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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe.

(Applications for Partition.)

Tono kua Whakahokia e te Tumuaki Kai-whakawa i raro o nga Tekiona 7 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1922, kia Uiuia kia Ripoatatia. (Reference by the Chief Judge under Section 7 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1922, for Inquiry and Report.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession!— continued

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

lono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Kahiti C.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Te Ao te Rangi Mare me (and) Mare Mihiata .. Awarua 3d’3, 13. 2 Te Reiti Grace Hautu 3b. 3 Minita Maori (Native Minister) ,, 4b 2a. 4 Paehoro Noni ,, 4b 2b. 5 Minita Maori (Native Minister) Ohuanga Raki (North) 1. 6 9 • •• •• •« •• ,, Tonga (South) 1. 6a Taupoki Pakau Okahukura 8m 2c. 7 Horina te Rauparaha Pukawa 3d. 8 Matahera te Moana 9 George Gotty Puketapu 3. 10 Ngarimu Haare Tauranga Taupo 2. 11 Laurence Edward Mawake Grace Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 5b. 12 Te Ao Mohoaonui .. „ 1/42a. 13 Puataata Alfred Grace Tokaanu B 1b. 14 Te Puia Patena Waihi-Kahakaharoa 1c. 15 Tupu H. Paurini .. „ 9. 16 Utamate Haare Waimarino 3e 1. 17 Puataata Alfred Grace Waipapa Ij 2. 18 Perehitini o te Paora o te Takiwa o Aotea (President, Aotea DisWharetoto 6. trict Maori Land Board) 19 >> „ io.

Kama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 20 Mere Peehi Kaimanawa 1e me (and) If Tono kia whakawakia ano nga ota i whakaturia ai a Karaitiana Manihera hei kai-riiwhi mo nga paanga o Hana te Rangi, kua mate. Nga ota riiwhi he mea hanga i te 12/8/17 me 18/8 23 Application for rehearing of the orders appointing Karaitiana Manihera as successor to the interest of Hana te Rangi, deceased. Succession orders dated 12/8/17 and 18/8/23. 21 Te Tumuaki Kai-wha-kawa (the Chief Judge) Ruamata Kia uiuia kia ripoatatia hoki mo runga mo te pitihana a Eruera te Akau, e inoi ana kia whakaurua ia ki roto i taua whenua For inquiry and report as to petition of Eruera te Akau, praying for inclusion in the title of the said block.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 22 Te Paekitawhiti Hoera .. Pukawa 5 Kia whakatakotoria he rori To lay off a road. 23 Rangiita Waaka me (and others) Tokaanu 1a .. Kia whakakorea te ota i whakatakotoria ai he rori i runga o Tokaanu 1a To cancel order laying off a road-line over Tokaanu 1a. 24 Herena te Marae Tokaanu B 2h 3 me (and) 4 Kia whakakorea te wehewehehenga Cancellation of partition. 25 Patatai te Hanairo Waihi-Kahakaharoa 9, I me (and) 8 Kia whakatikatikaina te ota wehewehe Amendment of partition orders. 26 Kerara te Heuheu Waihi-Kahakaharoa 1 .. 27 T. Raroa Matuahu Waipapa 2c .. Kia whakakorea te ota kai-riiwhi ki a Taranui te Raroa Cancellation of succession order to Taranui te Raroa. 28 Wiri te Rangi Kaimanawa 1e me (and) Kai whakakorea nga ota kairiiwhi ki a Hana te Rangi Cancellation of succession orders to Hana te Rangi. 29 Raureti Apiata ma (anp others) Waituhi-Kuratau 4b 2 Kia whakatikatikaina nga ota kia-riiwhi ki a Whakaunua Taungakore Amendment of succession orders to Whakaunua Taungakore,

