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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications for Partitions.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whbnua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.


Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession) — continued.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Akapita Hamuera Pango Koutu B. 2 Tukorehu te Rairi Mangakaretu 1a 2a. 3 Hemi te Purewa .. Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3 2c. 4 Te Ahu Moko Mourea-Papakainga 3e 4c. 5 Wi te Atuaherangi Okoheriki 2c 4c 4b 3. 6 Te Waaha Hakaraia „ 2c 4d. 7 Hurae Wahapapa .. Otaramarae 1. 8 Pita Tana Parawai 2e 2b. 9 Toriwai Werita Pouakani C 1b. 10 Pererika Ramarihi Tahorakuri 5a 1b. 11 Tangihaere Hori .. Tautara 22. 12 Hakihaki Irirangi .. Whaiti-Kuranui 2d 4. 13 Te Aeerere Raureti Whakapoungakau 7. 14 Heni Maraea „ 10b. 15 Matuha Enoka „ 11b. 16 Haereata Kiharoa .. „ 13b. 17 Heni Pore „ 15b. 18 H. Bertram „ 15b. 19 Putua te Hoia „ 15b.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 20 Raueka Taua Okoheriki 2c 4c 4b 2 .. Kia whakamoanatia te whenua Cancellation of partition. 21 H. Tatare Tono ia Pearl Mariana Paewai hei tamaiti whangai Adoption of Pearl Mariana Paewai. 22 Ngatipeehi Okarito 2 Kia kimihia te nui o te paanga o ia tangata o ia tangata Determination of relative interests. / Riwa Whititera Taumataherea 5c Whakawhiti Exchange. \ Rangikino Tote Koutu 3c 24 A. 0. Stewart me (and) L. Buddle Tono kia whakamana te wira a Wiremu Kingi Probate of will of Wiremu Kingi. 25 Rangitaitaia Hopihona Tono kia whakaturia he kairiiwhi mo nga taonga tinana a Hopihona te Putuangaanga Succession personalty of Hopihona te Putuangaanga. 26 J. Douglas Mangorewa Kaharoa 6e 3 2u Kia whakatikatikaina nga wawahi Amendment of partition. 27 W. H. Bird .. Rangiuru 1a 2 Kia whakatikatikaina te ota whakatu kai-riiwhi mo te Aruhe me Tati Amendment of succession order to Te Aruhe and Tati. 28 Haki Tanlati me (and) Te Paea Winiata Pukapuka whakamana kia whakahaere mo nga taonga a Winiata Matia Letters of administration in re Winiata Matia. 29 Minita Maori (Native Minister) Rotohokahoka F 4 Kia whakahokia ano te mana whakahaere ki nga Maori Revesting. 29a 99 Whakapoungakau 16 2b 2f 99 99 30 Mita Rangituakoha Rotoiti 4 Kia whakaturia he mema hou mo te komiti whakahaere Appointment of new member of committee of management. 31 9 9 • • „ 4 32 Tumuaki Kai-whakawa (Chief Judge) Waerenga Rawhiti (East) 2a 2 me (and) 2a 3 Kia whakawatia ano nga ota wehewehe Rehearing of partition. 33 Kokako me etahi atu poraka (and other blocks) Kia whakawatia ano nga riiwhi mo Irimena Eru ara Wirimena Eru Rehearing of succession re Irimena Eru, alias Wirimena Eru. 34 Ere Ruru Omakoi, Taumaha, Tataramoa Kai tiaki hou mo Patekaha Ere, Taurewa Ere, me Te Uru Ere New trustee for Patekaha Ere, Taurewa Ere, and Te Uru Ere. 35 Peter Farrell .. Puketawhero A 1 25 me (and) 26, Whakapoungakau 17 Kai tiaki hou mo Erana Petera New trustee for Erana Petera. 36 Minita Maori (Native Minister) Tihiotonga A me etahi atu poraka (and other blocks) Kia whakatoputia nga paanga whenua Consolidation of interests.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 37 T u ni u a k i Kai-ruuri r Koutu 1a 2a £ s. d. Moni ruuri 2 10 6 Survey costs. (Chief Surveyor) < „ 1a 2b „ .. 3 10 10 99 „ 1a 2c „ .. 2 15 6 99 r Mangorewa Kaharoa 6e „ .. 12 10 6 99 38 3 2h 6a Mangorewa Kaharoa 6e „ .. 22 10 8 99 3 2h 6b r Otaramarae 1 „ .. 23 7 6 2 „ .. 23 14 2 99 39 „ * „ 3 „ 4 „ .. 19 9 8 „ .. 14 18 5 99 99 „ 5 „ .. 9 14 0 99 „ 6 Tatua Rawhiti (East) .. .. 3 15 7 99 40 „ .. 255 16 0 99 40a Te Raita Ngati Waione 3b .. Kia whakatikatikaina te ota whaAmendment of succession katu kai-riiwhi mo te Kaaho order to Te Kaaho MaMataipuku me Te Paea te taipuku and Te Paea te Kaaho Kaaho. 