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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partition.)

Bra atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nqa Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession).

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-biiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession)— continiied.

Tono Whakatu Kai-eiiwhi ki nga Paanga When'ua (Applications for Succession)— cdntmued

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession)— continued

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications fob Succession) — continued

Nama. Kai-tono. Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (No.) (Applicant.) j (Name of Land.) 1 Tanumi Reti . . Waikare 8p 4. 1A A. R. Nelson Rawhiti 2a 10. Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.) Nama (No Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 2 Heemi Reti Waikare 12 me (and) 13a Kia whakakorea nga ota weheCancellation of partition wehe i raro i tekiona 121/09 under section 121/09. 3 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita Waikaramihi Rahui (ReWhakawa take paanga Investigation of title. (Registrar) serves) 4 99 Te Ti A me (and) B Tono kia kimihia te nui o te pa aApplication for determinanga o ia tangata tion of relative interests. r Ka Tepara, ara (alias) Maromaku B 2 Whakawhiti. . Exchange. 5 • Ka Hori Rewi Haromi Ratahi me (and) Pipiwai 2ii 5b 99 . . . . Remana Ratahi / Remana Ratahi, Haromi Pipiwai 2h 4 .. 99 • • • • Nore, Marama Witi6 hira, me (and) Te Nori Hei Maehe Here .. Motatau 1c 7b 99 • • • • • • 99 7 J 'NgahuiaWiri „ 2/7 99 • • • • 99 Reweti Ruapekapeka 6b 2b 2 .. 9 9 • • * • • * ? 9 Matekino Hauraki me Motatau 2/7 .. • • • • 9 9 8 (and others) Hori Reweti .. Ruapekapeka 6b 2b 2 .. 99 • • • • 99 q ' Ringa Kopa . . Motatau 5e 3.. 99 • • •• •• 9 9 ** Pera Kopa ,, 1c 4e Tono i raro i wahanga (3) o teki10 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita Te Kiripaka . . Application under sub(Registrar) ona 22/1928 hei whakawa take paanga section (3) of section 22/1928 for investigation of title. 11 Minita Maori (Native Motatau 1 Wehewehenga Tono i raro i tekiona 6 o te Ture Application under section Minister) (Subdivisions) me etahi Whakatikatika Ture Whenua 6 of the Native Land atu poraka (and other) Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Amendment and Native blocks) Whenua Maori, 1923, kia whaLand Claims Adjustkatoputia nga paanga ment Act, 1923, re. consolidation of interest. 12 Ape Kopa ma (and anMotatau 4i Tono i raro i tekiona 7 o te Ture Application under section other) Whakatikatika Ture Whenua 7 of the Native Land Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Amendment and Native Whenua Maori, 1922, mo te Land Claims Adjusttaha ki e tahi ota kapeneheiment Act, 1922, re comhana pensation orders. 13 Tumuaki Kai-whakawa Opua Tono i raro i tekiona 34/1925, Application under section (Chief Judge) Pitihana Nama 143 o te tau 34/1925, Petition No. 1925 na Riri M. Kawiti me ona 143 of 1925 of Riri M. hoa tokotoru e ki ana i tangohia Kawiti and three others pohehetia taua whenua e te Kaalleging that the said rauna, a e inoi ana ki whakablock has been wronghokia atu kia ratou fully taken by the Crown, and praying for restitution. 14 Maihi Herepo ma (and Te Ti Toenga (residue).. Tono whakawa take paanga me Investigation of title and others) te whakatau i nga tangata mo determination of ownerratou taua whenua ship. 15 Heemi Reti Waikare 13a me (and) 8q Tono i raro i tekiona 10 o te Ture Application under section 4 Whakatikatika Ture Whenua 10 of the Native Land Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Amendment and Native Whenua Maori, 1919 Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1919.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 16 Riri M. Kawiti Tono i raro i tekiona 25 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909, kia uiuia ko wai ma nga tangata e tika ana e whai take ana ranei ki te Perehi Taa i te Tiriti o Waitangi Application under section 25 of the Native Land Act, 1909, to determine the ownership or the right to hold the press of the’‘Treaty of Waitangi. 17 Sam Maioha, tamaiti (jun.) ma (and another) Tono i a Alison Trevor Devery, hei tamaiti whangai Application for adoption of Alison Trevor Devery. 18 Pahi Hau ma (and another) •• Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Hone Hau, kua mate Kia whakaturia he kai - tiaki mo : — Probate of the will of Hone Hau, deceased. Appointment of trustee for :— 19 Morore Kaupeka Piripi. . Parimata-Mokau 1 - Miria Piripi, Makere Piripi, Harata Piripi, Piripi Piripi, Iritana Piripi, me Haehae Piripi. . ana Piripi, me Haehae Piripi Miria Piripi, Makere Piripi, Harata Piripi, Piripi Piripi, Iritana Piripi, and Haehae Piripi.