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) r Te Whanga Wi Kohika Hautu 2b 2c .. Whakawhiti .. .. Exchange. 30 Te Takanga Arthur Mangahouhou *« • • • • 1 99 Grace 'Te Herekiekie RangiHautu 3f 3 .. 99 ’ * * • 99 31 amohia Rangitukehu Rangiamo- „ 3f4 .. 99 32 k hia f Te Wiki Hepi Hauhungaroa 2d 99 Ngarino Riria ,, 2c 99 * * * * i Te Whango Wikohika.. Hautu 2b 2d .. 99 * • * * Te Herekiekie RangiMangahouhou 99 33 mohia me (and) Rangitukehu Rangimohia [ Rangiamohia E d i t h Hautu 3 f 5b .. 99 34 Grace John Edward Grace .. Tokaanu B If • • i • • 35 Hepi te Huia .. Hauhungaroa 2b I raro i tekiona 232 o to Ture Under section 232 of the Whenua Maori, 1909, kia whaNative Land Act, 1909, kaputaina tetehi kupu whakapai to recommend the issue kia whakaputaina he Ota Kauof an Order in Council nihera whakatau i tenei whenua declaring the above land hei rahui Maori to be a Native reservation. £ s. d. Survey costs — fTokaanu Taonehipi Moni ruuri .. 0 9 6 Interest from 25/10/27. 36 Te Tumuaki Kai-ruuri 1 (Township) VII/1c 1 (the Chief Surveyor) I Tokaanu Taonehipi / (Township) VII/lo 2 „ ..096 99 37 T a u m a r u n u i County Pukawa 5 Moni reiti .. 77 11 8 Rates due. Council 38 Takuira te Keepa Oraukura me era atu He tono kia whakawa tuaruatia For rehearing under secwhenua (and othei’ 1 raro i nga ritenga o tekiona 5 tion 5 of the Native blocks) o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Land Amendment and Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1927, nga ota whakatau kai-riiwhi Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1927, in respect of succession mo Te Keepa Puataata, kua orders to Te Keepa mate Puataata, deceased. 39 Wiripo Tohiraukura Pukapuka whakamana kaiLetters of administration whakahaere mo nga taonga o in re Te Keepa PuaTe Keepa Puataata taata. 40 Runga Tohiraukura Letters of administration 41 Tuia Pikitu Pukapuka whakamana kaiwhakahaere mo nga taonga o Pikitu Pakau in re Pikitu Pakau. 42 John Asher Pukapuka whakamana kai-wha-Letters of administration kahaere mo nga taonga o Taiin re Taiaha Paurini, aha Paurini, ara Warn Paurini alias Warn Paurini. 43 Ngapera te Keepa Mo tetahi ota whakatu kai-riiwhi For an order appointing ki nga taonga tinana o Te successors to the perKeepa Puataata sonal property of Te Keepa Puataata. 44 Rina Waimarama Tiwhikete whaka-kaumatua Certificate of age. 45 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Tokaanu B 1 me( and) B 2 Kia whakataua mehemea ko wai To determine what Natives ma nga tangata e whai paanga are entitled to certain ana ki etahi moni roereti kei moneys now in the hand te ringaringa o te Poari o Aotea of the Aotea Board for e puripuri ana mo nga kirikiri gravel taken. 46 Piwa te Tomo.. Hauhungaroa Ina wehew'ehea ano tana poraka That on further partition he tono kia wehea atu tetahi of this land sufficient wahanga mo te kai-tono hei compensation should be whakaea i nga moni i utua e ia awarded him for exi te wawahanga tuatahi penditure of moneys in connection with the previous partition. 47 J. Thomson Hautu 4b 2 .. Mo tetahi ota kia utua ki a Te Hei For an order directing payRakera tetahi moni e purutia ment to Te Hei Rakera ana ma Hinewaka Riini, he of moneys on behalf of tamaiti Hinewaka Riini, minor. Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki Appointment of trustee mo— for— 48 Petera te Rangi Tokaanu Taonehipi Te Aonini Petera Te Aonini Petera. (Township) 17 49 Pape Hanairo Waipapa Hakaraia Hikawera, Kahurangi Hakaraia Hikawera, Hikawera, me Atanata HikaKahurangi Hikawera wera, and Atanata Hikawera. 50 •« • • Hautu 9 9 51 J. Thomson .. „ 2b 1b .. Hona te Kapua Hona te Kapua. 52 • • • • . . Waipapa 2a .. Kairihi Waimarie .. Karihi Waimarie. 53 Te Arahori Manunui . * Hohotaka 1a .. Kirimangu Haukino, ara KiriKirimangu H a u k i n o, mangu Martin Duff alias Kirimangu Martin Duff. 54 H. G. Dull .. Tokaanu Taonehipi 99 99 (Township) 20b me era atu whenua (and other blocks) 55 J. Thomson Hautu 2b 1b 2 Te Mau Wareware te Kuru .. Te Mau Wareware to Kuru.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant ) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo — Appointment of trustee for— 56 J. Thomson Opawa-Rangitoto Miriama Ranginui .. Miriama Ranginui. 57 Te Paekitawhiti Hoeta.. Wharetoto A me era atu whenua (and other blocks) Miriama te Tahua .. Miriama te Tahua. 58 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 6 .. Ngahiiti te Ao Mohoaonui, Ngapera te Ao Mohoaonui, me Te Mihiata te Ao Mohoaonui Ngahiiti te Ao Mohoaonui, Ngapera te Ao Mohoaonui, and Te Mihiata te Ao Mohoaonui. 59 Topia M. te Rangi T o k a a n u Taonehipi (Township) 17 Ngangana Makiwhara Ngangana Makiwhara. 60 J. Thomson Hautu 5b 2 . . Paora Huiarei Paora Huiarei. 61 99 • • Hautu 1b 1b me era atu whenua (and other blocks) Pechi Aileen Rangiheketanga, ara Peehi te Nge Peehi Aileen Rangiheketanga, alias Peehi te Nge. 62 Te Arahori Manunui Hohotaka 1a .. Ramarihi Tonga Ramarihi Tonga. 63 J. Thomson Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Rangitakaiho Hapeta Rangitakaiho Hapeta. 64 99 Hautu 1b 1b 2, 2b 1b, 4b 2b 2 Rangiwharaararahi Whio R a ng iw h ar a a rarahi Whio. 65 ,, Hautu 4b 2b 2b Te Rangiwhakaarohia Whio.. Te Rangiwhakaarohia Whio. 66 99 Waipapa 2c .. Te Rangiwhakaarahia Whio. . Te Rangiwhakaarahia Whio. 67 99 • • • • Hautu 2b 1b 2 Ratapu te Kuru Ratapu te Kuru. 68 99 • • • • Hautu 1b 1b 2, 2b 1b, 4b 2b 2 Rawiri Whio Rawiri Whio. 69 99 • • • • Waipapa 2c . . 99 70 99 • • • • Okahukura 4b me (and) Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E 2b 3a Te Riria te .Nge Te Riria te Nge. 71 99 • • Hautu 2b 1b 2 Tiore Kahaki Tiore Kahaki. 72 „ 2b 1b 2 Tu te Rangi Tu te Rangi. 73 •• . . . • „ 5b 2b .. Wharehau Mateparae Wharehau Mateparae. 74 99 Ohuanga Tonga (South) 2e 99 • • 99

