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The figures of stripping have fluctuated considerably, the work being held up by the excessively wet spring, but this was compensated for by working long hours to take advantage of the long spell of dry weather in the autumn, when a peak output of 19,283 cubic yards was attained for March. The main drainage scheme has been completed, and though future bad weather may delay stripping, coal-production should not be retarded, even though water still has to be pumped from the face. Coal Output. —Monthly output of coal rose from 1,296 tons in March, 1946, to 3,452 tons in March, 1947, with a total output of 32,759 tons for the year. During the year dross had to be stock-piled at the bins to the extent of 783 tons, but the total output is going forward at present and the balance on hand will probably be disposed of during the coming winter. No coal was extracted from Smaill's Lease during the year. Plant.—Earth-moving plant on the job at 31st March included four D 8 tractors, three with blades ; four 12-cubic-yard carryalls ; one 3|-cubic-yard carryall; two RD7 tractors, complete with blades ; one D 4 tractor with blade ; one McD. tractor, 20 h.p., complete with blade ; one rooter ; one excavator drag-line, cubic yards capacity ; one Diesel shovel, \ cubic yard capacity ; one Marshall dump-car ; and, having regard to the conditions prevailing from time to time, this plant has handled the job satisfactorily. Labour.—The number of men employed is 19, including face men, plant operators, and mechanics, apart from the 3 contract truck-drivers. No labour hold-ups or absenteeism have been experienced, though time was lost during the Kaitangata coal strike, as no coal could be despatched on the company's siding. Buildings.—A permanent camp to accommodate the miners has been erected on leasehold property in Kaitangata, and married quarters for the overseer have also been completed. . I have, &c., R. T. H. Dale, District Manager. The District Manager, State Coal-mines, Ngakawau, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,-*— Bth May, 1947. I have the honour to submit my report on the workings of the Stockton State Mines for the year ended 31st March, 1947. Output. —The gross output for the year from the Fly Creek and Webb Mines and the E Hill Opencast was 237,460 tons 4 cwt., an increase of 22,238 tons 19 cwt. 2 qr. when compared with the previous year. Gross outputs of the individual mines were as follows Tons cwt . qr . Fly Creek Mine .. .. .. .. 38,804 8 2 Webb Mine .. .. .. .. .. 58,010 19 2 E Hill Opencast .. .. .. .. 140,644 16 0 237,460 4 0 After allowing for waste (520 tons 4 cwt.) and coal used on works (5,250 tons), there remained for disposal a net output of 231,690 tons.