Xama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased. 20 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 2/19 Akarana Rewi. 21 • • „ 1a 7 .. Akuhata Haki. 22 W. Cooper Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4d Anaru Rameka. 23 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 5j 2b .. Ani Pere. 24 ?9 Taraire 2j 2d .. Ani Tiraha. 25 99 Motatau 3t Aperahama Parangi. 26 99 Parahaki 2 Api Rapana. 27 W. Cooper Ngaiotonga 1b 1 me (and) 2b, Waikare 8g, Tutaematai B 2 Aporo Haika. 28 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Paoneone C Aporo Tipitipi. 29 99 Motatau 2, toenga Tekiona (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Te Apu Pene. 30 99 Motatau 1a 7 .. Arapera Peita. 31 99 Kaikou 2a 2 Te Araroa Noa. 32 Kiri Piri Paki Punakitere 2a 2.. Atareta Hongi. 33 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 Atawhai Teira. 34 99 Kohatuwhawha B Aue Kerepeti. 35 Kaikou 2a 2 Te Awhi Teha. 36 W. Cooper Maromaku A . . 37 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Maunganui 1 Emere Makoare. 38 5 j Kaiwhakairi D . . Ene Renata. 39 99 Te Mania B 2 . . 40 99 Motatau 1a 7 . . Ene te Tane. 41 «• „ 3p 2 .. Ene Tane. 42 99 Kaiwhakairi D .. Ene te Ua Kawatupu. 43 99 Parahaki 2 Enoka Kawi. 44 99 Paoneone C Erana Taiwhanga. 45 99 Motatau 5e 3 Erana Whin. 46 99 Paerata 1 Eru Hiri. 47 99 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Eru Paraha. 48 49 Puru Erueti . . Motatau 5j 2a .. Erueti Hone Kingi. 50 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waikariri Erueti Kemara, ara (alias) Erueti Kereama, ara (alias) Erueti Kerehama. 51 99 Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 Erueti Kereama. 52 99 Mimitu-Ruarei 21b Erueti Kerehama. . 53 99 Motatau 3t Erueti Reti. • 54 Kotuku A 3g Hakopa Kahi. 55 W. Cooper Whangaruru-Whakaturia 2b 3, WhangaroaNgaiotonga 4a 4 Hamuera te Awe, ara (alias) Hamuera te Rahui. 56 Rui te Haara Mataraua C 6b . . Hape Heta, ara (alias) Hape te Haara. 57 Mere Paora .. Rawhiti 2a 12, 2b 2, 2c .. Hara Paora, ara (alias) Harata Paora. 58 Orokawa 3b Harata Paora. 59 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waikare 17 Hare Haika Waaka. 60 Waimimiti E Hare Kohatu. 61 W. Cooper Parimata-Mokau 5 . . .... Hare Maki II. 62 Tame Anaru . . Marutuna B 2 . . Hare Manaaru. 63 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Otetao A Hare Matenga. 64 • • Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 65 Mereana C. Bryers Motatau 1a 8 .. Hare Paraea, ara (alias) Charles Bryers.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 66 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Matatau 4o 3 Hare Wetiwha. 67 9 9 Matatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) Hariata Pohe. 68 99 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65. Harohanga Toeke. 69 W. Cooper Kaikou B 1, B 3a ; Maromaku B 2, B 3; MoHauraki Niha. 70 Kere Heemi Whare tatau 1b 7j, 2/59 Maungakawakawa 6 Heemi Whare. 71 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 20 .. Hemara Rata Pou. 72 Paerata I Hemi Whatipu. 73 William Aiderton Rangihamama K 3b Hemo Pera, ara (alias) Hemo 74 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Pipiwai 2h 17a .. Piri. Henare Kake. 75 9 9 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) Henare Marino. 