40b Haki Tamati .. Matata 39a .. Kia whakatikatikaina te ota whaAmendment of succession katu kai-riiwhi mo Karaitiana orders to Karaitiana Kahuwhero me Anania te Otene Kahuwhero and Anania te Otene. 40c Tunluaki Kai-whakawa Koutu Tono i raro i tekiona 7 o te Ture, Application under section (Chief Judge) Kama 48 o te tau, 1922, kia 7 of the 1922 No. 48 uiuia kia ripoatatia te kai Act, for an inquiry and riiwhitanga o Wiripina Rangireport re succession to rehua, Haehaetu Taekata, me Wiripina Rangirehua, Pine te Rangiharau Haehaetu Taekata, and Pine te Rangikarau. 40d 99 Kaingaroa 1 .. Kia uiuia kia ripoatatia te pitiInquiry and report re hana a Wharehuia Heta ma petition of Wharehuia Heta and others. 40b 99 Whakapoungakau 12b Kia uiuia kia repoatatia te pitiInquiry and report re hana a Patate Paratomeo ma petition of Patate Parai te ota wehewehe tomeo and others re partition. 40f Rangipawa Pokiha Haumingi Waione Kia whakaritea nga nohe Determination of boundaries.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate, (Name of Deceased.) 41 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) 111 Ahenata te Rangitautini. 42 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Akapeta te Toa. 43 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Amiria Hemi. 44 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Amotawa Matawhero. 45 99 Aneta Mapiria. 46 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ani Areta. 47 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Ani te Rangihau. 48 99 * * Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b Annie Collins. 49 .. . . Pukaingataru B 8 Te Ao leni Tapihana. 50 99 Whakapoungakau 2d 4b .. Aperahama Taitumu. 51 95 Waiteti 2a 3 Aperahama Tamaiwhakangaro. 52 Eru Pou Pukeroa Oruawhata Aporo Apiata. 53 Registrar, Native Land Court .. 99 Aporo te Hika Iraia. 54 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) 111 Aporo Taiawhio. 55 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Whakapoungakau 2d 4b .. Aporo te Tipitipi. 56 99 „ 17 • • 57 Kaitao Rotohokahoka 4 .. Te Araki te Pohu. 58 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Arapeta Putiki. 59 Arekatera te Toa. 60 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa Oruawhata Te Ataitoea Kitua. 61 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Auruihi Rameka. 62 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Mokorou 1b Te Awiti Hopihoua. 63 Pukeroa-Oruawhati Ema Henare. 64 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ema Wihapi. 65 99 99 Eparaima Hohepa. 66 •• • . . . Erana Retihia. 67 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Whakapoungakau 17 Erana Wharekiri. 68 • • • • „ 2d 4b .. • • 69 Pukaingataru B 8 Erepeta te Tapuwae. 70 Heretaunga Reihana .. Paeroa Tonga (South) C/2b Eru te Marowaero. 71 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 Eru te Uremutu. 72 Mereana Perepe Kawaha 5b 2 .. Eru te Wawau. 73 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa Oruawhata Eruera Ngarepo Amohau. 74 Eruera te Uremutu. 75 Te Tapihana .. Parawai la 2b . . 76 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 10/6b Erueti Porotene. 77 9 9 * * Tumu Kaituna 11b 3b .. Erutai te Mumuhu. 78 99 • • Pukeroa Oruawhata Haereone Taupua.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 79 Rarua Haimona Matahena A 3b .. Te Haimona te Keho. 80 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa Oruawhata Hakawa. 81 Native Trustee Oroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hamiora Heremaia. 82 Kumete Kawhi Whakamaru Maungaiti G 1 Hana Kafe. 83 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa Oruawhata Hane Manahi te Rauawa. 84 >5 • • Hare Rateti. 85 99 • • 99 •• •• •• Hare Tunohopu te Teira. 86 9 9 • • Harete Matia. 87 Peeti Hareti .. Parawai 2n Harete te Whanarere. 88 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa Oruawhata Hauauru Moerangi. 89 99 Haukiwaho Piutiki. 