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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND.


Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

g IE Wellington, 31st August, 1921. I Lave the honour to submit a review of the operations of the Department of Imperial Government Supplies from the Ist April, 1920, to the 31st March,. 1921. The Department commenced its operations on the 3rd March, 1915, its duties covering the control of the various contracts for purchase of produce by the Imperial Government, including frozen meat, wool, sheep-skins, hides, butter, cheese, frozen and canned rabbits, scheelite, and such other individual contracts as were from time to time made by the Imperial authorities with New Zealand producers. In addition to the work undertaken on behalf of the Imperial Government, the Department has carried out work on behalf of the New Zealand Government, including the purchase of butter and cheese for use in camps and on transports, the internal arrangements in connection with the sale and shipment of kauri-gum, the accounts in connection with the original purchase of wheat from the Australian Government, and the administration of the Butter Equalization Funds. During the year the remaining contracts for purchase of produce on behalf of the Imperial Government terminated at the following dates :— Frozehjneat .. • • • - 30th June, 1920. Cheese .. • • • • .. Ist July, 1920. Wool and sheep-skins .. .. 30th September, 1920. Butter .. .. •• •• 31st March, 1921.

I—H. 38.



FROZEN MEAT. The revised schedule of prices agreed to in October, 1916, by the Imperial Board of Trade and the freezing companies concerned remained operative until the termination of the contract at 30th June, 1920. A great effort was made by the Imperial authorities during the year to relieve the congestion existing in New Zealand freezing-stores so as to allow free operations to be carried on by freezing companies under normal conditions. The sales to American purchasers mentioned in my last report were continued, and from the Ist April, 1920, 2,103,259 carcases lamb and 464,463 carcases lightweight wether mutton were shipped to the United States of America in fourteen steamers. On the Bth October, 1920, the Imperial Government also announced the sale of all beef in quarters, in store and afloat, to Messrs. Vestey Bros. Special arrangements were made for the carriage of this beef, and 388,862 quarters were shipped in six steamers of the Blue Star Line and two chartered steamers. The total quantities of meat shipped from the Ist April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921, were — Beef (quarters) .. '.. .. .. 571,484 Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. ..5,043,097 Lamb (carcases) .. .. .. .. 4,042,293 Other meat (in 60 lb. carcases) .. . , .. 81,611 The total quantities of meat purchased from the inception of the Imperial Government purchase (3rd March, 1915) to the 30th June, 1920 (the date of the termination of the final contract), were as follows : — Beef (quarters) .. .. .. .. 3,671,885 Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. .. 17,447,046 Lamb (carcases) .. .. .. .. 17,681,218 Other meat (in 60 lb. carcases) .. .. .. 370,469 The total quantities shipped during the period 3rd March, 1915, to 31st March, 1921, were as follows : — Beef (quarters) .. .. .. .. 3,456,527 Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. ..17,342,177 Lamb (carcases) .. .. .. .. 17,667,803 Other meat (in 60 lb. carcases) .. .. .. 368,082 including 2,382,347 carcases lamb and 464,463 carcases mutton consigned to New York and Boston. The respective quantities shipped from each port are set out in an appendix hereto. The losses of Imperial Government meat in New Zealand during the same period were as follows : — Lost by wreck during loading operations — Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. .. 1,710 Destroyed by fire — Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. .. 4,987 Deteriorated in works and subsequently canned or boiled down — Beef (quarters) .. . . .. . . 477 • Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. ..25,139 Lamb (carcases) .. .. •• ... .. 9,007 equal to 0-107 per cent, of the total purchases.


The balance of meat in store and on loading-berth at the 31st March, 1921, was as follows : — Beef (quarters) .. .. .. .. .. 214,881 Mutton (carcases) .. .. .. .. 73,033 Lamb (carcases)! .. .. .. .. .. 4,408 Other meat (in 60 lb. carcases) .. .. .. 2,387 The system of payment of advances representing 75 per cent, of the value of killings which have remained in freezing-chambers for a period of six weeks was continued, _ the payment of the balance of 25 per cent, being effected at time of shipment upon presentation of the usual documents, these payments being made free of exchange either to the freezing companies direct or by direction of freezing companies to the companies' clients. The following statement furnishes particulars of frozen meat in store and of shipments made in the equivalent of 60 lb. carcases from the 3rd March, 1915, to the 31st March, 1921 :— In store on— 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. 1920-21. April 30 .. 1,792,362 2,304,258 2,946,781 4,082,323 7,265,253 7,075,306 May 31 .. 2,048,454 2,642,362 3,290,072 4,794,787 7,931,103 7,420,307 June 30 .. 2,165,342 2,480,846 3,483,324 5,230,000 7,934,921 7,150,820 July 31 .. 1,865,283 1,892,504 3,383,235 5,314,602 7,780,394 6,238,953 Aug. 31 .. 1,410,167 1,396,540 2,949,545 5,233,308 6,960,556 5,342,946 Sept. 30 .. 665,992 816,933 2,873,277 4,970,053 5,923,654 4,488,679 Oct. 31 .. 199,936 367,975 2,557,881 4,576,942 4,953,429 3,494,387 Nov. 30 .. 140,836 161,311 1,890,489 4,446,726 4,321,729 2,668,521 Dec. 31 .. 597,817 451,361 1,915,451 4,293,315 4,466,364 1,386,477 Jan. 31 .. 1,093,300 1,137,438 1,954,490 4,992,719 5,131,901 983,207 Feb. 28 .. 1,575,336 1,901,085 2,609,618 5,766,815 5,912,670 794,127 Mar. 31 .. 2,152,250 2,409,541 3,398,364 6,567,871 6,628,789 600,956 Shipments during — April .. 498,971 540,204 340,374 490,339 423,003 530,955 May .. 389,223 500,097 338,507 365,688 572,871 318,142 June .. 302,293 605,890 239,793 94,855 745,147 489,293 July .. 761,641 740,845 229,402 75,290 308,049 911,867 Aug. .. 602,647 555,630 453,178 98,327 823,780 896,007 Sept. .. 795,766 609,362 96,059 264,780 1,037,465 854,267 Oct. .. 474,055 465,983 321,127 394,722 971,223 994,292 Nov. .. 282,450 321,497 743,065 133,486 663,906 825,866 Dec. .. 241,734 235,316 394,941 369,577 405,525 1,282,044 Jan. .. 514,036 440,168 904,810 217,749 419,553 403,270 Feb. .. 498,964 272,910 369,043 317,679 369,143 189,080 Mar. .. 542,586 800,539 335,303 549,936 638,129 193,171 5,904,366 6,088,441 4,765,602 3,372,428 7,377,794 7,888,254 The total payments for meat to the 31st March, 1921, including storage and advances, amounted to £53,039,535, which was distributed as follows :— £ £ Auckland .. 4,575,345 Poverty Bay .. .. .. .. 5,578,413 Hawke'sßay .. .. .. .. 5,331,147 Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. 2,107,096 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. 15,610,007 North Island .. .. .. 33,202,008 Marlborough .. .. .. .. 354,109 Nelson ... .. .. .. 226,373 Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. 12,247,677 Otago .. .. .. .. .. 3,806,469 Southland .. .. .. .. .. 3,202,899 South Island .. .. .. 19,837,527 Grand total .. .. .. £53,039,535




,: Payments for storage included in above amounted to £5,388,903 6s. 5d., = 0.59 d. per pound of the meat purchased. The total cost of administration chargeable to this section of the Department's activities has amounted to 0 - 019 per-cent, or 4|-d. per £100. The work of inspection- of meat- and grading, together with the certification of statements regularly furnished by the freezing companies relating to quantities of meat on hand, killings, &c., has been carried out by the Live-stock Division of the Department of Agriculture without cost to the Imperial Government. The schedules of prices paid for meat during the term of the Imperial Government purchase are shown in the appendix for reference purposes. CHEESE. The purchase of the 1919-20 season's output continued until the termination of the contract at the Ist July, 1920. The following table shows the number of crates and value of all cheese purchased and shipped from the inception of the Imperial Government purchase up to the 31st March, 1921, and the prices paid.during each season : —

* One-third of output. The total cost of administration chargeable to the cheese section of the Department has amounted to 0-036 per cent., or Bfd. per £100. BUTTER. The purchase of the 1919-20 season's exportable surplus of butter was continued at the prices mentioned in my last report until the termination of the contract at the 31st July, 1920. A new contract was entered into with butter-factories on behalf of the Imperial Government for the exportable surplus of ,1920-21 season's butter delivered into New Zealand grading-stores on or before the 31st March, 1921, at prices f.o.b. ocean steamer shown in the table below. As under previous contracts, arrangements were made for the payment of advances representing 90 per cent, of the purchase price free of interest. The Imperial Government also accepted liability for storage thereon for an average period in excess of six weeks, based over all consignments throughout the season.

Season. Cheese. Price per pound f.o.b. Number of Crates. Total Value. 1915-16* 1916-17 First-grade factory First-grade factory Second-grade factory First-grade factory Second-grade factory Third-grade factory First-grade dairy Second-grade dairy First-grade factory Second-grade factory Third-grade factory First-grade dairy Second-grade dairy First-grade factory Second-grade factory Third-grade factory First-grade dairy | Second-grade dairy d. 71 94 9J 10 Q3 8| 8 10f io§ 10 9i 82 io| io| 10 n 8| 189,502 £ 918,104 1917-18 518,323 3,271,982 756,142 5,024,020 1918-19 5,667,522 >■ 789,550 I 1919-20 y 884,248 6,308,040 Totals 3,137,765 21,189,668



The following table shows the number of boxes, purchase prices, and value of all butter purchased from the inception of the purchase contracts up to the 31st March, 1921 :—

The butter held in store awaiting shipment on account of the Imperial Government at the 31st March, 1921, was 251,029 boxes. The total cost of administration chargeable to this section of the Department's activities has amounted to 0 - 050 per cent., or 12d. per £100. Great assistance has been rendered to the Department throughout the whole term of the purchase of dairy-produce by the Dairy Division of the Department of Agriculture, particularly in regard to certification of stocks for advances, issue of store warrants, collection of insurance policies, &c. Equalization Funds. Various funds have been administered by the Department to equalize the returns of factories selling butter for household consumption within New Zealand with the returns of factories exporting butter. The funds under administration at the 31st March, 1921, were as follows: — 1918-19 and 1919-20 : The New Zealand Government, under the authority of clause 16 of the Appropriation Act, 1919, assumed the liability of equalizing the profits on local butter-sales, a payment being made to manufacturers of l - 955d. per pound, plus a winter-storage allowance, on all such butter sold at not more than Is. sd. per pound bulk in boxes at factory-door, a deduction being made to the extent of any excess price charged. The payments to the 31st March, 1921, made in respect of the 1918-19 season amounted to £208,717 and in respect of the 1919-20 season to £277,364. 1920-21 : Authority was given under section 12 of the Appropriation Act, 1920, for the payment of sums to equalize the returns of factories selling butter for household consumption with the returns of exporting-factories, payments being made at the rate of 6d. per pound on all such butter sold after the 18th October, 1.920, and prior to the 31st March, 1921, at not more than Is. lljd. per pound bulk in boxes at factory-door, a deduction being made to the extent of any excess price charged, the total payments made to the 31st March, 1921, being £95,855. Interim payments have been made during the 1919-20 and 1920-21 seasons on monthly returns forwarded by the factories, the final payments being made after the returns of factories have been duly audited by the Department's Travelling Auditors.

Season. Butter. , T , - Value, includNumber oi ; gt Boxes - and Charges. 1917-18 Creamery butter, first grade, 157s. per cwt. ; Is. per cwt. less for each grade-point below first grade Whey and dairy butter, first grade, 133s. 8d. per cwt. ; |d. per lb. less for second grade Milled butter, first grade, 124s. 4d. per cwt. ; |d. per lb. less for second grade Plus half profits realized on sale by Imperial Government, which ultimately amounted to 17s. per cwt. Creamery butter, first grade, 181s. per cwt. ; Is. per cwt. less for each grade-point below first grade Whey and dairy butter, first grade, 162s. 4d. per cwt. ; -|-d. per lb. less for second grade Milled butter, first grade, 148s. 4d. per cwt. ; |d. per lb. less for second grade Same as 1918-19 Creamery butter, first grade, 280s. per cwt. ; Is. 6d. per cwt. less for each grade-point below 88 points Whey and dairy butter, first grade, 261s. 4d. per cwt. ; |d. per lb. less for second grade Milled butter, first grade, 247s. 4d. per cwt. ; -|-d. per lb. less for second grade £ y 724,695 I 667,227 3,137,965 1918-19 2,998,640 1919-20 1920-21 553,871 2,461,735 } 1,202,717 J 8,381,408 Totals 3,148,510 16,979,748



SCHEELITE. Pinal accounts in respect of the last shipment to leave New Zealand have been received and the balances due paid to shippers. The total quantity of scheelite shipped under the terms of the contract amounted to 774 tons, and the payments to £178,481, distributed to the various districts as under : — £ Glenorchy .. •• 89,723 Macrae's Flat .. .. .. .. ..38,513 Otago Central .. .. .. ■• ..7,464 Marlborough .. .. .. .. ... 34,077 Charges .. .. .. •■ •• 8,704 Total.. .. .. .. £178,481 WOOL. Greasy Clip. Under agreement with the Imperial Government, an extension of the time allowed for delivery of wool was made to the 30th September, 1920, and all wool of the 1919-20 clip delivered into registered woolbrokers' stores up to midnight of that date was appraised and paid for on behalf of the Imperial Government. From the commencement of the first contract, in November, 1916, to the 31st March, 1921, wool has been purchased and disposed of us under : — Total number of bales purchased (as per valuation certificates received) .. 2, 086,951 Number of bales lost in transit .. .. .. • • 9,668 Number of bales arrived at destination io 276 steamers . . .. 1,334,009 Number of bales shipped to America for sale .. .. .. 10,321 Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. 119,282 Number of bales delivered to scourers for treatment .. .. 417,770 Number of bales sold to local mills .. .. .. . . 638 Number of bales destroyed by fire .. .. .. .. 593 Number of bales available for shipment. . .. .. .. 194,670 Total number of bales purchased from brokers .. .. .. 2,086,951 Number of bales scoured and fellmongers' slipe wool shipped .. .. 364, 431 Number of bales scoured and fellmongers' slipe wool destroyed by fire .. 1,394 Number of bales repacked, scoured, and fellmongers' slipe wool available for shipment 71,031 The sum of £50,211,352 was disbursed in payment of the 2,086,951 bales referred to above, made up as follows : — Amount. Percentage £ to Total. Appraised value 47,334,007 94-28 Brokers', valuation, and shipping charges .. .. .. 2,179,455 4-34 Storage 645,211 1-28 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. •■ 52,679 0-10 £50,211,352 100-00 WOOL-SCOURING. Scouring of locks, pieces, second lambs, and heavy-conditioned fleece wool was completed during the year, and the following table shows the quantities distributed to wool-scourers and the results up to the 31st March, 1921 :— Delivered to wool-scourers for treatment: Bales, 417,770: net weight, 157,119,413 lb. ; average weight per bale, 376-09 lb. Scoured result: Bales, 346,030 ; net weight, 101,623,042 lb. ; average weight per bale, 293-68 lb. Yield : 64-68 per cent. Saving in shipping-space : Bales, 71,732 ; net weight, 55,493,338 lb. Paid to wool-scourers for treatment of wool, £747,400.



