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8.—7 [PT. I]



(a) Decrease due to reduced ballot work. (b) Expenditure less than anticipated. (c) Provision made for rental of additional accommodation. (d) Owing to extension of Department's activities, expenditure heavier than anticipated. (e) Number of officers, 72. Travelling-allowance, £1,697 ; travelling-expenses, £2,136 ; mileage allowance, £295 : motor hire, £631. (/) Provision made for increase in work of Man-power Appeal Committees and anticipated decrease in work of Armed Forces Appeal Boards. (g) Owing to number of appeals lodged and releases from Army, volume of work greater than anticipated. (h) Reduction in volume of work. (»') Reduction in grants owing to District Committees becoming more self-supporting. Salaries otller Estimated. Recovered, salaries. Charges. Total 1942-43. 1942-43. (j) Credits-in-aid .. .. .. .. 368,615 384J73 Totals .. .. .. .. 241,270 127,345 368,615 360,669 384,173



Number of Persons. 1942-43 - 1943-44. 1943 44194243 VOTE—NATIONAL SERVICE—continued. Voted. lixpended. Other Charges for and incidental to—continued. £ £ £ Postages and telegrams, &c. .. .. .. .. (a) 8,500 18,000 (b) 12,312 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. 8,750 9,250 9,134 Rent, heating, and lighting .. .. .. .. (c) 12,750 10,970 10,157 Services rendered by other Departments . . .. 5,375 15,500 15,240 Telephone services (including installations, extensions, maintenance, and calls) .. .. .. .. 4,950 3,500 (d) 5,813 Transfer and removal expenses .. .. .. 250 350 308 Travelling expenses and allowances .. .. .. 4,200 2,650 (e) 4,759 Typewriters and mechanical office appliances— Purchase of .. .. .. .. .. 475 550 824 Maintenance of and repairs to ..... .. 105 85 191 Appeal Boards and Man-power Appeal Committees (includes travelling expenses and allowances, rents, postages, telephone and other incidental expenses) .. .. (/)26,250 28,775 (g) 40,293 Grant to Disabled Servicemen's Re-establishment League (Inc.) .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 2,500 2,500 National Rehabilitation Council and Board (includes travelling expenses and allowances, rents, postages, telephones, and other incidental expenses) .. .. 3,000 3,000 2,016 Emergency Fire Service (includes travelling expenses and allowances, rents, postages, and other incidental expenses) (h) 950 2,680 (h) 919 Emergency Precautions Scheme (includes travelling expenses and allowances, rents, postages, and other incidental expenses).. .. .. .. .. .. (h) 4,000 6,095 4,750 Special Tribunal, alternative service (includes members' fees, travelling-expenses, postages, telephones, and other incidental expenses) .. .. .. .. 250 500 204 Women's War Service Auxiliary (includes rents, telephones, &c., and grants to cover incidental expenses) .. .. (i) 1,950 4,000 (i) 1,958 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of this vote .. .. .. 20 20 3 Compassionate allowance to the widow of the late E. C. J. Foot, District Employment Officer at Dunedin .. .. 177 177 Estimated credits-in-aid under section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 — £ Recovery from Vote " Labour " .. 5,000 Recovery from. War Expenses Account .. 120,845 Other recoveries .. .. .. 1,500 127,345 127,345 144,032 156,786 Gross Total.. .. .. .. .. 368,615 360,669 384,173 Credits-in-aid (j) 368,615 360,669 384,173 NET TOTAL j