76 9 9 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Motatau 1b 6 .. Henare Nua. 77 9 9 Otutahuna 1b . . Henare Panoho. 78 9 9 Paerata 1 Henare Panoho Toka. 79 80 9 9 Parimata-Mokau 1 Henare Pirihi. 81 9 9 Mere Paraea (Bryers) 99 x. •• • • • • W aikokopu 1 9 9 82 Urupukapuka 2a 1 Henare te Rangi Cross. 83 Waewaetorea (Island) 84 W. Cooper Ngaiotonga 1b 2, 1b 3, me (and) 2b 2 Henare Tiraha. 85 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waikokopu 1 Henare Wiki te Pirihi. 86 9 9 Motatau 1b 7h .. Hepi Hau. 87 9 9 ,, 2/25n . . Hepi Hau Tautari. 88 9 9 „ 3p 2 .. Hepi te Titaha. 89 9 9 „ 2/19 Heta Reweti. 90 •, ■> Mimitu Ruarei 21b Hetaraka Taniora. 91 92 9 9 W. Cooper Parahaki 2 Moturua B, Tangatapu Bl Te Heu Rewiri. 93 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Te Tio A 2 94 „ C 1 95 9 9 Mataraua E ... Hiku Hori. 96 99 Kaikou 4 Hiku Kopa. 97 99 Motatau 3t Himi Kawhi. 98 %•> „ 3b Hiraina Heta. 99 9 9 ,, 4k 100 9 9 Huiarau Hiraina Paraha. 101 99 Moturua B Hiramai Piripo. 102 9 9 Maromaku A . . Hiriana Heta. 103 9 9 Paerata 1 Hoana Kariki. 104 9 9 Motatau 2/44 . . Hohaia Paraone. 105 9 9 „ 5o 12 :. Hohaia Werihi. 106 Punakitere 2b 7g Hohepa te Kauwhata. 107 W. Cooper Whangaroa-Ngaiptonga 4k, Waikaramihi B, Hohepa te Kauwhata. ara (edicts) 108 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Ramaroa A Motatau 4p 1 Pauaka te Kauwhata. Hohepa Kopa. 109 Maki Pirihi .. Waihaha 1c Hopeha Poa. 110 Whangaruru-Whakaturia 2a 111 W. Cooper Moturua B Hohepa Tawhai. 112 99 Kapowai A 3, B 2; Ngaiotonga 1b 4, Waihaha Hohepa Watene. 113 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) 1c, Waikino Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 Hohi Kereama. 114 9 9 Motukiore G Hone te Heu. 115 W. Cooper Tangatapu B 1, Moturua B, Tutaematai B 2, Hone Heu. 116 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parimata-Mokau 7 Waima South A.. Hone te Heu. 117 99 „ C 2 118 • • „ F 3 119 • • „ G 2 120 W. Cooper Maunganui 2; Ngaiotonga 1, 2a; Oakura 1) 2 Hone Tautahi Pita. 121 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Punakitere 2b 7g 122 99 Maungapohatu, Tonga (South) 1b .. Hone Tiwini. 123 124 Kami Hoone Hamiora Hau Motatau 5o 12 .. Mokau 2a 1 me (and) 2a 2 Hoone Hamiora Hau. 125 126 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Tutaematai B .. Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) Hoori Rewi. 127 W. Cooper 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Motatau 1b 4b 2, 3s, 5a 2f Horahanga Toeka. 128 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) „ 1a7 .. Hori Hereora. 129 99 Tongariro 1a 2 .. Hori Hiku. 130 Mangakowhara B 5 Hori Kaka. 131 W. Cooper Motatau 1b 2b me rori kua tutakina (and 132 Takiri T. Puriri closed road) 1b 5b 1a, 3s, 5a 2c ; Waihaha 1c Taraire It Hori Puriri. 133 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Whakakoro A .. Hori Rakete. 134 9 9 Motatau 3p 2 .. Hori Rameka. 135 9 9 Otara A Hori Wehiwehi Henare. 136 9 9 Parangarahu A .. 137 138 99 Parimata-Mokau 1 Punaruku 2 9 9 -■ 139 140 9 9 99 Takahiwai 5c 2 .. Maungapohatu Tonga (South) 1b .. Hoterene te Tai.

