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Tono Whakawa Wehewbhe. (Applications for Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession).

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Kama. (•No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Matin te Rauawa .. Kawaha 3c 1. 2 Tuhimata Kereti .. Kuirau 1. 3 Taa Retireti Koutu 3a 2. 4 Maka Ngapuhi Minginui. 5 Miria te Rangiatahua Rotomahana-Parekarangi 1c 7. 6 Pene Kotene „ 1c 8. 7 Te Rangiriri Mareti „ 6a 2/5b 3e 10. 8 Kai-rehita (Registrar) Taheke 3d me ere atu poraka (and other blocks) 9 Te Tauhu Kingi Taheke-Papakainga 12. 10 Horomona Himiona .. .. ... Waione 3b 1 Papakainga. 11 Pera te Horowai .. Waireporepo. 12 Whakaue Matehaere Waiteti 2a 1b 2a 1. 13 Namana Kamariera Waotu Tonga (South) 6. 14 Whaiatua Ahitahu Whakamaru-Maungaiti F 2b 2. 15 George William Vaughan Whakapoungakau 1b 3c. 16 •• •• •• • • . • „ 1b 3d. 17 Rangitarahae Reihana „ 9b 7. 18 Wiremu Ngawhika Whakapounga 9b 10. 19 9 •• •• •• • • •• „ 10b 1. 20 Haereata Kiharoa.. „ 13b.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 21 Mere Ngahuia Otaramarae 3. . Kia whakakorea nga ota wawahi Cancellation of partition. 22 Pokaitara te Hiakai Whaiti Kuranui 2e 2 West 4o 99 • • 99 23 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. W aiparapara-Ngaparaoa 2, Papatupu Whakawa take paanga Investigation of title. 24 99 • • Matata 18 Kia kimihia te nui o te paanga o ia tangata Determination of relative interests. 25 /Lillian E. Callaway Waimanu 2a .. Whakawhiti .. Exchange. \ Harete Karawe „ 2c 1 26 /Lillian E. Callaway Paeroa 1a 3a. . 99 99 /Paretapua Karawe Umuhapuku 1a 2 me (and) Waimanu 2c 1 99 99 27 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 2a Kia kimihia nga rohe.. Determination of boundaries. 28 Urquhart me (and) Roe Okoheriki Ik North Kia whakaurua tetahi wahi o tenei poraka ki roto i te urupa (Kauae) o Ngongotaha To have portion of this block included in the Ngongotaha Cemetery. 29 Annie Elizabeth Gordon Tarewa 7 Kia whakawatia ano te wawahi Rehearing of partition. 30 Tiweka Anaru me etahi atu (and others) Tono i raro i tekiona 5 o te Ture Whakatikatika Ture Whenua Maori Whakariterite Kereeme Whenua Maori, 1927, kia whakawatia ano te riiwhitanga o Takimoana Application under section 5 of the Native Land Amendment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1927, to grant rehearing of succession to Takimoana. 31 Tumuaki Kai - whakawa (Chief Judge) Kia uiuia kia ripoatia te pitihana a Ngapine Ruri mo te riiwhitanga o Timotuha Ruri Hareti, kia whakaarohia te kereeme a Wiremu Williams, he tamaiti whangai na taua tupapaku For inquiry and report re petition of Ngapine Ruri into the succession to Timotuha Ruri Hareti, deceased, in order to ensure the claims of Wiremu Williams, an adopted child of the deceased being recognized.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 32 Tumuaki Kai - whakawa P u k e r o a - Oruawhata Kia uiuia kia ripoatatia te pitiEor inquiry and report re (Chief Judge) (Rotorua Township sechana a Kepa Anaha Ehau ko petition of Kepa Anaha tions) etahi o nga tekiona o te Taone Ehau that certain seco Rotorua mo Ngati Whakaue tions in the Rotorua anake a ko nga tangata o etahi Township be vested in atu hapu me whakakore i te Ngati Whakaue only, taitara and members of other tribes be removed from the title. 33 99 Utuhina Kia uiuia kia ripoatatia te pitiFor inquiry and report re hana a Emere Poraumati me petition of Emere Porauetahi atu kia whakawatia ano mati and others for te whakaheahea o Te Utuhina rehearing as to indi34 Poraka vidual interests in the Utuhina Block. 