90 99 • • Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 99 91 • • Pikirangi 9 99 92 Owhatuira Tonga (South) 5 99 93 99 • • „ 1b 2c • • 94 99 • • Whakapoungakau 15b 99 95 4 4 • • „ 13b .. 96 • • • . Puketawhero B 7b • • 97 • • • • „ A 2c • • 98 99 • • Whakapoungakau 14 55 99 99 • • Wharenui B 100 99 • • Pukeroa-0 ruawhata Haupa Parangi. 101 • • Te Haupapa Parehaere. 102 99 • • Heke Ngahana Nicholls. 103 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Heke te Toa. 104 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Hemate Tua. 105 99 • • Pukeroa-Oruawhata 99 106 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hemi Heremaia. 107 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III He mi Taupiri. 108 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Hemi te Tupara Tokoaitua. 109 55 • • Pukaingataru B 8 Henare te Amotu. 110 99 • • Whakapoungakau 17 Henare Karaka te Ahiwaru. 111 99 • • Pukaingataru B 8 Henare Werahiko. 112 99 • • Pukeroa-Oruawhata 99 113 99 • • Heni te Amohau. 114 99 • • Heeni Kahoki Amohau. 115 Native Trustee Aroga 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Heni Matin Waikura. 116 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Heni Paora Amohau. 117 55 . . Herewini Amohau. 118 W. E. Gofie .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Heta Enoka. 119 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hetekia Hemara. 120 55 . • ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Himiona te Kura. 121 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Hinemarama Pera. 122 99 • • Pukeroa-Oruawhata Hipora te Whau. 123 Heretaunga Reihana .. Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Hirai Eruera. 124 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Whakapoungakau 17 Hiriia Ereatara. 125 Tumukaituna 3/3 Hiria Haimona. 126 99 • • Mangorewa Kaharoa 6e 3/2a 2 Hiria te Rau. 127 99 • • „ 6e 3/2 Papa 23 55 128 99 • • „ 6e 3/2 Papa 24g 129 99 Pukeroa - Oruawhata Hiromena Toma. 130 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hohepa Karanama. 131 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Hohepa Pimara. 132 99 • • 99 • ■ • • • • Hohepa te Rahui. 133 99 • • Whakapoungakau 2d 4b .. Hohepa te Rahui Ehau. 134 99 • • ,, 17 99 135 55 . . Kaitao-Rotohokahoka 4 .. Hohepa te Wharekohatu. 136 M • • Pukeroa-Oruawhata Hohi te Rangiohoora. 137 99 Pukaingataru B 8 Hohi te Tua. 138 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hone te Tima. 139 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hone Raumato. 140 Mini Maremare Paengaroa Raki (North) B 7 Hongi Heta. 141 55 „ (North) B 10 99 142 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Tumu-Kaituna 3/3 Hopaea te Rau. 143 99 • • „ 4b 99 144 99 • • Mangorewa-Kaharoa 6e 3/2h 12b 2a 145 55 . • Kaokaoroa 2 me (and) 3 .. Hopehona Putuangaanga. 146 99 • • Mourea Papakainga 3e 14e 55 147 99 • • Rotoito 4/1b 99 148 99 „ 5b 99 149 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hori te Natana. 150 55 „ 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hori Taiawhio. 151 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa - Oruawhata Hori te Rapa. 152 99 • • Hori Taiawhio Makai. 153 .. • • • • • • • • 154 Mita Titipa .. Whaiti-Kuranui 2e 2 Rato (West) 4d 2 Horiana Himiona. 155 55 • • • • „ 5 99 156 55 „ 2d 1 55 157 55 • • • • Kaimai 158 W. Henare Whaiti-Kuranui 2d Hunia te Hana. 159 Piriana Mamae Whakamaru-Maungaiti G 4 Huriana Hakopa. 160 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 Huriana Kiharoa. 161 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Hurihia Eparaima. 162 Te Rire Whititera Omarukotuku 4 langa Whititera.

