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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe

(Applications for Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)


Era atu Tono (Other Applications) — continued.

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Nama. Kai-tono. Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (No.) (Applicant.) (Name of Land.) 1 Riwai Puarakau ma (and others) Waipiro A 13. 2 Hamiora Kerehi ma (and others) Totaranui A 3.

Kama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 3 Te Kaute Kaunihera o Waiapu (the Waiapu County Council) Tikitiki Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana hei utunga mo te wahi kua tangohia hei rori For assessment of compensation payable for part taken for road. 4 Kaiinanga 3 .. 5 Te Poari Whakaakoako o Haki Pei (the Hawke’s Bay Education Board) Tauwhareparae 1a 4 Kia kimihia te moni kapeneheihana hei utunga mo te wahi kua tangohia hei tuunga kura For assessment of compensation payable for part taken for schoolsite. 6 Kai-rehita, Poari Whenua Maori o te Tairawhit i (Registrar, Taira whiti District Maori Land Board) Waipiro 4n Tono kia kimihia kia whakataua hoki te hunga e tika ana ki nga moni e £455, kei te Poari e pupuri ana, he moni hua no nga mahi paamu hipi ki runga ki taua whenua For an order determining the persons entitled to a sum of money, £155, held by the Board, being the proceeds of sheep-farming on the said land. 7 Kereama Wharehinga ma (and others) 8 Hami te Raiwa te Rapu me Were Warihi Rotokautuku 3c, 3d, me (and) 3e Kia wetekina te here o Wahi 16 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1909 For an order declaring the land no longer subject to Part 16 of the Native Land Act, 1909. 9 Wiremu H. Potae Wharekahika 18a Kia whakaputaina he ota riana mo taua poraka For a charging order over the said block. 10 Te Tuhi Karena ma (and others) Mangahauini 7 me era atu whenua (and other lands) Kia whakaturia he komiti-whaka-haere hou, a kia whakakorea te komiti tahito For the appointment of a new committee of management in lieu of the present committee. 11 Nolan and Sheet, Solicitors, Tokomaru Bay Tokomaru K 7 Kia whakaputaina he ota whakatu ia Aorere Matahiki, Heke te Rure, Manihera Pa.ea, me Erana Paea hei mema o te komiti o taua poraka For an order appointing Aorere Matahiki, Heke te Rure, Manihera Paea, and Erana Paea as members of the committee of management of the said block. 12 / Hohepa Marikena Waipiro A 35 Whakawhiti Exchange. \Karauria Ruatara Mangahauini 7 13 Te Komiti W hakahaere (the Proprietors of the Mangahauini Incorporated Blocks) Mangahauini (nga whenua kaporeihana) (incorporated blocks) Torio arai ki kaua tetahi tangata e tope e mau ranei i tetahi rakau i runga i enei whenua Application for injunction preventing any person from cutting or removing any timber or trees from these lands. 14 Pari Mua Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Harata Wikitapu Mua, kua mate Probate of the will of Harata Wikitapu Mua, deceased. 15 Tori Mulligan Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Horiana Materoa, kua mate Probate of the will of Horiana Materoa, deceased. 16 Rawiri Puhipuhi Pukapuka whakamana i te wira a Horiana Materoa ara Whare ara Hiakai, kua mate Probate of the will of Horiana Materoa or Whare or Hiakai, deceased. 17 Thos. G. Buchanan Kia whakaturia he kai-riiwhi mo nga hea o nga tupapaku nei i roto i te toa hokohoko o te Tokomaru Pei Whaama : Mere Karakiakore, Hera Wahakai, Mita Karakiakore, Maki Peneti, Herewine te Hau, Rawiri te Hau, Anaru Tahuna, Wi te Rure, Kenehi Ruahine, Harete Teohaere, Rewi Takataka, Mere Ata, Rea Matehe, Mereana te Weehi, me Charlie Winiata For appointment of successors to the shares of the undermentioned deceased persons in the Tokomaru Bay Farmers Trading Co., Ltd.: Mere Karakiakore, Hera Wahakai, Mita Karakiakore, Maki Peneti, Herewine te Hau, Rawiri te Hau, Anaru Tahuna, Wi te Rure, Kenehi Ruahine, Harete Teohaere, Rewi Takataka, Mere Ata, Rea Matehe, Mereana te Weehi, and Charlie Winiata.

