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Tono Whakawa Wehewehe. (Applications fob Partitions.)

Era atu Tono. (Other Applications.)

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Era atu Tono (Other Applications)— continued.

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua. (Applications for Succession.)

Tono Whakatu Kai-riiwhi ki nga Paanga Whenua (Applications for Succession)— continued.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) 1 Paetai Kaimoana .. Hereheretau B 2. 2 Matuakore Rangikumea „ B 2e. 3 Materoa Huka „ B 2h. 4 Timi Ruihi „ B 2h. 5 Te Rauna Hape „ B 3. 6 Waaka Puaha „ B 5a. 7 Materoa Huka „ B 5n. 8 Paetai Kaimoana .. „ B 5n. 9 Materoa Huka .. .. . . . . ' „ B 5r. 10 Pora Karaka ma (and another) ,, B 7b. 11 Piha Teretiu Hinewhaki Rato (West) 35b. 12 Arthur Bryan Taylor ma (and another) Kauhauroa 3. 13 Hohepa te Iwirori ma (and another) . . Te Kiwi 15. 14 Paratene Waata Mangapoike 2a 2. 15 Keremenata Pukewaihape .. Mohalka 3a. 16 Minita Maori (Native Minister) „ 6. 17 Ereti te Urupa ma (and another) „ 12. 18 Ka te Aho „ 32. 19 Mihi Puhara Ohuia 1. 20 Tutura Hamana .. Orangitirohia 15b. 21 Keita Kahuroa Paeroa 2e 2a. 22 David Webber Poutaka 28. 23 Haromi Wi Tamihana Taumataoteo 5a. 24 Puku Waata „ 27c. 25 Pukupuku Mihaere „ 28b. 26 Tiemi Morera „ 32b. 27 Tangiahua Tuta Taupara 2d 3. 28 Ngahuia Tuta ma (and others) „ 2d 3. 29 Harata Raureti Tutuotekaha 4. 30 Tame Hokena Waihua 1c 5. 31 Wharekauri Himipiri Manaro „ 1c 5. 32 Hone Hokena „ 2c 1. 33 Kingi te Herekiekie Whakapau 5b. 34 Pepi Weepa Wharepu 1c.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) 1 Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.; 35 Epeniha Kaihote Tarata Whakawa Take Paanga Investigation of title. 36 Rangi Karaitiana me (and) Rutene Karaitiana Te Reinga 2 .. Kia whakakorea nga ota wehewehe i mahia i te 20 o Oketopa, 1921, me nga ota o muri mai For cancellation of partition orders made on 20th October, 1921, and subsequent partition orders. 37 Tumuaki Kaiwhakawa (Chief Judge) Tahora 2f Pitihana Nama 68 o 1924, kia uiuia a kia ripoatatia. Ko Epeniha Kaihota e inoni ana kia whakaurua ia ki roto i te Taitara Petition No. 68 of 1924 of Epeniha Kaihote, for inquiry and report, praying for inclusion in title. 38 99 Hinewhaki 2 .. Pitihana Nama 192 o 1920, kia uiauia kia ripoatatia. Ko te Kihi Kaihote ma e inoi ana kia whakakorea te ota whakaheahea Petition No. 192 of 1920, for inquiry and report. Kihi Kaihote and others, praying for the annulment of relative interests. 39 99 Hinewhaki 2 me (and) 3 Pitihana Nama 355 o 1919, kia uiuia, kia ripotatia. Ko Tiaki Nau ma e inoi ana kia whakaurua ki roto i te Taitara Petition No. 355 of 1919, for inquiry and report. Tiaki Nau and another praying for inclusion in title.