99 Te Koutu B (Waipahirere) Kia uiuia kia ripoatatia te pitiFor inquiry and report re hana a Hiria Waoku me etahi petition of Hiria Waoku ■ atu and others. 35 99 Te Koutu B (Puauea, Te Kia uiuia kia ripoatatia te pitiFor inquiry and report re K o h e a, Kapakapa, hana a Rinaha Matene me etahi petition of Rinaha 36 Otoki) atu Matene and others. 99 Kia uiuia kia ripoatatia te pitiFor inquiry and report re hana a Wi Karena Wi Hapi kia petition of Wi Karena whai mana te Kooti Whenua Wi Hapi that Native Maori ki te whakawa ki te Land Court may be whakatau ko wai nga tangata e empowered to inquire tika ana kia uru ki tetahi into and determine whenua e ki ana i uru he ki roto ownership of land i nga whenua raupatu o te alleged to have been Takiwa o te Pei o Pereti e erroneously included in kereemetia ana no te Arawa the Bay of Plenty Confiscated Lands District, Turuki Makitonore and which is claimed to belong to the Arawa Tribe. 37 Whakamaru - Maungaiti Kia whakatikatikatia te ota KaiAmendment of succession Wiremu Kingi 5208b West riiwhi kia Rira lhaka order to Rira lhaka. 38 Okoheriki 2c 4c 3 Kia wehea nga moni reti mo te tau One year’s rent be set kotahi hei putea mo nga raruaside for specific 39 Hohaia Ropiha Rotoiti 9 raru Kia wehea nga moni reti hei putea purposes. Rentals be set aside for Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. mo nga raruraru o Nati Makino specific purposes for Ngati Makino. 40 Rotorua, Tekiona (SecKia kimihia ko wai nga tangata e Definition of beneficial tion) 1, Poraka (Block) ahei ana kia whakaurua ki te owners. LVII taitara 41 99 • • Rotorua, Tekiona (Section) 11, Poraka (Block) T,T 42 9 9 * * Rotorua, Tekiona (Section) 1, Poraka (Block) Turanga Mauparaoa LXXI Kai-tiaki mo— Trustee for— 43 Te Whaiti 1 .. Arihia te Mihi Arihia te Mihi. 44 Maata Watene Tatua East 11a Mareti Watene me Rohi Watene Mareti Watene and Rohi 45 Te Mura Tawhai Watene. Parawai 3b 5 Rauhihi Whiunara . . Rauhihi Whiunara. 45a H. Tai Mitchell, tiamana Taheke 3d me etahi atu Kia whakakorea tetahi wahi o nga Portion of survey liens to o te Komiti Kaporeiporaka ku oti te whamoni ruuri be remitted. hana o te Taheke (Chairkakaporeihana (and man of the Taheke Inother incorporated corporated Committee) blocks) 45 b Minita mo nga Mahi a te Otaramarae 4 wahi (part) Kia whakaritea te moni kapeneAssessment of compensaKatoa (Minister of me (and) Otaramarae 3 heihana mo te whenua i for land taken for a Public Works) wahi (part) tangohia hei koare quarry. 46 99 Rotomahana-Parekarangi E. T. te Tikao 6a 2/5b 3 47 Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki mo Letters of administration nga taonga tinana a Wiremu re Wiremu Maihi 48 George Urquhart Maihi Ereatara. Ereatara. Kia whakamanae te wira a NgaProbate of will of NgaG. R. Dansey taiawhio te Ruahuihui taiawhio te Ruahuihui. 49 Kia whakamanae te wira a WikiProbate of will of Wiki toria Kahuao Dansey £' s. d. Moni reiti .. 42 9 0 toria Kahuao Dansey. 50 Rotorua Kaute Kaunihera Pukahuikiwi .. Rates. (Rotorua County Council) 51 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief Surveyor) < 'Mangorewa-Kakaroa 6e 3/2h 5b Mangorewa-Kakaroa 6e 3/2h 7b Moni ruuri .. 12 10 0 „ .. 9 14 5 Survey lien. 52 99 Mourea Papakainga 3e „ .. 10 10 0 14a 1

