Tui Street Meat Co., Ltd., Taihape. 49 2564 9 9 Ngatirahiri 3e 4. . Titiraukura Meihana me etahi atu (and others) W. E. Skelton. 50 2033 9 9 95 Kariri Harawira me etahi atu (and others) 95 51 2576 He hoko (transfer) Taihaere 5a Pue Tutepuangi.. R. J. Bell. 52 . 2578 99 Karaka B 2c Patiwha Mete Kingi me etahi atu (and others) F. E. Train. 53 2775 He m okete (mortgage) Awarua 2c 3b . . Maata Kotahi Tawhara . . Pukeokahu - Taoroa Rabbit Board. 54 2803 He hoko (transfer) Waimarino A 9 me (and) A 10 a Tapeka Turehu . . Ada Tapeka Turehu. 55 2805 99 Wahi (part) Matatera 1e 3b Te Tutuoterangi R. Symes. 56 2808 He riihi (lease) Wahi (part) Awarua 4c 9a Haukoraki Potaka W. J. Beckett. 57 2841 He hoko (transfer) Purakau A 2 Wahanga (Sub.) 2a 1a Tonga O’Carroll. . J. S. Wilson. 58 2849 99 Ohura South C 1, Tekiona (Section) 2a 2a Pokihi Parehuitao W. G. Somerville. 59 2865 Ngatitanewai 7a 1 Miriama Makawe Rangitaura W. McKenzie. 60 2868 • X Wairoro 3b Kawana Hunia . . A. Cameron. 61 2963 He mana tuku huarahi reren g a w a i (g rant of water rights) Pungarebu Bl.. Rihikau S. Campbell. 62 2964 He riihi (lease) Papatupu 5a . . Te Aute Tawhitopou me (and) Toti Tawhitopou J. E. Palmer me (and) J. C. Gray. 63 2970 He hoko (transfer) Rimutauteka 4c Kabo Heremia .. J. Edwin. 64 2974 If Rangiwaea 4f 14b 2c Rangipotaka Matene A. L. Harris. 65 3022 He riihi (lease) Rangiwaea 4f 14d Nama (No.) 1 Tuku Whakarere C. S. Harris. 66 3032 5 ? Umutahi Nama (No.) 17 .. Kahui Ngairo L. Goodger. 67 3054 He riihi rakau (timber grant) Rangiwaea 4f 14d 3b Te Oto Paretini me etahi atu (and others) M. W. Flett. 68 3055 He hoko (transfer) Waimarino 3h 1 me (and) 3n 4 Tapeka Turehu me etahi atu (and others) Rangiapohia Ngarongo.

Naina (No.) Nama o te Pukapuka. (Record No.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Nga Ingoa o nga Tangata e whai Tikanga ana. (Names of Parties.) Nga Tangata e tuku Mokete atu ana. (Mortgagors.) Nga Tangata e tango Mokete mai ana (Mortgagees.) 69 2630 Waimate S.D., Poraka (Block) I, Tekiona (Section) 14 (Otakehu Karaati 3639) Henry Rama (Te Rama Tamaiti) L. F. N. Gane. 70 2774 Awarua 2c 3b Maata Katahi Tawhara Pukeokahu-Taoroa Rabbit Board.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 11, 21 March 1929, Page 140

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 11, 21 March 1929, Page 140

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 11, 21 March 1929, Page 140

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