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Administration Costs. The salaries, postages, cables, telegrams, office expenses, rent, stationery, and all other incidental charges connected with the internal administration of the Department since its inception to the 31st March, 1921, have amounted to £85,044 18s. 7d., representing 0-0536 per cent, on total disbursements of £158,576,644, or 12|d. for each £100 of business done. The percentages on the main sections are as follows : Wool, 0-10, or 24d. per £100 ; frozen meat, 0-019, or 4|d. per £100 ; butter, 0-050, or 12d. per £100 ; Cheese, 0-036, or B|d. per £100. STAFF AND ORGANIZATION. It is with deep regret that I have to record the death, on the 12th November, 1920, after a short illness, of Mr. Robert Triggs, who had been Controller from the inauguration of the Department in March, 1915, and who gave of the best of his powers of organization to ensure the success of the work entrusted to the Department. Mr. T. R. Lees, Assistant Controller, was appointed Controller as from the 23rd December, 1920. The termination during the year of the contracts for the purchase of wool, frozen meat, and cheese enabled a 63-per-cent. reduction in staff to be made, the amount paid in salaries being reduced by 81 per cent. The year has been a strenuous one for the , staff, and I desire to express my appreciation of the very efficient and loyal way in which all members, both those who have necessarily retired and those that remain, have carried out their duties. It is satisfactory to record that a large proportion of the retiring members of the staff have received appointments in shipping, freezing, or mercantile houses, where the experience gained in the Department will doubtless prove of great value. The wholehearted assistance and co-operation of Mr. G. C. Smith A.R.A. (N.Z.), Chief Accountant, has contributed largely to the efficiency of the Department, The Department is indebted to the Director-General of Agriculture, and to the Directors and officers of the Live-stock and Dairy Divisions of the Department of Agriculture, for the invaluable assistance which has been freely given during the six-years purchase of the primary products of the Dominion. I am also glad to acknowledge the thoroughness of the continuous audit conducted by the Controller and Auditor-General through a special staff attached to the Department for the purpose. I have pleasure in placing on record the assistance which the Department has received from the cordial co-operation of woolbrokers, freezing and shipping companies and dairy factories, and particularly from Mr. W. S. Bennett, President of the New Zealand Woolbrokers' Association, whose tact and business acumen during negotiations removed many difficulties. I have, &c, T. R. Lees, Controller. The Hon. the Minister in Charge, Department of Imperial Government Supplies.