Xama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 75 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tapapa 3 Akenehi Tomoana. 76 Okahukura 5 .. Ani Retimana. 77 • • • • • Hautu 2a Anita Rameka. 78 ,, Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 4a, Ruamata, Waimanu 1 me (and) 2, Reureu 1/32b Poutahi me (and) Waharangi 5 .. Te Ao Puku (Mohoaonui). ara (alias) Te Aorangi Puku. 79 •« • « • • Te Aooterangi. 80 J. Thomson . Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 Aperahama Ruke. 81 99 . • • • Okahukura 4b .. Arareina Koao (Koau). 82 M • • • • • • Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 Arareina Ngapaki. 83 4 « • • •• •• Okahukura 4b .. Areta. 84. 99 • • • • • • Hautu 4b 2b 2b .. Areta Ngapaki. 85 99 • . • • Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 '« 86 Waipapa 2a 87 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangahouhou .. Areta te Uranga. 88 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 Te Ata Piripi. 89 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tapapa 3 Ateha te Whare. 90 Te Arahori Manunui .. Wharetoto 5 .. Te Awhina Parekarangi. 91 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 4b .. Ekara Ruapoto. 92 Waimanu 1 Erina Mate. 93 •• • • . . • • Okahukura 6 Eru te Moho. 94 Tauranga-Taupo 1b • • 95 Ngarimu Haare Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) In Haare Waaka. 96 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. „ 21.. Hakopa te Mahauariki. 97 J. Thomson .. Hautu 5b 2b .. Hapeta Heta. 98 99 . • • • Okahukura 8m 2b 3 99 Waipapa 2c Hapeta Wainoho. 100 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Urewera 2a 2 .. 101 99 • • • • Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) Harata Raimona. 102 Mangahouhou .. Hare Hohepa. 103 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Hare Matenga. 104 . Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tauranga-Taupo 3b 2, Kaimanawa If, 1 • • 105 « • • • a • Wharetoto 4 .. Hare Matenga Taua. 106 a * a a a a Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E Hare Tauteka. 107 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Harete Wirihana. 108 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 4b .. 109 99 a a a a Pukawa 2f 110 99 a a • » Ruamata Hariata te Hei. 111 Pau Marin Pukawa 5a Hariata te Uruti. 112 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Whangaipeke Haruru Ngaaki. 113 J. Thomson .. Ohuanga Tonga (South) I Te Haumihiata. 114 Tauranga-Taupo Ib Hauturu Hakatarewa. 115 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tawhai Raki (North) Hei Manuera. 116 J. Thomson .. Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Hemi Pitiera. 117 99 • • a a a a Waipapa 2c 99

