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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe.

(Applications for Partition.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued

Tono Whakatu Kai-rhwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

lono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua (Name of Land.) 1 Taiporutu te Mapu Anakiwi 9. 2 Wera Loffley Harakekeroa C 3. 3 Arapeta Inia Haroharo 11. 4 Hine Paora Karatia 3b 2a. 5 Matin te Rauawa .. Kawaha 3c 1. 6 Nirai te Whareure Koutu B (Te Kapa me (and) Opuahi). 7 Wiremu Kingi „ B. 8 Olive Paora Tamati „ 2. 9 Miringa 1 b 2. JO Ngamihi Mita Okoheriki 2c 4c 4b 3. 11 Wi te Atuaherangi „ 2c 4c 4b 3. 12 Enoka Karita „ 2c 4d 3b. 13 Hohepa Pirika Owhatiura Tonga (South) 1/1. 14 Michael O’Connor .. Parawai 2m. 15 77 •• •• . . •• • . • • „ 20 3b. 16 Hare Pinenga Rangitaiki 11. 17 Te Rangiriri Mareti Roto.-Pare. 6a 2 5b 3e 10. 18 Herbert Bertram . . Taheke 3b. 19 Te Tauhu Kingi Taheke-Papakainga 12. 20 Wharerarauhe te Kura „ 22. 21 Ani Hekerangi Taumaha. 22 Ua Makerewhatu .. Turanga o Hikanui 3. 23 Puhiawe Pihoihoi .. Waione 2b 2. 24 Potene Tamati Waiteti 2a 1b 1 25 Tawhana leni Wharenui A. 26 Haereata Kiharoa .. Whakapoungakau 13b. 27 Horomona Himiona Waione 3b 1. 28 Ruihi Puhiawe „ 3b 7.

Nama. (No.) , Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 29 Mauria te Tauri Mangore wa-Kaharoa 6e Kai tiaki hou mo Emire Henare New trustee for Emire 32a 2 me (and) 6e 32, Papa. 20 Henare. Lucy Reid Ururoa Wiremu Tatua Rawhiti (East) 11b Whakawhiti Exchange. 30 He Whakamaru-Maungaiti F 99 • • 99 3b r Wiremu Pererika HaereNgapuna Id 1, Takapuu99 • • • • 99 31 huka tukumaru kia te Mimi Levuka Corbett Guru 4 99 * * * * 32 Minita mo te Katoa (MinisWaotu Tonga (South) 5, Kia whakaritea te moni kapeneApplication for assessment ter of Public Works) 4c, 4a, 6, 7, 8, me (and) heihana mo te whenua i tangoof compensation for land 9h hia hei whakawhanui i te haetaken for development renga o te wai mo te raiti uira of water-power (Arapuni o Arapuni scheme). 33 Registrar, Native Land Matata 18 Kia kimihia te nui o te paanga o Determination of relative Court ia tangata interests. 34 5? Rauotehuia C 99 99 35 Rotohokahoka E 36 Lucy Reid Tutukau Rato (West) B Appointment of new mem37 E. M. E. te Tikao Tautara Rotoma 1 Kia whakaturia he mema hou mo te komiti whakahaere hei riiwhi ber of committee of ia Taiatini Eruini management vice Taiatini Eruini. 38 Ngawhika Otimi Pukehina 1a .. Whakakaporeihana Incorporation. 39 Minita Maori (Native Tihiotonga A mo etahi atu Kia whakatiputia nga paanga Consolidation of interests. Minister) poraka (and other Blocks) whenua 40 99 Awatope 1 mo etahi atu 99 99 poraka (and other Blocks) 41 Mita Taupopoki Whakarewarewa 3 Kia tukuna te wharenui a Wahiao To hand over meetingmo te iwi ara mo Tuhourangi house at Wahiao to the Tuhourangi Tribe.