Nama (No.) Rai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate (Name of Deceased.) 141 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Maungaturoto C Hoterene Tai. 142 Merekiha Paraha Ninihi 1 143 W. Cooper Tangatapu B 2, Opito, Moturua, Porotu Hotereni te Tai II. 144 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Tapuae 3b 2j Hoterene Wi Pou. 145 Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 Huhana Whare Wetiwha. 146 Waikokopu 2 .. Hunia Kapo Hopa. 147 Motatau 1b 7b .. Hunia Mahanga. 148 Kaikou A 3d .. Iha Wiki te Oi. 149 Maromaku A .. Ihaia Heta. 150 Motatau Id 3 .. 99 151 9 9 „ 2/19 99 152 ,, 3r 153 Maungakawakawa 13m .. Ihapera Pene. 154 Maromaku A Ihapera Tairua. 155 Erana P. Komene Punakitere 2 b 2a Ike Pou, ara {alias) Heni Pou. 156 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 3s .. Ina Mangu. 157 „ 1A 8 .. Ina Merengi. 158 „ 4o 3 .. Ina Tiatoa. 159 Paerata 1 Te Ipukai Hiri. 160 Punakitere 2b 4a Iritana te Hikairo. 161 Maromaku B 3 .. Iritana Kape. 162 Waikokopu 3 Iritana Reihana. 163 9 9 Motatau 2, Tekiona toegna (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Iritana Wiremu. 164 Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 12 .. Kaa Hone. 165 Ani Takirau ma (and others) Rangihamama G Kahawai Pirihahu. 166 W. Cooper Kotuku 4 Kahu te Ahuahu. 167 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 5 Kahui Haimona. 168 Okahu Kahutaha Horo. 169 Waikokopu 4 .. Kaipo Hoterene. 170 Taraire Iz 3 171 Kohatuwhawha B Kaiwhanga Mete. 172 W. Cooper Ngaiotonga 1b 2, Tutaematai B 2, WhangaroaNgaiotonga 4a 7 Kana Watene. 173 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 1b 3d .. Te Karaipiture Ngohi. 174 ,, 3s Karaipiture Ngohi. 175 Tane Ruwhiu Tongariro 2c 2 .. Kararaina Wi Pou. 176 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 1a 8 Kare Tiwene. 177 ,, 1a7 .. Te Karehu Heihei. 178 Rapana te Titaha Ruapekapeka 6b 2a Kareko Titaha. 179 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 4z Kataraina Tete. 180 9 9 • . Kate Coffey. 181 Maungapohatu Tonga (South) 1b . . Katene te Teira. 182 Takahiwai 7c .. ' Katene Teira. 183 Motatau 1a 8 .. Kato Whakaita. 184 Mautakirua B .. Kawau Erueti. 185 Motatau 2/23a 2 Kawiti Rongo Paraone. 186 • • Hapairua B Kee Rako. 187 Motatau Id 3 .. .. .. Te Keha Wi Kamo. 188 „ 3t Kerekeha te Hounui. 189 „ 4z «• 190 W. Cooper Karetu Si Kihini Katene. 191 Motatau 3s, Waihaha 1c . . Kimihanga Maka. 192 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Kaikou 4 Kina Totara. 193 9 9 Maungapohatu Tonga (South) 3 9 9 194 Mimitu-Ruarei 21b • • 195 Mimitu-Ruarei 1 Kira Hemi. 196 Motatau 1b 4a 2d 2 Kiri Hoani. 197 Eru Matini Pipiwai B 2 Te Kiri Matini, ara {alias') Kirikoka Matini. 198 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waikokopu 2 . . Te Kiriahi Hapa. 199 Eru Matini Kaikou 2, Rota (Lot) 24 .. Kirikoha Matini. 200 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Mangakowhara B 5 Kiwi Paraha. 201 • « Ngararatunua Cl Kiwikiwi Wetiwha. 202 Motatau 3t Kohe Tahere. 203 Kotuku B 3 Kopania Haata. 204 9 9 Motatau 1a 7 .. Kori Ngapua. 205 • * Ngawhitu A 2 .. Te Kowhera. 206 Motatau 1a 7 .. Kuini Pekama. 207 • • „ 3p 1 .. 208 9 9 „ 3p 2 .. 9 9 209 „ 4z 9 9 210 W. Cooper Motautau 1b 4b 2, 2/15, 2 toenga (balances), 5a 2p Kukama Toeke. 