Nama. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 40 Tumuaki Kai - whakawa (Chief Judge) Whangawehi 1b 7 Pitihana Nama 292 o 1924, kia uiauia, kia ripoatatia. Ko Maraea Ormond ma e inoi ana kia uiuia ano te kai-riiwhi tanga ki a Oriwia Wairua i mahia i te 22 o Maehe, 1923, me te whakamananga a te Kooti Piira i tenei ota i Tihema, 1923 Petition No. 292 o 1924, for inquiry and report. Maraea Ormond and others, praying for reconsideration of the succession order to Oriwia Wairua, made on the 22nd March, 1923, and affirmed by the Native Appellate Court in December, 1923. 41 Te Waho Peta Tono kai-riiwhi ki nga paanga tinana o loapa Kepa, kua mate Personalty order in r& loapa Kepa, deceased. Appointment of new trustees. 42 Wm. Cooper (Wiremu Kupa) Taumataoteo 34 me (and) Kia whakaturia he kai-tiaki hou (Urupa Cemetery) 43 Paetai Wirihana Orangitirohia 13a Tono i raro o tekiona 49 o te Ture Whakatikatika Whenua Maori, 1913, kia meinga te Riana rori, he huarahi e puta ai ki te rori o Pereihataone hei rori mo te katoa Application pursuant to section 49 of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913, for a recommendation that the road-line giving access to the block from Frasertown be made a public road. 44 Patu te Rito .. Hereheretau B He ota utu i nga moni reti o te Poraka kei te Kai-Tiaki Maori e pupuri ana ki te Poari mo te Takiwa o te Tairawhiti Order on the Native Trustee for payment of rents held by him from the said block to the Taira whiti District Maori Land Board. 45 Te Rauna Hape Hereheretau B Kia kimihia ko wai ma nga tangata e tika ana ki nga moni reti kei te Kai-Tiaki Maori e pupuri ana, mo te riihi a John Hunter Brown mo taua poraka For determination as to who are the persons entitled to receive the rentmoney held by the Native Trustee from John Hunter Brown’s lease of the said block. 46 Paetai Wirihana ma (and others) Hereheretau B 2 Tono arai i nga tangata katoa o Hereheretau B 2 kia kaua e mahi tuna i te roto kei runga i taua poraka e mohiotia ana ko Patangatapa tuna Application for injunction prohibiting all the owners of Herehere B 2 from fishing, netting, or catching eels on that part of the stream known as the Patangata Eel Weir. 47 Paratene Waata Mangapoike 2a 2 Kia uiuia ko wai ma nga tangata no ratou te whare runanga a Te Papanui a kia whakataua ki nga tangata e tika, ana ki taua whare runanga To determine the ownership of a meeting-house called Te Papanui, and to vest the right of possession in such persons as the Court thinks fit. 48 Hekeretari o Raro mo nga mahi mo te Katoa (Under-Secretary, Public Works Department) Tutuotekaha 2d 1 Kia whakataua nga rori kua katia ki nga tangata e whai take ana To have stopped road vested in the persons entitled thereto. 49 Currie me (and) Lynch Mahanga 1c 1A Kia whakataua te moni kapeneheihana mo te wahi e 3 eka 3 ruuri 14 paati, kua tangohia hei taiapa kau For assessment of compensation for 3 acres 3 roods 17 perches, taken for a stock-pad-dock. 50 Hekeretari o Raro mo nga mahi mo te Katoa (Under-Secretary, Public Works Department) Kopua B, C, D, Kairangi 2b 4, Ohuia 1 Kia whakataua te moni kapeneheihana mo nga waahi kua tangohia mo te rerewe For assessment of compensation for land taken for railway. 51 55 Rimuroa 3 Kia whakataua te moni kapeneheihana mo te waahi 1 ruuri e 2 paati, kua tangohia hei rori For assessment of compensation for 1 rood 2 perches, taken for a road. 52 95 Mohaka 32 .. Kia whakataua te moni kapeneheihana mo te waahi 1 eka 15-4 paati, kua tangohia hei rori For assessment of compensation for 1 acre and 15-4 perches, taken for a road. 53 95 Paeroa 2e 1 me (and) 2f 3a 3 Kia whakataua te moni kapeneheihana mo nga waahi kua tangohia hei rerewe, hei rori hoki For assessment of compensation for portions taken for railway and road purposes. 54 Kai-rehita, Kooti Whenua Maori (Registrar, Na-' tive Land Court) Rimuroa Kia kimihia a kia whakataua ko wai ma nga tangata e tika ana ki te £10 kei roto i taku kaute, na Karepa Taua i utu mai i te 25 o Pepeure, 1908, hei punga mo te piira o te roherohenga o Rimuroa Poraka For determination as to who are the rightful persons to receive the £10 held in my law trust account, paid in by Karepa Taua on 25/2/08, as a deposit on appeal against partition of Rimuroa Block.

