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8.—7 [PT. I].



(а) Irregular mails from London make it difficult to bring to charge the amount of £1,000 paid eacli year. (б) Underexpenditure due to repainting and redecorating the premises of 415 The Strand not being proceeded with at present. (o) Translation fees, £5 19s. 2d. ; travelling-expenses (rail fares) £14 3s. 7d. ; removal sand-bags from office, 10s. ; search fee, Somerset House, 2s. ; insurance on official keys, 6s. 2d. : total. £21 os, lid,


Number of Persons. 1941 42 1940-41. 1941-421940-41 VOTE INTERNAL AB PAIRS—continued. Voted. Expended. Subdivision No. IV.—High Commissioner's Office £ £ £ —continued. Other Charges for and incidental to — Advertising, photographs, books, newspapers, and other publications .. .. . . .. .. 150 150 145 Air-raid precautions and war damage .. .. .. 1,000 160 177 Compassionate grant to widow of B. E. Murphy . . 148 Freight, cartage, and transport charges .. .. 40 20 32 Fuel, light, power, and water . . . . .. . . j 1,200 1,210 1,004 House allowance for High Commissioner .. .. 1,000 (a) 1,250 (a) 833 Motor-vehicles, maintenance of .. .. .. 250 200 201 National Insurance Act, 1911, in respect of clerks employed in the High Commissioner's Office, contributions due under 50 50 38 Office-cleaning . . . . .. .. .. 150 160 114 Office fittings and requisites .. .. .. .. 400 400 176 Official entertainments, expenses of .. .. .. 250 250 48 Overtime and meal allowances .. .. .. 350 250 290 Postage, telegrams, &c. (part recoverable) .. .. 2,750 2,700 2,628 Printing and stationery (part recoverable) .. .. 800 880 j 703 Rent, rates, taxes, insurance, &c. (part recoverable) .. 9,570 7,980: 7,638 Repairs and alterations to offices and office equipment . . 400 1,300 (b) 325 Subscriptions to various societies and associations .. 40 40 13 Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. .. 300 200 271 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of this subdivision.. . . . . 25 25 (e) 21 Compassionate grant to widow of S. S. Manhire .. .. .. 450 450 Motor-vehicles, purchase of .. .. .. .. 625 625 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Postage, telegrams, &c... .. .. 400. Printing and stationery .. .. 250 Rent, &c. . . . . . . . . 3,100 Shipping charges on goods for Government Departments .. .. .. 50 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 225 » 4,025 18,873 18,300 15,732 Total—Subdivision No. IV .. .. 52,752 50,230 44,392 Subdivision No. V. —Explosives Branch. Salaries — 14 16 14 (£100 to £765) .. .. .. .. .. 4,663 4,678 I j Payments to Marine Department for services of magazine- [ keepers .. .. .. ■ • 1 ■ • .. 75 75 J 4,738 4,753 4,621