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8.—7 [PT. I]



Minister of National Service. AN ESTIMATE of the Sum that will be required in the year ending 31st March, 1944, to defray the Salaries and Expenses of the National Service Department. Summary.

(a) Increase due to extension of activities, particularly in connection with the administration of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations. (b) Decrease due to reduction of ballot work. _ . . (c) Overexpenditure due to additional appointments necessitated by the administration of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations. (d) Underexpenditure due to larger part of expenditure incurred not being brought to charge before the end ot the year. (e) Owing to shortage of motor mechanics several oars were laid up for some time. It is anticipated that these cars will be on the road again this year. (/) Purchase of ear for District Man-power Officer, Christchurch (£115), and for District Man-power Officer, Napier (£2O). ( ; g) Overexpenditure due to increase in staff. (h) Overexpenditure due to additional overtime necessary owing to pressure of work,


1943-44. 1942-43, Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Voted. J Expended. Vote —National Service— £ £ £ £ £ GROSS TOTAL .. .. .. 241,270 127,345 368,615 360,669 384,173 Credits-IN-AID 241,270 127,345 368,615 360,669 384,173 NET TOTAL f" mber 1942-43. VOTE—NATIONAL SERVICE. 1943-44. 1943 44 1942 43 Voted. Expended. Salaries — Administrative Divisions £ £ £ 1 1 1 at £1,150 (Director of National Service) .. .. 1,150 1,150 Other Salaries. 3 3 3 at £900 (Chairmen, Armed Forces Appeal Boards) .. 2,700 2,700 3 3 3 at £1,000 (Regional Commissioners) .. .. .. 3,000 2,200 814 737 814 (£65 to £765) .. .. .. .. •• (a)177,091 160,351 [ 227,387 Cadets' lodging-allowances .. .. .. ■. 505 781 Allowances to officers temporarily performing special or higher duties under Public Service Regulations 24a and 209 2,425 1,067 Cost-of-living allowances .. .. .. •• (a) 18,312 17,889 85 77 Salaries and allowances of officers on loan from other Departments .. .. •• •• (a) 35,087 27,999 Additional part-time typing assistance in connection with ballots and other special work .. .. .. (6)1,000 2,500 _ Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926— £ Recoveries from vote, " Labour " .. 5,500 Recoveries from War Expenses Account .. 230,770 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 5,000 241,270 906 " ' 8 2i 241,270 216,637 (c) 227,387 Other Charges for and incidental to — Advertising .. • ■ • • • • • • 50 50 Fitting up accommodation .. .. .. •• 9,715 12,500 (a) 4,427 Law-costs .. .. •• •• 10 Motor-vehicles, maintenance of and repairs to .. 750 800 (e) 310 Motor-vehicles, purchase of . . . . .. (/) 135 .. Office equipment .. ■■ •• •• 3,500 4,500 (g) 5,692 Office expenses .. .. ■. • • • • I 910 820 1,139 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. I 28,000 16,750 (h) 33,567