Mama, (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 118 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tapapa 3 Hemi te Whetu. 119 J. Thomson . . Hautu 4b 2b 2b. . Henare Erina. 120 » ■ •• •• •» Tauranga-Taupo 1b Heni te Kakahue. 121 Hautu 5b 2b Herena Mutu. 122 ,, 4b 2b 2b. . Heretaunga Heta. 123 «« • • •• »• Hauhungaroa Id 1 Te Heuheu Materita. 124 •• •• •• •• „ 2d 125 } j * • •• •• Opawa-Rangitoto Te Heuheu Tukino. 126 9 9 • • • • • • 99 . • • • • . Hikihiki Wiremu. 127 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ruamata Te Hina te Moana. 128 Okahukura 3 me (and) 4b Hinehou Parekarangi. 129 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 2b Hinemihi Hori. 130 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. „ 3b2 .. 9 9 131 • . . . « . Hautu 4a Hinemihi Hori (child). 132 J. Thomson .. „ 1b 1b 2b 5 Hinepoto te Rangihiroa. 133 99 • • . • . . ,, 4b 2b 2b 99 134 99 • • • • Opawa-Rangitoto .. .. 135 Waipapa 2b 9 9 136 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Taurewa 4 Rawhiti (East) B 5b Hinetu Iwikau. 137 J. Thomson . . Waimanu 2g .. Hineuru Ngawai. 138 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 4b .. Hipine Reke. 139 Waimarino A 9, Tapapa 3 Hirata Taranui. 140 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Hirawera Aonui. 141 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Wharetoto 1 Hiriwera te Momo. 142 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2b .. Hiroa te Moana. 143 9 9 • . • • • • Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Hoani Hapeta. 144 ,, 5b 2b 145 9 9 • • Waipapa 2c 9 9 146 99 • • . • • • Okahukura 5 .. Hoani Hehepa. 147 99 •• •• •• ,, 4b . . Hoani te Rakato. 148 9 9 • • • • • • Tauranga-Taupo 1b Hoeta te Hata. 149 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 5 . . Hohepa Ngoringori. 150 Hautu 2a Hohepa Tamamutu. 151 Hauhungaroa 1a, Waimarino F Hohepa te Tuiri. 152 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 Hone Waiti te Ahuru. 153 99 • • • • • • Okahukura 4b .. Hori te Tauri. 154 Hautu 4b 2a . . Te Huihui Tori. 155 Tauranga-Taupo 1b Huna Ngawaka. 156 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waione 9 9 157 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Hura Kumeroa. 158 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Reureu 1/33b . . Hura Mayata. 159 •a • • • • Tawhai Raki (North) Te Hurinui Nikora. 160 99 • • * * Wharetoto 7 .. Iraia Reupena. 161 99 • • * * Hauhungaroa 1c Irena (Erina) Mariu. 162 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2b Kahu Makatea. 163 99 • • • • * * ,, 2c . . Te Kahu Ropihana. 164 99 •• •• •• Ohuanga Tonga (South) 1 Kahu Taniko. 165 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukawa 2g Kahui te Otimi. 166 J. Thomson . . Hautu 5b 2 Kahuri Pango. 167 99 • • • • • • Okahukura 4b .. Te Kahutaniko Koanau. 168 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangahouhou .. Kapu Wiremu. 169 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b 9 9 170 99 • • . A . • Te Karatea Rotu. 171 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E Karena Eruera. 172 99 • • • • Urewera 2a 2 .. Karihi Turongoiti. 173 99 * * * * Waharangi 5 . . Karihi Wi. 174 Poutahi Karihi Wirihia. 175 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Karipa Ruihi. 176 99 •• •• •• Okahukura 6 Kataraina Paurini. 177 99 • • • • • • 99 . • • • • • Kataraina Taoroa. 178 99 • • • • • • Tauranga-Taupo 1b Katarina te Rearea. 179 99 • • •• • • 99 •• •• • • Kerehi Nepia. 180 99 •• •• •• Okahukura 6 .. Kerena Tohiraukura. 181 99 • • • • • • Tauranga-Taupo 1b Kerira Paurini. 182 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Oraukura Te Ketekiri te Whataiwi. 183 J. Thomson .. Kaitieke 39d Kingi Poni (Hikopo). 184 99 • • • • • • Ngapuna 9 9 185 99 . • • • • • Ngarakauwhakarara 12a .. > • 186 99 • • • • • • Okahukura 4b .. 187 99 • • • • • • 6 9 9 188 99 Rangipo Raki (North) 2d 99 189 99 •• • • •• ,, 4c.. 9 9 190 99 • • •* • • Reureu l/15c 2 • • 191 Tawata 1 192 99 • « • • • • „ 2 9 9 193 Tokaanu B 2f .. 194 99 „ B2m1.. 195 99 • • • • • • ,, Taonehipi (Township) 9 9 196 99 •• •• • • Tupapanui 2b 2 197 Waimanu 2b .. 198 99 • • • • Waione 199 99 . . . . Waipapa 2b 200 99 • • Opawa-Rangitoto Kiniapa te Hanairo. 201 Pau Mariu Pukawa 5a Kirihihi Ngaone. 202 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Te Kirikau Hiri. 203 99 • • • • • • Te Kirikotua Tahau (Ngahau). 204 Wanikau Hohepa Pukawa 2g Kiteatu te Rangi. 205 99 • • • • Ruamata 206 Waimanu 1 207 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangahouhou .. Kotiro Tiori.