Nama. ( No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono (Nature of Application.) 18 Turei Poi Kia whakaturia he kai-riiwhi ki For personalty order in re 19 F' 3 L_ a Nepia Hakaraia nga hea o Miriama Kirikiri, kua mate, i roto o te toa hokohoko o te Tokomaru Pei Whaama Kia whakaputaina he ota whakaMiriama Kirikiri, deceased. (Shares in the Tokomaru Bay Farmers’ Trading Co., Ltd.) For an order directing 20 Tokomaru B 5e 1 ; Mangahau i a Mihi Anaru, kai-whaka-haere o nga rawa a Anaru Tauati, kua mate, kia whakatakotoria e ia nga whakamarama katoa i raro i tona tuunga kaiwhakahaere Kia whakakorea nga ota kaiMihi Anaru, administratrix of the estate of Anaru Tauati, deceased, to render detailed account of her administration. For cancellation of succes21 Te Iwingaro Karaka hauini 9, 16c, 12c, 7, me (and) lOr Anaura Kaiaua 1 ; Kopuriiwhi ki a Anaru Tauati, kua mate, i hangaia i te 23 o Hanuere, 1917 Kai-tiaki hou mo Peta Houkamau si on orders dated 23rd January, 1917, in re Anaru Tauati, deceased. New trustee for Peta 22 Tunmaki Kai-ruuri, Kitarakihi 1\; Mangahauini 2, 4e, 9, 10, He, 12e, 14, 15, 17, 7/37, 41,58a, 79, 137 ; Marau, Maungawaru; Nuhiti G 2, 2k ; Tokomaru. B 4b 3, G 3b ; Wharekahika 18 J, 8b 2 ; Whetumatarau 7b 17b ; Ahikouka 1c ; Tuatini Native Taonehipi (Township) 3/4, Poraka (Block) III, 13 Poraka (Block) IV; Matahiia 2h /Nuhiti H Ia £ Moni ruuri . . 20 s. d. 4 9 Houkamau. Survey costs. hipane (Chief Surveyor, 1 „ II 1B „ • • 6 6 0 9 9 23 Gisborne) 99 / „ M2 \ „ M3 „ .. 11 •• H 0 9 0 10 9 9 24 9 9 Waipiro A 33a I • • 18 18 0 9 9 25 Te Kaute Kaunihera o Mangahauini 1a 1 Moni reiti .. 0 12 L Rates due. 26 Waiapu (the Waiapu County Council) 1a2 .. o 12 1 9 9 27 1A 3 „ „ •• o 11 0 9 9 28 ,. Ia 4 • ■ 0 11 0 9 5 29 „ Ia 6 „ • • 0 11 0 9 9 30 „ 1a 7 .. 0 11 0 9 9 31 „ 1A 8 „ .. 0 11 0 9 9 32 ,, Ia 9 .. 0 11 0 99 33 „ 1A 10 •. 0 11 0 9 9 34 1A 11 .. 0 7 4 9 9 35 „ 1A 13 „ .. 0 7 4 9 9 36 „ 1A 14 . . 0 11 0 9 9 37 „ 1A 16 ,. 0 16 6 9 9 38 9 , „ 1A 17 .. 1 7 6 9 9 39 ,, 1A 18 „ .. 0 18 4 9 9 40 9 9 „ Ia 20 „ 1 7 6 9 9 41 „ 1A 21 .. 1 7 6 9 9 42 „ Ia 23 „ .. 3 0 6 99 43 „ 1a 24 2 12 3 9 9 44 9 9 „ 1a 26 .. „ .. 0 11 0 9 9 45 „ Ia 27 „ .. 0 16 6 9 9 46 1A 28, 29 .. •. 13 15 0 • • 47 „ 1A 30 „ .. 0 16 6 • • 48 9 9 1a 31 „ 0 11 0 9 9 49 9 9 „ 1A 34 ..5 17 4 9 9 50 9 9 ,, 1A 35 • •4 4 4 99 51 • • „ 1A 39 ••1 16 8 99 52 „ 1A 40 2 4 0 4 • 53 9 9 „ 1A 41 .. ..1 7 6 9 9 54 „ 1A 42. 43.. • • 3 6 0 • « 55 „ Ia 44 .. 0 11 0 • • 56 9 9 „ Ia 49 „ 1 16 8 9 9 57 9 9 ,. Ia 50 „ ..1 18 6 9 9 58 9 9 „ Ia 52 .. „ 1 9 4 9 9 59 9 9 ,, Ia 57 .. 0 11 0 99 60 ,, Ia 58 .. 0 11 0 9 9 99 Waima Taonehipi (Town..1 18 6 99 61 62 ship) 5a, 6b ,, 5b .. 2 1 3 99 63 • • ,, 6a „ .. 0 11 0 99 64 9 9 „ 9 „ 1 7 6 99 65 „ 14, 15.. „ 4 2 6 • • 66 17 .. .. o 11 0 9 9 67 „ 18 .. „ 0 8 9 9 9 08 9 9 19,20.. 1 .. 1 7 6 9 9