Naina. 'No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 42 Hikapuhi Poihipi Kia uiuia hou ai nga tangata e For inquiry as to what tika ana ki te waahi o Jtiaumingi persons are entitled to i uru ki roto o Waione Poraka be included in that portion of Haumingi included in the Waione Block. 43 Rangipawa Pokiha Tamaiti whangai 99 44 Tauhu Kingi .. ia Tauhu Kingi Adoption of Tauhu King Ihaka £ s. d. Ihaka. 45 Rotorua Kaute Kaunihera Pukahukiwi .. Moni reiti 42 9 0 Rates. (Rotorua County Coun cil) 46 99 Haroharo (Rotoiti 12) .. «• 86 19 0 47 Registrar, IN ative Land Waerenga Rawhiti (East) Kia kimihia nga i ■ohe Determination of boundCourt 2a aries. 48 Koahitanga o Ngati Wha Rotorua Taonehipi Rahui Whakarite i tetahi komiti whakaTo appoint committee of kaue (Township Reserves) haere £ s. d. management. 49 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief Mangakaretu 1a 2a 2 .. Moni ruuri 19 10 3 Survey costs. Surveyor) f Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 99 4 11 8 9 9 50 3/2, Papa. 24k 2a 1 99 1 Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 99 6 0 0 99 L 3/2, Papa. 24k 2a 2 51 f Mangorewa-Kaharoa 7a 1 99 4 3 0 • • 99 „ 7a 2 99 5 15 0 r Owhata lx 1 .. 5 5 0 52 99 -< „ lx 3a 99 2 12 6 99 „ lx 3b a a 2 12 6 53 Parawai 2f 2b 1 99 3 18 0 99 „ 2f 2b 2 99 4 19 0 54 Peka 99 109 11 3 99 Tumunui 99 101 0 6 Puketawhero A 2a 1 aa 8 16 6 99 55 „ A 2a 2 .. 99 11 10 0 99 „ A 2b 1 .. 99 5 0 6 „ A 2b 2 .. 99 12 14 7 99 56 Rotoiti 1a 99 6 6 0 99 99 „ 1b 99 18 15 9 ,, 13a • a 2 18 0 57 „ 13b aa 1 18 0 99 „ 13c a a 2 1 3 „ 13d .. 99 9 10 9 99 58 99 Roto.-Pare. 3a 3a 3b 2a 58 10 10 r Tarewa 6a 3 0 6 59 J, „ 6b .. aa 3 4 0 „ 6c .. 99 3 12 6 60 Waikite 12a .. 1 1 0 99 99 „ 12b .. 99 7 13 9 61 Waingaro 1 99 1 19 2 99 „ 2 .. aa . 3 6 6 Waione Cl.. 99 10 17 0 62 „ C2 .. 99 11 6 1 99 „ C3 .. a a ; 11 16 0 „ C4 .. 99 29 15 6 Whakapoungakau 3b 2a 99 3 18 0 63 1a 99 Whakapoungakau 3b 2a 99 6 13 5 99 1b 64 Whakapoungakau 10b 6a 99 6 3 0 99 99 „ 10b 6b 99 16 0 0 65 Kai-rehita (Registrar) Rotorua, Tekiona (SecKia kimihia ko wai nga tangata Definition of beneficial tion) 1, Poraka (Block) e ahei ana kia whakaurua ki owners. LVII te taitara 66 • • Rotorua, Tekiona (Sec99 tions) 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) LVII 67 Rotorua, Tekiona (Sec99 tion) 11, Poraka (Block) LI 68 Rotorua, Tekiona (Sec99 tion) 1, Poraka (Block) LXXI 69 J, Rotorua, Tekiona (Section) 3, Poraka (Block) XLIV 70 99 Rotorua, Tekiona (Sec99 tions) 1 me (and) 2, Poraka (Block) LII 71 99 Rotorua, Tekiona (Sec99 tions) 3 me (and) 4, Poraka (Block) LII "72 ' 99 • • Rotorua, Tekiona (Sec99 tion) 1 me (and) 2, Poraka (Block) LI

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 73 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Owhatiura South 5 Ani te Aramoana. 74 • • • • Rotomahana-Parekarangi 5b 5b .. Akapita te Toa Hamuera. 75 99 * * „ 2d .. Te Amoroa. 76 99 • • „ 2d .. Ani Ngarimu. 77 99 • • Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b 99 78 99 • • „ A 2 99 79 99 • • Ohineahuru 10a 3b Ani Ngatai. 80 99 • • Kawaha 4 Ani Waihoroa Tamihana. 81 Pukaingataru B 20 Te Aohanga Utiku. 