Nama (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) £ s. d. f Ngapuna 2b 2b Moni ruuri .. 3 0 6 Survey lien. 53 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief J „ 2b 2c ] „ 2b 2d 99 .. 3 0 6 99 Surveyor) 99 2 10 6 „ 2b 2e 99 4 0 6 99 54 f Paehinahina 2k 2a 99 .. 3 13 6 99 99 \ „ 2k 2b .. y $ 6 0 0 99 55 99 Rerewhakaitu 1a 2 99 .. 9 1 6 99 / „ 1b 2a .. 99 .. 108 19 10 ob 99 \ „ 1b 2b .. 99 .. 34 0 0 99 57 / Waiteti 2a 1b 1a 1a .. 99 4 0 6 99 99 \ „ 2a 1b 1a 1b .. 99 2 5 6 99 58 „ 2a 1b If 1 99 .. 6 6 0 99 59 99 Wharenui A, Tekiona 99 .. 15 0 6 99 (Section) 3 60 99 Mangore wa - Kabaroa 6e 99 .. 15 17 9 99 3/2h 12b 2b

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 61 Tuoro Akapita Kokomukarukupo 2c I .. Akapita te Toa. 62 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Akuira te Koki. 63 9 ? * * Owhatiura Tonga (South) 5 Ani te Aramoana. 64 Ohineahuru 10a 3 b Ani Ngatai. 65 W. E. Goffe .. Whirinaki 1/4b 1b Ani Ngawini. 66 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Kawaha 4 Ani Rangiwahoroa Tamihana. 67 9 9 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Ani Kanara Wiripine. 68 •» w • • Pukaingataru B 20 Te Aohanga Utiku. 69 Hampson me (and) Davys Parawai 3b 3 .. Te Aomarere Harawira. 70 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Paehinahina 1 . . Te Aotiti Puerukino. 71 Rotoiti 4 9 9 72 9 9 * * Owhatiura 2b 4b 2c 3b .. .. ■ Aporo te Tipitipi. 73 99 * * ,, Tonga (South) 5 74 9 9 * * Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Aporo Utiku. 75 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Aporo te Wharekaniwha. 76 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Ariki te Pohu. 77 9 9 * * Tihiotonga B Atiria Tauwehe. 78 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Ema te Whetu. 79 Para Maihi Waotu Raki (North) 3d 2a 4 Ereni Hutana. 80 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Eru Irihapeti. 81 Matata 5a Eruera te Mateiwa. 82 Jane Sellars .. Te Papa 4h George Sellars. 83 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 20 Haare Tokotu. 84 Rotoiti 4 Haare Haimona. 85 ,, 6 me (and) 7c 86 Pukaingataru B 6 Haerehuka te Heipounamu. 87 Matata 21 Haimona Ropata. 88 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Haira Himiona. 89 Rotoiti 5b Te Hake Reiman a. 90 99 * * ,, 6 me (and) 7c 99 91 „ 13d « « 92 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Hamiora Heremaia. 93 99 * * Paengaroa Raki (North) B 4 Harete Eruera. 94 Pukaingataru B 19 • • 95 Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c Harete Eruera Manubuia. 96 „ 13d 97 Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 Hariata Pirimi. 98 Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Haukiwaho Piwiki. 99 Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6r 3/2h 10 .. Haukore Ta meh an a. 100 Rangiuru 2d 2 .. Te Hauotarakaka. 101 W. E. Goffe .. Kaingaroa Tonga (South) 1a Hapimana Parakiri. 102 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Koutu 1b 2 Heke Ngahana. 103 Maraekaraha 1b 104 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Hemi Heremaia. 105 9 9 * * Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 Hemi Huhia. 106 Rotohokahoka F 6 Henare Mete Amohau. 107 Wharenui Al.. 99 108 Parawai 2k Himi Konewa. 109 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Himoni te Whati. 110 Himoni te Whatinui. 111 Kararaina Poihipi Rangiuru 2d 1c .. Hinehaka Tamihana. 112 Hepine Ngatau Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Hipirini Ngatau. 113 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Kaingaroa Tonga (South) 1a Hipirini te Whetu. 114 W. E. Goffe .. Hira Potakirua. 115 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 18 Hiromena Wiremu. 116 • • • • Tongaparaoa 2d Hone te Iri. 117 Matahina A Id .. Hona Pani. 118 99 Whakapoukorero 3b Hone te Tuapu. 