Kama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) — — — £ s. d. 69 Te Kaute Kaunihera o Waima Taonehipi (TownMoni reiti 1 7 6 Rates due. Waiapu (the Waiapu ship) 21, 22 County Council) 70 5 9 9 9 23, 24.. 9 9 1 2 0 71 ? j 9 9 25, 26, 27 9 9 1 7 6 72 9 9 9 9 31 9 9 .. 0 16 6 9 9 73 9 9 9 9 33 9 9 .. 0 11 0 9 9 74 « a 9 9 34 .. 9 9 1 0 1 9 9 75 9 9 • • 35 9 9 0 11 0 9 9 76 9 , 9 9 36 .. 9 9 .. 0 16 6 77 9 9 41 0 16 6 78 9 j 9 9 42 9 9 .. 0 16 6 9 9 79 9 9 9 9 43, 44.. 9 9 2 4 0 9 9 80 99 45, 46.. • » g 6 0 81 9 9 • • 47, 48. . 9 9 2 4 0 9 9 82 9 9 9 9 49, 50, 51 • • .. 0 11 3 9 9 83 9 9 9 9 52 9 9 1 7 6 9 9 84 9 9 9 9 53 9 / 1 7 6 • • 85 9 9 54 9 9 1 7 6 9 9 86 9 9 9 9 56 1 2 0 9 9 87 9 ’ 9 9 58 9 9 1 7 6 9 9

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 88 Himiona Pahina Tawhiti If 4 Apiran.a Pahina (Waimotu). 89 Mere Katene Toheriri . . Mangahauini, Tawhiti, Orua, Motuotera, Waimihia, Rahui, Waitekaha, Tokaroa, Ahiateatua, Pahiitaua, Paraeroa, Akuaku, Mataahu, Tauwharetoi, Okahuatiu Aramoana te Runa. 90 Tuhere Tautuhi Paritutata Emere Poi, Harete Puhuki, Henare Weherua, Maraki Tautuhi, Maora Puke, Peti Poihakena, Raiha Maumako, me (and) Wikitoria Haihaki. 91 Irene me (and) Douglas Potaka.. Tawhiti 1E 4c, Paraeroa 2 Haare Tipua Potaka. 92 Hohua Karalia Marangairoa 1b 3 Hamuera Tangaere. 93 Kaka Riki Mangahauini 7 . . Hapi Riki. 94 Materoa Ngawai 9 9 Harata Parata ara (or) Kaehe. 95 Pari Mua Rotokautuku, Marangairoa Id 19, Tapuaeroa, Maraehara, Totaranui, Tikitiki Harata Wikitapu Mua. 96 Kaka Riki Mangahauini 7 .. Hekiera Riki. 97 Henri Hukarere Raerena Tokata 2b Heni Mahuika ara (or) Te Ao. 98 Te Waaka Karaka Hemoata Pohautea 1, Mangahauini 7, Akuaku Rawhiti (East) 3d, Akuaku Rato (West) 4b 1c, Ohineakai 2f Hori Karaka ara (or) Hemoata. 99 E. J. Corcoran Mangahauini He Ka Kouhou. 100 Keita Potaka Tawhiti-Mangahauini Kereopa Potaka. 101 99 • • Waipiro 2b 9 9 102 Materoa Ngawai Mangahauini 16.. Kereti Horouta. 103 Ihaia Hutana Papatarata Mereaira Hutana. 104 Poneke Huihui Waikare Mangaheia 1b 2 e Mereana Nimurua ara (or) Hinemurua. 105 Ema Pahina .. Mangahauini 7 .. Piripi Waara. 106 99 • • • • • . ,, 7a « w 107 9 9 Mangatuna 9 9 108 9 9 • • • • •• Paremata 9 9 109 Whakaangiangi 6a 2 110 Rapata Pereto Wharekahika 8a Raniera Pereto. 111 Peta Mua Mangahauini 7 . . Renata Mua. 112 16 9 9 113 Henare Waitaiki Wharekahika 8a Reremoana Waitaiki. 114 Mere Katene Toheriri .. Mangahauini, Tawhiti, Orua, Motuotera, Waimihia, Rahui, Waitekaha, Tokaroa, Ahiateatua, Pahiitaua, Paraeroa, Akuaku, Tauwharetoi, Okahuatiu, Mataahu Rewi te Runa (te Ohaere) ara (or) Paramena te Runa. 115 Nehe Kopua .. Waipiro 2 Taonehipi (Township) .. Rota Kopua. 116 Hohua Karaha Marangairoa 1b 3 Rua Tangaere. 117 Te Wairakau Wirangi . . Tikapaahinekopeka Taua Uenuku. 118 Ihaia Hutana Tawhiti Tiwana Turi. 119 Pani Tokena .. Tapuaeroa me (and) Waiorongomai Tokena Pokai. 120 99 . . . • Pohautea me (and) Tikapaahinekopeka 9 9 121 99 • . . • • • Mangawhariki 5a 9 9 122 « • . . » • , • Ahikouka 2b me (and) Reporua Urikore te Runa (Te). 123 Mere Katene Toheriri .. Mangahauini, Tawhiti, Orua, Motuotera, Wai- 1 mihia, Rahui, Waitekaha, Tokaroa, Ahiateatua, Pahiitaua, Paraeroa, Akuaku, Mataahu, Tauwharetoi Okahuatiu 124 Te Wairakau Wirangi .. Tikapaahinekopeka Waiariki Uenuku (Te).

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 43, 27 October 1927, Page 523

Word Count

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 43, 27 October 1927, Page 523

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 43, 27 October 1927, Page 523

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