82 Hampson, Davys, and Ford Parawai 3b 3 .. Aomarere Harawira. 83 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotoiti 4 Te Aotiti Puerukino. 84 99 • • Paehinahina F .. 85 99 • • Owhatiura 2b 4b 2c 3b .. Aporo Tipitipi. 86 99 • • „ Tonga (South) 5 99 87 Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Aporo Utiku. 88 Kaitao-Rotohokahoka 4 .. Te Araki te Pohu. 89 Owhatiura 1b 1 .. 90 Harete Karawe Te Waiti Te Arawaere. 91 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotohokahoka F 8 Te Arawhata Taro. 92 99 • • Wharenui A 2 .. 99 93 99 • • Karangi A 2 99 94 99 • • Tihiotonga B Atiria Tauwehe. 95 Miriama Wikiriwhi Rotorua Poraka (Block) LXVI, 8, 9,10 12-16 Edward Wickliffe. 96 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 .. Emare Eruera Karaka. 97 99 • • Okoheriki 2c 4c 3 Enoka Karita. 98 99 • • Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Eru te Marowaero. 99 99 • • Matata 5a Eruera te Mageiwa. 100 99 • • Rotomahana-Parekarangi 2d Eruera Paurini. 101 Hampson, Davys, and Ford Parawai 3b 7 .. Erueti Ngaroma. 102 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Kawaha 5b 2 .. Ewa Perepe. 103 Wharenui Al.. 99 104 W. M. Ereatara Taumata 3a 1b .. Hana te Heiraukawa. 105 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukaingataru B 6 Haerehuka te Heipounamu. 106 99 • • Matata 21 Haimona Ropata. 107 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Hapimana Parakiri. 108 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Owhatiura Tonga (South) 5 Harete Matia. 109 Te Wharepapa Perepe . . Te Whaiti 1 Harete Perepe. 110 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 Hariata Pirimi. 111 99 • • Whakapoungakau 10b 6b Haukiwaho Piwiki. 112 99 • • Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 .. Haukore Tamehana. 113 99 Rangiuru 2d 2 .. Te Hauotarakaka. 114 Levuka Corbett Ouru 4 Heeni Kahoki Amohau. 115 Ngapuna Id 1 .. Heni Kahoki Kaka. 116 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Maraekaraha 1b Heke Ngahana. 117 99 • • Koutu 1b 2 118 Rotohokahoka F 1 and 2.. Hemi te Tupara. 119 Te Iriroa Tikitini Whaiti-Kuranui 5d 5 Henare Tikitini. 120 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tihiotonga B Heperi Paurini. 121 Paora te Whaiti Karatia 1b 1 Hepi te Whaiti. 122 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukaingataru B 6 Heremaia Hiria. 123 Mariana te Oha Kokomukarukupo 2c 2 .. Hiahianui Renati. 124 Hampson, Davys, and Ford Parawai 3b 7 . . Hinekahukura Ngaroma. 125 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Hingaia Tauteka. 126 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Te Hira Potakurua. 127 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Hirai Eruera Haimona. 128 99 • • Omarukotuku .. Hiria Matuha. 129 99 • • Pukaingataru B 18 Hiromina Wire mu. 130 99 • • Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Hona te Ngatete. 131 Matahina A Id .. Hona Pani. 132 Atutahi te Kiri WhakaDOungakau 3b 1 . . Hone Hunuhunu. 133 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tongaparaoa 2d Hone te Iri. 134 99 • • Whakapoukorero 3b Hone te Tuapu. 135 Te Tauhu Krngi Pikirangi 9 Hori Kapua. 