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8.—7 [PT. I]



Minister of External Affairs AN ESTIMATE of the Sum that will be required in the Year ending 31st March, 1946, to defray the Salaries, Contingencies, and Expenses of the Department op External Affairs. Summary


1945-46. 1944-45. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Voted. Expended, Vote —External Affairs — £ £ £ £ £ GROSS TOTAL .. .. .. 133,856 94,041 227,897 194,241 193,127 Credits-IN-AID .. .. .. 13,000 6,910 19,910 16,500 16,104 NET TOTAL .. .. .. 120,856 87,131 207,987 177,741 177,023 Number of Persons. 1a , K Aes 1944-45. 1945-46. 1945-46 1944-45 VOTE-EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Expended> Salaries— £ £ £ Secretary (also Secretary to War Cabinet, £1,175)* Other Charges for and incidental to — League of Nations— New Zealand's proportion of secretariat expenses (annual contribution) .. .. .. .. .. 20,638 13,972 13,876 New Zealand official publications supplied to League .. .. 20 20,638 13,992 13,876 20,638 13,992 13,876 New Zealand Legation, Washington— Salaries— 1 1 Minister .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 2,000 ~ Minister Designate (1 at £2,000, 13/5/44 to 30/6/44) .. .. 269 £ First Secretary .. .. .. .. 1,075 1 1 Arrears (30/6/44 to 31/3/45) at £75 per annum 57 1,132 1,000 f Other Salaries 20 18 20 (£222 to £790) .. .. .. .. .. 10,527 9,440 Location allowances .. .. .. .. .. 12,184 10,957 22 20 Allowances to officers .. .. .. .. 973 1,612 26,816 25,278 32,034 Other Charges for and incidental to — Advertising, photograph, books, newspapers, other publications, and publicity .. .. .. .. 3,900 3,980 3,407 Cost of conveying Minister, staff, and families to and from Washington on appointment, transfer, &c. .. .. 500 2,500 2,637 Maintenance, repairs, alterations, and upkeep of office, residence, and grounds .. .. .. .. 1,500 925 1,623 Motor-vehicles, maintenance of .. .. .. 300 200 316 Office equipment and furnishings for official residence .. 500 1,300 480 Office expenses .. .. .. .. .. 850 840 828 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. .. 50 50 63 * See under vote, "Prime Minister's Department."