119 Maraeroa-Oturoa 2b Hori te Tauri.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 120 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3 2h 10 .. Hutu Tamehana. 121 Puker oa-Or uawh a ta Iraia te Koru. 122 • • • • Taumanu 2 TrimakReimana. 123 99 • • Waitangi 1 124 « • . • Oamaru 3b John Henry Balneavis. 125 • • ■ ■ Owhata 4a 2 .. Kahoki Kaka. 126 Tau Wirihana Koutu 1b 2 Te Kakuere Tupara. 127 Hinuera 1b 2 .. Kanakana Penetito. 128 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Koutu 3k 3 Kaperiere Ngatai Hamuera. 129 99 • • Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Kapuaiwaho Haira. 130 « « • • Marotoroa Kataraina Hone. 131 Owhatiura Tonga (South) 5 Kataraina Ihaia. 132 Rangitihei Wharepapa.. Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Keremeta te Wahapu. 133 Te Tonga Kingore Parawai 2o 3c 1 Kingare te Tonga. 134 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Kirimangu Matene. 135 99 Owhatiura 1b I .. Kiripatea Hona. 136 99 • • Waikuta 1a 5 .. Koki Ngamo. 137 « • . . Marotoroa Kotia Koraro. 138 «« • • Matata 5a Kotuku Erepeta. 139 Te Ra ta te Kotuku Tautara Te Kotuku. 140 9 9 • • Rotoiti 3t Te Kotuku Pini. 141 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Waione 3b 8 142 Para Maihi Waotu Raki (North) 3d 2a 4 Maihi Hangina. 143 Te Tonga Kingore Parawai 2o 3c I Mangaorua Titonga. 144 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 18 Manuhiri Punehu. 145 Henare Kaingarara Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2, Papa. 24k 2b .. Maora Rapata. 146 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Hurae Wahapapa Pukaingataru B 6 Maraea te Heipounamu. 147 Rotoiti 4 Maraea Hurae. 148 Registrar, Native Land Court .. « • •• a ■ .a .. Maraea Tuawhaki Titihuia. 149 Owhatiura 1b I .. Mariana Keepa. 150 Te Tonga Kingore Parawai 2o 3c I Mariana Kingore. 151 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Mei Enoka. 152 99 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Mere Rutia. 153 « • • • Whirinaki 1/4b 1b Mere Titia. 154 W. E. Goffe .. Meriana Ngakarauna. 155 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Mererihi Hohepa. 156 9 9 • • Pukaingataru B 18 Te Meri Punehu. 157 • • Maraeroa-Oturoa 2b Meri Rameka. 158 99 • • Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2 A 2 159 9 9 • • Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Mihaera Keepa. 160 99 Rangiuru 2d 2 .. Miriama Puhiawe. 161 99 • • Rotohokahoka F 8 Te Miri Ereatara. 162 9 9 • • Haumingi 4 Miriarangi Ereatara. 163 99 • • Koutu 1b 2 Miriata Ngamo. 164 Roto.-Pare. 3a 3b 2 Miriata te Taiwhatea. 165 Kawaha 4 Mita Akuhata. 166 • • • • Owhata 4a 2 167 Kawaha 4 Matui Whareure. 168 W. E. Goffe .. Roto.-Pare. 6a 2 2b 2c Natanahira Mohi. 169 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Kawaha 4 .. .. .. ., Nirai Rotorua. 170 99 Paiaka-Mangaotua P 3 .. Ngahaka Paramena. 171 9 9 • • Whaito-Kuranui 6c 2b Rato (West) 172 99 ,, 6c 2a Rawhiti (East) 173 99 Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Ngahaka Tamihana. 174 99 Rangiuru 2d 2 .. Ngahariru Puhiawe. 175 99 Hauminga 3 Ngahuka Paora. 176 • « ,, 10c .. 177 « • • • Taumanu 2 178 99 • • Paengaroa Raki (North) B 7 Ngahuka, ara (alias) Ngahuka te Pere. 179 99 • • „ „ B 10a .. 180 9 9 • • ,, Tonga (South) 3 Ngahuka te Pere. 181 9 9 • • Kawaha 4 Ngahuru Kotohiko. 182 Tauhara Raki (North) I .. Ngaikiha Tahau. 183 Para Maihi Waotu Raki (North) 3d 2a 4 Ngakaha Hangina. 184 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Rotohokahoka 1) Kaki (North) 6 .. Ngakaone Kahau. 