Contract prices paid for wool-scouring have been as follows : — Seasons 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19 :— Per Pound Fleece— on Scoured Weights. Merino .. .. .. .. .. .. .. l|d. Other qualities .. ' .. .. .. .. .. 1-id. Pieces, bellies, and locks— Merino .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2d. Other qualities .. .. .. .. . . . . Ifd. Season 1919-20 :— Fleece — Merino .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2d. 48/50's to 58's quality .. .. .. .. .. if d. Other qualities .. .. .. ... .. .. IM. Pieces, bellies, and locks— Merino .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 |d. 48/50's to 58's quality .. .. .. .. . . 2d. Other qualities . . .. .. .. .. .. IJd. Freezing Companies' Slipe Wool. The purchase of freezing companies' slipe wool ceased with wool pulled on or before the 30th June, 1920. The following table indicates the extent of the Department's operations in this section from the commencement of the first contract of purchase : — Payments to Date. Purchased for Valuation in the United Kingdom : — £ Number of bales advanced against . . .. .. .. 68,869 2,029 064 Shipped to Great Britain .. .. .. 67,074 Shipped on account of other Governments .. 1,795 68,869 Purchased under New Zealand Valuations : — Number of bales purchased .. .. .. .. 192,323 5 496 241 Shipped to Great Britain .. .. .. 135,517 Shipped on account of other Governments .. 7,604 Awaiting shipment .. .. .. .. 49,202 192,323 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 261,192 £7,525,305 The total of £7,525,305 is made up as follows : — x , Percentage Amount. to Total. ' Appraised value .. .. .. .. ..7,345,431 97-60 Valuation and shipping charges .. .. .. 67,589 0-90 Storage .. .. .. .. .. .. 105,700 1-41 Administration expenses .. .. .. .. 6,585 0-09 £7,525,305 100-00 « Sheep-skins. The purchase of sheep-skins was extended, as in the case of wool, to cover all sheep-skins delivered into brokers' stores up to the 30th September, 1920, and all such skins were appraised and paid for on behalf of the Imperial Government. The total number of skins purchased and distributed to fellmongers was 7,666,864, for which £3,279,499 was paid, including cost of fellmongermg, transit charges, &c. Fellmongering was completed during the year, and the following are the results up to the 31st March, 1921 : — Delivered to fellmongers for treatment: Sheep-skins, 7,666,864; appraised value, £2,683,669 ; average cost per skin, 84-01 d. Kesult: Slipe wool, 31,097,267 lb. ; average pull of wool per skin, 4-06 lb. Pelts —Marketable, 6,980,461 ; valueless, 686,403 ; percentage valueless pelts to skins purchased, 8-95. Paid to fellmongers for sliping wool and curing pelts, £409,201. ■



The contract prices paid for fellmongering have been as follows : — Ist January, 1917, to 31st December, 1919 :— Fellmongering .. .. . ■ • ■ 2-|d. per pound on weight of wool. Curing pelts .. .. .. .. .. 3s. 9d. per dozen (casks extra). Ist January, 1920, to 31st January, 1921 : — Fellmongering wool — 48/50's quality and upwards .. .. 2|d. per pound on weight of wool. Other qualities .. .. .. • ■ 2|d. per pound on weight of wool. Curing pelts .. .. .. .. •• 4s. 6d. per dozen (casks extra). Stocks op Wool. The following table shows the stocks of wool held in New Zealand on behalf of the Imperial Government at the 31st March, 1921 : —

Surplus Wool Profits. The first and second contracts for the purchase of wool by the Imperial Government—namely, for the 1916-17 and 1917-18 greasy clips, provided for the return to New Zealand wool-growers of one-half of the profits made on wool sold for other than military purposes. The third contract, which covered the purchase of the 1918-19 and 1919-20 greasy clips, contained the same provision, with the addition that the same amount per pound of wool would be returned to New Zealand wool-growers as was returned to Australian wool-growers, the sum paid, however, not to exceed the profit actually realized on these New Zealand clips. The accounts to the 31st March, 1919, prepared by the Imperial Government, showed an amount due to New Zealand wool-growers of £1,619,069, and this sum was transferred to New Zealand and was distributed, less cost of distribution and a flat rate of income-tax of 3s. 4d. in the pound, to wool-growers pro rata to the appraised value of the wool of the 1916-17, 1917-18, and 1918-19 clips purchased from each. Of the amount received, £19,644 was set aside to make a similar pro rata payment on wool of the 1916-17 clip forwarded to London for sale prior to the commencement of appraisement in New Zealand of wool of that clip, and purchased in London by the Imperial Government on the same basis as the purchases were made in New Zealand. Later communications from the Imperial authorities show that the proceeds of these consignments were not included in the accounts rendered, and the Imperial Government has agreed to make a further payment on these wools from its own share of profits. The balance of £19,644 has therefore been invested pending any further payment of surplus profits which may accrue for distribution after the liquidation of the unsold stocks of wool. SHIPPING. Very great efforts were made during the year to effect & clearance of the freezing-works before the new season under free trading-conditions commenced. The delay owing to labour troubles in opening the freezing season extended the opportunities for lifting Imperial Government meat, and when the season commenced on the 2nd January, 1921, stocks of Imperial meat in freezing-stores for which shipping-space had not been allocated amounted to only 977,202 freight carcases (60 lb.).

Greasy. Stationscoured. i Station Siipe. mentscoured. Govern- -^^ sTpt Total. \lerino Halfbred 50/56's to 58's Fine crossbred 46/48's to 50's . . Medium crossbred 40/44's to 46's Doarse crossbred 36's to 40's Bales. 2,161 19,538 58,259 107,238 4,921 Bales. 823 919 705 213 4 Bales. 57 47 100 109 4 Bales. 1,806 3,648 15,050 28,681 566 Bales. 287 560 7,777 10,231 1,997 Bales. 8,231 25,903 14,025 1,043 Bales. 5,134 32,943 107,794 160,497 8,535 Grand totals 192,117 2,664 317 49,751 20,852 49,202 314,903



During the months January to March, 1921, it was necessary to devote only 33| per cent, of the insulated shipping-space available to Imperial refrigerated cargo, the balance being filled with free meat and cheese. ' The following table shows the number of insulated steamers which have sailed from the Dominion during the years 1914 to 1920, inclusive, together with their total insulated carrying-capacity : — Total Y ear Number of Insulated Capacity Steamers. (601b. Freight Carcases). 1914 .. .. .. .. .. ..99 8,800,700 1915 .. .. .. .. .. ..84 7,682,000 1916 .. .. .. .. .. ..78 7,322,500 1917 .. .. .. .. .. ..62 5,626,350 1918 .. .. .. .. .. ..52 4,926,300 1919 .. .. .. .. .. ..79 7,694,000 1920 .. .. .. .. .. ..94 8,875,500 The New Zealand Overseas Shipowners' Committee, which was established in March, 1915, to regulate the distribution and allocation of space in overseas steamers loading in the Dominion, continued to meet daily, and carried out its duties with impartiality according to the requirements of the different districts. ' The Committee's work will be completed when the final shipment of Imperial Government produce is made. _ Mr. James Findlay, 0.8. E., New Zealand representative of the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company (Limited), has been chairman of the Committee from its inception, and a great deal of the success of the Committee has been due to his guidance. The New Zealand Government has been represented on the Committee since March, 1915, by the Controller of this Department, or by his Deputy, the Assistant Controller, and the Department has furnished the information regarding the quantities of meat held in" store at the various freezing-works, and the quantities of butter, cheese, and wool available for shipment on the basis of which allocations were undertaken. Produce in Store awaiting Shipment. The following table shows the quantities of meat, cheese, and butter in store and. awaiting shipment on the 31st March for the last six years : —

TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS. Total disbursements by the Department from the 3rd March, 1915, to the 31st March, 1921, were as follows : — £ Frozen meat .. .. .. .. 53,039,535 Cheese .. .. .. .. .. 21,160,884 Butter .. .. .. .. .. 16,571,130 Scheelite .. .. .. .. .. 178,481 Wool .. .. .. .. .. 52,882,583 Freezing companies' slipe wool .. .. 7,525,305 Sheep-skins.. .. .. .. .. 3,279,499 . Hides .-. .. .. .. .. 741,208 Miscellaneous .. .. .. ~ 3,198,019 £158,576,644 The total disbursements to 31st March, 1920, were £133,091,240.

2—H. 38.

Frozen Meat. Date. Cheese. Butter. list March, 1916 list March, 1917 list March, 1918 list March, 1919 list March, 1920 ilst March, 1921 On account Imperial Government 601b. Carcases. 2,152,250 2,409,541 3,398,364 6,482,529 6,628,789 600,956 3,098,216 Crates. 73,927 185,417 363,790 474,754 274,411 Boxes. (Free) 87,678 (Free) 224,506 350,315 93,729 77,482 251,029 Free 307,222



Administration Costs. The salaries, postages, cables, telegrams, office expenses, rent, stationery, and all other incidental charges connected with the internal administration of the Department since its inception to the 31st March, 1921, have amounted to £85,044 18s. 7d., representing 0-0536 per cent, on total disbursements of £158,576,644, or 12|d. for each £100 of business done. The percentages on the main sections are as follows : Wool, 0-10, or 24d. per £100 ; frozen meat, 0-019, or 4|d. per £100 ; butter, 0-050, or 12d. per £100 ; Cheese, 0-036, or B|d. per £100. STAFF AND ORGANIZATION. It is with deep regret that I have to record the death, on the 12th November, 1920, after a short illness, of Mr. Robert Triggs, who had been Controller from the inauguration of the Department in March, 1915, and who gave of the best of his powers of organization to ensure the success of the work entrusted to the Department. Mr. T. R. Lees, Assistant Controller, was appointed Controller as from the 23rd December, 1920. The termination during the year of the contracts for the purchase of wool, frozen meat, and cheese enabled a 63-per-cent. reduction in staff to be made, the amount paid in salaries being reduced by 81 per cent. The year has been a strenuous one for the , staff, and I desire to express my appreciation of the very efficient and loyal way in which all members, both those who have necessarily retired and those that remain, have carried out their duties. It is satisfactory to record that a large proportion of the retiring members of the staff have received appointments in shipping, freezing, or mercantile houses, where the experience gained in the Department will doubtless prove of great value. The wholehearted assistance and co-operation of Mr. G. C. Smith A.R.A. (N.Z.), Chief Accountant, has contributed largely to the efficiency of the Department, The Department is indebted to the Director-General of Agriculture, and to the Directors and officers of the Live-stock and Dairy Divisions of the Department of Agriculture, for the invaluable assistance which has been freely given during the six-years purchase of the primary products of the Dominion. I am also glad to acknowledge the thoroughness of the continuous audit conducted by the Controller and Auditor-General through a special staff attached to the Department for the purpose. I have pleasure in placing on record the assistance which the Department has received from the cordial co-operation of woolbrokers, freezing and shipping companies and dairy factories, and particularly from Mr. W. S. Bennett, President of the New Zealand Woolbrokers' Association, whose tact and business acumen during negotiations removed many difficulties. I have, &c, T. R. Lees, Controller. The Hon. the Minister in Charge, Department of Imperial Government Supplies.



INDEX TO APPENDICES. Page I. Results to 31st August, 1921 .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Wool, Meat, Butter, Cheese, &c. 11. W001—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Clips .. .. .. .. 15 Statement showing Particulars of Total Wool purchased (by Imperial Government and Local Woollen-mills), and Average Values in each Valuing Centre. 111. W001—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Clips .. .. .. .. 16 Statement showing Particulars of Purchases (by Imperial Government), and Average Values in each Valuing Centre. IV. W001—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Clips .. .. .. .. 17 Statement showing Particulars of Greasy Wool sold to Local Woollen-mills, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre. V. AVool—l9l6-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Seasons .. .. .. 18 Diagram illustrating Comparison of Purchases and Shipments. VI. W001—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Clips .. .. .. .. 18 Diagram illustrating the Aggregate Number of Bales appraised at each Valuing Centre during the Imperial Government Purchases throughout the Dominion, and the Percentage each bears to the Aggregate Dominion Clip. VII. Freezing Companies' Slipe W001—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Seasons 19 Statement showing Particulars of Total Wool purchased (by Imperial Government and Local Woollen-mills), and Average Values in each Valuing Centre. VIII. Freezing Companies' Slipe W001—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Clips 20 Diagram illustrating the Aggregate Number of Bales of Freezing Companies' Slipe Wool purchased throughout the Dominion, also Percentage each bears to the Aggregate Dominion Clip. IX. Frozen Meat —Graph illustrating Comparison of Shipments against Purchases and Stocks on Hand each Year .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 X. Creamery Butter—l9l7-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Seasons .. .. .. 21 Statement showing Manufacture ; Exports to Imperial Government, Free Export Overseas and Ship's Stores; and Dominion Consumption. XI. Butter—l9l7-18, 1918-19, 1919-20, and 1920-21 Seasons .. .. .. 21 Statement showing the Number of Boxes of Butter purchased and exported (by Imperial Government). XII. Cheese—l9ls-16, 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Seasons .. .. 21 Statement showing the Number of Crates of Cheese purchased and exported (by Imperial Government). XIII. Butter and Cheese —Diagram showing Weight of Butter and Cheese exported .. 22 XIV. Butter and Cheese —Diagram, showing Value of Butter and Cheese exported .. 23 XV. Payments—Diagram illustrating Total Payments made by Department of Imperial Government Supplies Yearly since its Inception to 31/3/21 . . .. .. 24 XVI. Schedule op Prices paid for Produce, &c, during the Term of the Imperial Government Purchase .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. 24 XVII. Wool —Analysis of an Average New Zealand Clip ... .. .. ... 27 XVIII. Wool —Details of an Average New Zealand Clip, showing Grades, Range of Yields, and Prices .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 XIX. Frozen Meat—l9ls, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 Seasons .. 37 Statement showing the Quantities, Descriptions, and Weights of Meat killed at Meat-export Slaughterhouses from 3rd March, 1915, to 30th June, 1921.



APPENDICES. I. RESULTS TO 31st AUGUST, 1921. FROZEN MEAT, SCHEELITE, BUTTER, CHEESE, WOOL, SHEEP-SKINS, HIDES, ETC MEAT. (Operations commenced 3rd March, 1915.) , Particulars. , Beef Mutton Lamb (Quarters). (Carcases). (Carcases). 1. Shipped per steamers lost in transit .. .. 18,829 106,260 91,080 2. Arrived at destination in 449 steamers .. .. 3,584,034 17,142,028 17,419,710 3. En route to destination in 8 steamers .. .. 57,245 166,922 161,421 4. Meat aboard steamers now on loading-berth 5. Total shipments.. .. .. .. ..3,660,108 17,415,210 17,672,211 6. Meat condemned in works .. .. .. 477 25,139 9,007 7. Meat lost by scow during loading .. .. .. .. 1.710 8. Meat destroyed by fire .. ".. .. .. .. 4,987 9. Meat in store on 31st August, 1921 .. .. 11,300 10. Total purchases .. .. .. .. .. 3,671,885 17,447,046 17,681,218 11. Total payments made to date, £53,160,051. 12. Total shipments to date — During 1914-15 season .. .. .. 337,735 1,986,961 2,889,508 During 1915-16 season .. .. .. 769,880 2,421,690 3,148,714 During 1916-17 season .. .. .. 517,708 1,575,600 1,315,506 During 1917-18 season .. .. .. 612,947 1,871,197 1.871,444 During 1918-19 season .. .. .. 533,473 3,182,886 3,273,200 During 1919-20 season .. .. .. 498,075 4,236,965 4,433,814 During 1920-21 season .. .. .. 390,290 2,139,911 740,025 Totals .. .. .. .. 3,660,108 17,415,210 17,672,211 CHEESE. (Operations commenced 4th November, 1915.) 1915-16. 1916-17. 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. Totals. Crates. Crates. Crates. Crates. Crates. Crates. 1. Shipped and lost ill transit .. .. 16,440 46,406 .. .. 62,846 2. Shipped and arrived at destination 189,502 501,883 709,736 789,550 884,248 3,074,919 3. En route to destination 4. On board steamers now loading .. 5. Totals.. .. .. .. 189,502 518,323 756,142 789,550 884,248 3,137,765 £ 6. Payments, 1915-16 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 918,104 7. Payments, 1916-17 season .. .'. .. .. .. .. .. 3,271,982 8. Payments, 1917-18 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,024,020 9. Payments, 1918-19 season .. .. .. .. .. .. ..5,667,522 10. Payments, 1919-20 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,308,040 11. Total payments made to date .. .. .. .. .. ..£21,189,668 BUTTER. (Operations commenced 20th November, 1917.) 1917-18. 1918-19. 1919-20. 1920-21. Totals. Boxes. Boxes. Boxes. Boxes. Boxes. 1. Shipped and lost in transit .. ..49,847 .. .. .. 49,847 2. Shipped and arrived at destination .. 674,848 667,227 553,871 1,094,288 2,990,234 3. En route to destination .. .. .. .. .. 108,429 108,429 4. Totals .. .. .. ..724,695 667,227 553,871 1,202,717 3,148,510