136 99 • • „ 3 99 137 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Kaitao-Rotohokahoka 4 .. Hori Southgate. 138 99 • • Whakapoungakau 2a 2 . . Hori Taiapua. 139 W. E. Goffe .. ’ ’ Matata 5a Hori Tait. 140 Roto.-Pare. 6l 2b 1 Hori Tamaiwhana. 141 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Maraeroa-Oturoa 2b Hori te Tauri. 141a Matata 10 Te Horowai Moke. 142 W. E. Goffe .. Roto.-Pare. 6l 2b 1 Te Horowai Paurini. 143 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Waione 1b Te Hou Ngapaura. 144 Tawhi Maketu Paengaroa Raki (North) B 6 Huhana Tawhi. 145 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Hurihanganui Ngarimu. 146 99 • • A 2 147 Emere Raiha Apanui .. Tahora 2c 3, Tekiona (Section) 2 .. Hurinui Apanui. 148 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Huta Tangihia. 149 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 .. Hutu Tamehana. 150 99 * * Maketu 10, Poraka (Block) VIII .. Te Ipu Pumipi. 151 99 • • Waipapa 2 99 152 • a • • Waione 3b 8 99 153 99 • • Rotoiti 5b 99 154 99 • • Roto.-Pare. 6l 2b 5 Irihapeti Matenga.

Nama. Kai-tono. Te Ingoa o te Whenua. Te Tangata kua Mate. (No.) (Applicant.) (Name of Land.) (Name of Deceased.) 155 W. E. Goffe .. Roto.-Pare. 6l 2b 1 Irihapeti Kata. 156 Arama Karaka Hutuha Otoki (Te Koutu B) Te Kaho te Tuarae. 157 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Owhata 4a 2 .. Kahoki Kaka. 158 • • • • • • Koutu 1b 2 Te Kakuere Tupara. 159 99 Okoheriki 2c 4c 3 Te Kanana Ngapia. 160 Ani Paora Karatia 1b 1 Karito Mereraina. 161 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Owhatiura Tongo (South) 5 Kataraina Ihaia. 162 99 Marotoroa Kataraina Hone. 163 Katerina Nirai Pokohu D Katerina Rahiti. 164 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Rotoiti 5b Keepa Waata. 165 99 Okoheriki 2c 1 . . a a 166 Riwa Kaperiera Hariata Whakarewarewa 28a me (and) 28b Kereopa Kirihiihii. 167 Riini Kingi .. Okoheriki 2c 1 . . Kingi Waata. 168 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotoma 1 Kirikau Tanira. 169 99 • • Pukaingataru B 16 99 170 99 „ B 6 99 171 99 „ B 8 Kirimangu Matene. 172 99 Owhatiura 1b 1 . . Te Kiripatea Hona. 173 99 • • • • Waikuta 1a 5 . . Te Koki Ngamo. 174 Kape Wetini .. Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2a Te Kotau Wetini. 175 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Marotoroa Kotia Kararo. 176 99 Matata 5a Kotuku Erepeta. 177 Olive Paroa Tamati Miringa 1b 2 Te Kowhai Tarahina. 178 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Pukaingataru B 18 Manuhiri Punehu. 179 99 „ B 6 Maraea te Heipounamu. 180 99 Matahina A 3b .. Maraea Hona. 181 99 • • Rangitaiki 29a 1 44 182 99 Kawaha 5a 2b . . Maramena Tipao. 183 99 • • • • Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Mariana Keepa. 184 99 Tihiotonga B Matarena Rameka. 185 W. E. Goffe .. Roto.-Pare. 6l 2b 1 Matarena Tumuroa. 186 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotoiti 5b Matehaukore. 187 99 Kawaha 4 Matiu Whareure. 188 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 . . Te Mauparaoa Manuka. 189 99 . • 44 Mehaka Tokopounamu. 