Kama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 208 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 4b .. Kui te Moananui. 209 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tawhai Raki (North) Kumeroa Wharo. 210 Pukawa 2f .. ' Te Kura te Huaki. 211 99 • • • • Ruamata 2 99 212 Tawhai Raki (North) 99 213 J. Thomson .. Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Kurupai Rahui. 214 Okahukura 4b .. Maata Mihiata. 215 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Te Maehe Tauri. 216 Hauhungaroa 1b Mahirini te Hanairo. 217 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 Te Maho te Ahuru. 218 Hautu 4b 2b 2b .. Maimaata Poaneki. 219 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 6 Makarena te Wakauta. 220 99 • • • • Pukawa 2f 99 221 99 Puketapu 3a, Ruamata, Waimanu 1, Tapapa 3, Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 16a/c, me (and) 16a a/c 99 222 99 * * Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 2 .. Make Wharepapa. 223 J. Thomson .. Ohuanga Tonga (South) 1 Maniapoto. 224 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukawa 2g Manunui Hori Hapi. 225 99 Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 3, Ruamata, me (and) Waimanu 1 Maraku te Rangihirawea. 226 J. Thomson . . Okahukura 5 .. Te Mare te Heuheu. 227 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukawa 2f me (and) 2g, Ruamata, Waimanu 1, Waituhi Kuratau 3, Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 4a, Poutahi, me (and) Waharangi 5 Mare Takuira (Mihiata). 228 Okahukura 3 me (and) 4b, Oraukura, Pukawa 2g, Whangaipeke, Waiunu, Tokaanu, Taonehipi (Township) 5, Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E, me (and) Wharetoto 5 .. Taurewa 4 Rato (West) DI Maria Parekarangi (Wharekaihua). 229 99 Mariu Kerehi. 230 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 6 Te Matahi te Moho. 231 99 Tauranga -Taupo 2b Matahi Piripi. 232 99 „ 3b 1 .. 99 233 „ 3b 1 .. . .. Matenga Hapi. 234 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukawa 2f, Waituhi-Kuratau 4a me (and) 4b 2, me (and) Wharetoto 1, 6, me (and) 10 Matuakore (Hinehou) Wiremu. 235 Hohotaka Maui Taiaha. 236 ,, Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E 99 237 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2a 99 238 99 •• •• » • Ohuanga Tonga (South) 2f Maui te Waru. 239 99 Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 Mere Hapi. 240 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waituhi-Kuratau 4a Mere Hapimana. 241 J . Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Mere te Hei. 242 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Hautu 2a me (and) 4, Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 19 Mere Kaiwhatu. 243 J. Thomson .. Kaimanawa 1e 2b Mere Pahemata. 244 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangahouhou, Wharetoto 2 me (and) 8 Mere Pareteko Wiremu. 245 Oraukura me (and) Whangaipeke . . Mereana Reupena. 246 J. Thomson .. Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Merepeka Raukawa. 247 99 Opawa-Rangitoto Meretiao Reupena. 248 99 • • • • • • Waipapa 2c Meri Puhara. 249 ,, • • Waimanu 1 Meteria te Herekiekie. 250 99 • • Hautu 5a Mikaere te Rangihiroa. 251 • • „ 5b 2b Mini (Mingi) Henare. 252 9 9 8 ' • » Tauranga-Taupo 1b Miria te Tauri. 253 Hautu 4b 2b 2b Mitareta Hepi (Hehe). 254 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Waimarino 2b 2 Te Moana Papaku. 255 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2c Te Moana Puhara. 256 99 . . Ohuanga Tonga (South) 2J Mohoanui Puku. 257 99 • • • • Opawa-Rangitoto Moko te Ahuru. 258 ♦ . ♦ . . . 99 . . . r . . Momo te Aonui. 259 99 . • . . . . Waipapa 2c Moroati Rea. 260 99 Ohuanga Raki (North) 2 Mutu te Aokapitirangi. 261 97 • • . . . • Tauranga-Taupo 1b 9 9 262 99 . • . « • • Ohuanga Raki (North) 1 .. Te Naeroa Marata. 263 99 • • • • • 8 Waipapa 2c 99 264 99 . • . . Hautu 4b 2b 2b Naki Puangarangi. 265 99 • • . • • • „ 4b 2b 2b 266 99 . • . • • • „ 4b 2a .. Nehi Rota. 267 99 . . « • • • Ohuanga Tonga (South) 1 Nepia Matenga. 268 99 . . * • - • Tauranga-Taupo 1b 99 269 99 „ 2b 270 99 . • . . . . „ 3b 1 99 271 99 . • „ 1b Nepia te Tauri. 272 99 „ 3b 1 .. Ngahina te Awhi. 273 99 • • • • • • „ 3b 1 .. Ngahina Hiroa. 274 Opawa-Rangitoto Ngahina Ngapuke. 275 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 6, Oraukura, me (and) Taurewa 4, Rato (West) E Ngakaraihe Pakau. 276 J. Thomson .. Mangahouhou .. Ngakiha Tahau. 277 Okahukura 4b .. Ngakiki. 278 99 Ohuanga Raki (North) 3b Ngamu Manawa. 279 99 Okahukura 4b . . Te Ngangahu Koanau. 280 99 „ 5 Ngaoma Patena. 281 99 „ 4b .. Ngapaki. 282 99 • • • • • • Hautu 5b 2b .. Ngarama Hapeta. 283 99 8 8 • • • • Ohuanga Raki (North) 1 .. 1

