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5. The Interim Commission shall appoint an Executive Secretary who shall—(a) Be its chief technical and administrative officer; (ib) Be ex. officio secretary of the Interim Commission and of all committees established by it; (c) Have direct access to national health administrations in such manner as may be acceptable to the government concerned ; and (d) Perform such other functions and duties as the Interim Commission may determine. 6. The Executive Secretary, subject to the general authority of the Interim Commission, shall appoint such technical and administrative staff as may be required. In making these appointments he shall have due regard for the principles embodied in Article 35 of the Constitution. He shall take into consideration the desirability of appointing available personnel from the staffs of the League of Nations Health Organization, the Office International d' Hygiene Publique, and the Health Division of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. He may appoint officials and specialists made available by governments. Pending the recruitment and organization of his staff, he may utilize such technical and administrative assistance as the Secretary-General of the United Nations may make available. 7. The Interim Commission shall hold its first session in New York immediately after its appointment and shall meet thereafter as often as may be necessary, but not less than once in every four months. At each session the Interim Commission shall determine the place of its next session. 8. The expenses of the interim Commission shall be met from funds provided by the United Nations and for this purpose the Interim Commission shall make the necessary arrangements with 'the appropriate authorities of the United Nations. Should these funds be insufficient, the Interim Commission may accept advances from governments. Such advances may be set off against the contributions of the governments concerned to the Organization. 9. The Executive Secretary shall prepare and the Interim Commission shall review and approve budget estimates : (a) For the period from the establishment of the Interim Commission until 31 December, 1946, and (b) For subsequent periods as necessary. 10. The Interim Commission shall submit a report of its activities to the Health Assembly at its first session. 11. The Interim Commission shall cease to exist upon resolution of the Health Assembly at its first session, at which time the property