190 Turuhira Sarah Rowland Whaiti-Kuranui 2d 4 Mei Roha. 191 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Meihana te Hiakai. 192 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Whakapoungakau 10b 6b .. Mei Enoka. 193 4 4 ■ a a ■ Rotohokahoka D Raki (North) 7 . . Merania Marino. 194 44 a a a a Whakarewarewa 1/2b 4a .. 99 195 99 Pukeroa-Oruawhata 196 99 • • • • Wharenui Al.. 99 197 99 • • Te Koutu 3d 1 .. 9 9 198 99 „ 1A12.. 99 199 99 Paengaroa Raki (North) A 3/2 99 200 44 a a a a Taumataherea 5a 99 201 99 Whirinaki 2/1b 2 9 9 202 99 • • • • Roto.-Pare. 2c .. 99 203 99 • • • • Pukaingataru B 6 Mere Hape Paurini. 204 99 • • Tumu-Kaituna 10b 99 205 99 Parawai 2j 1 .. Merehapi Pine. 206 99 Roto.-Pare. 2d .. Mere Pare. 207 99 • • • • Pukaingataru B 18 Te Meri Punehu. 208 99 • • ’ • Maraeroa-Oturoa 2b Meri Rameka. 209 99 • • • • Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2a 2 .. 99 210 W. E. Goffe .. Roto.-Pare. 6l 2b 1 Meretiana Nohotutu. 211 Wiremu Kingi Orangitehukui 4 (Te Koutu B) Meretiana Pananoa. 212 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Mihaera Keepa. 213 99 • • Tihiotonga B Mihimere Atera. 214 99 • • • • Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Mihi Mere Herapia. 215 99 Rotoma 1 Mihiterina Nepia. 216 99 Tihiotonga B Mikaere Hakopa. 217 M • • a a Owhatiura 2a .. Miriama te Mumuhu. 218 99 • • a a Rangiuru 2d 2 .. Miriama Pubiawe. 219 99 a a . . Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Miriana Herewini. 220 99 • • • • Koutu 1b 2 Miriata Ngamo. 221 99 • • • • Roto.-Pare. 3a 3b 2 Miriata te Taiawatea. 222 99 • • • • Owhata 4a 2 Mita Akuhata. 223 99 Kawaha 4 224 99 • • Paengaroa Raki (North) B 4 Moerangi Ratana. 225 99 • • Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Mohi Moke Aterea. 226 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Mohi Runga. 227 Tuki Haukore Rangiuru 2d 2 .. Mokai Whakanui Haukore. 228 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Te Karaka 2 .. Ngahaki Piripi. 229 99 • • „ 1 99 230 99 • • Ohotu 2b 231 99 • • . Rangiuru 2d 2 .. Ngaharuru Puhiawe. 232 99 Rotoiti 12a Ngahau Moerangi. 233 99 • • Waione 0 4 Ngahau Ratana. 234 99 • • Haumingi 1a .. 99 235 99 • • • • Rotoiti 4 99 236 99 • • • • Wharenui B 99 237 99 • • • • Maketu 10, Poraka (Block) VIII .. 99

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 238 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Pukaingataru B 15 Ngahau Ratana. 239 99 * * * • i Paengaroa Raki (North) B 10a 99 240 99 « • * * B4 9 9 241 „ A 2 242 Puketawhero B 6a 243 Haora Ngahau Whukapoungakau 16 2b 2c 99 244 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Ngahira Ngarimu. 245 „ A 2 •« 246 Tumu-Kaituna 10b • • 247 Te Hariroa Aperahama Matahina B 2 .. Ngahooro te Amo. 248 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Kawaha 4 Te Ngahuru Rotohiko. 249 Rotohokahoka 1) Raki (North) 6 .. Ngakaone Kahau. 250 Heni Matehaere Whaiti-Kuranui 5c 2 Ngaoka Tukeka. 251 „ 5d 2 99 252 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Ngapene Kenehi, ara (alias) Kenehi Ngapene. 253 Tauhara Raki (North) I .. 99 254 Roto.-Pare. 3a 2b 99 255 Tihiotonga B Ngarima Mihaere. 256 Roto.