185 99 • • Tihiotonga B Ngarimu Mihaere. 186 *« • • Rotomahana-Parekarangi 2d 187 Ereni Oriwa .. Parawai 3b 5 .. Ngatauewaru Oriwa. 188 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Koutu 1a 6 Ngatoru Akuhata. 189 Kawaha 4 Ngawaara te Wairama. 190 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. 191 Pinia Winiata Pukeroa - Orua whata Ngawai te Arahe. 192 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 19 Ngawaru Reimana. 193 99 • • Tautara 22 Nutana Waihi. 194 99 • • Magta 5a Pakana te Mateiwa. 195 Mita Titipa .. Naimai 2e Pane Titipa. 196 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Mawaha 4 Papio Renati. 197 Hurae Wahapapa Rotoito 4 Parekohai Reone. 198 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Marotoroa Paroto Ruka. 199 Harete Karawe Ruatoki Patutahuna. 200 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Marotoroa Peata te Tahi. 201 99 Pukaingataru B 18 Pera Tamati.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 202 W. E. Goffe .. Kaingaroa Tonga (South) 1a Pete Maraea. 203 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Petera Aterea. 204 Kawaha 4 Pikake Rotorua. 205 99 4 4 Waitepuia 4b Pinenga Riri. 206 9 9 44 Rotoito 6 me (and) 7c Pine Hakaraia. 207 99 4 4 Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 2b 208 99 Tihiotonga B Pio. 209 99 4 4 Whakamaru-Maungaitu K lc Pipi Poata. 210 99 * 4 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Pipiana Irihapeti. 211 99 4 4 Pukaingataru B 16 Pirihira te Aho Tarewa. 212 Matekino Punoke Okoheriki 2c 3 .. Pirihita te Wahakauri. 213 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Kawaha 4 Piwiki te Ahiwaru. 214 99 • • Paengaroa Raki (North) B 4 Poihipi Rakataha. 215 99 4 • Pukaingataru B 19 Poihipi Tooi. 216 99 4 * Waione 1b 217 J. Thomson .. Tihoi 3b 8b 3 Poni te Whare. 218 W. E. Goffe .. Kaingaroa Tonga (South) 1a Puketapu. 219 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Rotoiti 4 .. Rakau te Huriri. 220 99 4 * Waione C 4 Rakau Nohotihi. 221 99 • * Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c .. .. Raita Kotuku. 222 99 * 4 Rotoma 1 223 99 4 4 Tautara 22 224 99 • 4 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Rakiroa te Whetu. 225 9 9 * 4 Marotoroa Rana Ruka. 226 99 4 * Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 Ranapia Hemi. 227 99 * 4 „ Raki (North) B 4 Te Rangi. 228 W. E. Goffe .. Kaingaroa Tonga (South) 1a ,. Rangihaoa te Kuru o te Marama. 229 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Roto.-Pare. 2d .. .. .. Rangiheua Erueti. 230 99 4 4 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. .. Rangimatini Rutene. 231 99 4 4 99 44 44 44 Rangitamoe Pipi. 232 99 4 4 Paengaroa Raki (North) B 4 .. Reimana Tooi. 233 99 4 4 Waione 1b ,. *. 99 234 99 • 4 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. .. .. Remihio Rotohiko. 235 99 4 4 Pukaingataru B 18 .. .. Rena Punehu. 236 99 4 4 Kawaha 4 Renati te Rangahonohono. 237 99 4 * Oropi 2 Riki Pohue. 238 99 4 • Maungarangi B 2c Te Rina Opokai. 239 Hurae Wahapapa Rotoiti 4 Te Rina Parekohai. 240 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Wharenui A 2 .. Te Rina Wikiriwhi. 241 Hone Atutahi Whakapoungakau 7e Ringamutu Atutahi. 242 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Riparata Hinearangi. 243 M * • Paengaroa Raki (North) A 3/2 Riwa Marino. 244 99 4 4 Whakapoungakau 12b .. Riwa Parakuka. 245 99 • • Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 99 246 99 4 4 Mangorewa-Kaharoa A .. • • 247 Whakapoungakau 15b .. Ririata te Tonga. 