£ 5. Payments, 1917-18 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,137,965 6. Payments, 1918-19 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,998,640 7. Payments, 1919-20 season .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,461,735 8. Payments, 1920-21 season .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 8,381,408 9. Total payments to date .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £l(j 979 743 SCHEELITE. (Operations commenced 20th September, 1915.) 1. Shipped and lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. ..18 2. Arrived at destination .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 755 3. Total .. .. \. .. .. .. . _ . _ > _ 774 4. Total payments made to date, £178,481. WOOL. (Operations commenced Ist December, 1916.) 1. Total number of bales purchased (as per valuation certificates received) .. .. 2,086,951 2. Number of bales lost in transit .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 ggg 3. Number of bales arrived at destination in 276 steamers .. .. .. .. 1,334,009 4. Number of bales shipped to America for sale .. .. .. .. .. 10 321 5. Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. .. .. 119282 6. Number of bales delivered to scourers for treatment .. .. .. .. 417 770 7. Number of bales sold to local mills .. .. .. . . .. 63g 8. Number of bales destroyed by fire .. .. .. .. .. .. 593 9. Number of bales available for shipment . . .. .. . . .. 194 670 10. Total number of bales purchased from brokers .. .. .. .. .. 2,086 951 11. Number of bales scoured and fellmongers'slipe wool shipped .. .. .. '364,431 12. Number of bales scoured and fellmongers'slipe wool destroyed by fire .. .. 1,394 13. Number of bales repacked, scoured and fellmongers' slipe wool available for shipment 71 031 14. Total payments, £51,296,644. SLIPE WOOL (Freezing Companies'). (Operations commenced 31st March, 1917.) Purchased por Valuation in United Kinudom. 1. Total number of bales advanced against .. .. .. .. . . yg 869 2. Number of bales shipped .. .. .. .. .. ~ 67074 3. Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. .. .. 1795 4. Total payments to date, £2,029,064. Purchased under New Zealand Valuations. 5. Total number of bales .. .. .. .. .. .. 192 323 6. Total number of bales shipped .. .. .. ~ .. 135'5]7 7. Number of bales shipped on account of other Governments .. .. .. 7 .'604 8. Number of bales available for shipment .. .. .. ~ 4.9 202 9. Total payments to date, £5,506,970. SHEEP-SKINS. (Operations commenced sth February, 1917.) 1. Number of skins purchased and distributed to fellmongers .. .. 7 666 864 2. Total payments to date, £3,280,663. HIDES. (Operations commenced 19th March, 1917.) 1. Number of hides purchased .. .. .. .. .. . 370 507 2. Number of hides shipped .. .. .. ~ .. .. 157858 3. Number of hides sold .... .. .. .. .. 212' 649 4. Total payments to date, £741, 208.



TOTAL PAYMENTS.- -£ Frozen meat .. .. .. •• •■ •• •• •• •• 53,160,051 Cheese, 1915-16 season .. .. .. •■ •• •• •■ •• 918,104 Cheese, 1916-17 season .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 3,271,982 Cheese, 1917-18 season .. .. .. -- •• •- •• •• 5,024,020 Cheese, 1918-19 season .. .. ... •■ •• •• •• ..5,667,522 Cheese, 1919-20 season .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 6,308,040 Butter, 1917-18 season .. .. .. •• ■• •• •• •• 3,137,965 Butter, 1918-19 season .. .. .. •• •• •• •• ..2,998,640 Butter, 1919-20 season .. .. .. •- •• •• •• ..2,461,735 Butter, 1920-21 season .. .. . • •• •• •• •■ •■• 8,381,408 Scheelite JJ8,481 Wool (including profits distribution) ... .. •• •• •• •• 52,915,713 Freezing companies'slipc wool .. .. •• •• ■• •• •• 7,536,034 Sheep-skins ' 3 ' 2B ?'ono Hides .. . ■ - - • • • • • • • • • • ■ ■ ' " J "° Miscellaneous .. .. .. -- •- •• •■ •• •• 3,324,840 Grand total - - £159,306^06 FROZEN MEAT SHIPPED.

Statement showing the Quantities of Frozen Meat shipped on Account of the Imperial Government at each Port from the Inception of the Purchase—i.e., 3rd March, 1915—to 31st August, 1921.

Port of Shipment. Beef. Mutton. Lamb. 1914-15 Season. .915-16 Season. Mutton. | Lamb. 19: .6-17 Season. 1917-18 Season. Mutton. Lamb. Beef. I Mutton. Lamb. Beef. Beef. Carcases. ! Carcases. Quarters. 41,457 186,587 Carcases. 11,323 42,975 Carcases. 3,222 108,104 Quarters. 25,067 76,063 Carcases. Carcases. Quarters. Carcases. Carcases. 4,271 3,155' 34,595 9,991 1,079 22,942 9,464146,239 30,534 40,040 Carcases. 4,271 22,942 Carcases. 3,155 9,464; Quarters. 34,595 146,239 ! 6,721 4,071 35,811 30,702 61,543 12,952 57,900 134,810 Carcases. 9,991 30,534 Whangarei Auckland Whakatane .. Tokomaru Bay Gisborne Napier Waitara New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington .. Quarters. 23,694 52,533 4i,264| 74,983 6,463 25,024 34,802 46,612 8,950 62,261 64,802 77,680 107,846 325,172 377,599 54,929 67,526 165,752 301,282 44,126 7,742 33,933 33,092 34,608 8,531 56,011 88,287 33,186 143,881 248,209 13,918 12,761 65,784 395,542 .. ! 6,721 50,905 190,555 263,763 33,832 9,043 176,227 420,894 58,460 41,897| 220,038101,073: 208,775151,982 49,485 28,250 33,186 .. I 4,071 50,905 143,881 13,562 35,811 190,555 100,023 248,209 88,516! 30,702 263,763 211,958 13,918 13,389j 61,543 33,832 26,198 12,761 2,567 12,952 9,043 9,345 65,784 24,004 57,900 176,227 121,674 395,542402,350134,810 420,894 257,605 13,562 88,516! 13,389, 2,567 24,004 402,350 17,812 58,979 95,713! 38,012 610,073411,351 26,783 166,931 88,569 734,540 67,766 782,383 Total North Island ports Nelson Picton Lyttelton Timaru 265,919 521j 1,283,808847,548 10,312 22,410 244,750 153,374 29,871 85,884 156,552 20,549 31,035 772,152 623,925 97,868 214,387 : 282,044 ! :635,451 4,763 1,742,953 16,623 27,650 274,884 102,373 10,095 102,716 144,396 1,540,161 21,563 42,392 770,312 334,357 32,402 189,680 217,847 363,334 4,256 940,494 1,671 17,592 237,954 158,713 9,541 107,912 101,723 557,007 1,684 23,217 352,344 248,520 2,527 54,700 75,507! 1525,344 2,646 1,099 37,049 7,038 1,185,744 8,526 25,419 312,976 88,455 61,636 82,697 105,744 767,922 10,324 23,690 588,620 283,701 28,670 112,692 55,825 11,128 2,618 38,162 7,624 52,205 15,507 Oamaru Dunedin Bluff 11,876 45,673 22,246 61,634 30,388 52,018 8,316 31,455 Total South Island ports Grand totals 71,816 703,153 2041960! 134,429 678,737 1,608,553 154,374 635,106 758,499 87,603| 685,453; 1,103,522 337,735 1,986,961 2889508 769,880 2,421,6901 13,148,714' 517,708 1575600 1315506. 612,947: 1,871,197 ! 1,871,444 Port of Shipment. 19 118-19 Seasoi n. 1 Lamb Beef, i .919-20 Seasi Mutton. | in. .id: 10-21 Seal ion. Beef. Mutton, j \ Total. Lamb. Beef. Mutton. Lamb. Beef. Mutton. Lamb. Whangarei .. Auckland Whakatane .. Tokomaru Bay Gisborne Napier Waitara New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington .. Quarters. | 24,767 83,115 23,550 14,209 83,815 46,709 20,425 24,440 43,595 97,341 Carcases. 188,406 29,626 67,050 278,026 590,811 97,825 43,660 173,034 1,013,251 Carcases. 105,879 1,067 49,581 75,681 238,409 35,968 14,406 163,484 633,110 Quarters. 18,425 129.408 26,398 5,206 40,593 22,308 44,271 35,364 23,897 99,340 Carcases. 53,907 171,400 44.356J 128,639559,443 : 548,305! 34,5681 165,755; 298,688 1.258,157 Carcases. 2,36 20,02! 8,67: 20,06 254,32 245,63 4,96 14,94 ±57,63 752,88 Quarters. 9,143 85,772 27,474 16,461 14,139 10,874 ; 21,955 28,391! 97,900! Carcases. 40,720; 12,840 49,400 375,498 237,522 ! 9,943 ! 3,000 |143,800 '398,891 Carcases. Quarters. .. ;177,148 .. 759,717 1,107 84,143 .. : 46,641 2,180 297,898 2,688 246,554 12,279 296,013 16,605103,242 27,198 254,389 21,443J743,588 Carcases. 79,492 538,241 86,822 495,486 2,092,613 2,474,984 294,500 234,219 1,041,815 4,831,348 Carcases. 9,818 358,493 10,852 179,070 712,498 1,240,473 165,178 57,868 599,772 3,261,130 Total North Island ports Nelson Picton Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff 461,966 5,014 948 20,833 4,370 2,481,689 15,762 38,815 284,920 175,727 1317585 9,133 70,410 992,907 609,155 445,21 5,725 7,943 9,367 13,263,218, 3,969 16,628 417,279 211,988 1,481,429! 13,655 1,379,572 855,7401 47,368 299,100 356,950 1312,109! 48,547 1271614 15,031 9,237 331,311 1234,545 7,228! 14,564! 224,763! 292,8631 83,500 3009333 22,925 2,047 1215,867 46,524 12,169,520 71,894 157,751 2,104,074 1,125,175 111,143 717,850 957,803 6,595,152 70,481 218,963 5,080,670 3,248,261 208,835 1,066,051 1,183,798 14,772 25,570 73,970 112,003 107,011 166,999 14,207 15,623 132,993 190,890 11,976 17,658' 131,678 146,495 88,481 28,626 113,781 ,249,631 Total South Island ports Grand totals 71,507 701,197 1955615 52,865 973,747 2,952,385 78,181 868,297 656,525] ]650,775 5,245,690 11,077,059 533,473 3,182,886 3273200 498,075 4,236,965 4,433,814 390,290 2139911 740,025 3660108 17,415,210 17,672,211



II. WOOL— 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19 and 1919-20 CLIPS. Statement showing Particulars of Total Wool purchased (either by the Imperial Government or Local Woollen-mills) during the above Years ended 30th June, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre.

Auckland. Tokomaru Bay. Tolaga Bay. Gisborne. "Napier. Waitara. Wanganui. Wellington. Number of bales valued —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-1 7 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, 1916-17 in pounds — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 35,929 43,046 40,518 37,352 12,601,067 15,397,618 14,664,236 13,279,467 £764,018 £913,961 £883,788 £802,505 14 - 55d. 14-24A 14-46d. 14-50d. £21 5 3 £21 4 8 £21 16 3 £21 9 8 351 358 362 356 4,584 7,799 7,779 5,515 . 1,792,508 3,235,486 3,215,217 2,211,993 £110,412 £191,531 £189,812 £134,814 14-78d. 14-21d. 14-16d. 14-63d. £24 1 9 £24 11 2 £24 8 0 £24 8 11 391 415 413 401 3,969 6,934 6.350 5,646 1,483,856 2,575.937 2,351,052 2,033,714 £88,966 £155,477 £142,812 £123,964 14-39d. 14-48d. 14-58d. 14-63d. £22 8 4 £22 8 5 £22 9 9 £21 19 2 374 371 370 360 36,349 40,816 42.133 37,103 13,685,819 15,499,303 15,644,606 13,707,039 £809,667 £913,089 £945,599 £829,297 14-20d. 14-14d. 14-50d. 14-52d. £22 5 6 £22 7 5 £22 8 10 £22 7 0 377 380 371 369 ' 89,267 85,169 86,096 71,622 33,982,491 32.433,780 33,022,811 25,678,257 £2,037,143 £1,952,775 £2,018,402 £1.584,587 14-39d. 14-45(1. 14-67d. 14-81d. £22 16 5 £22 18 7 £23 8 10 £22 2 7 380 381. 384 358 6.586 8,221 8,330 8,937 2,370,527 3,101,635 3,243,214 3,463.744 £132,063 £179,592 £194,965 £210,942 13-37d. 13-90d. 14-43d. 14-61d. £20 1 0 £21 16 11 £23 8 1 £23 12 1 360 377 389 388 24,945 34,389 40,418 41,724 9,641,697 13,369,531 15,900,283 16,337,571 £560,018 £791,328 £972.240 £1,009.498 13-94d. 14-20d. 14-67d. 14-83d. £22 9 0 £23 0 3 £24 1 1 £24 3 11 386 389 393 391 115,390 115,119 110,718 98,932 44,659,733 44,706,351 43,264,398 37,695,457 £2.746,053 £2,763,361 £2,701,185 £2,372,179 14-75d. 14-83d. 14-98d. 15-10d. £23 15 11 £24 0 1 £24 7 11 £23 19 7 387 388 391 381 Marlborough. Nelson. Christchureh. Timaru. Oamaru. Dunedin. Inveroargill. Total (Dominion). Number of bales valued —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds — 1916-17 1917-1.8 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, 1916-17 in pounds — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 8,136 15,083 16,600 14,351 2,710,586 4,987,041 5,472.730 4,718,151 £176,823 £341,452 £376,537 £324,528 15-65d. 16-43cl. 16-5L1. 16-51d. £21 14 8 £22 12 9 £22 13 8 £22 12 3 333 330 329 329 6.130 7,644 7,818 7,214 2,064,103 2.539,155 2,619,688 2,333,832 £124,247 £154,427 £164,164 £147,566 14-44d. !4-59d. 15-04d. 15-18d. £20 5 5 £20 4 0 £20 19 11 £20 9 1 337 332 335 323 65.303 72,316 71,863 70,644 22,412.468 24,197,602 23,995,426 23,612,910 £1,462,069 £1,652.354 £1,670.674 £1,675,898 15-65d. 16-38d. 16-71d. 17-03d. £22 7 9 £22 17 0 £23 4 11 £23 14 5 343 335 334 334 26,096 29,726 33,290 33,226 8,982.870 10,192,050 11,487,781 11,645,754 £578,799 £691.412 £790,123 £825, 150 15-46d. 16-28d. 16-51d. 17-00d. £22 3 7 £23 5 2 £23 14 8 £24 16 9 344 343 345 350 10,119 12,619 12,469 12,165 3,546,554 4,270,560 4,171,331 4,042,284 £211,343 £271.232 £269,080 £270,315 14-30d. 15-24d. l5-48d. 16-05d. £20 17 9 £21 9 10 £21 11 7 £22 4 5 350 338 335 332 49,674 54,047 51.437 50,674 16,244,522 18,254,534 16,940,372 17,110.602 £1.020,377 £1.153,073 £1,100,486 £1,122.487 15-08d. 15-16d. 15-59d. 15-74d. £20 10 10 £21 6.9 £21 7 11 £22 3 0 327 338 330 338 30,565 33,554 31,560 26,644 9,485,008 10,817.838 9,378,141 8,405,327 £582.912 • £681,522 £624,893 £536,656 14-75d. 15-12d. 15-99d. 15-32d. £19 1 5 £20 6 3 £19 16 0 £20 2 10 310 322 297 315 513,042 566.482 567.379 521,749 185,663,809 205.578,421 205,371,286 186,276,102 £11,404,910 £12,806,586 £13,044,760 £11,970,384 14-74d. 14-95d. 15-25d. 15-42d. £22 4 7 £22 12 2 £22 19 10 £22 18 10 362 363 362 357 N.B. —Freezing companies' slipe wool is not included in above return. In respect of the last season (1919-20 clip) payments made to termination of purchase have been included.



III. WOOL— 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 CLIPS. Statement showing Particulars of Purchases on Imperial Government Account during above Years ended 30th June, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre.