Nama. Kai-tono. Te Ingoa o te Whenua. Te Tangata kua Mate. (No.) (Applicant.) (Name of Land.) (Name of Deceased.) 163 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ihaia Rangiheuea. 164 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Iraia te Koru. 165 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Iriaka Ngatii. 166 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Irihapeti Uawahirangi. 167 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Iwikau te Puhero. 168 Te Kaaho Mataipuku. 169 Rauika Taua .. Oropi 2 Kahui Taua. 170 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Kaihanga. 171 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Kaka te Ngaherehere. 172 a a a a Pukeroa - Oruawhata 173 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Kani Pereki. 174 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa - Oruawhata Kaperiere Ngatai. 175 Maria te Ruakahurangi Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Kapu Meaha. 176 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata 99 177 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Karauria te Roto. 178 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3. Poraka (Block) III Karanahi te Kuri. 179 Maria Dorothy Garlick Parawai 1g 2b . . Kataraina Hineturama. 180 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Kataraina Ihaia. 181 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block)III Te Katene Paora. 182 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Katene Waiaua. 183 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Katerina Ihaia. 184 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Kawana Hemara. 185 Atiraira Kereru Tautara Kawiri te Herewini. 186 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Keepa Ngawhau. 187 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Keita Tikoahu. 188 Maria te Ruakahurangi Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Kenehi Ngapene. 189 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ketekiri te Whataaiwi. 190 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ketia te Retimana. 191 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b . . Kiekie Harawana. 192 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Keharoa Akuhata. 193 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Kimihia. 194 • • ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Kinita Paora. 195 Tohetaua Rawiri Matahina A Id .. Kinita Rawiri. 196 .. . . . . „ A 3b .. • • 197 Matata 4 Kinita Paora. 198 Tohetaua Kinita Rotomahana-Parekarangi 6a 2 2b 2a 199 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Kirihuruhuru Kakea. 200 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukaingataru B 8 Kirimangu Matene. 201 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Komene Karanama. 202 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Kopapa te Whataati. 203 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Korohiti te Iwingaro. 204 Koutu 1b 2 Koroua Moeakau. 205 • a • • Whakapoungakau 17 Kotuhi Taiapo. 206 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Kowhai Tarahina. 207 Matata 6c Kura Ihakara. 208 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Maaka te Keho. 209 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Maata Ihaia. 210 Matuakore Katene Whakamaru-Maungaiti G 9 Maihi te Ngaru. 211 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Maika Keepa Rangipuawhe. 212 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Makarena Mitai. 213 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Makareta. 214 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Manahi Hane. 215 Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 Maraea te Haehaenga 216 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Maraea te Kaaho. 217 99 * * • • ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Maraea te Retimana. 218 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Marata Taupua. 219 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Marla te Ropiha. 220 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Mata Paora. 