248 W hakaruru Ririata Parawai 2o 3c 1. . 249 W. E. Goffe .. Whirinaki 1/4b 1b Riripeti Hiria. 250 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Tauranga 17/2 .. Rota Harehare. 251 Okoheriki Id 6b Ru Takiwhenua Henare. 252 9 9 44 Owhatiura 1b 1 Rutakiwhenua Henare, 253 Matata 5b Taimona te Heuma. 254 9 9 4 4 Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 1 Taimona te Heunga. 255 D. C. Chalmers Matahina A Id .. Tamakui Himone, 256 ,, A 3b .. 257 Rangitaiki 28b .. 258 Matata 72b 259 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 .. Tamanga Taikehu. 260 Pukaingataru B 18 Tamati Wharehou. 261 .a Owhatiura 1b 2b Tangata Kotahi te Uira. 262 9 9 4 4 ,, Tonga (South) 5 « • 263 « « Paengaroa Raki (North) B 2 Tangihia te Awhimate. 264 . . . . Marotoroa Tapu Ruka. 265 Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 .. Te Tatana Tamehana. 266 Roto.-Pare. 2d .. Tauehe Aterea. 267 9 9 4 4 Matahina A 3b .. Taupe Tukehu. 268 Koutu 1b 2 Timoti Reone. 269 Maraekaraha 1b. . > a 270 9 9 4 4 Kawaha 5a 2b .. Tipao te Mumuhu. 271 . . . • Koutu 1a 6 99 272 • « Rotohokahoka D Raki (North) 6 .. 273 Pukaingataru B 6 274 Turanga Mauparaoa Whaiti 1 Tiraha Mauparaoa. 275 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Rotoiti 4 Tirangi Harete. 276 ,, 5b • • 277 9 9 4 4 Waione 1b Tirangi Tooi. 278 99 Pungarehu Tirangi Wiremu Poihipi. 279 99 Haumingi 3 99 280 • • • • „ 10c .. 281 >9 44 Taumanu 2 Tireni Hangina. 282 Para Maihi Waotu Raki (North) 3d 2a 4 283 Registrar, Native Land Court Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Tireni Rungateua. 284 Mita Karaka .. Parawai 2o 3c 1.. Te Tongakaiwhare. 285 Ruingarangi Tua Tahorakuri 5a 2b 2b Tua Mohi.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate (Name of Deceased). 286 Hurae Wahapapa Rotoiti 4 Tuarakauri te Kirirau. 287 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Paengaroa Raki (North) B 4 Tuate Reimana. 288 • • Rotoiti 4 289 • • • • ,, 6 me (and) 7c 99 290 Waione 1b • • 291 W. E. Goffe .. Kaingaroa Tonga (South) 1a Te Tuhi Karokaitoke. 292 Whakauru Kiriata Parawai 2o 3c 1 Tumaitawhai. 293 D. C. Chambers Motiti Raki (North) D 2 .. Tupapa Ngawaikaukau. 294 99 Rangitaiki 29a 1 9 9 295 •• . . • • „ 32l .. 296 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Paengaroa Tonga (South) 1 Te Uru Hemi. 297 Lillian E. Callaway Umuhapuku 1a 3 Waata Kara we. 298 Mita Karaka . . Okoheriki 2c 13.. Wahakauri Punoke. 299 Matekino Punoke „ 2c 3 .. 300 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Waikari Hinemeto. 301 Haumingi 3 Wairoa Remana. 302 . . • • „ 10c .. 303 Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Whakarato Haira. 304 A. M. Moke .. Roto.-Pare. 2c .. Wiha Aterea. 305 W. E. Goffe .. Whirinaki 1/4b 1b Wiki Ngakarauna. 306 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Oropi 2 Wikitoria Ngatiki. 307 «• • • Roto.-Pare. 5b 5b Wi Hakopa. 308 • • Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c Wi Keepa Kawiti. 309 9 9 * * Wai wh erowhero 10b Wi Keepa Ngawhau. 310 Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Wi te Tiwha. 311 Patara Ngawhika „ 9b 11 .. Wiremu Ngawhika. 312 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c Wiremu Poihipi Rakataha. 313 „ 13d 314 99 • • Tutukau Rato (West) B .. Wiripine Ngaharepe.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 4, 2 February 1928, Page 45

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 4, 2 February 1928, Page 45

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 4, 2 February 1928, Page 45

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