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(g) To enter into the necessary arrangements with the Pan-American sanitary organization and other existing inter-governmental regional health organizations with a view to giving effect to the provisions of Article 54 of the Constitution, which arrangement shall be subject to approval by the Health Assembly; (h) To establish effective relations and enter into negotiations with a view to concluding agreements with other intergovernmental organizations as contemplated in Article 70 of the Constitution ; (i) To study the question of relations with non-governmental international organizations and with national organizations in accordance with Article 71 of the Constitution, and to make interim arrangements for consultation and co-operation with such organizations as the Interim Commission may consider desirable ; (J) To undertake initial preparations for revising, unifying, and strengthening existing international sanitary conventions ; (k) To review existing machinery and undertake such preparatory work as may be necessary in connection with : (i) The next decennial revision of " The International Lists of Causes of Death" (including the lists adopted under the International Agreement of 1934 relating to Statistics of Causes of Death); and (ii) The establishment of International Lists of Causes of Morbidity; (/) To establish effective liaison with the Economic and Social Council and such of its commissions as may appear desirable, in particular the Commission on Narcotic Drugs ; and (m) To consider any urgent health problem which may be brought to its notice by any government, to give technical advice in regard thereto, to bring urgent health needs to the attention of governments and organizations which may be in a position to assist, and to take such steps as may be desirable to co-ordinate any assistance such governments and organizations may undertake to provide. 3. The Interim Commission may establish such committees as it considers desirable. 4. The Interim Commission shall elect its Chairman and other officers, adopt its own rules of procedure, and consult such persons as may be necessary to facilitate its work.