221 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Matene Moerangi. 222 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Matiu Hone. 223 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Matiu te Kurupa. 224 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Merama Ruka. 225 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Merama te Wiata. 226 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Mereana te Hurinui. 227 9 9 • • Mereana Ngapuhoro. 228 99 Pukaingataru B 8 Mereana Tautohe Pirimi. 229 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Mere Hapi Rawiri. 230 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Mere Himiona. 231 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Mere te Kati. 232 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Mere Kita. 233 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Mere Kutia Wikiriwhi. 234 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Mere Turamoe. 235 Eru Pou Pukeroa-Oruawhata Mere Uia. 236 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Mere te Wehi Amohau. 237 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Merita Wikiriwhi. 238 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Whakapoungakau 2d 4b .. Mihaka Rangimatekau. 239 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Mihiata Katene. 240 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Whakapoungakau 17 Mihipeka Rangimatekau. 241 99 • • Whakamaru-Maungaiti K 1b 2 Mikaere Ngatai. 242 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Miriama te Amohau. 243 Whakapoungakau 17 Miriama te Kahutaka. 244 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Miriama te Ropuhina. 245 99 ♦ • 99 ’ * * ’ ’ ’ Miriama Waitohe.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua, (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 246 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Miriata Ngauo. 247 Pukeroa-Oruawliata 248 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Mirika Aporo. 249 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawliata Mita Akuhata. 250 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Mita Makiha. 251 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Mita te Wharepoaka. 252 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Moana Rewiri. 253 Karaitiana Heperi Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Te Moetu. 254 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III . . Natanahira Kiri tai. 255 99 Natanahira Tanati. 256 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Nataria Mikaere Mahanga. 257 Te Wewehi Tukiterangi Whaiti-Kuranui 3b 3 Ngahaka Paramena. 258 99 • • „ 3b 2 .. 259 i ■ „ 6c 2 Rawhiti (East) 99 260 9 9 * * ,, 6c 2 Rato (West) 99 261 99 • • Paiakamangoatua 3 99 262 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ngakahe te Toa. 263 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Ngahana Koraria. 264 9 9 * * Ngahau Moerangi. 265 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Ngahue Taranui. 266 99 99 • • Ngakaari Natanahira. 267 M • • • • Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Ngakaawhe Arekatera. 268 Tamati Kapua Ngapene Kenehi. 269 Rotomahana-Parekarangi 3a 2b .. 99 270 Tauhara Raki (North) 1 99 271 99 * * * * Tutukau Rawhiti (East) B 2 • • 272 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ngarawhi. 273 99 99 * • Ngarepo te Amohau. 274 99 • • Ngareta Katene. 275 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Rotoiti 3n Ngaromoana Hupine. 276 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Ngatangi Taiporutu. 277 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ngatii te Kaaho. 278 Ngarangi Mikaira Whakamaru-Maungaiti G 5 Ngatiti te Ataiti. 279 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeora-Oruawhata Ngatoru Akuhata. 280 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ngawai te Whareangaanga. 