211 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parimata Moka 3 Maaka Hopa. 212 • • Opito .. Maata Paaka. 213 Motatau 1a 7 .. Maera Kuao. 214 „ 5e 6 .. • • 215 9 9 Maungaturoto D 3 Maera Tutanekai. 216 • > Hapairua B Maihi. 217 Motatau 5o 12 .. Makarini Hirini. 218 Parahaki Ik 9 9 219 W. Cooper Waikaramihi B .. Makarita Wharetomokia, ara {alias) Makarita Heta.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 220 Akaripa Pou .. Punakitere 2b 2b Makereta Watene. 221 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Maki Matini. 222 Eru Matini Pipiwai B 2 • « 223 W. Cooper Waikino, Opito . . Makoare te Tai. 224 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Paerata 1 Mangakahia Rini. 225 Kaikou 4 Manuera Hori. 226 Hauturu 1b 2c .. Maraea te Kaka. 227 W. Cooper Motatau 2/49b . . Maraea Tauteke. 228 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) 3p 2 Maraenui Taituha. 229 Hare te Rangi Te Ante B 2 Maraetai Cross, ara (cdt'a*) Maraetai te Rangi. 230 99 * * • * Kaurinui 3b 2 .. • • 231 Te Ti B 232 99 • * * * Urupakapuka 2a 1 9 9 233 • a • • . • Waewaetorea (Island) • a 234 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 3p 2 Marara Ngapua. 235 Porotaka 1b Marara Watene. 236 9 9 Ruapekapeka 4b 2 Mataiti Himi. 237 99 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Mataroria Peita. 238 9 9 Motatau 2/30 . . •« 239 9 9 „ 2/63 .. 9 9 240 ,, 5a 5b .. Mate Hemi. 241 . 9 Kotuku B 4b 1 . . Mate Ngapua. 242 Motatau 1b 6 . . Mate Nua. 243 9 9 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 9 9 244 Motatau 4o 3 a a 245 „ 3t Mate Nua Kake. 246 Kiri Piri Paki Mataraua C 4b .. Mate Putoto. 247 Punakitere 4n 2. . a a 248 99 * * * * Taporepore D .. 99 249 Tuhuna 22 a a 250 ,,32 Motatau 5a 1b . . • a 251 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Materoa Memi Pekama. 252 Kaikou Bl Matini te Kope. 253 Motatau 1 d 3 254 9 9 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b me (and) 65 9 9 255 Paerata 1 9 9 256 99 • . • • . . • • Matire Kopa. 257 Motatau 1c 1 .. Matire Moeanu. 258 „ 2/28 9 9 259 9 9 „ 2/41 .. 99 260 99 ,, 3e 9 9 261 4o 2 .. 9 9 262 Paoneone C Matiu Tuatai Erana. 263 Porotaka 1b Matutaera Muhu. 264 9 9 Taupiri Mere Peka te Heu. 265 W. Cooper Moturua B 266 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65; Waihaha 1c Mere Pumuka, ara (alias) Konori Tumene. 267 W. Cooper Hauai 2d 1, 2d 3 Mere Rewha. 268 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 5o 12 . . Mere Teri Pere. 269 Te Peka Otene Taraire 2b 2 Mere Tiki. 270 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 4a .. Mereana Hamuera. 271 Motatau 1a 7 Meri Akuhata. 272 ,, 3r Meri Noa. 273 „ Id 3 .. Meri Noa Taura. 274 „ 5e 24 .. Meri te Whata. 275 Horotiu A 4 Mihaka Hapati. 276 Whirinaki 1b 5 .. 9 9 277 Kaikou Bl Mihi Komene. 278 Ninihi 2 Mihiarangi Toia. 279 Motatau 1a 7 .. Miraka Utika. 280 Tangatapu B 4 .. 281 Paerata 1 Miria Kaire. 282 Motatau 5h 2 Miriama te Haki. 283 9 9 Ahitunutawa A .. Te Miringa Wetiwha. 284 W. Cooper Karetu D 2, Z 2 285 Tutaematai B 2 .. Mita Kaa. 286 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 3s Moetahi Ro (Kopa). 287 Parahaki 2 Te Moo Kawi. 288 Motatau 1b 3e 1 Morehu Himi. 289 9 9 Mangakowhara B 5 Napi Ratahi. 290 9 9 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 .. 99 291 Motatau 3s 99 292 ,, 4z 293 99 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Nareta Peia.

