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organizations as contemplated in Chapter XI of the Constitution, due consideration being given to the views of the Governments concerned, and (iv) Draft financial and staff regulations for approval by the Health Assembly. In carrying out the provisions of this paragraph due consideration shall be given to the proceedings of the International Health Conference. (c) To enter into negotiations with the United Nations with a view to the preparation of an agreement or agreements as contemplated in Article 57 of the Charter of the United Nations and in Article 69 of the Constitution. Such agreement or agreements shall: (i) Provide for effective co-operation between the two organizations in the pursuit of their common purposes ; (ii) Facilitate, in conformity with Article 58 of the Charter, the co-ordination of the policies and activities of the Organization with those of other specialized agencies ; and (iii) At the same time recognize the autonomy of the Organization within the field of its competence as defined in its Constitution. (d) To take all necessary steps to effect the transfer from the United Nations to the Interim Commission of the functions, activities, and assets of the League of Nations Health Organization which have been assigned to the United Nations ; (e) To take all necessary steps in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol concerning the Office International d' Hygiene Vublique signed 22 July, 1946, for the transfer to the Interim Commission of the duties and functions of the Office, and to initiate any action necessary to facilitate the transfer of the assets and liabilities of the Office to the World Health Organization upon the termination of the Rome Agreement of 1907; (/) To take all necessary steps for assumption by the Interim Commission of the duties and functions entrusted to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration by the International Sanitary Convention, 1944, modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21 June, 1926, the Protocol to Prolong the International Sanitary Convention, 1944, the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1944, modifying the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation of 12 April, 1933, and the Protocol to Prolong the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1944 :