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B—l [Pt. IV]

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT Receipts and Payments Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1947 Receipts £ £ Payments £ Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. .. .. 499,197 Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 136,339 Publications .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,367 Wages .. .. .. .. .. .. 37,478 Sundry cash sales— Allowances to officers performing higher duties .. .. 458 Stationery .. .. .. .. .. 2 Overtime .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,872 Second-hand typewriters .. .. . . 41 i Transport expenses, night shift .. .. .. .. 343 Machinery .. .. .. .. ... 250 i Purchases— Waste products .. .. .. .. 22 Paper, stationery, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 167,354 315 Stores .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,106 Refunds— Freight, cartage, insurance, &c. .. .. .. .. 17,983 Salaries and wages .. .. .. .. 2,218 Machinery, new and repairs to .. .. .. .. 10,792 Exchange .. .. .. .. .. 2 Type metal .. .. .. .. .. .. 766 Freight .. .. .. .. .. 1 Type and printing material .. .. .. .. 203 Postages .. .. .. .. .. 27 Fuel, gas, power, light, and water .. .. .. .. 2,207 2,248 Medical services .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 Office equipment .. .. .. .. .. 332 Postages and telegrams .. .. .. .. .. 1,531 Telephone services . . .. .. . . . . 182 Window- cleaning, rubbish-removal, &c. .. .. .. 204 Proportion of rent, &c., High Commissioner's Office .. .. 425 | Wages: Cleaners, watchmen, &c. .. .. .. .. 3,120 I Proportion of cost of messengers' uniforms .. .. .. 35 | Audit fee .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 | Repairs to premises .. .. .. .. .. 3,309 Rent of storage space . . .. .. .. .. 2,966 I Maintenance of fire-alarms .. .. .. .. 12 | Contingencies .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 I Payments in lieu of leave of absence .. .. .. 26 | Grant to officer injured at work .. .. .. .. 471 Refunds to Departments for publications, &c., sold .. .. 5,276 Balance to Treasury Adjustment Account .. .. .. 72,203 £504,127 £504,127