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 284 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Whangaipeke N3arama Hapeta. 285 J. Thomson . . Tawhai Raki (North) Ngarimu Haare 1. 286 Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Ngarimu Raukawa. 287 99 Waipapa 2c 288 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Tawhai Raki (North) me (and) Waione Ngaringa te Kooro. 289 J. Thomson .. Hautu 4b 2b 2b Ngaumu Wiripo. 290 Ngaumu (Ngamu) Manawa. 291 • • « « • • Ohuanga Raki (North) 3b 292 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . „ 3 Ngaumu Manawa (Wiripo). 293 Whangaipeke 294 Mangaohane 1a .. Ngauru Akuira. 295 J. Thomson . . Okahukura 5 . . Ngawai Pikirangi. 296 ■ • • • •• • • „ 4b .. Ngaweherua. 297 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tapapa 3 Ngote Wiremu (Ngamako Wiremu) 298 J. Thomson . . Tauranga-Taupo 1b Nikora te Kahu. 299 Hautu 2a 300 . . • • • . Tauranga-Taupo 2b 301 ,, 1b Noa Raniera. 302 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waione me (and) Tawhai Raki (North) Noa te Rauhihi. 303 Pukawa 2f Noti te Heuheu. 304 99 • • . . . Pukawa 2c, Oraukura, me (and) Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 9 Te One Rea. 305 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2b Te Opetini Raukawa. 306 Dorrington me (and) Goldsman .. Hauhungaroa 7 .. Opetoke te Kiaka. 307 J. Thomson .. Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Oriwa Hohipera. 308 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Ruamata Oriwa Whakapu. 309 J. Thomson .. Hautu 5b 2b Oriwia Tutawhiao. 310 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 3 . . Te Oti Kati, senior. 311 Waiunu Paata Mete Kingi. 312 Ohotu 3 me (and) Tauakira 2m 6 .. Paetaha Maka ( Paora) (Keruihi). 313 Atereti te Kono Hauhungaroa 2d Te Paiana te Hikihoro. 314 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Oraukura Pakau Wi Tahana. 315 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Pakete te Rahoeroa. 316 Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Parahi Rahui. 317 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Ruamata 1 Parapaata Rawiri. 318 Tawhai Raki (North) Parati Wi Noka. 319 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Pare Piripi. 320 Waipapa 2c Parehuingarangi (Waimarama). 321 Okahukura 8m 2c Parekahu Pakau. 322 y •• • • • • 99 323 Ohuanga Raki (North) 1 .. Parekarangi. 324 99 • • Okahukura 3 Parekarangi Kiekie (Tohiraukura). 325 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 10 Parekurangi te Popoki. 326 99 . • • • Tapapa 3 me (and) Taurewa 4 Rawhiti (East) B 5b Pareraukawa Ngakuru (Hirata). 327 Pukawa 2g me (and) Waituhi-Kuratau 4b 1 Paretawhio Wiremu. 328 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 2b Parewhakaangiangi Piripi. 329 Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Paripikake te Nge. 330 . . •• • • •• Tauranga-Taupo 1b Paurini Karamu. 331 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ruamata, Waimanu 1, me (and) Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 12 Paurini Paengahuru. 332 99 Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 16a Paurini Takuira. 333 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Pawhara Titikorori. 334 „ 2b Peehi Manini II. 335, „ 3b 1 9 9 336 Taurewa 4 Rawhiti (East) Al 337 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 6, Hautu 5a, me (and) Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E Peia Pakau. 338 J. Thomson .. Tokaanu B 1r . . 339 Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 Pene te Hautawaho. 340 •• • • • • • • Ohuanga Tonga (South) 1 Petera te Whataiwi. 341 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukawa 2f Pineamine Tuakau. 342 Pirihita Miriata. 343 Waituhi-Kuratau 3 Piripi te Heuheu. 344 •• • • • • Whangaipeke Pitiera te Huri. 345 Oraukura Pitiera Kawa. 346 Waiunu Pitiera Wainohu. 347 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 4b . . Pititi Kumeroa. 348 Taurewa 4 Rato (West) A 4c Piungatai te Waaka. 349 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Whangaipeke Te Piwhara Wiremu. 350 .. . . . . Tawhai Raki (North) Te Poa Tuhaha. 351 Pukawa 2f me (and) 2g me (and) Ruamata.. 352 Pukawa 2g Poaka Takuira. 353 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 4b .. Te Pohe. 354 , , •• •• • • Tauranga-Taupo 1b Poriwira te Marangatau. 355 Werihe te Tuiri Hauhungaroa Id 2 Pouaka Tarakaiahi (Takiwa). 356 99 * * * * „ Id 3 Poutahi 357 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Puanga Metiria. 358 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2c Puanga te Rirerire. 359 Kai-tiaki Maori (Native Trustee) Ohuanga Tonga (South) 2c Puhi Wi Maihi. 360 99 „ 2d 1 9 9 361 | ! 9 9 Ohuanga Raki (North) 3a 1 9 9 362 Okahukura 4b .. 99 363 • • ,, 6 9 9 364 Oruamatua-Kaimanawa 3c 9 9 365 i 99 Owhaoko B 1 b ,. .. ,. ,. 99