Nama, i (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 294 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 4k Nau Paraone. 295 Paerata 1 9 9 296 Mimitu-Tuarei 21b Neri Waho Mate. 297 • * Rawhiti 2 Ngahemo Ruhiu. 298 • • Paerata 1 Ngahuia Wetiwha. 299 Eru Matini Pipiwai B 2 Ngakuru Matini. 300 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Te Mania B 2 .. Ngapera Neri Kuku. 301 Maungaturoto C \. 302 W. Cooper Motatau 4z Ngapera Taiawa, ara (alias) Ngapera Wepiha. 303 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waikare 17 Ngaro Hoterene Tipene. 304 W. Cooper Waihaha 1c, Parimata-Mokau 2, Punaruku 2 Te Ngaroata. Himi Puu, ara (alias) Ngaroata Puu. 305 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Maungaturoto C Ngarui te Korohu. 306 Motatau 1a 8 . . Ngere Paerau. 307 • • Mangakowhara B 5 Ngahi Kaka. 308 W. Cooper Motatau 1b 2b me te rori i tutakina (closed roads); Motatau 1b 5b 1a, 3s, 5a 2b 1 ; Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 10; Waihaha lo 9 9 309 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Parengarenga 5b 2 Ngutu Ngakuru Nopera. 310 Motatau 3s Niha Henare. 311 Mimitu-Ruarei 2 Nikora Manihera. 312 Maromaku B 3 .. Noa Taura. 313 Motatau 3t 9 9 314 • • ,, 4z 9 9 315 ,, 1e 6a .. Te Oi Tamehana Noa. 316 ,, 4f 2b .. ; 9 317 9 9 Te Karetu Panapa Hepi. 318 Pokeka B 2 9 ’ 9 319 9 5 Punaruku 2 Panapa Perepe. 320 Paerata 1 .. .. .. .. Pane Peeni. 321 Te Para Hori. 322 Hohepa Heperi Waihou A 6a .. Parehuia Hohepa. 323 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 5e 22 .. Pari te Whata. 324 Whakanekeneke C 2 Patu Hohaia. 325 Motatau 3s Peihana Kopa. 326 «• Waikokopu 3 Te Peka Maungungu. 327 Motatau 3p 2 Pene Kiwikiwi. 328 Rameka Pene Te Tairua-Opouteke Pene Komene. 329 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Kaikou Bl Pera Taratahi. 330 Ripi Wi Hongi Kohewhata A, Ngapuruhi wahi tapu (burial ground) Pere Wi Hongi. 331 Keita Mare .. Motatau 5j 2b .. • • 332 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Manginangina .. Peri Matini Pou. 333 • • Kaikou 2, Rota (Lot) 20 .. Pii Terei. 334 Motatau 5a 5a .. Pimangu Paraha. 335 9 9 „ 2/49b .. Pine Maraea. 336 9 9 „ 5j 1 .. Pine Tame. 337 9 9 Maunganui 1 Piri Weera. 338 9 9 Motatau 3s Piripi Ngohi. 339 Omaunu 1b 1 .. Pita Rotiki. 340 Toha Parangi Whakataha 3b 1c Pokai Piripi. 341 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Maromaku B 3 .. Pou Huriata. 342 Motatau 1c 5d .. Pou Nore. 343 9 5 ,, 3s 9 9 344 Kaikou 4 Pou Reweti. 345 9 9 Mangakowhara B 5 Pou Toeke. 346 « « Motatau 3s 347 „ 5o 12 .. Pouaka Pera. 348 9 9 Parahaki Ik Pouaru Huarahi. 349 Kotuku B 4a .. • • 350 Motatau 2/22c . . Pouwhare Toeke. 351 • « Otetao A Te Pura Tiopira. 352 Motatau 3t Puti Hani. 353 Orokawa 3b Puti Pita. 354 9 9 Motatau 5o 12 . . Rapana Tahu. 355 9 9 „ 1A 7 .. .. Rapata Pohe. 356 9 9 „ 2/55 .. 9 5 357 „ 4z Rata Riimi. 358 Takahiwai 1 9 9 359 Motatau In 3 Te Rata Rimi. 360 ? « Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 19 .. Rat ahi Nopera. 361 9 9 Waikokopu 1 Ratutonu Pirihi. 362 Maromaku B 3 .. Rawinia Hei. 363 9 9 Motatau 1a 8 .. Re Ngawati. 364 9 9 Maungapohatu Tonga (South) 3 Rehe Matini. 365 Paerata 1 99 366 Te Ngaro Rehe Pipiwai 2h 15 .. 367 Eru Pou, jun. Waima Tonga (South) A 1b 4 Rehua Wiremu. 368 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Maungapohatu Tonga (South) 3 Reti Haimona. 369 I Rewi Kipa.