Nama. (No,) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) .. Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Ahua o te Tono. (Nature of Application.) 55 Kai-rehita, Kooti Whenua Maori (Registrar, Native Rimuroa Kia kimikia a kia whakataua ko wai ma tangata e tika ana ki For determination as to who are the rightful Land Court) te £10 kei roto i taku kaute, na Paratene Waata i utu mai i te 5 o Pepuere, 1908, hei punga mo te piira o te roherohenga o Rimuroa Poraka persons to receive the £10 held in my law trust account, paid in by Paratene Waata on 5/2/08, as a deposit on appeal against partition of Rimuroa Block. 56 99 Nukutaurua Kia kimihia a kia whakataua ko wai ma nga tangata e tika ana ki te £10 kei roto i taku kaute, na Rangi te Ngaio i utu mai i te 26 o Pepuere, 1915, hei punga mo tetahi tono i raro o tekiona 2 o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1914 For determination as to who are the rightful persons to receive the £10 held in my law trust account, paid in by Rangi te Ngaio on 26/2/15 as a deposit on application under section 2 Native Land Act, 1914. S ’{ Te Otaea Mataitai Hereheretau B 4w 4 Whakawhiti Exchange. Matuakore Rangikumea ,, B 2e 99 • • • • Mere Karaka Rotoatara Taumataoteo 1 99 • • • * oo Mere Wi Tamihana „ 5a 99 * * * * 591 Apikara Hiraka ara (or) Pomare Nuhaka 2a 4a 14b 99 • • • • 99 Hikihiki Wharekura Hinewhaki Rato (West) Tekoina (Section) 18 £ s. d. 99 60 Tumuaki Kai-ruuri (Chief J Tutuotekaha 2a 1 Moni ruuri .. 5 3 6 Survey costs. Surveyor) \ „ 2a 2 „ .. 20 14 0 • « Al r Waihua 1c 1b 1 .. 11 2 6 „ 1c1b2 „ .. 15 0 6 62 „ 2c 5a „ .. 4 16 0 ,, 2c 5b „ .. 4 15 4

