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Taking into account the stocks at the beginning of the year, the following statement shows details of the coal disposed of during the year : 'lst April, 1946 Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Stock on wharf .. .. 2,181 18 0 Stock in bins and yard .. 1,252 4 3 3,434 2 3 Add surplus stock taken on charge .. .. .. .. 1,350 0 0 Add net output for year .. .. 231,690 0 0 236,474 2 3 31st March, 1947 Less stock in bins and yard .. 1,792 7 1 Less stock on wharf .. .. 1,067 10 0 2,859 17 1 Total disposed of .. .. 233,614 5 2 Disposals Tons cwt. qr. Shipped .. .. .. 159,665 9 0 Railed .. .. .. 6,696 2 1 Railway sales .. .. 47,639 6 1 Local and mine sales .. .. 18,361 15 0 Workmen and free issues .. 1,251 13 0 — 233,614 5 2 The gross output of the collieries since being taken over by the State on Ist July, 1944, totals 561,635 tons 3 cwt. 3 qr. Days worked. —Fly Creek Colliery worked 230§ days out of a possible 242 days. In addition, the colliery worked 2 back Saturdays and 3 statutory holidays, making the total days worked 235f days. The difference between the ordinary days worked, 230f, and the possible number of working-days is accounted for as follows : disputes, 8f days ; no transport, 1 day; football match, 1 day; burnt-out motor, 1 day. Webb Colliery (previously D Hill) worked 231J days out of a possible 242 days. In addition, the colliery worked on 2 back Saturdays and 3 statutory holidays, making the total days,worked 236J days. The difference between the ordinary days worked, 231J, and the possible number of working-days is accounted for as follows : disputes, 8f days ; no transport, 1 day; burnt-out motor, 1 day. E Hill Opencast worked 231f days out of a possible 242 days. In addition, the colliery worked 12 back Saturdays and 3 statutory holidays, making the total days worked 246f. The difference between the ordinary days worked, 231f, and the possible number of working-days is accounted for as follows : disputes, 8f days ; no transport, 1 day ; burnt-out motor, 1 day. (Note.—Only one motor was burnt-out, but it affected the three collieries.) jEmployees.—In connection with coal-winning, the average number of persons employed in and about the mine was 300 men and 20 boys, made up as follows —Underground : coal-hewers, 60; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 77. Surface : Open-cast machine operators and truck-drivers, 32 ; men, 131 ; boys, 20. Coal-hewers' Average Daily Earnings.—Fly Creek Colliery: The coal-hewers' average daily earnings (gross) were £3 4s. lid., and after deducting stores (explosives) their net return was £3 25., an increase of 7s. 2d. per day when compared with the previous period.