Nama. (No.) 1 Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 370 W. Cooper Kapowai A 1c, B 2; Waihaha 1b, 2c 1, 2c 2 Ripeka Himiona, ara (alias) Ripeka Hopa, ara (alias) Ripeka Rameka, ara (alias) Ripeka Pekawhero. 371 C. F. C. Miller Waihaha 2c 2 •. Ripeka Rameka. 372 Era Tiatoa Motatau 4o 3 Ripeka Reupene. 373 5 9 • . • • • • Puketotara 374 9 9 • • •• •• Pirikotaha 9b 2b Ripeka Tiatoa. 375 I E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Te Waimimiti M3 Ripia Tango. 376 • •> Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 4c 2 Riwhi Tia. 377 9 9 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Te Rohe Himi. 37S 99 Motatau 5a 5b .. Te Rongopai Hemi. 379 9 9 ,, 5a 1b .. Te Rongopai Hemi Pekama. 380 9 9 Mimitu-Ruarei 21b Ru Eparaima Poa. 381 9 9 Motatau 4z Ru Reweti. 382 Hapairua B Te Ru Toitu. 383 W. Cooper Moturua B, Tangatapu B 1, ParimataMokau 7 Rua Potakataka Takerei Tawhai. 384 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 3w Rua Whare. 385 9 9 Ahuahu2 Ruatara Henare Ruatara. 386 9 9 Te Karawa 2 .. 387 ' • Motatau 3p 2 Ruatara Ngapua. 388 99 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Ruiha Karikena. 389 W. Cooper Motatau 3s, Waihaha 1c Tahi Kaka. 390 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Taki Rauahi. 391 Te Waewae Ihimaera .. Karetu T Tamati Ihimaera. 392 Maki Pirihi .. Karaka-Huarua A Tamati Poa. 393 Waikare 17 394 9 9 Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 3 99 395 E. P Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Moturua B Tamati Waaka Nene. 396 Patu Hohaia . . Wahi Rota (part Allotment) 23, Tekiona (Section) 9, Taone o Kororareka (Town of Russell) 397 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 3k 2 . . Tame Horomona. 398 ,, 1e 6a .. Tamehana Noa. 399 9 9 „ 2/63 .. 99 400 9 9 ,, 4f 2b .. • . 401 „ 3p2 .. Tane Haratua. 402 Moturua B Taniora Korohunga. 403 Pareanui 404 Motatau 1a 8 .. Tao Makoare. 405 Mere Waiti Puketotara Tareha Hoterene. 406 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Motatau 1c 9b .. Tareta Hunia. 407 ,, 3t Taroi Hei. 408 • • „ 4z • « 409 •« ,, 3j 2c .. Taruke Paora. 410 ,, Id 3 .. Tautoro Pomare. 411 Kaikou 2a 1 Teni Mate. 412 9 9 Motatau 3s Tepara Henare. 413 Mihi Pati □turn A Tepana Riwai. 414 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) • • . . • • • • • • • • 415 9 9 Pakohu 2b 2a v.. 416 Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 4c 2 Terehia Whanga. 417 •. ,, 3, Rota (Lot) 33b 2 • • 418 9 9 Kakaraiea • • 419 Maungapohatu Tonga (South) 3 99 420 • « Motatau 4z 9 9 421 Parahaki 2 Tieke Rauriki. 