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Laid on the Tcuble of the House of Representatives

ORDERS OF REFERENCE Extracts from, the Journals of the Souse of Representatives Friday, the 7th Day of December, 1945 Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider ways and means of increasing the population of the Dominion, the Committee to have power to sit at such times and at such places as it sees fit; and to report to the House within fourteen days after the commencement of the next ensuing session: the Committee to consist of Mr. Acland, Mr, Algie, Mr,. Armstrong, Mr. Gerard, Miss Howard, the Hon. Mr. Parry, Mr. Richards, Mrs. Ross, Mr. Thorn, and the Mover." —(Hon. Mr. Nordmeyer.) Wednesday, the 3rd Day of July, 1946 Ordered, " That the Report of the Dominion Population Committee in regard to its action in admitting the press to the meetings of the Committee at which evidence was tendered, be adopted, and that the Committee's action validated.": —(Right Hon. Mr. Fraser.) Ordered, " That the period set down by order of the House dated 7tli December, 1945, within which the Dominion Population Committee was required to present its report, be extended until Blst August next to enable the Committee to complete its deliberations and prepare its report."—(Hon. Mr. Nordmeyer.) Thursday, the 29th Day of August, 1946 Ordered, " That the period set down by order of the House dated 7th December, 1945, within which the Dominion Population Committee was required to present its report, and which was extended by the House on 3rd July until 31st August, be now further extended until 30th September next to enable the Committee to complete its deliberations and prepare its report." —(Hon. Mr. Nordmeyer.)