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8.—7 [PT. I]



Prime Minister AN ESTIMATE of the Sum that will be required in the Year ending 31st March, 1946, to defray the Salaries, Contingencies, and Expenses of the Prime Minister's Department. Summary

(a) Number of officers, 18. Travelling-allowances, £83 17s. sd. ; travelling-expenses, £285 4s. 4'!. ; car hire, 18s. Id. (b) Compensation on account of loss of and damage to personal effects, £3. 2*


1945-46. 1944-45. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Voted. Expended. Vote—Prime Minister's Department— £ £ £ £ £ GROSS Total 20,677 16,060 36,737 36,810 35,927 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. 250 250 300 299 NET TOTAL .. .. .. 20,677 15,810 36,487 36,510 35,628 Number i cu aak of Persons. 1945-46. 1945-461944-45 VOTE-PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT ' Upended. Salaries — Administrative Division £ 1 1 1 at £1,275 (Permanent Head), also Chief Private Secretary, £ £ Secretary to Cabinet, and Clerk of Executive Council .. 1,275 1 1 1 at £1,175 (Secretary to War Cabinet), also Secretary of External Affairs .. .. .. .. 1,175 1,200 Clerical Division 1,100 1 .. 1 at £1,075 (Special Assistant).. .. .. .. 1,075 16,304 1 .. 1 at £900 (Official Secretary to His Excellency the GovernorGeneral .. .. .. .. ■. • • 900 Other Salaries 46 40 46 (£125 to £840) 16,252 13,600 _ ~50 42~ 20,677 15,900 16,304 Other Charges for and incidental to — Office expenses .. .. .. .. ■■ 2,400 1,750 1,811 Office fittings, furniture, and requisites .. .. .. 250 5,500 4,896 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. .. 200 100 244 Payment of the monetary equivalent of leave due to deceased officers .. .. .. .. .. 50 50 Payments to Post and Telegraph Department (part recoverable) .. .. .. .. •• •• 12,000 12,600 10,840 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. 1,000 750 1,459 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. .. 150 150 (a) 370 Contingencies .. .. .. . . • • 10 10 (b) 3 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenue Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 250 16,060 20,910 19,623 Gross TOTAL 36,737 36,810 35,927 Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. 250 300 299 NET TOTAL .. .. .. .. 36,487 36,510 35,628