281 99 • • Ngawaiata Inia. 282 Tamati Kapua Tahorakura 5a 1b Ngawaka Kenehi. 283 J. Tairi Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b 99 284 Whakamara-Maungaiti G 8 Ngutu Wini Kerei. 285 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Nimera te Keepa. 286 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Kaitao-Rotohokahoka 4 Oriwia te Ropuhina. 287 Native Trustee Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Paea Amohau. 288 Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Paea Taiwhio. 289 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Pahiriko Mataiawhea. 290 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Pakuri Rangiheuea. 291 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Whakapoungakau 17 Panapa te Korekore. 292 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Paora Parata. 293 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Papio Renata Akuhata. 294 99 • • • • • • Parangi Akuhata. 295 Hikairo te Hai Kingi .. Hauhungaroa Id Parekawa Mohi. 296 99 • • Tihoi 3b 3 297 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Parewahawaha Ngapapa. 298 •1 <1 • ♦ Pateriki Matenga. 299 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Tumu-Kaituna 4b Patira te Rau. 300 99 • • Kaitao-Rotohokahoka 4 .. Paurini te Huruhuru. 301 Mohi Tarau . . Wharepuhunga 20 Peata Rangikatea. 302 •• • • „ 19 303 Wenerei Haereata ,, 19 me (and) 20 .. 99 304 Native Trustee Aroha 22 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Perenui Paora. 305 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Perepe Tapihana. 306 Native Trustee Kaitao-Rotohokahoka Iz 9 Perene Tote. 307 Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) HI Petaera Hamiora. 308 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Petera Maruaiti. 309 Petera Pokino. 310 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi' 4a 2b . . Petera te Rangihiroa. 311 „ 4a 2b . . Peti Maraea. 312 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Pia Aperahama. 313 Piatarihi Amohau. 314 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Piatarihi Aperahama. 315 Wharerarauhe te Kura Taheke-Papakainga 22 . . Piatarihi Matenga. 316 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Pimara Parakau. 317 99 • • . • Pineaha Wikinati. 318 • a a a 99 . . . • Pipi Haerehuka. 319 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Pirihera te Keepa. 320 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukaingataru B 8 Pirihira Ropata. 321 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Pirimi Mataiawhea. 322 Rotohokahoka F 1 me (and) 2 Pirimi Toma. 323 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Pirira Pirika. 324 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Pita Himiona. 325 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Whakapoungakau 17 Piwiki te Ahiwaru. 326 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Porena Humana. 327 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Potene Haukiwaho. 328 Potene Haukiraho Omarukotuku 4 Pungawaka Tamati. 329 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Puwhenua Aterea.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased. 330 W. E. Goffe . . Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Rahera Nikora. 331 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Rahia te Taotahi. 332 99 • * Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Black) III Raima Urutamona. 333 Native Trustee Raima Wharepa. 334 Raimapaha Parakaia. 335 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Rakau Taro. 336 99 * * 99 . • • • • • Te Rakiraki. 337 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ramari Penetito. K 338 99 99 • • Rangawhenua Eparaina. 339 99 • • Rangawhenua Kerei. 340 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Rangi Moerangi. 341 Te Rangihaeata Wirihana. 342 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Ranginganga Tanirau. 