Auckland. Tokomaru Bay. Tolaga Bay. Gisborne. Napier. Waitara. Wanganui. Wellington. Number of bales valued —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, 1916-17 in pounds — 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 34,871 42,563 40,043 36,711 12,238,489 15,210,941 14,495,275 13,070,262 £745,221 £904,596 £875,945 £788,556 14-61d. 14-27d. 14-50d. 14-48d. £21 7 5 £21 5 0 £21 17 6 £21 9 7 351 357 362 356 4,584 7,799 7,779 5,515 1,792,508 3,235,486 3,215,217 2,211,993 £110,412 £191,531 £189,812 £134,814 14-78d. 14-21d. 1416d. 14-63d. £24 1 9 £24 11 2 £24 8 0 £24 8 8 391 415 413 401 3,969 6,934 6,350 5,646 1,483,856 2,575,937 2,351,052 2,033,714 £88,966 £155,477 £142,812 £123,964 14-39d. 14-48d. 14-58d. 14-63d. £22 8 4 £22 8 5 £22 9 9 £21 19 1 374 371 370 360 36,349 40,816 42,133 37,103 13,685,819 15,499,303 15,644,606 13,707,039 £809,667 £913,089 £945,599 £829,297 14-20d. 14-14d. 14-50d. 14-52d. £22 5 6 £22 7 5 £22 8 1 £22 7 0 377 380 371 369 87,947 84,157 84,906 69,732 33,467,148 32,034,484 32,569,111 24,980,579 £2,011,281 £1,932,519 £1,993,749 £1,545,470 14-42d. 14-47d. 14-69d. 14.84d. £22 17 5 £22 19 3 £23 9 7 £22 3 3 380 380 383 358 J 6,586 8,221 8,330 8,937 2,370,527 3,101,635 3,243,214 3,463,744 £132,063 £179,592 £194.965 £210,942 13-37d. 13-90d. 14-43d. 14-61d. £20 1 0 £21 16 11 £23 8 1 £23 12 1 360 377 389 388 24,945 34,389 40,418 41,724 9,641,697 13,369,531 15,900,283 16,337,571 £560,018 £791,328 £972,240 ' £1,009,498 13-94d. 14-20d. 14-67d. 14-83d. £22 9 0 £23 0 0 £24 1 1 £24 3 11 386 389 393 392 114,261 114,717 110,375 98,315 44,235,643 44,548,682 43,135,776 37,468,435 £2,722,347 £2,755,057 £2,693,583 £2,357,457 14-77d. 14-84d. 14-99d. 15-10d. £23 16 6 £24 0 4 £24 8 1 £23 19 7 387 388 390 381 Marlborough. kelson. Christchureh. Timaru. Oamaru. Dunedin. Invercargill. Total (Dominion). Number of bales valued —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pounds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, 1916-17 in pounds— 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 7,878 14,794 16,038 13,371 2,619,519 4,892,032 5,281,265 4,394,024 £171,022 £333,266 £360,929 £298,067 15-67d. 16-35d. 16-40d. 16-28d. £21 14 2 £22 10 6 £22 10 1 £22 5 11 333 331 329 329 6,130 7,644 7,818 7,214 2,064,103 2,539,155 2,619,688 2,333,832 £124,247 £154,427 £164,164 £147,566 14-45d. 14-59d. 15-04d. 15-18d. £20 5 4 £20 4 0 £20 19 11 £20 9 1 337 332 335 323 59,746 65,366 65,241 62,490 20,465,800 21,839,388 21,796,762 20,938,857 £1,340,929 £1,493,926 £1,510,545 £1,471,510 15-73d. I6-42d. 16-63d. 16-86d. £22 8 11 £22 17 1 £23 3 1 £23 10 8 343 324 334 335 24,139 26,917 30,707 27,863 8,285,467 9,223,335 10,611,537 9,777,776 £537,302 £617,608 £726,096 £678,859 15-56d. 16-07d. 16-42d. 16-66d. £22 5 2 £22 18 11 £23 12 11 £24 7 3 343 342 345 351 9,820 11,673 11,222 11,330 3,438,868 3,951,117 3,725,853 3,728,602 £204,267 £248,558 £237,779 £247,399 14-25d. 15-lld. 15-32d. 15-92d. £20 16 0 £21 5 10 £21 3 10 £21 16 9 350 338 332 329 44,961 46,755 46,018 44,113 14,554,925 15,666,880 15,117,917 14,787,382 £922,807 £987,493 £979,427 £965,635 15-22d. 1513d. 15-55d. 15-67d. £20 10 6 £21 2 5 £21 5 8 £21 17 9 324 335 328 335 30,035 33,045 31,180 26,318 9,292,473 10,626,145 9,242,691 8,291,561 £575,707 £673,808 £618,681 £530,116 14-87d. 15-22d. 16-06d. 15-34d. £19 3 4 £20 7 9 £19 16 10 £20 2 10 309 321 296 315 496,221 545,790 548,558 496,382 179,636,842 198,314,051 198,950,247 177,525,371 £11,056,256 £12,332,275 £12,606,326 £11,339,150 14-77d. 14-92d. 15-21d. 15-32d. £22 5 7 £22 11 11 £22 19 7 £22 16 10 362 363 363 357 N.B. —Freezing companies' slipe wool is not included in above return. In respect of the last season (1919-20 clip) payments made to the termination of purchase have been included.


H.— 38

IV. WOOL-1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 CLIPS. S tatement showing Particulars of Greasy Wool sold to Local Woollen-mills during above Years ended 30th June, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre.

3—H. 38.

Auckland. Napier. Wellington. Marlborough. Christchurch. Timaru. Oamaru. Dunedin. Invercargill. Total (Dominion) Number of bales valued — 1916-17 1917-18 .. 1918-19 .. 1919-20 .. Weight in pounds — 1916-17 .. 1917-18 .. 1918-19 1919-20 1,058 483 475 641 1,320 1,012 1,190 1,890 1,129 402 343 617 258 289 562 980 5,557 6,950 6,622 8,154 1,957 2,809 2,583 5,363 299 946 1,247 835 4,713 7,292 5,419 6,561 530 509 380 326 16,821 20,692 18,821 25,367 362,578 186,677 168,961 209,205 515,343 399,296 453,700 697,678 424,090 157,669 128,622 227,022 91,067 95,009 191,465 324,127 1,946,668 2,358,214 2,198,664 2,674,053 697,403 968,715 876,244 1,867,978 107,686 319,443 445,478 313,682 1,689,597 2,587,654 1,822,455 2,323,220 192,535 191,693 135,450 113,766 6,026,967 7,264,370 6,421,039 8,750,731 Value — 1916-17 .. 1917-18 .. 1918-19 1919-20 .. Average value per pound — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 .. Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 .. 1918-19 1919-20 .. Average weight per bale, in pounds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 .. £18,796 £9,365 £7,843 £13,949 12-44d. 12-04d. ll-14d. 16-00d. £25,862 £20,255 £24,653 £39,117 12-04d. 12-17d. 13-04d. 13-46d. £23,706 £8,304 £7,602 £14,720 13-41d. 12-64d. 1418d. 15-56d. £5,802 £8,185 £15,608 £26,461 15-29d. 20-67d. 19-56d. 19-59d. £121,140 £158,428 £160,128 £204,390 14-93d. 16-12d. 17-47d. 18-34d. £41,498 £73,804 £64,027 £146,291 14-28d. 18-28d. 1753d. 18-79d. £7,076 £22,674 £31,301 £22,916 15-77d. 17-04d. 16-86d. 17-53d. £97.569 £165,581 £121,059 £156,852 13-86d. 15-35d. 15-94d. 16-20d. £7,205 £7,714 £6,212 £6,540 8-98d. 9-66d. ll-00d. 13-79d. £348,654 £474,310 £438,433 £631,236 13-88d. 15-67d. 16-38d. 17.31d. £17 15 4 £19 7 9 £16 10 3 £21 15 3 £19 11 10 £20 0 4 £20 14 4 £20 14 0 £20 19 11 £20 13 2 £22 3 3 £23 17 2 £22 9 9 £28 6 5 £27 15 5 £27 0 0 £21 16 0 £22 15 11 £24 3 8 £25 1 4 £21 4 1 £26 5 6 £24 15 9 £27 5 7 £23 13 4 £23 19 4 £25 2 0 £27 8 11 £20 14 0 £22 14 2 £22 6 10 £23 18 2 £13 11 10 £15 3 1 £16 6 11 £20 1 3 £20 14 6 £22 18 5 £23 5 11 £24 17 8 343 386 356 326 390 394 381 369 375 392 375 368 353 329 341 331 350 339 332 328 356 345 339 348 360 338 357 376 358 355 336 354 363 376 356 349 358 351 341 345 N.B.--Freezing companies' slipe wool is not included in above retui



V. WOOL—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 SEASONS. Diagram illustrating Comparison of Purchases and Shipments.

VI. WOOL—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 CLIPS (EXCLUDING SLIPE). Diagram illustrating the Aggregate Number of Bales appraised at each Valuing Centre in respect of the Four Seasons of the Imperial Government Purchase throughout the Dominion, also showing the Percentage which each bears to the Aggregate Dominion Clips for such Four Seasons.



VII. FREEZING COMPANIES SLIPE WOOL— 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 SEASONS. Statement showing Particulars of Total Wool purchased (either by the Imperial Government or Local Woollen-mills) during above Years ended 30th June, and Average Values in each Valuing Centre.

Auckland. Tokomaru Bay. Gisborne. Napier. Waitara. Wanganui. Wellington. Number of bales valued — 1916-17.. 1917-18.. 1918-19.. 1919-20.. Weight in pounds — 1916-17.. 1917-18.. 1918-19.. 1919-20.. Value— 1916-17.. 1917-18.. 1918-19.. 1919-20.. Average value per pound — 1916-17.. 1917-18.. 1918-19.. 1919-20.. Average value per bale — 1916-17.. 1917-18.. 1918-19.. 1919-20.. Average weight per bale, in pounds —1916-17.. 1917-18.. 1918-19.. 1919-20.. 1,333 2,851 3,709 5,443 471,247 1,035,788 1,409,423 2,048,243 £39,189 £79,598 £101,749 £151,591 19-95d. 18-45d. 17-32d. 17-76d. £29 7 11 £27 18 4 £27 8 8 £27 17 0 353 363 380 376 635 1,187 859 1,652 220.897 420,017 308,022 626,830 £16,217 £30,533 £21,607 £44,434 17-62d. 17-44d. 16-84d. 17-01d. £25 10 9 £25 14 6 £25 3 1 £26 17 11 348 354 359 383 1,529 4,784 5,058 7,680 540,323 1,626,456 1,708,079 2,539,994 £38,451 £116,260 £122,157 £186,215 17-08d. 17-15d. 1716d. 17-59d. £25 3 0 £24 6 0 £24 3 0 £24 4 11 353 340 338 331 4,476 4,411 6.976 8,056 1,638,171 1,644,691 2,569,330 2,970,689 £122,660 £125,648 £182,536 £216,161 17-91d. 18-34d. 17-05d. 17-46d. £27 6 3 £28 9 8 £26 3 4 £26 16 8 366 373 368 369 621 1,298 1,017 2,279 236,616 506,121 429,206 899,530 £17,499 £37,043 £31,819 £67,215 17-78d. 17-56d. 17-79d. 17-94d. £28 3 7 £24 10 4 £31 5 9 £29 9 10 381 390 422 394 2,987 4,366 4,887 7,125 1,049,728 1,509,841 1,687,715 2,536,049 £75,115 £107,283 £121,292 £184,299 17-19d. 17-05d. 17-25d. 17-40d. £25 3 7 £24 11 5 £24 16 5 £25 17 3 351 346 345 356 11,976 11,749 13,702 16,148 4,276,512 4,305,602 4,815,521 5.693,584 £331,472 £329,880 £369,532 £434,503 18-60d. 18-38d. 18-42d. 18-31d. £27 13 6 £28 1 6 £26 19 5 £26 IS 2 357 367 351 352 Picton. Nelson. Christchureh. Timaru. Oamaru. Dunedin. Inveroargill. Total (Dominion). Number of bales valued — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Weight in pouDds — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Value— 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per pound — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average value per bale — 1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 Average weight per bale, in pounds —1916-17 1917-18 1918-19 1919-20 501 719 444 914 178,421 273,048 189,736 376,831 £12,996 £19,333 £13,739 £27.695 17-48d. 17-00d. 17-37d. 17-64d. £25 18 9 £26 17 9 £30 18 11 £30 6 0 356 380 427 413 30 31 11,047 12,909 £566 £552 10,103 9,930 13,225 22,085 3.720,612 3,587,694 4,716,344 7,690,389 £330,399 £305,398 £400,481 £668.038 21-31d. 20 42d. 20-38d. 20-84d. £32 14 0 £30 15 1 £30 5 8 £30 4 11 368 361 357 348 3,638 3,472 7,229 8,594 1,409,602 1,325,950 2,689,857 3,084,008 £121,059 £107,806 £218,118 £262,026 20-61d. 19-51d. 19-46d. 20-39d. £33 5 6 £31 1 0 £30 3 5 £30 9 9 387 381 372 359 4,061 2,801 3,692 3,481 1,342,160 943,526 1,232,193 1,237,804 £110,856 £79,373 £98,468 £100,174 19-82d. 2019d. 1918d. 1942d. £27 5 10 £28 6 9 £26 13 5 £28 15 7 330 337 333 356 926 2,307 3,570 4,378 337,239 799.533 1,245,881 1,455,520 £30,039 £62,983 £97,404 £115,276 2138d. 18 90d. 18-76d. 1901d. £32 8 9 £27 6 0 £27 5 8 £26 6 7 364 345 349 332 2,680 3,257 4,015 6,652 918,834 1,137,698 1,408,348 2,270,718 £84,503 £95.578 £109,716 £180,172 22-07d. 2016d. 18 66d. 19-04d. £31 10 7 £29 6 11 £27 6 8 £27 1 8 343 349 351 341 45,466 53,132 68,413 94,518 16,340,362 19,115,965 24,420,702 33,443,098 £1,330,455 £1,496,719 £1,889,184 £2.638,352 19-54d. 18-78d. 18-56d. 18-93d. £29 5 3 £28 3 5 £27 12 3 £27 18 3 359 360 357 354 12-30d. 10-27d. £18 17 £17 16 7 1 368 418 N.B.— The wool purchased by local woollen-mills and included in above return totals 337 bales-drawn from Oamaru and Dunedin.


VIII. FREEZING COMPANIES SLIPE WOOL—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 SEASONS. Diagram illustrating the Aggregate Number of Bales of Freezing Companies Slipe Wool purchased throughout the Dominion, in respect of the above Four Seasons, also showing the Percentage which each bears to the Aggregate Dominion Total for such Four Seasons.

IX. FROZEN MEAT—1915-16, 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, 1919-20, and 1920-21 SEASONS. Graph illustrating Comparison of Shipments against Purchases in respect of Total Period covered by the imperial government purchase.




X. CREAMERY BUTTER—1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 SEASONS. Statement showing in respect of each of the above Seasons: (a) Manufacture; (b) Exports to Imperial Government, Free Export Overseas, and Ship's Stores; (c) Dominion Consumption.

XI. BUTTER—1917-18, 1918-19, 1919-20, and 1920-21 SEASONS. Statement showing the Number of Boxes of Butter purchased and exported on behalf of the Imperial Government in respect of the above Seasons.

XII. CHEESE—1915-16, 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 SEASONS. Statement showing the Number of Crates of Cheese purchased and exported on behalf of the Imperial Government in respect of the above Seasons.