422 * •> Waikokopu 3 Ti Kapua Pinohu. 423 9 9 Motatau 1b 5b Id 1 Tiki Ngaru. 424 9 9 „ 2/35 .. 425 Hanerau 3b Tipene Makoare. 426 Punaruku 2 • • 427 Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 Tiripua Taruke. 428 Motatau 2/2 429 • • „ Id 3 .. Toe Kepa. 430 Otara A Te Toi Rongotoa. 431 Motatau 3p 1 Toko Kiwikiwi. 432 9 9 ,, 3p 2 9 9 433 9 9 ,, 3t • • 434 , 9 „ 4o 3 .. Toro Himi. 435 9 9 Maromaku B 3 .. Toro Himi Matiu. 436 , 9 Motatau 1b 6 . . • • 437 „ 3p 2 .. Tote Rameka. 438 • * ,, 3s Tororewa Hati. 439 W. Cooper Motatau 1b 4a 2b, 3s, me (and) 4z; Waihaha 1c Totorewa Pea. 440 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) 1 Taraire Iz 3 Tuata Hemara. 441 Mere Wa it i [ Utakura 1b 2p 2 Tupari te Whata. 442 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Waima Raki (North) A 16e Tutu Taui. 443 Motatau 1b 7j .. Waaka Hakuene. 444 W. Cooner Waikino Wakaa te Tai.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 445 446 Himi Hamiora Mahanga E. P. Earle, Kai-rehta (Registrar) Waikokopu 1 Motatau 1c 1 .. Waata Tewharau. Te Waero Rapata Reti. Waimakomako Hori. 447 „ 3e 448 • • Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 10 .. 449 99 Motatau 5a 4 .. Waiorooro Perepe. 450 W. Cooper Waikino Waipapa Mihaka. 451 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Mangatete Te Warn Hirini. 452 99 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) Wataa Pati. 453 99 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Maungapohatu Tonga (South) 1b .. Whakaruru Pera. 454 Mimtu-Ruarei 21b 455 9 9 Motatau 3s Whare Kiwi. 456 • • „ 2/56 .. Whangaroa-Ngaiotonga 4a 9 Whare Kiwi Paraha. 457 99 Whare Wetiwha. 458 9 9 Motatau 5o 12 .. Wharepouri Wetiwha 459 99 ,, 5h 2 .. Wi Tarapeta te Haki. 460 99 Maungaturoto C Wikitoa Wharemate. 461 • « Motatau 3s .. .. - William Coffey. 462 Ahitunutawa A .. Winiata Pomare. 463 ■ a Te Ahuahu 1 464 99 Waingarara 465 • ■ Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 4c 2 Wiremu Hoterene. 466 99 Rawhiti 2a 10 .. Wiremu Ihaia. 467 99 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) Wiremu Manihera. 468 99 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 Motatau 3p 1 469 99 Motatau 2, Tekiona toenga (balance Sections) Wiremu Paati. 470 20, 26, 34, 36, 37, 40, 47b, me (and) 65 .. Te Awahe 4a .. Wiremu Paki. 471 • * Maungaturoto C Wiremu Tai. 472 Puhi Tia Mangakowhara Al Wiremu Tia. 473 E. P. Earle, Kai-rehita (Registrar) Kaikou 3, Rota (Lot) 20 .. Wiremu Tuwhai. 474 Motatau 3c 2a .. Wirepa te Waka. 475 9 9 ,, 3c 2c .. 476 W. Cooper „ 5a 2b 1, Waihaha 1c Wiri Kaka.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 52, 13 December 1928, Page 609

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 52, 13 December 1928, Page 609

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 52, 13 December 1928, Page 609

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