343 Kapu te Kohika Pouakani B 9b . . Rangipuata. 344 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Rangiwaho te Amo. 345 Pukaingataru B 8 Raniera te Ranginohoora. 346 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Rarunga Wihapi. 347 Karaitiana Heperi Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Rawinia te Akau. 348 Heretaunga Reihana .. 99 .... Rawinia te Marowaero. 349 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Rawiri Tohetaua. 350 99 99 Rehe te Ngahue. 351 Mata te Heketangi Haupapa Pukeroa-Oruawhata Renata te Rangihonohono. 352 99 • • Rotohokahoka F 5 353 Okoheriki 1e .. 354 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Renata Rotohiko Haupaj a. 355 99 • ° Kaitao-Rotohokahoka 4 .. Repora Parata. 356 Reri Kokiri . . Whakapoungakau 11b Reri re Awaawa. 357 • • . . . • „ 13b .. 99 358 •• • • • • . . „ 10b .. 359 99 Rotohokahoka F 8 360 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Retimana te Huakiwi. 361 «« • • • • .. Rewiri Kawana. 362 99 Rewiri Paru. 363 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Rewiri te Maramarama. 364 Te Riri Whititera Omarukotuku .. Retu Whititera. 365 W. E. e Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Rihi Neene. 366 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Rihi Taekata. 367 Karaitiana Heperi Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Te Ringawhakapipi. 368 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa - Oruawhata Rini Potene Haukiwaho. 369 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Rikihana Mika. 370 99 99 • • Te Rina Raumati. 371 99 . • 9 9 • • Rina Rewiri. 372 Heretaunga Reihana . . Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Ripeka te Marowaero. 373 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Riri Haerehuka. 374 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Riripeti Nika. 375 Maria te Ruakahurangi Paeroa Tonga (South) C 2b Ritihia te Marowaero. 376 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Ritihia Pera. 377 99 • • Pukeroa-Oruawhata Roha Taitumu. 378 99 • • 99 •• •• •• Roha Tuhua. 379 Heretaunga Reihana .. Tahorakuri 5a 1 Roka Hirai. 380 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Ropuhina. 381 99 • • Rotorua Nirai. 382 Raiha Pati Whakapoungakau 16 2b 2c 1 Ru Moihi. 383 Raiha Peneti . . Pukeroa - Oruawhata 384 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Whakamaru-Maungaiti 5208b Ruiha te Kuka. 385 Rongomaipapa te Whiwhi Tutukau Rawhiti (East) B 7b 7 Ruhia te Whiwhi. 386 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa - Oruawhata Ruihi Piripi. 387 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Ruihi Puharo. 388 99 • • • • « • Ruihi Tene. 389 • • • • Te Rupe te Kaaho. 390 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Whakapoungakau 17 Rupine Ngahakeke. 391 9’ • • ,, 2d 4b .. 9 9 392 Puker oa - Orua whata Taekata te Tokoihi. 393 99 • • Pukaingataru B 8 Tahuri Maketu. 394 9 9 * * Pukeroa-Oruawhata 9 9 395 99 Te Tai te Kowhai. 396 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Taiapua te Hura. 397 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukaingataru B 8 Taiengaehe Akuhata. 398 Ani Patene Hiria Mangarewa-Kaharoa 3 Taimona Hapimana. 399 99 • • ,, 4 .. «• 400 99 „ 6e 3/2a 99 401 99 ,, 6e 3/2h 4 .. 99 402 Whakapoungakau 16/2b 2g 2e 403 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Taituha te Whareangaanga. 404 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Tamaiawhitia Ratima. 405 99 • • • • • • ,, 4a 2b .. Tamaikakea Ratima. 406 Ani Patene Hiria Rotohokahoka C 2 Tamati Hapimana. 407 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Tamati Iraia. 408 99 Tamati Moko. 409 Potene Haukiwaho Paengaroa Raki (North) Al Tamati Potene. 410 99 Waiteti 2/1b 4b 2 • « 411 Okoheriki 1c .. 99 412 99 Omarukotuku 4.. 413 99 • • Waiteti 2a 3 • • 414 1 • • Owhatiura 2b 4b 2c 3b ..