Nam a. (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te T«ngata kua Mate. (Nt-me of Deceased.) 63 Nui Mokau Mangapoike 2c Ahenata Hopaka. 64 Kawhe Toheriri „ 2r Airini Hinerangi. 65 55 „ 2c 66 9 5 • • • e •• „ 2o 99 67 95 „ 2e 9 9. 68 Hirini Whatuira Manuoha Ani te Kore Whatuira. 69 55 Paharakeke . . • • 70 Te Rato 3a 2 71 99 • . • • • . Tahora 2c 1, Tekiona (Section) 3 55 72 55 Taupara 2d 3a 55 73 •• • • •• ,, 2d 3a • « 74 55 Waikaremoana 75 Whataroa 9 9 76 Ngapera Takitaki Aranui 1 Awherata Koukou. 77 . . . • .o Han gar oa Matawai 9 9 78 55 Tahora 9 9 79 James Braithwaite Frasertown 41 Bernard Drummond Reed. 80 Heke Tione Kahaatureia David Jones ara (or) Tee we Tione. 81 Maku Erihana .. Paeroa 2f 3b Ehau Tupaea. 82 Maata te Kani .. Opoutama 31, 38, 58, 84 Erina Apatu. 83 Pepi Wepa „ 31, 38, 58, 84 Hamana Taiapa ara (or) Tiakiwai. 84 Taki Hamana .. Maungaroa .. 85 Emere Tamihana Whakapau 1a, Wharepu 1c, Poutaka 8 Hana Rei. 86 Hawea Tipuna .. Whataroa Harata Hawea. 87 Taipunoa Haraki Waipai Hepi Waihoru 4 .. Hariata Waea. 88 Tahora 2c 1, Tekiona (Section) 3 Te Haukakara Hepi. 89 Mereana Mokau Tutuotekaha 2 Hemaima Hopaka. 90 Moetu Tuta Matuku Heni Puhipuhi. 91 Waipai Hepi Tahora 2c 1, Tekiona (Section) 3 Hepi Tekitu. 92 Teo Burton. Waipapa 111 Hera Hokena. 93 .. .. .. .. • » „ 149g 55 94 Poutaka Hapimana Waipaoa 5 .. Hetekia te Papa. 95 Hepeta Wi Hone Tahora 2c, Tekiona (Section) 3 Hikipene Wi. 96 Tieki Tipene Hinewhaki Rato (West) 2, Tekiona (Sections) 2, 11, 23 Hohepa Tipene. 97 55 • • . • . • • • Hinewhaki Rato (West) 2, Tekiona (Section) 41 55 98 99 . . . . • . • • Nuhaka 2c 2g • i 99 Teia te Warn Mangaruhe Rato (West) Hone Waiti te Waru. 100 Ngapera Takitaki Hangaroa Matawai Hori Pani. 101 Mangere Atahere Mohaka 2a .. Hunia Herehere ara (or) Atahere. 102 Hukiki Hurae .. Te Putere All Hurae Puketapu. 103 99 . . Waikaremoana 5 5 104 Hirini Whatuira Te Rato 3a 2 Ihipera Tamehana. 105 • • • • • • Taupare 2d 3a 55 106 99 • • . • • . „ 2d 3a 55 107 99 • • • • • • Waikaremoana Roto (Lake) 55

