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Webb Colliery: The coal-hewers' average daily earnings (gross) were £3 10s. 4d., and after deducting stores (explosives) their net return was £3 4s. 7d., an increase of 7s. lid. per day when compared with the previous period. Daily Outputs.—Fly Creek Colliery : The average daily output was 164 tons 13 cwt. 2 qr. and the coal-hewers' average daily output was 7 tons 7 cwt. 2 qr., as compared with 225 tons 15 cwt. and 7 tons 1 cwt. 1 qr. respectively for the previous year. The total number of hewer shifts worked was 5,264. Webb Colliery : The average daily output was 245 tons 11 cwt. and the coalhewers' average daily output was 8 tons 9 cwt. 2 qr., as compared with 151 tons 11 cwt. and 7 tons 15 cwt. 2 qr. respectively for the previous year. The total number of hewer shifts worked was 6,843. E Hill Opencast: The average daily output was 570 tons 5 cwt. 2 qr., as compared with 457 tons 15 cwt. 2 qr. for the previous year. Accidents.—There were 132 accidents, during the year, 4 of them being serious. Underground Workings.—Fly Creek Mine : Operations were mainly confined to pillar-extraction in the South-west, No. 2, No. 4, and No. 5 Sections in excellent coal. In No. 2 Section extraction was completed. In the South Section, development continued in difficult heavy wet ground to the outer edge of the coal basin and extraction commenced. Extremely wet and unpleasant conditions were met with in the South and No. 5 Sections. In all other parts the working-places were wet, some extra wet from time to time. In the East area, preparations have been made to introduce the hydro method of mining in the recovery of a large area of pillar coal, including the East opencast area and many pillars in and around the old Fire area. This system of work where the grades are so suitable and a plentiful supply of water available will ensure safer working-con-ditions for the men, much more economical working, and a very much higher percentage recovery than is possible with any other system of work. Webb Mine : This new mine has developed satisfactorily. The main headings have advanced a further 14 chains —a total distance of 29 chains from the mine entrance — in good coal. Three panels have been formed to the south, providing good workingconditions for the men, also ensuring economy in coal winning and hauling. The plan and arrangement of work in this mine has been laid out with a view to complete mechanization in the near future. Up until recently the coal was comparatively thin and for several chains the roof was very wet and heavy, having over 20 ft. of mudstone immediately above the coal, entailing very costly work in heavy timbering. The main headings have now advanced beyond the bad ground into thick coal (17 ft.), where conditions are much drier and ideally suitable for mechanized mining in all other respects. Bores ahead prove that the coal thickens to over 30 ft. in the line of development to a distance of 30 chains beyond the present heading faces. In the Old Mine area, development was completed to the boundary of the barren belt and pillar-extraction commenced. South-west of and adjacent to Webb Mine a fairly large area of good coal suitable for opencasting has been proved, the nature and thickness of overburden render it unsuitable for underground mining. The ambulance-room and new workshops, including substation, have been completed. A new and more suitable bin has been built, providing greater storage capacity and much more expeditious loading facilities than was possible with the temporary chute structure. E Hill Opencast Mine : A regular high output was maintained from the mine. The thickness of overburden has increased to about the limit that can be economically dealt with by the present equipment. Consideration is being given to the types and sizes of machines that will be required to ensure planned development and economical recovery of the coal from large areas beyond the present workings where the overburden is still greater.