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B—l [Ft. IV]

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT— continued General Balance-sheet Liabilities Assets £ Sundry creditors— £ * £ Capital Account balance .. .. .. 2,886, 222 Money-order payees for unpaid money-orders 161,824 Stock at stores, &e., and in transit, at stock-list prices, less Other Administrations, on money-order, postal, on-cost .. .. .. .. .. 1,823, 296 and cable accounts .. .. .. 17,168 Investments in Government stocks on account Postal-note payees for unpaid postal notes .. 120,986 of— £ National Savings coupons sold and unredeemed 11,411 Post Office Investment Certificates .. .. 107,650 Other Government Departments .. .. 7,064,484 National Savings deposits and bonds .. 38,274,000 Sundry other creditors .. .. .. 1,468,231 Post Office investments under section 100 of 8,844,104 Post and Telegraph Act, 1928 .. .. 9,683,000 Fees paid in advance' .. .. .. .. 404,663 48,064,650 War Loan Certificate Account .. .. .. 3,331 Sundry debtors— Post Office Investment Certificate Account .. .. 104, 896 Other Administrations on money-order account 45,787 National Savings Fund Account .. .. .. 27,590,495 Sundry other debtors .. .. .. 1,182,994 National Savings Bond Fund Account .. .. 10,816,175 1,228,781 Reserve for depreciation and obsolescence .. .. 7,754,408 Postmasters' balances and cash in bank .. 5,495,833 Fire Insurance Reserve .. .. .. .. 400,000 Less Savings-bank funds held in balance .. 598,279 Reserve for accumulated leave of servicemen .. .. 40,000 4,897, 554 Foreign Mail Settlement Reserve .. .. .. 34,069 Interest accrued on investments .. .. .. 476,739 Earthquake and War Damage Reserve .. .. 945,609 Profit and Loss Appropriation Account .. .. 2,439, 492 £59,377,242 £59,377,242 P. N. Cryer, Director-General, Post and Telegraph Department. J. J. Knight, A.R.A.N.Z., Director of Accounts. I hereby certify that the Profit and Loss Account and Balance-sheet have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— -J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor-General.