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8.—7 [PT. I].



(a) Number of officers, 7. Travelling-allowances, £318 10s. 7d.; travelling-expenses, £160 7s. Id. ; motor-hire, £89 9s. 4d.; mileage allowance, £185 15s,



Number of Persons. 1940-41. _ 1941-42. 1941-421940-41 VOTE—INTERNAL AFFAIRS continued. ' Voted _ js. ponded. Subdivision No. V.—Explosives Branch—continued. £ £ £ Other Charges for and incidental to — Fuel, light, power, and water .. .. .. .. 90 90 91 Furniture and fittings .. .. .. .. 20 20 10 General expenses .. .. .. .. .. 100 100 118 Magazines : Expenses in connection with (recoverable) .. 1,800 1,600 1,798 Overtime and meal allowances . . .. .. 100 75 97 Postage, telegrams, and telephone services (part recoverable) 300 200 289 Printing and stationery (part recoverable) .. .. 75 125 33 Rent .. .. .. .. .. .. 363 363 329 Travelling allowances and expenses (part recoverable) .. 1,000 1,200 {a) 754 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — Explosives Act, expenses under — £ Expenses in connection with magazines 1,900 Licensing of motor-pumps .. .. 500 Printing, stationery, postages .. .. 25 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 25 2,450 3,848 3,773 3,519 Total—Subdivision No. V .. . . 8,586 8,526 8,140 Subdivision No. VI.—Miscellaneous Services. Salaries (including Relieving Staff) — Non-permanent. Ill (£850) .. .. .. .. .. .. 850 850 Other Salaries. 255 181 255 (£7 to £715) 46,737 34,627 Allowances to officers .. .. .. .. 242 50 256 182 Lodging-allowances (cadets) .. .. .. .. 948 329 Special allowances to shorthand writers and typists Total Number employed in Ministers' offices .. .. .. 450 653 of Persons. Salaries of staff of National Art Gallery and Dominion 1,501 1,328 Museum (recoverable) .. .. .. .. 7,556 7,692 — Payment to other Departments—• £ Lands and Survey Department .. .. 380 National Provident Fund .. .. .. 305 V 47,972 Railways Department .. .. .. 215 900 57,683 44,201 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote)— National Art Gallery and Dominion £ Museum: Salaries .. .. .. 7,556 Salaries of officers relieving in other Departments .. .. .. .. 32,384 39,940 57,683 44,201 47,972