-Pare. 2d .. • • 257 Keepa Tamati Ngapuna Id 6c .. Te Ngaroata Wharerere. 258 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Owhata 4b 2 Ngarongokawhiti Hemi. 259 Pikake te Hikaka Parawai 2m Ngatami Hikaka. 260 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Kawaha 4 Ngatoru Akuhata. 261 Koutu 1a 6 99 262 Hirini Hori .. Paengaroa Raki (North) B 10a Ngawaka Hirini. 263 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Ngawaka Kenehi. 264 Tahorakuri 5a 1b 99 265 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 Nikora te Wehi. 266 Nikora Whakaunua. 267 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Kawaha 4 Nirai Rotorua. 268 Tautara 22 Nutana Waihi. 269 Matata 5a Pakana te Mateiwa. 270 Whakapoungakau 17 Panapa te Korekore. 271 Paeroa Tonga (South) 0 2b Pane Kenehi. 272 Katerina Nirai Pokohu D Paora Kamira. 273 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Kawaha 4 Papio Renati. 274 Muna te Korau Whakamaru-Maungaiti G 1 Parakaia te Korau. 275 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Koutu 1a 6 Parangi Akuhata. 276 Kawaha 4 277 Pekerau 2 Parangi Ngarepo. 278 Marotoroa Paroto Ruka. 279 Nik ora Mirimana Karatia 1b 1 Pateriki Mirimana. 280 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Tiniotonga B Paurini te Huruhuru. 281 Owhatiura 1b 1 .. 99 282 Kaitao-Rotohokahoka 4 .. 99 283 Pukaingataru B 6 Paurini Moke. 284 Roto.-Pare. 2d .. 99 285 Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2w 2 99 286 Tumu-Kaituna 10b 99 287 Tihiotonga B Peata Hona. 288 Pukaingataru B 6 Peata te Kanohi. 289 Marotoroa Peata te Tahi. 290 Matata 5a Te Penetana Pewhairangi. 291 • • • • • • Whakapoungakau 3b 1 .. 99 292 99 • • * ’ „ 3b 3b .. 99 293 Matata 5b 294 Korokoro 2a .. » 295 99 * * * * Whakapoungakau 5b 5c .. 99 296 „ 4k 2e 2 99 297 „ 4c .. 298 Pukaingataru B 18 Pera Tamati. 299 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 Peraniko Ngarimu. 300 Te Rata Perepe Tote .. Pukaingataru B 25b 2b 1 Perepe Tote. 301 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Owhatiura 1b 1 . . Petera Aterea. 302 Wiremu Kingi Te Koutu B Pia Aperahama. 303 Te Pihitangata. 304 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Kawaha 4 Pikake Rotorua. 305 Te Hariroa Aperahama Matahina B 2 .. Pika Katerina. 306 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotoma 1 Pakiao Ngahuia. 307 Waitepuia 4b . . Pinenga Riri. 308 Pahemata Ihimaera Tihiotonga B Pio. 309 „ C 2b Pipi Haerehuka. 310 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Pukaingataru B 16 Pirihira te Aho Tarewa. 311 Kawaha 4 Piwiki te Ahiwaru. 312 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 Poia te Ririapu. 313 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Roto.-Pare. 5b 4b Porangi Tarure. 314 Pukehina D Te Porarere Kamu. 315 Tihiotonga B Puwhenua Aterea. 316 Owhatiura Tonga (South) 6a 99 317 Pukaingataru B 6 Puwhenua te Kanohi. 318 W. E. Goffe . . Oruatewehi 2 Raharuhi Puritia. 319 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Waione 0 - Raiha te Hou. 320 Tuahangata Ahitana ,, Tihiotonga A ,. ., Rakera Ahitana,