Nama (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate (Name of Deceased.) 366 Kai-tiaki Maori (Native Trustee) Rangipo Raki (North) 2c 1 Puhi Wi Maihi. 367 9 9 „ 2d 2 ? 9 368 ,, 5c 9 9 369 a a „ 7c 99 370 Tokaanu B 2c 2 $ 9 371 „ B 2m 5 4 • 372 9 9 Tokaanu Taonehipi (Township) 8 .. 9 9 373 ,, 2nd Residue 9 9 374 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waipapa 2c 375 Tawhai Raki (North) Puhi Wi Katene. 376 99 • • Okahukura 4b me (and) 6 me (and) Whangaipeke Puhi Wi Maihi. 377 Ruamata 1 Puku Rawiri. 378 Tawhai Raki (North) 379 Hori Rawhiti.. Matahina A 3b .. Puna te Pohoi. 380 J. Thomson . . Okahukura 4b .. .. - .. Pune te Peekamu. 381 Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E 2b 3c .. Puti Rawiri. 382 Waituhi-Kuratau 4a 9 9 383 Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Putiputi te Nge. 384 Pau Mariu Pukawa 5a Rahapa Ropiha. 385 a a • • •• • • 99 . . • • • • • • Te Rahapa te Wharerangi. 386 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Te Raihana Taihakoa. 387 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ruamata 2 Te Raita Waata. 388 J. Thomson . . Waimanu 1 Rakeiwairua Paekiri. 389 Hautu 4b 2b 2b. . Ramarihi te Aue. 390 a a a a a a •• Tauranga-Taupo 3b 1 Rangataua Piripi. 391 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. ,, 3b 2 .. Rangi Manunui. 392 99 a a • • Tawhai Raki (North) Te Rangihiroa te Moana. 393 Waiunu Te Ranginui Tahau. 394 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 2b 395 aa a a • • a a Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Ranginui te Whare. 396 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Kaimanawa 1e 1 Rangipahoka Ritihia. 397 99 a a a a Waituhi-Kuratau 3 Te Rangipumamao. 398 99 • • Mangahouhou .. Rangitamata Haimona. 399 .. .. •• •• •• Rangitamata Kirimaoa. 400 ,, a a a a Mangahouhou, Okahukura 4b, me (and) Wharetoto 7 Rangitapuhikura Wi Katene. 401 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Rangitawhaki te Rui (Riu). 402 99 Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Rangiterewai Hohipera. 403 Opawa-Rangitoto Rangititia Hitiri. 404 99 a a Ohuanga Tonga (South) 2J Rangitowhare Wereta. 405 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Okahukura 6 me (and) Wharetoto 5 Rangitunoa Piripi. 406 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 8m 2c Rato Rawiri. 407 . a a a a a a a Waipapa 2b 408 aa a a •• •• Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E 2b 3c .. Rauaiterangi Hiroa. 409 aa a a a a a a Ohuanga Raki (North) 2 Raukawa Mahauariki. 410 a a a a a a a a Tauranga-Taupo 1b Raukura Rangirere. 411 99 a a a a • < Okahukura 4b .. Rawinia Koao. 412 „ 5 .. Rawinia te Wanikau. 413 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukawa 2g Rawiri te Ahu. 414 a a • • • • Tawhai Raki (North) 99 415 99 a a a a Ruamata 2 Rawiri Ketu. 416 a a a a a a Tawhai Raki (North) • • 417 aa • a • a Waiunu Rawiri Marangataua. 418 99 a a a a Ruamata 1 Te Rehina Whakapu. 419 a a a a a a Kaimanawa 2b .. Reihana te Aonui. 420 a a a a • • ,, 3b 2a 99 421 Te Toe Winiata Tauranga-Taupo 3b 2 • • 422 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Reihana te Hata. 423 99 a a a a a a Hauhungaroa 5 .. Reitini Taniora. 424 Okahukura 4b .. Renata Petera. . 425 99 Tauranga-Taupo 1b Reupena Taiamai. 426 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Kaimanawa I e 1 Riaki Tarawera. 427 J. Thomson .. Tokaanu B 11 2 Rihi Kahututu. 428 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Wharetoto 3 Rihiata Matenga. 429 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Ripeka te Kahuwaero. 430 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Taurewa 4 Rato (West) D 1 Ripeka Mariu. 431 9, Ruamata 2 Ripeka Rangiirohia. 432 a a a a a a Ripeka Takotowai. 433 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b ., Ripeka te Tauri. 434 99 a a a a Te Tihoi 3b 8b 3 Ripeka Tuturu. 435 aa a a a a a a Tauranga-Taupo 2b Riria Arapera. 436 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Wharetoto 8 me (and) Tawhai Raki (North) .. Riwai te Aramoana. 437 Hautu 1a, 2a, 4a Roera Mariana. 438 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Te Rohu Tukorehu. 439 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waihi-Kahakaharoa 5 .. Rongitowhaki Katerina. 440 Waituhi-Kuratau 4b 1 .. Te Roore Hinerau. 441 J. Thomson .. Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Ropata te Hautawaho te Ahuru. 442 99 a a a a a a Rora Ropihana. 443 99 a • a a a a Ohuanga Raki (North) 1 .. Rumakina Katerina. 444 99 a a a a a a Opawa-Rangitoto Rumakina te Rui (Riu). 445 99 a a a a a a Waimanu 1 Ruta Whakapu. 446 99 a a a a a a Okahukura 4b .. Tahuri te Heuheu. 447 99 a a a a a a Tauranga-Taupo 1b ' Taikiteuru Rota.