Mama (No.) Kai-tono. (Applicant.) Te Ingoa o te Whenua. (Name of Land.) Te Tangata kua Mate. (Name of Deceased.) 108 Hepeta Wi Hone Tahora 2c, Tekiona (Section) 3.. Ka Peneti. 109 Waihua Haronga Nuhaka 2a 4c Karaitiana Pakitea. 110 Kongo Hema Tutaekuri 1c 18a Kareti Rongo. 111 Hori Haere Mangapoike 1 Kataraina Iranui Hinehou. 112 Whati Hoepo .. Tutuotekaha Ib 4 Te Keepa Hoepo. 113 Ngapera Takitaki Te Tahora . . Kehu Koukou. 114 Mangumangu Kerehi Ohuia 1 Te Kihi Wahapango ara (or) Whakahoro. 115 Ti Tihuia Wii .. Paharakeke . . Kingi Wii. 116 117 Manger e Herehere ar a (or) Atahere Mohaka 2a .. „ 2a .. Koti Herehere ara (or) Atahere. Keti Herehere ara (or) Atahere. 118 Kahukura Kaukau Ngamotu, Ohuia 1, 3, 4, Tutuotekaha 2d 2, Hinewhaki Rawhiti (East) No. 3, Hinewhaki 3b, Kopau C, Mangapoike A, Kopua A 1 Marara Kaukau. 119 Timi Ruihi Hereheretau B 5t Matire Waikiha. 120 Ngapera Takitaki Tahora Mate Kaukou. 121 Mangumangu Kerehi Ohuia 1 Mere Kerehi. 122 Haturu Taeti Mangapoike 2a 3 Mihiata Tipuna ara (or) Ropini Tipuna. 123 55 „ 2c 55 124 55 • • • • • • • • „ 2d 55 125 99 •• • • . •• •• „ 2e 99 126 .. • . . . . . .. Waikaremoana 127 Peta Pakuku Orangitirohia 3d Mihi Paura. 128 Hera Ngaihi Kopua C Paku Kingita. 129 Ohuia 1 Paku Morera. 130 99 • • • • . • • . Paeroa 2b .. 55 131 Mere Kete Tauna Hereheretau B 2j 1 .. Paora Koura Hoetawa ara (or) Rupapera. 132 Peta Hape Tauwharetoi Id Paora Karori. 133 Ripeka Paora .. Opoutama 18/21, 28, 51, 52, 54, 72, 73, 82 Paora Tunge. 134 Hori Haere Hinewhaki 2, Tekiona (Section) 39 me (and) 3 Paramete Haere. 135 Waipai Hepi Tahora 2c 1, Tekiona (Section) 3 Patio Hepi. 136 Mangere Atahere ara (or) Herehere Mohaka 2a . . Pimia Herehere ara (or) Atahere. 137 Hawea Tipuna .. Waipaoa 5a .. Pimia Piripi. 138 Hera Ngaihi Paeroa 2c .. Pineke Morera. 139 Makere te Ua . . Mangapoike 2d 2 Pirihira Hohepa. 140 Tutura Hamana Hinewhaki 3a me (and) 3b Te Poihipi Tokatutahi. 141 Ahenata Waikawa ma (and another) Hereheretau B 9b Pora Hira. 142 Rewi Kerehi Ohuia 1 Pukukino te Kanawa. 143 Materoa Huka .. Kaukouroa 4a Pura Renata. 144 Mere McRoberts Tarapatiki . . Putitia Hone. 145 Materoa Huka .. Puninga 8 Raiha te Kakahu. 146 Waipai Hepi Tahora 2 Raima Kahutaua. 147 Henare Niania .. Mangapoike A Te Raiwa Horomona ara Raiha Horomona. 148 Te Ao Hapi „ 2d Te Raiwa Pereha. 149 Haturu Taeti Waikaremoana Raniera Haturu. 150 Titihuia Wii Paharakeke .. Rereaute Wi. 151 Te Waho Peta .. Rimuroa 5 .. Rere Hoepo. 152 99 • • • • • • Mangaaruhe Rato (West) Rere te Waho. 153 99 • • • • • • • • Tahora 2v .. 55 154 99 • • • • • • Opoiti Poraka (Block) VI, Tekiona (Section) 2, Rota (Lot) 3 55 155 Matutaera Hawea Ohuia 1 Te Rina Aotea. 156 Iraia Tapine Taumataoteo 12b Roka Hinetaura. 157 Ruku Hamana .. Hinewhaki 1 Rutene te Rerei. 158 99 Ohuia 3 me (and) 4 .. «l • 159 Meretene Tapihana Hereheretau 2 Tapihana Tame. 160 Rongo Hema Tutaekuri 1c 4c, 1c 17 Teonepu Hema. 161 Waipai Hepi Tahora 2c 1, Tekiona (Section) 3 Temuera Hepi. 162 Peta Pakuku Orangitirohia 3d Tini Pahemata. 163 Tewini Tamihana Te Rara Tuahine Reke. 164 Mangumangu Kerehi Ohuia 1 Tuteri Tamaaha. 165 Tuahine Whakahoro Kiwi 6 Waaka Kumara. 166 Rawinia Kingi .. Waiorongomai, Ohinepoutea, Rotokautuku 2m, Whakaangiangi 1a 2, Tapuaeroa 1b 2, Pukerangiora 2b, Rotokautuku 6k 4, Mangawhariki 2c, Wairoa 2b, Manutahi, Waitangi 1, Ngawhakatutu, Rahui, Waitekaha, Taonga Tinana o Mita Haane. Watene Mokena, ara (or) Watene Tewara, ara (or) Watene Mauhana. 167 Hera Ngaihi Ohuia 1 Whetu Mitipara. 168 Waata Kunaiti .. Te Reinga 2d 1 Wi Kupa. 169 Whataroa 170 Pata Pakuku Orangitirohia 3d Wi Pakuku. 171 Rapiata Potaua Ohuia 1 Wikitoria Kaitehaunga. 172 Hepeta Wi Hone Tahora 2c 3 Wiremu Hoeta. 173 Mere Kete Tauna Hereheretau B 2j 1 Wiremu Rupapera. 174 Whati Hoepo Tutuotekaha 1b 4 Witoko Hoepo.

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Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 1, 8 January 1925, Page 4

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KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 1, 8 January 1925, Page 4

KUPU APITI. Ko te Kahiti o Niu Tireni, Issue 1, 8 January 1925, Page 4

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