Nama. No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased). 321 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Marotoroa Rana Ruka 322 99 • • Roto.-Pare. 2d .. Rangiheua Erueti. 323 Wharepapa Wiremu Whakamaru-Maungaiti Rato (West) Rangikara Piripia. 324 Rangipaeroa Peeti Roto.-Pare. 6l 2b 5 Rangipaeroa Manahi. 325 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Puketawhero B 6a Rangirauaka te Huaki. 326 Wharenui B 327 99 Rotoiti 12a Rangirauaka Moerangi. 328 • • • • Paengaroa Raki (North) B 10a 329 M • • • • Haumingi 1a . . Rangi Ratana. 330 99 Rotoiti 4 . . Rangirauaka Ratana. 331 99 • • Pakaingataru B 13 5 , 332 99 * * • • Maketu 10, Poraka (Block) VIII . . 9 9 333 99 • • • • Pukaingataru B 15 334 99 Paengaroa Raki (North) B 4 99 335 99 * * • • „ A 2 99 336 Kai-tiaki Maori (Native Trustee) Roto.-Pare. 6a 2/6 Rangitakatu Katene. 337 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Owhatiura 2 .. Rangitipae te Mumuhu. 338 Manawa Maori Ketemaringi 2 .. Rangituatea Maori. 339 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Roto.-Pare. 2d .. Rapata Paurini. 340 Te Wati Aoake Waotu Tonga (South) 10a, b, c, 3 .. Rauti te Pahau. 341 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Paeroa Tonga (South) 0 2b Rawinia te Marowaero. 342 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Rawiri Parakiri. 343 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Pukaingataru B 18 Rena Punehu. 344 Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Tamahou Herewini. 345 99 • • • • Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 . . Tamanga Taikehu. 346 99 Pukaingataru B 18 Tamati Wharehou. 347 W. E. Goffe .. Tihoi 3b 8b 8 .. Tamehana Mangaroa. 348 Wiremu Kingi Te Koutu B Tamihana Korokai. 349 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Rotoiti 5b Tamihana Naera. 350 Konana 2a 2 .. Tanirau Eria. 351 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Tanirau te Tuhi. 352 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Owhatiura Tonga (South) 5 Tangatakotahi te Uira. 353 99 Paengaroa Raki (North) B 2 Tangihia te Awhimate. 354 99 Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 10 .. Te Tatana Tamehana. 355 Roto.-Pare. 2d .. Tauehe Aterea. 356 Rotoiti 5b Tautohe Wikiriwhi. 357 a ■ • a • • Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Tawari Aterea . 358 99 • * Pukaingataru B 6 Tawari te Kanohi. 359 99 * * * * Tihiotonga B Tawhiao Turoa Paurini. 360 Keho Katene.. Patetere Tonga (South) 1b 3 Timoti te Meihana. 361 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Maraekaraha 1b Timoti Reone. 362 •a • . • • Koutu 1b 2 99 363 Rotohokahoka D Raki (North) 7 .. Tipao te Mumuhu. 364 a a • • • • „ 6 .. 4 • 365 Koutu 1a 6 99 366 Kawaha 5a 2b .. 9 9 367 99 • • • • Pukaingataru B 6 368 99 • • * • Kawaha 4 Renati te Rangihonohono. 369 W. E. Goffe . . Waihaha 3d 1 . . Reweti Mihi Reweti. 370 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Owhatiura 1b 2b Te Reweti Matia. 371 Koutu 1a 6 Rewiri te Mumuhu. 372 W. E. Goffe . . Oruatewehi 2 .. Rihara Kaimanawa. 373 Miriama Rihi . . Waipahihi 23 .. Rihi Paora. 374 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Maungarangi B 2c Te Rina Apokai. 375 99 • • • • Roto.