Season 1917-18. Season 1918-19. ieason 1919-20. Grading Port. Manufacture.' I Export. Dominion Consumption. Manufacture. Export. Dominion Consumption ii-vnnrt Dominion Export. Consump tion. Manufacture. Luckland (isborne lew Plymouth .. 'atea .. Vanganui Vellington nyttelton )unedin (luff lb. 32,2:50,770 1,049,460 ! 5,740,016' 105,565' 1,187,758 13,183,981 5,153,659 3,362,591 525,416 lb. 25,678,226 427,728 ' 5,474,728 56,896 800,296 5,935,356! 1,891,456 851,140 142,912 lb. 6,552,544 621,732 265,288 48,669 387,462 7,248,625 3,262,203! 2,511,451 382,504 lb. ! 33,183,927 1,045,402 5,373,493 108,059 1,198,139: 12,560,062j 5,446,721 3,491,505 440,484 ! lb. 23,315,780 421,284 3,858,624 41,832 715,456 j 5,948,411 2,264,426 1,012,091 127,008 lb. lb. 9,868,147 35,634,529 624,118 864,288 1,514,869 5,696,572 66,227. 213,936 482,683, 1,583,467 6,611,65112,612,688 3,182,295 5,810,352 2,479,414 3,304,304 313,476 334,366 lb. 19,858,945 206,384 2,645,372 70,728| 1,017,408 3,682,832) 1,605,918 512,567 52,312 lb. 15,775,584 657,904 3,051,200 143,208 566,059 I 8,929,856 4,204,434 2,791,737 282,054 Grand totals for Dominion 62,539,216 41,258,738 21,280,478 62,847,792 37,704,912: 125,142,880 66,054,502 29,652,466 36,402,036 I

Season, 1917-18. Season, 1918-19. Season, 1919-20. Season, 1920-! II. Grading Port. -4 s oi CD -d 1=1 .■ oi >» 1° i & CD a CD M rd cd ai ■flQ PS 1 o a o d . oi t>) £-3 ■d 1 H a CD M -d d ■ &■§ 1 Grand Total. mckland fisborne few Plymouth 'atea • .. Boxes. 426,319 7,638 97,516 810 14,291 94,965 33,776 13,688 2,552 Boxes. 6,440 Boxes. 1,304 Boxes. 385,382 I 7,502 68,904 747 12,776 101,188 40,095 16,314 2,268 Boxes. 6,924 Boxes. 427 Boxes. 346,953 3,655 47,229 1,263 18,158 60,026 27,943 8,577 914 Boxes. 8,733 Boxes. Boxes. 612,634 8,916 121,536 54,076 32,999 198,861 78,879 34,480 15,268 Boxes. 7,141 Boxes. 4,351 Boxes. ! 1,806,608 27,711 359.882 90,440 83,723 497,729 182,441 76,869 23,107 5,543 7,219 873 7,770 281 532 830 4,881 7,516 1,043 8,190 372 495 193 99 7,733 11,395 1,479 8,963 366 299 156 6,391 7,414 1,577 8,293 729 2,484 926 50 Vanganui Wellington .. .yttelton )unedin Muff 335 2,013 118 1,793 29 74 5,638 691,555! |29,488| 3,652 635,176| |29,614| 2,437| 514,718| |39,124| 29 1,157,649| |34,955| |10,113 3,148,510 Total, 1! )17-18 season, 24,695 'otal, II 6i 18-19 season, .7,227 Total, 1 919-20 season, .53,871 Total, 19! 1,2 20-21 si !02,717 iason,

Grading Port. Season, 1915-16.» Season, 1916-17. Season, 1917-18. Season, 1918-19. J Season, 1919-20. Total. Auckland Gisborne New Plymouth .. Patea Wanganui Wellington Lyttelton Dunedin Bluff .. Crates. 16,766 75 28,508 45,623 2,789 58,129 3,273 7,850 26,489 Crates. 73,799 78,450 108,763 7,231 136,084 15,396 15,836 82,764 Crates. 109,711 130,045 167,732 12,745 197,044 21,068 23,460 94,337 Crates. 134,590 142,080 175,396 12,397 196,342 20,566 23,863 84,316 Crates. 163,271 161,324 196,720 13,548 216,070 22,155 23,936 87,224 Crates. 498,137 75 540,407 694,234 48,710 803.669 82,458 94,945 375,130 189,502 518,323 756,142 789,550 884,248 3,137,765 • In respect of 1915-16 season the pui :chase comprised rae-third only of tl te first-grade facto] cheese producei



XIII. BUTTER AND CHEESE—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, 1919-20, and 1920-21 SEASONS. Diagram showing the Weight (in Hundredweights) of Butter and Cheese exported on behalf of the Imperial Government in respect of the above Seasons.

Note. —'For purposes of completing a comparison the following seasons in which the exportable surplus was not purchased by the Imperial Government have been included in the illustration: Butter, 1916-17 season; cheese, 1920-21 season.



XIV. BUTTER AND CHEESE—1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, 1919-20, and 1920-21 SEASONS. Diagram showing Value of Butter and Cheese exported in respect of the above Seasons.

_ Note.—The exportable surplus of butter in 1916-17 season was not purchased by the Imperial Government likewise with cheese for 1920-21 season.



XV. TOTAL PAYMENTS BY DEPARTMENT. Diagram illustrating Total Payments made by Department of Imperial Government Supplies yearly from its Inception to 31st March, 1921.


F.o.b. Prices per Pound. Description. From 3rd March, 1915, to 19th Ootober, 1916. From 20lh October, 1916, to 30th June, 1920. Wethers — First quality, 72 lb. and under First quality, over 72 lb. and up to 85 lb. First quality, over 85 lb. and up to 98 lb. (subject to special approval by Inspector) Second quality d. 4* 4i 4 d. 5! 5* 4| 41 5£ Ewes — First quality, 72 lb. and under .. .. First quality, over 72 lb. and up to 85 lb. Second quality 4 3f 3| Lamb— Specially prime and Canterbury quality, 42 lb. and under First quality, 42 lb. and under First quality, over 42 lb. .. Second quality 5f 5* 51 51 6| 6| 61 BeefPrime ox Second and heifer .. .. Boning in quarters Cow, prime Cow, second Boneless ... .. 4| 4| 4 H 4 5 5 41 54 Mutton — Legs Shoulders Loins Haunches .. 5£ 4| 5 6f 51 51 5f



SCHEELITE. C.i.f. Prices, per Unit of Tungstic Acid. s. d. 20th September, 1915, to 31st December, 1916 .. .. .. .. 55 0 Ist January, 1917, to 31st December, 1917 .. .. .. .. 57 6 Ist January, 1918, to 30th April, 1918.. .. .. .. .. 63 10 Ist May, 1918, to 30th April, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. 68 0 WOOL.

Greasy Clips. From 8th November, 1916, to 30th September, 1920.

All inferior classes of wool, such as inferior lambs' wool, black wool, dead wool, pieces, bellies, locks, crutchings, seedy or other faulty wool, valued at proportionate prices. In addition, 50 per cent, of profits realized on the sale of wool for other than military purposes to be returned to wool-growers.

4_H. 88.

Description. Season 1915-16. F.c Season 1916-17. F.o.b. Prices per Pound. Season 1917-18. Season 1918-19. Season 1919-20. First-grade factory Second-grade factory Third-grade factory First-grade dairy Second-grade dairy d. ' 4 d. n d. 10 9f 9* 8i 8 d. lOf 101 10 91 8| d. lOf 10* 10 91 8f BUTTER. F.o.b. Prices per Hundredweight. Description. Season 1917-18. Season 1918-19. Season 1919-20. Season 1920-21. Ireamery — First grade Second grade, for each grade-point below first grade, l/-per cwt. less (1920-21, 1/6 per cwt.) Vhey and dairy — First grade Second grade Iilled— First grade Second grade s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. 174 0 181 0 181 0 280 0 150 146 8 0 162 157 4 8 162 157 4 8 261 256 4 8 141 136 4 8 148 143 4 8 148 143 4 8 247 242 4 8

Description. Range of Values per Pound according to Quality, delivered into Brokers' Stores. Superior merino combings Medium to good merino Inferior merino Superior half-bred .. Medium to good half-bred Inferior half-bred .. Superior crossbred .. Medium to good crossbred Inferior crossbred .. Lincoln and Leicester Lambs, good Lambs, medium d. d. From 12 to 14*" „ 9f „ 11* „ 8* „ 9* „ 12 „ 14 „ 9f „ 12 " mi " io <*A11 plus 55 per cent. j> l"-2 >> *■& I „ 9 „ 11 I ,. 7| „ 9 » 8f „ 10* „ 11 „ 13 » 9 „ 10|^



Freezing Companies' Slipe. From 16th November, 1916, to 31st March, 1918. Valuations made in London on the basis of prices realised in 1913-14, less shipping expenses, freight, and other charges, plus 55 per cent. From 1st April, 1918, to 30th June, 1920. Valuations made in New Zealand.

F.o b. Prices per Pound. Description. Good. Medium. Inferior. jamb's combing Seconds Third limey jamb's clothing Seconds Third limey iheep's combing Seconds Third limey iheep's clothing Seconds Third limey Sheep's pelt Seconds Third limey Scoured half-bred pieces Scoured crossbred pieces Slipe half-bred pieces Slipe crossbred pieces Slipe brands Slipe grey .. Slipe shanks ilerino — Combing Clothing Seconds .. 56's 50/56's 48/50's 46/48's 44/46's 40/44's 36/40's .. 46/50's 40/46's .. 56's 50/56's 48/50's 46/48's 44/46's 40/44's 36/40's .. 46/50's 40/46's .. 56's 50/56's 48/50's 46/48's 44/46's 40/44's 36/40's .. 46/50's 40/46's .. 56's 50/56's 48/50's 46/48's 44/46's 40/44's 36/40's .. 46/50's 40/46's .. 56's 50/56's 48/50's 46/48's . 44/46's 40/44's 36/40's .. 46/50's 40/46's d. 24| 24 22 21 19* 18* 181 17| 15 12} 23* 22| 20| 19| 181 17| 17 16* 13| 11* 23| 22| 21 20| 19 18| 17 14| 12| 22 211 19| 18* "i 16f 16| 15* 13* 12 19f 19 17! 16! 15 141 14 13* 12* Hi 22 19 18| 16 15 16! 10* d. 23! 22! 21 19! 18* 17! 17* 16! 14 12 22* 21* 19! 18* 171 16* 16J 15* 12| 10! 22* 21| 19| 19 18|17* 17 16 13* 12 21 20-1-18* 17* 16! 16 15* 14! 12! Hi 18* 17* 16! 15* 141 13* 131 12! 12 10! 20* 17* 16! 141 13* 15 9 d. 22 211 19* 181 17 16! 16 15 12! 10* 20! 20 181 17 15! 15* 14! 13! 11* 91 211 20* 19 17f • 16! 16 15* 141 12* 10! 19* 18* 17 16 15 141 14 13* 12 10* 17* 16 15 14 12! 12* 12 12 Hi 10 19 16 15 12! 12 13* 71 19! 16f IS* 181 15 12 16! 13* 10* Ver inferior lots valued at a iro lortionate reduction.


SHEEP-SKINS. From 1st February, 1917, to 30th September, 1920.

Skins with damaged or faulty pelts valued at proportionate prices. In valuing green or salted sound skins allowance made for the extra value of the pelts as compared with dried sound skins of similar quality. Seedy skins valued at lower values according to their condition. Black skins valued according to their proportionate value to ordinary skins of the same class.

HIDES. From 1st March, 1917, to 28th March, 1918.

XVII. ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL CLIP. An Average New Zealand Clip.


Prh :es per Pound ex Brokers' Stoi 'IS. Description. Merino. Half-bred. Fine Crossbred. Coarse Crossbred. ?hree-quarter to full woolled skins—sound pelts.. lalf-woolled skins —sound pelts Short to quarter woolled skins —sound pelts Shorn skins—sound pelts jamb-skins—sound pelts d. lOi-11* 8!- 9! 7*- 8* 5f- 6! 11 -12* d. 13 -14 11 -12 9-1-10! 8-9 11 -12* d. 12 - 13 ioj-11* 91-lOf 8*-9* 11 -12* d. 11*-12* 10 -11* 8*-10| 8 -10 11 -12*

Description. Prices per Pound f.o.b. Ox-hides — First quality, over 45 lb., up to freezing companies' best standard First quality, over 45 lb., others Second quality Cow-hides— First quality, up to freezing companies' best standard First quality, others Second quality Bull-hides, good quality Yearling-hides, first quality Calf-skins — First quality, under 8 lb. First quality, 8 lb. to 11 lb. .. First quality, over 11 lb. to 16 lb. d. 13 12 Hi 12 11 10* 9 11 13 12 11 Other grades and qualities, including cut, scored, and slippy hides, valued at proportii mate prices.

Description. ra a ri 1 ■< 6 6 >, HH ri 2 o 2 o ri a •s s° 8 rH is r li M ri Its ° S fa pa t-l o I T3 a ri at ■gs a ri nO fi u ri p > a H o a i| s 6 Merino. ■ Greasy. Fleece, 60/64s and up „ very seedy Bales. 25 Bales. Bales. 22 Bales. 6 Bales. 2,520 10 Bales. 3,592 Bales. 2,325 Bales. 3,379 7 Bales. 124 1 Bales. 11,993 18 25 22 2,530 3,592 2,325 3,386 125 12,011 First pieces .. Second pieces Stained pieces Bellies jocks 3 1 3 1 370 15 171 193 20 513 75 3 143 135 505 166 606 95 33 242 196 19 1 2,017 352 56 767 754 206 220 4 7 769 869 1,097 1,172 31 3,946 Jrutchings .. 57 57


ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL CLIP—continued. An Average New Zealand Clip— continued.


Description. 13 R ™ R -1 1 1 cc O O >s (u cl R O oj R s si ri te R a 3.2 MS R h d gs a be 1=1 =|| I ■g s o a M ri R ■9 I v a R c3 1° h oS U <D a a o P Merino — continued. Scoured. Fleece, 60/64s and up Bales. 1 Bales. Bales. Bales. Bales. 57 Bales. 655 Bales. 193 Bales. 3 Bales. 231 Bales. 1,140 First pieces Second pieces Stained pieces Bellies Locks 5 4 8 19 49 65 3 325 109 70 118 187 43 2 9 16 82 1 4 87 15 25 51 473 134 143 224 329 6 5 144 809 152 11 178 1,303 Total merino 26 34 11 3,557 5,925 3,767 4,572 565 18,457 Percentage to centre 0-06 0-04 0-03 2-66 8-38 12-94 6-99 1-72 3-32 Half-bred. Greasy. Fleece, 58s .. „ 56/58s „ 56s .. „ 50/56s ,, very seedy 18 6 41 44 4 8 35 14 118 324 504 1 28 17 99 91 221 376 1,270 1,165 767 2,355 5,514 7,914 519 941 1,577 1,181 1,088 2,542 2,990 4,992 36 59 49 160 283 2,714 6,408 11,983 16,209 37 109 47 961 235 3,032 jl6,550 4,218 11,648 551 37,351 Lambs, 50/56s 102 101 211 First pieces, 56/58s 50/56s .. Second pieces, 56/58s 50/56s Stained pieces, 56/58s 50/56s Bellies, 56/58s 50/56s Locks, 50/58s "7 2 1 46 125 36 2 61 2 21 41 1 8 1 36 25 4 98 250 3 34 12 4 23 147 138 803 2,312 197 196 338 59 180 1,437 765 260 467 120 22 22 303 231 390 1,447 65 228 51 6 198 599 1,162 4 90 29 1,612 4,700 266 619 403 141 564 2,577 2,458 15 4 41 17 10 1 34 107 2 219 65 132 92 709 6,287 1,425 4,146 265 13,340 Crutchings, 50/56s (il 54 117 Scoured. Fleece, 50/56s to 56/58s 14 612 355 19 1,001 Lambs, 50/56s II 21 First pieces, 50/56s-56/58s Second pieces, 50/56s-56/58s .. Stained pieces, 50/56s-56/58s .. Bellies, 50/56s-56/58s Locks, 50/56s-56/58s Dead, 50/56s-56/58s 1 1 1 4 3 8 254 74 88 79 121 2 169 6 66 52 52 1 8 22 3 21 4 24 450 88 191 136 210 2 1 6 6 21 618 345 15 74 1,077 First crutchings, 50/56s-56/58s Second crutchings, 50/56s-56/58s 9 7 9 7 16 16 Total half-bred 335 113 1,098 430 3,938 24,085 6,354 15,864 917 53,134 Percentage to centre 0-77 0-21 1-27 103 2-94 3404 21-84 24-28 2-79 9-55 Fine Crossbred. Greasy. Fleece, 50s, hog „ 50s .. 48/50s, hog .. „ 48/50s ,, 48s, prep. ,, 48s, card 46/48s, hog .. 46/48s „ 46/50s, very seedy ,, mixed „ cotts. ,, black 83 3 287 115 68 722 1 26 2 141 8 286 85 2,745 1 127 7 54 281 259 1,066 129 1,000 768 5,076 10 614 9 1 2 107 22 143 7 431 4 940 15 5 223 1,093 228 1,618 438 1,846 772 7,848 12 151 2 3 562 4,717 1,036 4,510 285 3,436 1,286 4,853 8 600 5 147 105 1,274 418 1,904 158 1,577 738 2,723 385 2,803 655 4,385 1,186 3,057 1,557 5,701 92 679 43 66 82 231 224 683 568 751 1,551 2,716 113 167 1 3 1,414 10,615 2,847 14,737 2,779 12,499 6,829 33,924 251 2,427 67 255 6 78 2 33 1,286 3,429 9,867 1,676 14,234 21,445 9,008 ;20,609 7,090 88,644


ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL CLIP— continued. An Average New Zealand Clip— continued.


