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8.—7 [PT. I].



(a) These are to take the form of small obelisks with bronze plaques and will mark the landing-places on the coast of New Zealand by Captain James Cook, R.N. (b) Expenditure less than anticipated. (e) Expenditure consists generally of charges for collection, packing, freight, and insurance. Prom time of arrival in America, the Carnegie Corporation of New York will sponsor the Exhibition of New Zealand art in United States of America and Canada at its own cost. (d) Increase due to claims anticipated in connection with recent floods in the Manawatu district. (e) Expenditure offset to some extent by free accommodation granted by the Canterbury Provincial Buildings Board to government Departments,


Number of Persons. 1941-42 1940-41, VOTE—INTERNAL AFFAIRS continued. ' [ Expended. Subdivision No. VI. —Miscellaneous Services —continued. £ £ £ Other Charges for and incidental to — Anzac Day Services, London: New Zealand's proportion of cost .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 10 15 Colonial appointments, Board of Selection : Travellingexpenses of applicants in New Zealand and members of Board of Selection .. .. . . . . 10 10 5 Cook Memorials, erection of .. .. .. (a) 250 Cost-of-living bonus to annuitants under the Public Service and Teachers' Superannuation Funds and Civil Service Act, 1908, and to other persons in receipt of retiringallowances (part recoverable) .. .. .. 800 850 760 Departure of Lord Galway : Packing effects for shipment oversea.8 .. . . .. .. . . .. 99 Dogs Registration Amendment Act, 1937 : Prevention of hydatids under (recoverable) .. .. .. 5,000 13,800 14,775 Emergency Regulations Act, 1939: Fees and other expenses of members of committees or other bodies appointed by regulations under the Act .. .. .. .. 500 1,000 (b) 108 Entertaining visitors to the Dominion and official functionsAllowances to officers in connection with .. .. 65 65 83 Cost of .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 2,500 5,140 Exhibition . of New Zealand Art in United States of America and Canada .. .. .. .. (c) 800 Exhibits for Museums, railage on .. .. 10 10 23 Fire Boards, subsidies to (Fire Brigades Act, 1926, Section 26) .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,300 4,300 4,281 Flood damage, grants in relief of .. .. .. (d) 1,750 250 186 Fuel for Government offices, including Canterbury Provincial Buildings, Christchurch .. .. .. .. (e) 2,000 2,000 1,911 Government Buildings — Refreshment-rooms, Wellington : Grant towards cost of relief attendant . . . . . . . . 78 78 78 Refreshment-rooms Wellington: Vent for cookers . . 36 Retiring-room, top floor, Wellington : Furnishings . . 15 Grants in settlement of petitions .. .. .. 250 250 108 Grants — Boy Scouts' Association, New Zealand .. .. 600 600 600 Fire Brigades Annual Conference — Towards fares of delegates .. .. . . 750 750 392 Towards expenses of conference and demonstration .. 750 Institute of Public Administration : Towar ds cost of publication .. .. .. . ■ ■ ■ 100 100 84 National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Board of Trustees for maintenance .. .. .. 8,000 8,000 8,000 New Zealand Returned Soldiers' Association— Freight on poppies .. .. .. .. 14 14 13 Towards rail fares of delegates attending annual Council 50 50 50 Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals : Rail passes for Inspectors .. .. .. .. 450 465 329 South African War Veterans' Association : Rail fares of delegates to annual meeting .. .... 30 30 30