-Pare. 6l 2b 5 Rina Rewiri. 376 „ 2d .. Rini Amotawa. 377 Owhatiura 2b 4b 2c 3b .. Rini Potene Amotawa. 378 99 Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Ripeka te Marowaero. 379 99 • • * * Matahina A Id .. Riripeti Raimona. 380 99 • • Paeroa Tonga (South) 0 2b Ritihia te Marowaero. 381 Hampson, Davys, and Ford Parawai 3b 7 .. Te Rohu Tiepa. 382 Kai-rehita (Registrar),.. . Pukaingataru B 7b Te Rongomaiwhiti Whareangaanga. 383 99 Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c Te Ropiha te Paratene. 384 99 Tauranga 17/2 .. Rota Harehare. 385 Owhata 4b 2 . . Rutakiwhenua Hare. 386 Okoheriki Id 6b .. Ru Takiwhenua Henare. 387 Ovvhatiura 1b 1 .. 99 388 99 Parawai 2o 3a .. Taiawhio Atuaherangi. 389 Matata 5b Taimona te Heuma. 390 99 Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 1 391 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 . . Takawheta Kaipara. 392 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Marotoroa Tipu Ruka 393 99 • • • • Owhatiura 1b 1 .. Tireni Rungateua. 394 Okoheriki 2c 4c 3 Titihuia Aokahira. 395 Kaitao-Rotohokahoka 4 .. Tominiko te Otene. 396 Roto.-Pare. 5b 5b Tominiko te Tatai. 397 Heni Matehaere Whaiti-Kuranui 5d 1 Tukeka Hemi. 398 99 „ 5d 5 .. 99 399 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Owhatiura 2a .. Tukino te Mumuhu. 400 Hampson, Davys, and Ford Parawai 3b 7 .. Tumai Ngaroma. 401 Pita Taua „ 2c 3b .. Turi Ngakaata. 402 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Okoheriki 2c 4c 4a Te Wahakauri Punoke. 403 99 • • • * Owhatirua 1b 1 ., Waikari Hinemeto,

Nama (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate (Name of Deceased.) 404 Miriama Rihi Waipahihi 23 .. Waitapa Paora. 405 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Waretini Ngapapa. 406 Te Uranga Mahuta Whaiti-Kuranui 2a 2b 5b Wati Wiremu Hira. 407 Paora te Whaiti Karatia 1b 1 Te Whaiti Paora. 408 Hamiora Parakuka Kaitao-Rotohokahoka Iz 4 Te Wharehooro Mateiwa. 409 Eraia te Puni.. Tarewa Tonga (South) 1 .. Whiripo te Puni. 410 Kai-rehita (Registrar) . . Roto.-Pare. 5b 5b Wi Hakopa. 411 M Rotoiti 6 me (and) 7c Wi Keepa Kawiti. 412 55 Waiwherowhero 10b Wi Keepa Ngawhau. 413 W. E. Goffe .. Oruatewehi 2 .. Wi Patene Tarahanga. 414 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Whakapoungakau 10b 6 b Wi te Tiwha. 415 55 Rotomahana-Parekarangi 2c Wiha Aterea. 416 W. E. Goffe .. Whirinaki 1/4b 1b Te Wiki Ngakarauna. 417 Kai-rehita (Registrar) .. Oropi 2 Wikitoria Ngatiki. 418 55 Waitepuia 4b . . Wiremu Matenga Waharoa. 419 99 • • • * Rotoiti 5b Wiremu Matene. 420 99 • • • * Whakapoungakau 10b 6b 421 55 • • Pukaingataru B 8 Wiripina Rangirehua. 422 55 Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 2b 5 5 423 Mangorewa-Kaharoa A . . 424 Aneta Meihana Haumingi 12 . . Wirihana Aneta. 425 Amokura Meihana Rotoiti 5b Wirihana te Amokura.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 35, 1 September 1927, Page 417

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 35, 1 September 1927, Page 417

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 35, 1 September 1927, Page 417

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