Description. •a a ri 3 o a ■ > co O O [>, ™» frfi III .— ri m S3 p. ri te § Ss a ri o I m a s-rl — o-S —' in a 4 i _l_ a* i a •a >D a | J I 8 ri > R rH a o "a . a I Fine Crossbred— continued. Greasy —continued. First lambs, 46/50s Second lambs, 46/50s Bales. 36 19 Bales. 259 40 Bales. 371 64 Bales. 347 8 Bales. 678 21 Bales. 277 13 Bales. 31 Bales. 33 28 Bales. 14 4 Bales. 2,041 19' First pieces, 46/50s Second pieces, 46/50s Stained pieces, 46/50s Bellies, 46/50s Locks, 46/50s Dead, 46/50s 55 299 435 355 699 290 31 61 18 2,24! 6 4 4 3 18 106 11 24 35 43 348 9 12 111 128 166 74 1 11 2 12 331 34 12 188 27 108 1,761 420 140 1,830 449 224 915 197 101 982 162 130 3,294 352 340 1,576 100 28 541 53 52 176 87 3 7,371 1,08: 65' 4,90: 99; 73: 35 219 774 100 700 4,824 2,487 5,690 912 15,741 First crutchings, 46/50s Second crutchings, 46/50s 2 1 39 4 2 203 12 1,896 73 693 35 277 34 2 3,11: 15! 43 215 1,969 728 311 3,271 Scoured. Fleece, 46/48s-50s 30 307 202 62 61: First lambs, 46/48s-50s Second lambs, 46/48s-50s 3 "l "lO 4 4 11 11 First pieces, 46/48s-50s Second pieces, 46/48s-50s Stained pieces, 46/48s-50s Bellies, 46/48s-50s Bocks, 46/48s-50s Dead, 46/48s-50s 10 4 22 6 3 1 3 7 261 3 25 9 164 109 34 36 25 1 78 46 36 38 16 3 15 13 6 2 6 1 526 174 115 87 69 4 '28 First crutchings, 46/48s-50s Second crutchings, 46/48s-50s .. 13 298 369 217 62 975 1 20 7 55 5 2 3 78 15 Total fine crossbred 27 60 93 1,379 3,949 11,171 2,141 16,165 29,235 12,733 26,739 8,097 111,609 Percentage to centre 3-18 7-44 12-95 5-14 12-07 41-32 43-75 40-93 24-58 20-06 Medium Crossbred. Greasy. • Fleece, 46s, hog ,, 46s, prep. „ 46s, card 44/46s, hog .. „ 44/46s, prep. „ 44/46s, card. ,, 44s, hog „ 44s, prep. ,, 44s, card. 40/44s, hog .. „ 40/44s, prep. „ 40/44s, card. .. „ 44/46s, very seedy „ 40/44s, „ mixed „ cotts „ black 226 97 1,329 323 144 9,766 43 55 222 64 1,649 10,291 1 60 7,087 292 69 131 903 1,348 434 5,275 4,840 209 2,690 695 143 6,386 1,053 235 465 3,626 2,245 30 453 1,272 1,644 1,392 6,509 6,492 368 3,854 398 527 9,886 986 215 313 7,304 2,846 72 34 246 824 34 728 4,582 39 2,057 6,006 37 4,357 8,254 106 191 404 524 41 1,340 4,556 4,528 1,612 14,492 8,922 681 9,836 2,877 849 14,410 2,960 64 133 4,574 1,710 108 441 2,461 2,761 89 1,743 1,409 3 309 288 1 138 75 6 4 282 17 95 90 1,431 1,809 32 885 734 126 380 972 276 2,826 459 821 5,287 37 355 283 9 250 346 128 11 630 948 59 1,927 210 1,881 1,585 1,748 5,523 198 645 455 82 674 667 155 10 843 1,152 36 5,614 11,452 18,950 5,960 32,345 47,555 1,578 19,927 11,604 1,712 37,794 24,672 910 1,187 24,803 9,743 545 44 40 53 9 35 First lambs, 44/46s 40/44s .. Second lambs, 40/44s-44/46s .. 31,718 30,708 44,531 28,464 73,652 10,122 5,668 13,697 17,791 256,351 1,648 414 1,077 3,045 558 566 2,437 638 535 2,143 959 66 4,971 1,738 206 5 84 4 12 28 31 2 14,263 4,419 2,485 3,139 4,169 3,610 3,168 6,915 93 71 21,167


ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL CLIP— continued. An Average New Zealand Clip— continued.


Description. -3 a ■ ri 3 o 6 t£> a, a a a cs hi .. m I .S3 csS o5 'R R oi R g is a « dr& 00 a —•3 s. ."tern fct •S 1 M O R u a 8 T3 a ri O R R =3 i° 'sii u s > R a o a . a 3 5*' Medium Crossbred — continued. Greasy —continued. First pieces, 44/46s 40/44s Second pieces, 44/46s 40/44s Stained pieces 44/46s 40/44s Bellies, 44/46s 40/44s Locks, 40/44s-44/46s Dead, 40/44-44/46s 1 Bales. 285 418 19 892 1 133 149 622 1,191 364 Bales. 2,443 1,911 212 400 15 143 1,312 959 987 326 Bales. 4,318 2,309 291 610 49 120 2,124 1,857 1,389 613 Bales. 366 269 11 296 1 25 257 453 582 190 Bales. 2,132 1,314 132 809 10 111 1,952 1,490 1,577 513 Bales. 271 30 37 20 33 4 191 46 222 104 Bales. 6 6 13 '28 Bales. 1,608 27 247 3 289 11 796 5 64 18 Bales. 1,738 73 731 31 187 23 1,377 90 234 8 Bales. 13,167 6,357 1,693 3,061 613 570 8,202 5,523 6,360 2,218 44 1 114 82 10,040 958 294 3,068 4,492 47,764 4,074 8,708 13,680 2,450 First crutchings, 44/46s 40/44s Second crutchings, 40/44s-44/46s 19 1,211 136 137 1,077 205 209 2,310 260 125 1,369 149 461 4,301 279 63 10 3 148 1 7 1,031 66 133 505 118 98 2,698 10,523 1,270 1,366 1,419 2,779 1,643 5,101 76 156 1,230 721 14,491 Scoured. Fleece, 40/44s-44/46s 105 65 16 103 298 First lambs, 40/44s-44/46s Second lambs, 40/44s-44/46s .. 10 "3 19 1 29 6 "2 10 20 35 First pieces, 40/44s-44/40s Second pieces, 40/44s-44/4(is .. Stained pieces, 40/44s-44/46s .. Bellies, 40/44s-44/46s Locks, 40/44s-44/46s Dead, 40/44s-44/46s 1 1 1 1 1 3 22 8 12 5 8 1 18 4 18 7 19 12 19 15 1 4 3 18 22 3 1. 6 14 49 11 7 16 6 119 56 57 77 27 7 1 5 20 89 343 10 56 47 66 51 First crutchings, 40/44s-44/46s Second crutchings, 40/44s-44/46s 2 1 3 10 I 5 (i 1 2 21 10 II 11 31 Total medium crossbred.. 2 40,307 45,014 64,775 35,725 95,772 11,394 6,186 18,089 23,218 340,480 Percentage to centre 93-10 84-82 75-09 85-74 71-54 16--0 2i-25 27-69 70-48 61-21 Coarse Crossbred. Greasy. 458 13,861 982 7,870 274 1,351 69 150 2,579 1,115 34 Fleece, 40s, hog. „ 40s, prep. ,, 40s, card. „ 36/40s, prep. 36/40s, card. „ 36s, prep. „ 36s, card. „ 36/40s, seedy „ mixed „ cotts. „ black » 2 604 22 139 5 70 6 5 212 8 1 18 1,547 41 794 21 152 2 73 358 246 3 86 2,677 45 2,585 83 309 13 56 1,165 483 10 8 1,369 355 856 76 327 9 11 40 56 4 322 7,561 505 3,449 85 470 39 5 798 314 16 6 48 7 16 'is 1 2 1 3 3 3 25 2 17 1 5 13 29 3 13 "3 4 3 4 1,074 3,255 7,512 3,111 13,564 92 LO 60 65 28,743 First lambs, 36/40s Second lambs, 36/40s 17 3 26 6 41 1 93 3 1 2 192 20 12 7 96 212 19 20 32 42 First pieces, 36/40s Second pieces, 36/40s Stained pieces, 36-40s Bellies, 36/40s Locks, 36/40s Dead, 36/40s 7 3 3 14 35 11 211 35 32 50 80 35 327 85 23 112 156 106 4 6 7 14 60 21 90 20 2 45 209 95 1 1 2 2 9 650 149 69 237 600 269 1 73 . 443 809 112 521 1,974 1


ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL CLIP— continued. An Average New Zealand Clip— continued.

Summary of Percentages.

Wool taken by Local Woollen-mills.

Wool scoured in Dominion (subsequent to Purchase).


Description. -6 § 3 o o ;>, OcSfl <-4 '3. ■d R oj - •--■ %$ fcC-« I* fl" 0 ■2* ■ ■-h o-R — w R I =3 R 11 <d 3 I 1 1 M I a o B . a"* »■£ Coarse Crossbred — continued. Greasy —continued. First crutchings, 36/40s Second erutehings, 36/40s Bales. 59 6 Bales. 235 40 Bales. 735 79 Bales. 61 7 Bales. 223 13 Bales. Bales. Bales. 4 Bales. 4 Bales. 1,321 145 65 275 814 68 236 1,466 Scoured. Fleece, 36s-36/40s 10 17 First lambs, 36s-36/40s 13 15 First pieces, 36s-36/40s Second pieces, 36s-36/40s Stained pieces, 36s-36/40s Bellies, 36s-36/40s Locks, 36s-36/40s 11 1 2 1 io 15 23 4 6 3 6 7 21 3 8 9 35 4 27 49 48 12 72 15 First crutchings, 36s-36/40s .. II 25 33 16 41 66 196 Total coarse crossbred .. 1,246 3,994 9,183 3,358 14,453 113 64 72 144 32,627 Percentage to centre 2-89 7-53 10-65 8-06 10-79 0-16 0-22 0-11 0-43 5-86 Grand totals .. 43,293 53,070 86,261 41,665 133,885 70,752 29,104 65,336 32,941 556,307

Flei ice. Lai ills. Piec ies. Crutc! lings. Xoti .1. I Bales. Percentage to Quality. Bales. Percentage to Quality. Bales. Percentage to Quality. Bales. Percentage to Quality. Bales. Percentage to Clip. Merino, 60/64s and upwards Half-bred, 50/56s-58s Fine crossbred, 46/48s-50s Medium crossbred, 40/44s-46s Coarse crossbred, 36s-40s .. 13,151 38,352 89,262 256,649 28,760 71-25 72-18 79-98 75-38 88-15 232 2,265 21,202 227 0-44 2-03 6-23 0-69 5,249 14,417 16,716 48,107 2,170 28-44 27-13 14-97 14-13 6-65 57 133 3,366 14,522 1,470 0-31 0-25 3-02 4-26 4-51 18,457 53,134 111,609 340,480 32,627 3-32 9-55 20-06 61-21 5-86 Totals 426,174 76-61 23,926 4-30 86,659 19,548 I 3-51 15-58 556,307 10000

Fleece. Lambs. Pieces. Crutchings. 'Col ,al. Merino, 60/64s and upwards Half-bred, 50/56s-58s Fine crossbred, 46/48s-50s Medium crossbred, 40/44s-46s .. Joarse crossbred, 36s-40s Bales. 4,165 5,979 1,438 56 1 Bales. 3 37 106 4 Bales. 699 3,521 2,020 1,608 .27 Bales. 7 146 269 6 Bales. 4,864 9,510 3,641 2,039 38 Percentage to Clip. 26-35 17-89 3-26 0-59 0-01 Totals 11,639 150 7,875 428 20,092 3-61

lUcece. Lambs. Pieces. Crutchings. Total. lerino, 60/64s and upwards lalf-bred, 50/56s-58s 'ine crossbred, 46/48s-50s .. ledium crossbred, 40/44s-46s ioarse crossbred, 36s-40s .. Bales. 4,618 4,367 4,313 1,160 14 Bales. 159 1,126 11,186 123 Bales. 3,254 8,453 13,499 36,744 2,006 Bales. 57 108 3,203 12,409 1,196 Bales. 7,929 13,087 22,141 61,499 3,339 Totals 14,472 12,594 63,956 16,973 107,995



XVIII. DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL-CLIP. Showing Grades, Range of Estimated Clean-scoured Yields, and Average Prices paid.

5 —H. 38.

