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SPECIAL REPORTS 3rd July, 1946: I have the honour to report that at the first meeting of the Dominion Population Committee the question was raised as to the admission of the press to the meetings of the Committee at which evidence was tendered. The House had omitted in the Order of reference to provide for the admission of the press, but it was the unanimous opinion of the Committee and of those consulted that the press should be admitted. The Committee therefore resolved that the press be admitted, and that when the House met again it be asked to validate its action. — (J. Thorn, Chairman of the Committee.) 20th September, 1946: — I have the honour to report that at its final meeting held on Tuesday,. 17th September, 1946, the Dominion Population Committee unanimously passed the following resolution:— " That this Committee desires to express its appreciation of the able manner, in which the Chairman, Mr. James Thorn, has conducted the business of the Committee, and directs that this resolution be reported to the House." —(R. M. Algie.,, Member of the Committee.) I have the honour to report that at its final meeting held on Tuesday, 17th September, 1946, the Dominion Population Committee unanimously passed the following resolutions:— (a) That this Committee desires to express its appreciation of the services rendered by its secretary, Mr. F. B. Stephens, and the staff associated with him in connection with the preparation of the Committee's report, and directs that this resolution be reported to the House. (5) That this Committee desires to express its appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. C. B. Bailey, who carried out the duties of Clerk of the Committee, and directs that this resolution be reported to the House.— (J. Thorn, Chairman of the Committee.)