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 415 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Tamihana Korokai. 416 9 9 • • Pukaingataru B 8 417 Pukeroa - Oru awhata Tangata Kotahi. 418 99 • • 99 Tangonui Kokiri. 419 99 • • Matahina A 3b .. Tapeka te Maima. 420 Te Oneone te Ngahue .. Opape 3q 2b 2 .. 421 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Tapene Rapiu. 422 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Tapora Nikora. 423 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Tarapuhi Haimona. 424 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) 111 Tarahira Kawana. 425 9 9 * * * * ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Tati Wikiriwhi. 426 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Taupua te Whanoa. 427 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka. (Block) III Tauruao te Umu. 428 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa - Oruawhata Te Tehi Amohau. 429 W.E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Tiakitai Tamairuna. 430 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukaingataru B 8 Timoti Reone. 431 9 9 * * Pukeroa-Oruawhata 432 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Tipia Himiona. 433 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Tiripa Tamati. 434 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Whakapoungakau 2d 4b .. Tirita Wharekiri. 435 Puwhenua te Aokahira Okoheriki 2c 4c 3 Titihina te Aokahira. 436 J. M. Melville Whakamaru-Maungaiti G 6 Tohi Kumikumi Ponui. 437 Toheriri te Rahui Tauhara Waenga (Middle) 4a 1a .. Toheriri Paora. 438 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Te Tokitoki. 439 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa - Oruawhata Te Tomairangi Whakaahua. 440 99 Topine Paatahuri. 441 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) 111 Te Toroa te Retimana. 442 99 * * ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Tuihana Paora. 443 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa - Oruawhata Tuihana Whakaahua. 444 • • • • Matahina A Id .. Tukino Hoani. 445 • a • a ,, A 3b .. 99 446 9 9 . a a Puk eroa - 0 rua whata Tukino te Mumuhu. 447 99 • • 99 • • • . . • Tupara te Tokoaitua. 448 Hampson, Davys, me (and) Ford Kaitao-Rotohohahoka Iz 7 Te Waaka Paraone. 449 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Waereti te Aohinga. 450 T. Maniapoto.. Whakamaru-Maungaiti K 1c Wahahina te Tini. 451 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa - Oruawhata Warihi te Makitaunu. 452 aa a a Whakapoungakau 2d 4b . . Te Watene te Poroha. 453 99 Te Wehi te Amohau. 454 9 9 * * Matahina A 3b .. Te W ene Atetini. 455 99 Pukaingataru B 8 Te Wene Kokiri. 456 99 Pukeroa-Oruawhata 457 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Wenetia te Paraka. 458 Registrar, Native Land Court .. Pukeroa-Oruawhata Wepiha Ngahuruhuru. 459 99 * * Werahiko Pera. 460 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Whakahihi te Toa. 461 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Wharekiri te Pohoroa. 462 99 • • . . . . Te Wharepu Tauahika. 463 99 * * Te Whatiuru. 464 Rongomaipapa te Whiwhi Tutukau Rawhiti (East) B 7b 7 Te Whiwhi Matatahi. 465 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Wi Keepa Karanama. 466 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Wi Keepa te Rangipuawhe. 467 Registrar, Native Land Court . . Whakapoungakau 17 Wi Maihi te Rangikaheke. 468 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Wi Warena Parakai. 469 99 ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Wihapi te Koata. 470 ' 9 > • • • • ,, 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Wikitoria te Kurutai. 471 W. E. Goffe .. Heruiwi 4a 2b . . Wiki Harawena. 472 Registrar, Naive Land Court Pukeroa-Oruawhata Wikiriwhi te Kira Mita. 473 Native Trustee .. Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block )III Wire Paati Eparaima. 474 „ 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Wiremu Hapimana. 475 Buddle me (and) Otlcv Matahina A 3b . . Wiremu Kingi. 476 aa Whitikau 477 99 ... Ragitaiki 30b 2e 2a , 9 478 99 „ 29v 1a 479 99 „ 30b 2e 2b 480 99 „ 30b 2d 481 9 9 * * Torere 3 482 99 Awaawakino A me (and) B 483 aa a a Waiohoata 484 Registrar, Ntive Land Court Pukeroa-Oruawhata Te Wiremu Matene. 485 aa . a Wiremu Pauro. 486 9 9 * * Okoheriki Ik Raki (North) Wiremu Pauro Ngarahu. 487 Pukeroa-Oruawhata Wiremu Ratete. 488 99 • • 1 Whakapoungakau 17 Wiremu Rupa. 489 Native Trustee Aroha 2 me (and) 3, Poraka (Block) III Wirihana Paora. 490 491 Registrar, Native Land Court .. 99 a a Pukeroa-Oruawhata 99 Wiripina Rangireha. 99

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 6, 11 February 1926, Page 76

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 6, 11 February 1926, Page 76

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 6, 11 February 1926, Page 76

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