Nama. I No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased). 448 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ruamata Taikiteuru te Wakauta. 449 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 4b .. Tainuiawhiro. 450 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tawhai Raki (North) me (and) Ohotu 4b 3.. Taitimu Marangataua. 451 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2a .. .. .. .. 1 Tamahou te Popo. 452 Okahukura 4b . . . . .. .. Tamanga Wharetokorua. 453 59 • • • • • • Tamehana Ngatakuahi. 454 Waipapa 2a .. .. .. .. Tangatakino te Popo. 455 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b .. .. .. | Taniko Mepara. 456 Wharetoto 5, Hohotaka, me (and) WaituhiKuratau 3 Tapui Mamae. 457 Pukawa 2g Te Tarapounamu. 458 J. Thomson .. Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Tarati Peehi. 459 Okahukura 6 Taringa Atua. 460 Piata te Whataiwi Ruamata Tawera Wikohika. 461 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 4b .. .. .. ..' Tawhana Pirihita. 462 55 • • • • • • Tauranga-Taupo 1b Tawhi Parati. 463 Okahukura 6 Tewa Taranui. 464 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tapapa 3 Tihema Warena. 465 Waituhi-Kuratau 4a Tikareti Wiremu. 466 „ 3 Tikawekura Mahauariki. 467 Hautu 1a Tiori Tawera. 468 J. Thomson . . Opawa-Rangitoto Te Tira Kahurangi. 469 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Hautu 5a me (and) 6, me (and) Poutahi Tira Raniera. 470 J. Thomson .. Ohuanga Tonga (South) 1 Tiria te Heuheu. 471 9 9 •• •• •• Tauranga-Taupo 1b Tiria Nohopapa. 472 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ruamata 2 Te Tohanga Tairiri. 473 Ohotu 5b 2 Toheriri Paora. 474 99 • • • • Waituhi-Kuratau 4b 1 .. Tonga te Tuhi (Manunui). 475 J. Thomson .. Tauranga - Taupo 1b Tore Ruruhira. 476 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tawhai Raki (North) 477 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Tori Pitara. 478 99 • • • • • • Okahukura 4b .. Tuhi Turau. 479 Tuhiao. 480 99 • • • • • • Tauranga-Taupo 1b Tuhuiao Winiata. 481 99 » • • • • • „ 2b 99 482 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waituhi - Kuratau 3 me (and) Tawhai Raki (North) Tuihana Hami. 483 W. E. Goffe .. Tihoi 3b 8b 4 .. Tuiri Takiwa. 484 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Tukorehu te Mangahu. 485 99 • . • • • • Okahukura 4b .. Tukotahi Hirini. 486 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangahouhou .. Tukutahua Haimona. 487 99 • • • . Pukawa 2f Tupe te Aro. 488 99 • • • • Puketapu 3a .. 489 J. Thomson .. Waipapa 2c Tupu te Araroa. 490 99 • • • • • • Tauranga-Taupo 1b Turei te Aramoana. 491 99 • • • • • • Hautu 1b 1b 2b 5 Tutakamaiwaho te Kapua. 492 • a « a aa aa „ 2b 1b 2 .. 95 493 99 • • • • • • Waipapa 2a Tutakamaiwaho Tetekura. 494 99 • • • • • • Opawa-Rangitoto Uerata Ripeka. 495 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Te Tuhi 4c 1a, Morikau 2, Te Tuhi 1b, Ohotu 1c, me (and) Morikau 1 Wahinekino Keepa. 496 99 • • • • Okahukura 3 Waina te Hamiti. 497 J. Thomson .. 99 5 » • . . , . Waitere Kopia. 498 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Urewera 2a 2 .. Te Waka Tamaira. 499 J. Thomson .. Opawa-Rangitoto Wakahuia te Tini. 500 99 • • a a a a Okahukura 4b .. Te Wanikau. 501 Tauranga-Taupo 1b Warena Rurupuku. 502 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tawhai Raki (North) Te Warena te Tanuku. 503 99 • • • • Oraukura, Puketapu 3a, me (and) Whangaipeke Waru te Kani. 504 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 1b Te Wehi Raukura. 505 99 a a • • . • Opawa-Rangitoto Whaitiru Tonga. 506 99 aa a a a a 99 . • • . • • Whaiwhaia Wiremu. 507 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Hohotaka 508 99 • • . . Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E Whakarau Takinga. 509 J. Thomson .. Kaimanawa 1e 1 Whakarauataua Tukorehu. 510 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Hautu 4a 9 9 511 99 • • • • Okahukura 6, Whangaipeke, me (and) Taurewa 4 Rato (West) E Whanako Tamara (Tiki). 512 J. Thomson .. Tauranga-Taupo 2b Te Whare Ranginui. 513 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tawhai Raki (North) Tapapa 3 Te Whareangaanga. 514 J. Thomson .. Ohuanga Raki (North) 5 .. Whatawhata Tawhi (Taawhi). 515 99 a a a a « a Okahukura 4b .. Whatupakakina. 516 99 a a a a a a Hautu 4b 2b 2b .. Whenu te Aue. 517 Opawa-Rangitoto Whete Hitiri. 518 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Ruamata, Waituhi - Kuratau 3, me (and) Whangaipeke Whioi Mahauariki. 519 99 a a a a Hohotaka Whioi Ngarimu. 520 J. Thomson .. Okahukura 4b .. Wi Katene. 521 99 a a a a a a Ohuanga Tonga (South) 1 Wi Maihi Maniapoto. 522 99 a a . a a a Waipapa 2c Wi te Mohoaonui. 523 99 a a • a; a a „ 2a Wi Rekena te Popo. 524 99 a a a a a a Okahukura 2a .. Wi Tahana Pakau. 525 aa a a .a ,, 2b .. 526 99 a a a a a a ,, 8m 2b 3 Wiremu te Naeroa. 527 99 a a a a a a „ 4b .. Wiremu te Tauri.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 7, 23 February 1928, Page 78

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 7, 23 February 1928, Page 78

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 7, 23 February 1928, Page 78

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