GRADES.—AA : Extra super wool, well grown, of good colour and condition, entirely skirted. A : Super wool, well grown, in good condition, and skirted. B : Medium wool, well grown ; may be of indifferent colour and condition, and/or unskirted. C : Inferior wool, indifferent growth and character, dirty, heavy in condition, slightly seedy, and/or unskirted. D : Very inferior, and/or excessively seedy. Auckland. Gisborne, Tolaga and Tokomaru Bays. Napier. Wanganui and Waitara. Wellington, Nelson, and Blenheim. Christchurch. Timaru. Dunedin and Oamaru. Invercargill. Dominion Totals. Nmnber. Quality and Description. Grade. N .. mbe , Range of ! Average Number Range of Average Nlimh(>r Range of Average Nllnlh „ Range of Average NllInh „ Range of Average w limb „ Range of Average Wllmh „ r Range of Average Number Range of Average Numbpr Range of Average Nl]mh „ r Range of Average f Estimated Price paid - Estimated Price paid 0 f Estimated Price paid umber Estimated Price paid - u ™ ber Estimated Price paid A umber Estimated Price paid * f Estimated Price paid f Estimated Price paid , Estimated Price paid dumber Estimated Price paid Ra i oa Clean-scoured —-Pence per D Q i aa Clean-scoured —Pence per T , o]o _ Clean-scoured —Penceper Clean-scoured —Penceper Bn L Clean-scoured —Penceper Clean-scoured —Penceper td„i qo Clean-scoured —Pence per RqIoi , Clean-scoured —Pence per 0 Clean-scoured —Pence per Clean-scoured —Pence Yields. Pound. mies * , Yields. l'ound. J5ales - Yields. Pound. 15ales ' Yields. Pound, j Bale8, Yields. Pound. i3aIe8 ' Yields. ! Pound. i5ales * Yields. Pound. 1 * ale8, Yields. Pound. Jia,e8 * Yields. Pound. ±Ja,es - Yields. per Pound. _ I I , J : | ; _ L Greasy Fleece. \ % to % % to % % to % . % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % 1 60-648 and upwards AA 3 .. 51 22-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 477 45 52 21-46. 200 45 54 21-81 13 .. 54 23-25 51 46 56 22-05 .. .. .. 744 45 56 21-63 ..A 2 .. 50 21-00 .. .. .. 4 43 49 19-57 1 .. 42 17 00 1,535 40 51 19-67 1,242 40 54 19-49 459 40 55 19-41 400 42 55 19-58 .. .. .. 3,643 40 55 19-57 B 20 46 58 18-76 .. .. .. 10 40 49 17-48 5 .. 43 18-00 428 38 48 17-94 2,110 39 54 18-13 1,853 34 52 18-34 2,718 35 52 16-98 109 37 50 17-36 7,253 34 58 17-73 C .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 40 46 15-21 .. .. .. 80 37 46 16-83 40 37 42 15-68 .. .. .. 210 33 44 14-15 15 35 41 14-19 353 33 46 14-93 89 „ D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 30 35 10-87 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 30 43 10-80 1 .. 40 11-00 18 30 43 10-85 2 58s .. .. AA 7 63 66 22-36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 77 54 68 21-95 .. .. .. 194 60 74 22-61 5 .. 56 21-00 54 74 22-40 A 5 .. 56 19-50 .. .. .. 3 ..62 20-50 28 .. 64 20-50 172 56 70 21-04 187 52 68 21-31 99 51 63 19-26 103 53 62 19-47 .. .. .. 597 51 70 2014 B 6 52 60 18-42 .. .. .. 6 54 57 18-85 .. .. .. 49 54 61 18-73 497 43 68 17-77 420 47 64 18-59 739 45 61 17-61 53 48 60 17-19 1,770 43 68 17-92 C .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 42 50 13-65 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 47 52 14-02 .. .. .. 52 42 56 15-09 1 .. 52 14-00 64 42 56 14-84 3 56-58s .. .. AA 3 .. 66 22-10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 64 67 21-73 107 63 70 21 68 20 67 68 22-50 273 62 70 21-69 .. .. .. 414 62 70 21-73 „ .. .. ..A .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 62 65 20-74 1 .. 62 19-50 222 56 68 20-02 1,040 56 67 19-66 400 52 68 19-30 634 55 69 19-87 12 60 61 19-41 2,401 52 69 19-73 B 3 57 63 18-30 4 57 62 17-59 21 55 61 17-72 16 56 60 18-41 142 57 66 18-70 1,201 48 85 18-02 521 50 66 18-10 1,556 50 66 17-54 34 54 63 17-93 3,498 48 66 17-84 „ .. C .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 32 55 15-06 .. .. .. 1 ..50 16-00 7 54 56 15-75 .. .. .. 79 48 56 14-21 3 i 50 55 14-97 95 48 56 14-84 4 56s .. .. AA 10 67 69 21-21 .. .. | .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 66 69 21-21 253 65 70 20-91 20 66 68 21-21 52 64 69 20-97 .. .. .. 386 64 70 20-98 ..A 10 69 70 21-15 2 .. 62 18-50 118 59 65 19-52 39 56 64 17-00 642 55 68 20-01 2,485 57 68 19-42 677 55 69 19-41 932 60 68 19-33 24 62 70 19-78 4,929 55 70 19-46 B 21 62 70 18-89 6 61 66 17-75 167 52 64 17-27 60 56 67 17-64 562 56 68 18-38 2,764 55 67 1809 880 50 68 18-18 1,897 50 66 17-42 136 52 67 17-89 6,493 50 70 17-90 C .. .. • .. .. .. .. 39 53 56 14-52 .. .. .. 15 58 62 16-39 12 50 62 16-69 .. .. .. 109 42 58 14-41 .. .. .. 175 42 62 14-72 5 50-56s .. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 .. 69 21-00 156 63 70 20-58 5 .. 68 20 00 229 66 76 21-57 7 66 67 20-32 409 63 76 21-12 A 11 65 68 19-59 4 64 66 18-74 170 62 68 19-38 60 62 66 19-00 288 56 73 19-27 2,791 52 71 19-15 414 56 69 18-15 1,160 60 73 19-31 40 ! 64 76 18-7-9 4,938 52 76 19-19 „ .. .. B 33 59 67 18-26 31 58 68 17-50 320 52 66 17-39 31 58 64 17-52 830 56 68 17-59 4,927 52 69 18-01 762 54 70 18-16 3,395 53 70 17-42 215 56 66 17-38 10,544 52 70 .17-17 „ .. C .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 52 54 14-15 .. .. .. 35 48 60 15-49 40 54 82 15 33 .. .. .. 208 42 65 14-69 21 50 58 13-96 318 42 65 14 90 88 „ .. D .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 48 13-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 45 58 12-49 .. .. .. • 37 45 58 12-50 6 50s Hog .. ..A .. .. .. 1 .. 64 18-25 11 67 68 18-04 .. .. .. 129 58 75 19-13 180 57 69 18-57 46 56 67 18-03 112 64 68 18-99 11 65 67 18-96 490 56 75 18-75 B .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 62 70 16-48 .. .. .. 94 60 68 18-26 382 55 68 17-62 59 54 68 17-58 269 58 66 17-45 65 58 74 16-97 912 54 74 17-46 C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 62 14-00 6 58 62 15-50 10 58 62 15-06 D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 40 5-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 40 5-00 7 50s .. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 68 19-25 .. .. .. 55 69 73 20-62 36 67 72 19-14 28 67 70 19-50 56 67 73 20-64 .. .. .. 176 67 73 20-25 ..A 18 68 70 19-41 1 .. 64 17-50 125 66 72 18-98 71 60 64 17-18 347 57 72 18-81 1,766 60 72 18-64 469 53 69 18-04 481 62 72 18-83 17 64 69 17-70 3,295 53 72 18-58 B 62 60 68 17-72 25 58 65 16-77 143 58 68 17-20 36 58 74 16-92 669 57 70 17-14 2,882 50 72 17-49 774 54 75 17-42 2,031 50 70 17-58 191 58 68 17-11 6,813 50 75 17-37 C 3 50 56 14-22 .. .. .. 10 56 62 15-23 .. .. .. 22 55 61 15-31 30 48 62 15-33 3 .. 64 17-50 231 48 64 14-62 23 51 61 14-83 322 48 64 14-77 D .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 49 13-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 53 60 14-36 .. .. .. 4 50 57 12-50 .. .. .. 9 50 60 13-26 8 48-50s Hog .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 72 18-50 7 68 69 17-62 .. .. .. 14 70 72 18-77 3 .. 70 19-00 25 68 72 18-48 ..A 3 .. 71 17-09 1 .. 68 17-75 94 66 74 17-58 9 .. 68 17-75 114 66 76 17-27 259 57 72 17-37 189 56 74 17-10 87 66 74 17-99 15 66 72 17-71 771 56 76 17-39 B .. .. .. 1 ..70 17-00 165 63 72 16-27 13 66 67 15-75 113 64 70 16-60 770 54 72 16-42 229 55 70 16-22 554 60 72 16-65 206 62 70 16-54 2,051 54 72 16-46 9 48-50s .. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 72 74 18-50 .. .. .. 29 72 74 19-25 80 66 72 17-98 39 66 74 18-41 136 69 78 19-16 2 .. 70 18-50 307 66 74 18-73 „ .. ..A 62 67 71 17-98 15 68 70 17-42 333 64 74 17-45 78 67 72 17-47 320 61 74 17-42 1,254 60 73 17-26 766 62 72 17-20 814 66 75 17-86 55 67 71 17-91 3,697 60 75 17-43 B 204 58 70 16-31 126 64 72 16-61 670 61 74 16-27 64 58 70 15-93 1,213 58 74 16-43 3,153 52 74 16-49 1,091 58 70 16-59 3,240 56 72 16-43 604 62 74 16-36 10,365 52 74 16-46 C 21 48 60 13-66 .. .. .. 42 62 64 15-09 .. .. .. 56 62 67 14-91 23 54 69 15-09 8 62 63 15-22 192 50 70 14-37 22 55 64 14-21 364 48 70 14-41 „ .. D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 56 13 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 55 13-00 .. .. .. 4 55 56 13-12 10 48s Prep. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 74 75 18-04 31 70 76 17-06 .. .. .. 26 72 76 18-22 3 .. 72 18-00 65 70 76 17-65 ..A .. .. .. 1 .. 73 17-00 39 71 77 17-38 4 .. 74 17-50 222 69 75 17-20 92 66 73 16-50 107 67 72 16-63 320 68 75 17-47 94 69 74 17-31 879 66 77 17-17 B .. .. .. 5 68 70 15-65 90 65 74 16-33 3 .. 73 16-75 200 62 74 16-12 162 57 72 15-65 51 64 72 15-86 815 65 75 16-28 468 63 73 16-11 1,794 57 75 16-15 C .. .. .. 2 .. .74 14-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 60 68 14-08 .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 64 70 14-87 3 65 67 14-12 41 60 74 14-70 11 48s Carding .. AA 13 74 82 18-97 ... .. 16 .. 76 18-00 .. .. .. 99 74 78 18-54 110 68 7§ 17-58 47 71 75' 18-00 70 72 77 18-33 3 .. 72 17-50 358 68 82 18-12 ..A 25 72 78 18-03 44 72 75 17-19 251 67 76 17-25 315 62 76 17-01 644 70 76 17-38 1,380 61 75 16-71 871 64 74 16-79 620 69 75 17-12 127 70 74 17-07 4,277 61 78 16-96 B 74 66 74 16-23 240 63 75 16-23 732 65 76 16-30 106 65 74 15-73 1,071 62 76 16-10 1,923 62 75 15-83 657 67 73 15-99 2,259 63 75 15-98 568 63 73 15-78 7,630 62 76 15-98 C 3 .. 52 11-00 .. .. .. 1 .. 58 12-25 10 65 69 14-50 32 63 70 14-34 22 65 71 15-48 2 .. 68 14-50 107 50 71 13-78 53 60 66 13-51 230 50 71 13-96 D .. .. .. 2 .. 68 13-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 62 12-50 .. .. .. 1 ..62 12 00 .. .. .. 4 62 68 12-87 • 12 46-48s Hog .. AA 7 73 75 18-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 75 76 18-37 27 .. 70 17-25 .. .. .. 38 72 76 18-18 2 .. 76 18-50 80 70 76 17-91 ..A 10 73 76 17 38 10 74 75 17-10 204 72 76 17-00 2 .. 73 16-75 325 68 76 17-14 208 58 75 16-54 212 66 75 16-35 499 72 76 17-32 249 72 75 17-18 1,719 58 76 17-01 B 51 71 73 15-75 75 70 74 16-06 556 64 75 16-06 2 .. 70 15-75 441 66 76 15-93 1,051 64 75 15-75 526 65 74 15-70 1,012 66 74 16-19 1,292 67 74 16-06 5,006 64 76 15-97 C .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 62 12-75 ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 68 14-50 8 67 70 14-81 24 62 70 14-03 13 46-48s .. .. AA 9 .. 78 18-50 .. .. .. 39 .. 77 18-00 .. .. 286 75 79 18-10 17 72 74 17-25 22 72 74 17-30 68 74 78 17-79 14 75 76 17-57 455 72 79 17-97 „ .. ..A 199 71 78 17-39 573 72 78 16-82 1,667 72 78 16-95 357 70 77 17-05 1,761 67 77 17-02 1,109 63 78 16-50 1,087 64 74 16-43 1,344 65 76 16-97 468 69 76 16-76 8,565 63 78 16-82 B 474 65 74 16-23 2,113 57 76 15-99 3,730 63 77 15-99 573 68 75 15-73 5,625 62 78 15-83 3,689 52 75 15-67 1,612 64 72 15-72 4,071 65 76 15-79 2,068 64 76 15-56 23,955 52 77 15-81 „ .. .. C 40 64 68 13-59 54 66 72 14-45 234 54 71 14-05 10 67 70 14-28 176 60 71 14-12 37 60 72 14-54 2 .. 68 14-25 214 58 70 13-69 162 56 70 13-23 929 54 72 13-88 D .. .. 5 .. 64 13-25 6 64 68 14-13 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..61 12-50 .. .. .. 4 57 60 12-19 4 .. 60 12 00 20 57 68 12-82 87 46-50s .. .. D .. .. 1 .. 66 13-50 10 50 62 11-50 15 .. 68 13-50 12 60 62 12-87 8 50 65 11-38 .. .. .. 92 46 70 11-75 113 52 64 12-95 251 46 70 12-43 • 14 46s Hog .. AA 2 .. 76 17-75 .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 29 76 78 18-23 .. .. 1 10 .. 74 17-50 21 76 78 18-27 5 .. 78 18-25 67 74 78 18-12 A 79 72 76 16-93 52 74 75 16-75 99 74 76 16-80 16 .. 76 17-00 537 70 76 16-82 39 69 74 16-25 79 68 73 16-38 351 72 78 17-18 I 440 72 78 17-18 1,692 68 78 16-95 B ; 141 68 76 15-76 79 71 75 16-03 354 68 75 15-67 18 69 73 15-63 759 65 75 15-86 395 62 74 15-51 1 .. 70 15-75 588 60 75 16-07 ! 1,480 67 77 16-17 3,815 60 76 15-94 C 4 60 65 12-93 .. .. .. .. .. j .. .. 15 69 71 14-83 7 56 68 12-93 .. .. .. 12 51 68 13-51 2 .. 67 13-50 40 51 71 13-84 1 ' j ' 15 46s Prep. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 78 18-00 .. .. .. 259 74 78 17-90 32 73 75 17-22 6 .. 74 16-75 49 76 78 17-52 .. .. .. 350 73 78 17-76 ..A 14 .. 73 16-50 322 74 78 16-72 636 73 78 16-78 151 73 77 16-93 1,924 72 78 16-93 622 69 75 16-36 448 68 74 16-32 103 73 78 16-81 110 72 78 16-84 4,330 68 78 16-75 B 83 70 76 16-01 579 70 76 . 16-07 630 69 76 16-03 95 72 75 16-21 2,229 64 76 15-80 1,798 65 75 15-52 977 66 75 15-67 122 69 74 15-93 100 72 77 16-10 6,613 64 77 15-78 C .. .. .. 2 .. 64 13-25 2 .. 69 14-75 .. .. .. 144 62 72 14-19 9 62 68 14-37 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 157 62 72 1420 D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 60 12-00 .. .. .. 2 .. 60 12-00 16 46s Carding .. AA 35 77 81 18-58 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 105 75 78 17-77 10 70 75 16-81 3 .. 76 18-00 16 75 76 17-37 .. .. .. 169 70 81 17-83 ..A 405 70 80 17-07 328 72 77 16-52 384 73 78 17-03 242 72 77 16-61 816 72 78 16-85 516 68 75 16-25 720 67 74 16-31 729 72 77 16-71 446 72 76 16-66 4,586 67 80 16-64 B 855 68 80 15-83 990 70 78 15-85 1,177 68 76 15-74 564 66 76 15-36 3,483 60 78 15-73 2,185 56 75 15-45 1,079 56 74 15-61 1,882 62 76 15-63 1,355 58 76 15-59 13,570 56 80 15-65 C 34 56 68 13-10 30 60 74 14-26 83 66 72 14-32 18 66 71 13-75 124 64 72 14-07 35 62 72 14-65 2 66 71 13-90 186 56 72 13-14 60 58 71 13-52 572 56 74 13-73 D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 65 70 13-76 5 .. 69 13-50 13 55 67 13-50 20 60 64 11-18 53 55 70 12-77 17 44-46s Hog .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 78 17-50 17 .. 76 17-75 20 76 78 17-71 ..A 52 73 77 16-78 61 73 76 16-72 325 72 80 16-55 5 73 74 16-11 473 70 76 16-62 4 .. 74 16-75 2 .. 72 15-75 * 118 60 76 16-75 311 73 78 16-99 1,351 70 80 16-69 B 270 69 76 15-77 373 66 75 15-86 1,041 68 76 15-85 29 66 74 15-30 1,122 68 76 15-72 84 68 74 15-25 30 69 75 15-58 327 60 75 15-88 1,257 69 78 16-15 4,533 60 78 15-84 C 1 .. 64 12-75 .. .. / 26 62 70 13-70 .. .. .. 17 69 72 14-43 1 .. 69 13-75 .. .. .. 11 60 71 13-65 .. .. .. 56 60 72 13*90 18 44-46s Prep. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 325 76 82 17-88 .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 75 78 17-22 9 .. 75 17-00 356 75 82 17-79 ..A 21 76 77 16-98 1,144 74 78 16-55 2,738 73 79 16-60 193 74 77 16-51 4,844 72 78 16-64 128 70 76 16-09 110 69 76 16-07 237 74 78 16-67 377 73 78 16-64 9,792 69 79 16-61 B 123 69 76 15-72 4,063 68 78 15-63 3,734 68 78 15-80 535 70 75 15-56 9,029 64 78 15-64 1,601 67 75 15-17 770 67 78 15-30 561 69 78 15-60 1,362 68 77 15-87 21,778 64 78 15-64 C .. .. .. 68 66 72 13-41 37 62 72 13-23 .. .. .. 294 63 73 13-98 14 66 70 14-00 5 66 72 13-96 1 ..70 13-75 .. .. .. 419 62 73 13-85 19 44-46s Carding .. AA 10 .. 81 18-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 127 76 79 17-85 .. .. .. .. .. 10 ■ • 79 18-00 .. .. .. 147 76 81 17-90 A 1,592 73 80 16-74 455 74 78 16-52 1,318 72 78 16-66 378 73 78 16-34 853 68 78 16-67 190 70 76 15-83 119 69 77 15-91 1,010 73 78 16-59 795 73 78 16-55 6,710 68 80 16-57 B 7,924 60 80 15-43 4,128 64 78 15-54 4,855 64 78 15-83 4,051 62 76 15-22 7,348 66 78 15 37 1,198 66 76 15-10 613 65 76 15-19 3,958 67 78 15-41 4,528 66 78 15-47 38,603 60 80 15-45 C 227 63 71 13-23 251 62 73 13-95 295 64 71 13-81 153 64 74 13-93 594 62 74 13-87 19 66 73 14-00 2 .. 66 13 00 274 63 72 13-20 188 58 73 13-28 2,003 58 74 13-67 D 13 64 69 12-21 6 64 72 13-63 24 66 70 13-95 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 69 12-25 .. .. .. 35 55 66 12-64 12 50 60 10-42 92 50 72 12-37 86 44—46s .. .. .. D 1 .. 64 11-50 235 50 72 12-90 215 53 70 12-68 106 50 72 13-61 64 45 68 12-21 6 48 63 11-23 .. .. .. 128 45 66 11-46 155 40 70 11-87 910 40 72 12-40 20 44s Hog .. .. A 10 .. 76 17-00 23 75 76 16-07 108 74 76 16-50 .. .. .. 131 73 77 16-47 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 75 16-50 56 75 77 16-73 330 73 77 16-46 B 33 72 77 15-87 186 70 77 15-53 260 67 76 15-68 39 70 74 15-24 549 70 76 15-48 3 .. 76 15-50 .. .. .. 35 73 77 15-58 142 73 78 15-96 1,247 67 78 15-58 C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 68 14-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 68 14-25 21 44s Prep. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 1. 79 17-00 .. .. .. 130 77 80 17-36 4 .. 76 16-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 154 76 80 17-29 ..A 7 75 78 16-18 547 75 80 16-22 1,900 74 80 16-47 337 73 78 16-27 3,536 72 80 16-31 46 62 76 15-61 78 71 74 15-85 66 76 80 16-51 67 75 78 16-49 6,584 62 80 16-34 B 48 74 78 15-57 2,132 71 78 15-67 1,903 70 78 15-60 1,716 68 78 15-36 5,920 70 78 15-52 258 67 75 15-00 46 68 74 15-05 289 70 77 15-35 577 73 78 15-61 12,889 67 78 15-52 C .. .. .. 11 66 72 13-82 31 68 72 13-88 1 .. 70 14-00 249 66 75 13-90 1 .. 65 13-50 2 68 70 14-00 .. .. .. 1 .. 60 11-50 296 60 75 13-92 D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 63 12-50 1 .. 60 11-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 60 63 12-25 22 44s Carding .. .. A 66 75 77 16-41 79 75 80 16-19 100 75 80 16-25 215 74 77 16-23 187 74 78 16-29 15 71 75 15-34 45 68 75 15 09 27 74 77 16-27 35 76 77 16-35 769 68 80 16-20 B 138 70 79 15-52 606 72 78 15-53 295 70 78 15-42 5,451 67 77 14-97 2,383 69 76 15-21 246 65 75 14-84 335 65 75 15-09 233 68 77 14-99 390 68 77 15-24 10,077 65 79 15-09 C 16 68 13-75 10 67 73 13-66 3 .. 70 14-00 340 64 74 13-83 307 64 73 13-89 27 67 73 14-15 .. .. .. 19 62 72 12-81 30 64 71 13-23 752 62 74 13-79 „ .. D 2 .. 65 9-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 60 65 10 82 .. .. .. 6 60 65 10-21 23 40-44s Hog .. .. A 2 .. 72 15-75 1 .. 76 16-50 61 75 82 16-07 .. .. .. 138 73 77 16-03 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 76 78 16-36 223 72 82 16-07 B 50 70 77 15-48 142 68 76 15-04 466 70 78 15-34 37 71 74 14-96 711 68 77 15-39 1 .. 68 14-50 .. .. .. 9 74 75 15-27 61 73 78 15-58 1,477 68 78 15-34 C 12 65 70 13-42 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 65 70 13-42 24 40-448 Prep. AA 6 .. 82 17-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 80 82 17-51 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 79 17-00 .. .. .. 67 79 82 17-51 A 92 78 80 16-58 674 76 80 16-01 2,013 75 80 16-06 284 74 78 15-91 3,007 74 80 16-05 .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 75 78 16-56 89 76 80 16-20 6,198 74 80 16-06 B 1,487 69 78 15-29 5,562 68 79 15-24 7,584 69 79 15-27 3,877 65 76 14-90 10,540 64 78 15-24 134 68 76 14-79 30 71 76 15-18 208 71 78 15-20 583 73. 80 15-39 30,005 64 80 15-20 C 7 .. 65 12-50 133 68 75 13-44 237 64 76 13-20 196 65 74 13-80 804 60 76 13-74 4 .. 67 13-25 14 73 75 14-00 .. .. .. 2 ..74 14-00 1,397 60 76 13-67 D 57 68 70 13-34 17 68 73 13-45 52 q7 73 14-01- .. .. .. 1 .. 60 11-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 127 60 73 13-64 25 40-44s Carding .. .. A 164 75 81 16-23 20 .. 76 15-50 20 74 78 15-78 85 75 78 15-93 42 75 78 15-91 .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 .. 77 15-25 35 76 78 16-22 380 74 81 16-03 B 8,142 65 79 14-71 968 70 76 14-99 912 70 77 15-02 6,241 67 78 14-61 2,347 67 78 14-83 73 68 76 14-50 40 69 76 14-93 287 68 78 14-96 576 66 78 15-09 19,586 65 79 14-73 C 1,826 63 72 13-31 58 67 72 13-60 49 65 73 13-84 1.928 62 75 13-74 571 62 75 13-76 2 62 70 12-50 .. .. .. 44 65 74 13-45 56 58 74 12-83 4,534 58 75 13-56 D 159 50 70 11-09 7 58 70 12-46 5 60 63 11-61 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 1 .. 62 10-50 .. .. .. 172 50 70 11-15 85 40-44s .. .. D 60 45 69 10-13 465 50 75 12-84 313 52 72 12-93 191 45 68 12-24 133 46 75 11-91 4 36 44 4 66 .. .. .. 11 50 64 11-66 10 56 70 11-85 1,187 36 75 12-30



DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL-CLIP. Showing Grades, Range of Estimated Clean-scoured Yields, and Average Prices paid—continued.

GRADES. AA : Extra super wool, well grown, of good colour and condition, entirely skirted. A : Super wool, well grown, in good condition, and skirted. B : Medium wool, well grown ; may be of indifferent colour and condition, and/or unskirted. C : Inferior wool, indifferent growth and character, dirty, heavy in condition, slightly seedy, and/or unskirtecL D : Very inferior, and/or excessively seedy. Auckland. Gisbonie, Tolaga and Tokomaru Bays. Napier. Wanganui and Waitara. Wellington, Nelson, and Blenheim. Christchurch. Tima.rn. Dunedin and Oamaru. Invercargill. Dominion Totals. Number. Quality and Description. Grade. Number Range of Average Nnmber fiange of Average Nnmber Range of Average Nllm vi„ r Range of Average NlImh „ Range of Average .. mh „ r Range of Average w.-mbfr Range of Average N ,, mhpr Range of Average Number Range of Average Nllmhpr Range of Average of Estimated Price paid Q . Estimated Price paid f Estimated Price paid umoer Estimated Price paid Estimated Price paid Estimated Price paid JNu JJJ Der Estimated Price paid Estimated Price paid f Estimated Price paid number Estimated Price paid Bales Clean-scoured —Pence per r> ft i ps Clean-scoured —Pence per tJai,,- Clean-scoured —Pence per Clean-scoflred —Pence per «55L Clean-scoured —Pence per Clean-scoured —Pence per t»„i* Clean-scoured —Pence per t> q i oc Clean-scoured —Pence per t> q u 0 Clean-scoured —Pence per T>oi M Clean-scoured —Pence Yields. Pound. * >aie8 * Yields. Pound. ales - , Yields. Pound. J5aIes - Yields. Pound. Bales * Yields. Pound. Bales * Yields. Pound. BaIe8, Yields. Pound. Bale8, Yields. Pound. Ba,e8 ' Yields. Pound. mies - Yields. per Pound. . . . _ Greasy Fleece—oontinued. % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % ' % to % 26 40s Hog .. A .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 55 74 77 15-78 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. 2 .. 80 16-00 57 74 80 15-79 B .. .. .. 18 73 76 14-82 86 73 78 15-16 8 72 74 14-92 267 73 78 15-10 6 67 75 14-61 .. .. .. 3 ..68 15-00 11 77 78 15-83 399 73 78 15-11 0 2 68 72 11-16 .. .. | .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 68 72 11-16 27 40s Prep. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. .. .. 102 78 80 16-52 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 102 78 80 1 6-52 • ••A 15 79 80 16-67 135 76 80 15-99 ! 552 75 80 15-75 62 72 78 15-79 1,792 74 81 15-84 3 .. 76 15-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,559 72 81 15-85 B 583 70 78 14-93 1,312 70 79 14-88 I 2,037 70 79 15-04 1,220 66 78 14-65 5,314 70 80 15-02 45 69 75 15-00 1 .. 69 14-25 25 66 78 15-08 28 73 80 15-27 10,565 66 80 14-96 c 6 .. 73 14-15 94 68 75 14-12 56 67 75 13-61 87 67 75 13-61 353 60 76 13-48 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 58 73 12-50 597 58 76 13-62 D •• •• •• 6 70 71 13-34 32 68 74 13-29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 68 74 13-31 28 40s Carding .. ..A .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 82 16-00 .. .. .. 37 76 77 15-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 76 82 15-52 B 11 68 73 14-00 41 72 77 14-73 42 72 78 14-99 264 69 78 14-25 399 72 78 14-70 7 69 72 14-56 2 .. 72 14-75 1 .. 75 14-75 3 .. 77 15-00 770 68 78 14-56 c 11 66 68 12-58 .. .. .. .. .. 91 69 74 13-49 65 71 75 13-68 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 167 60 75 1352 D • • • - • • • - • • .. - • .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 60 10-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 56 9-00 .. .. .. 5 56 60 10-27 29 36-40s Prep. .. AA ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 80 16-36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 8 .. 80 16-36 ••A .. .. .. 36 77 80 15-43 494 75 80 15-75 .. .. .. 1,094 76 80 15-54 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. 79 15-50 1,630 75 80 15-57 B 138 73 80 14-68 738 72 80 14-77 1,994 74 80 14-76 753 71 79 14-45 2,272 72 80 14-71 16 72 75 14-62 1 .. 69 13-25 17 75 80 14-58 7 77 80 15-09 5,936 72 80 14-70 c 1 .. 69 13-50 17 70 74 13-34 97 70 77 13-35 103 65 76 13-44 75 67 76 13-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 293 65 77 13-37 •• D •• .. •• 3 72 74 12-45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 72 74 12-45 "30 36-40s Carding .. ..A .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..77 15-25 .. .. .. 3 ..77 15-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 77 15-45 B .. .. .. 19 72 78 14-51 79 74 79 14-63 66 71 76 14-41 79 74 78 14-51 .. .. .. 2 .. 76 14-50 1 .. 74 14-50 .. .. .. 246 71 79 14-53 „ C 5 66 72 12-57 2 .. 72 13-00 3 .. 61 11-50 10 65 74 13-18 3 .. 71 12-75 .. .. .. 1 ..68 12-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 61 74 12-79 84 36-40s .. .. D 5 32 65 7-19 73 52 78 12-14 56 57 71 11-71 11 54 68 9-78 5 45 70 10-62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 32 78 11-51 31 36s Prep. .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 80 16-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 80 16-00 ••A .. .. .. 31 76 81 15-76 59 77 80 15-74 30 76 78 15-00 163 75 80 15-15 2 .. 74 14-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 285 74 81 15-32 B 69 65 80 14-48 121 74 80 14-59 250 73 80 14-59 297 66 80 14-10 294 74 80 14-46 13 74 77 14-48 3 .. 80 15-00 1 ... 77 14-00 .. .. 1,048 65 80 14-41 C 1 .. 76 13-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. 74 13-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 64 68 12-02 .. .. .. 15 64 76 13-28 32 36s Carding .. •• B 6 70 75 13-39 2 75 78 14-50 13 74 79 14-20 9 74 75 14-10 39 74 78 14-36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 70 79 14-37 33 Mixed —46s and above .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 68 19-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . » 1 68 19-50 ••A 3 70 72 17-80 32 68 78 16-55 21 70 74 17-00 .. .. .. 2 71 75 17-50 267 54 72 15-86 43 64 68 17-06 50 65 73 17-37 .. .. .. 418 54 78 16-29 B 64 66 74 15-71 248 60 75 15-77 520 53 76 16-01 35 63 77 15-19 174 57 68 15-84 590 58 72 15-85 84 58 72 15-94 568 54 73 15-91 164 58 73 15-75 2,447 53 77 15-92 C 13 58 67 13-01 10 .. 69 14-00 60 58 68 14-41 1 .. 66 13-50 9 50 70 15-43 23 45 68 14-57 .. .. .. 141 50 69 13-43 24 50 69 14-14 281 45 70 13-91 •• D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 60 13-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 1 ..60 13-00 34 Mixed —46s and below .. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 76 17-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 76 17-00 ••A 159 74 78 16-44 120 73 80 16-31 380 72 80 16-21 .. .. .. Ill 74 79 15-89 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 76 16-75 67 75 76 16-33 841 72 80 16-24 B 6,761 68 77 15-09 2,463 68 78 15-18 4,908 66 78 15-21 311 68 74 14-74 3,739 65 76 15-06 .. .. .. 4 ..67 13-50 197 65 76 15-23 379 68 76 15-29 18,762 65 78 15-13 C 276 61 70 13-31 317 63 74 13-92 553 60 76 13-78 41 68 72 13-70 697 62 74 13-88 .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 64 69 13-27 24 64 71 13-63 1,924 60 76 13-77 D .. .. .. 53 65 72 12-53 35 66 72 13-36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 65 72 12-82 35 Mixed—all qualities A .. .. .. 51 60 77 16-34 330 69 76 16-75 .. .. .. 6 65 72 15-86 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. 74 17-00 .. .. .. 393 60 77 16-58 B 13 56 70 14-81 772 60 76 15-48 2,085 58 76 15-49 48 66 75 15-19 711 52 72 15-44 1 .. 62 14-50 .. .. .. 239 50 74 15-62 327 55 74 15-46 4,196 52 76 15-51 C 16 .. 50 12-00 44 64 70 13-66 177 58 73 14-00 13 60 74 12-31 73 57 71 13-73 .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 40 69 12-73 28 55 70 13-28 439 40 74 13-50 .. D .. .. .. 1 .. 68 13-75 6 56 68 12-59 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 60 12-00 .. .. .. ' 10 56 68 12-60 36 Cotts, 46s and above A .. .. .. 2 .. 76 15-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 78 15-00 .. .. .. .. - .. .. 2 .. 76 16-00 .. .. .. 8 76 78 15 32 B 8 70 73 15-78 37 70 76 14-32 16 66 73 14-96 6 68 71 15-00 9 66 75 15-37 3 44 46 12-49 .. .. .. 63 58 75 14-99 .... .. 142 44 76 14-79 C . •• •• •• 5 68 70 13-56 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 40 46 12-50 .. .. .. 2 ..70 14-00 .. .. .. 9 40 70 13 63 37 Cotts, 46s and below A .. .. .. 83 75 78 15-17 225 74 79 15-16 15 74 77 14-84 161 74 80 14-94 .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 75 78 15-52 29 75 77 15-26 548 74 79 15-10 B 262 69 77 14-42 2,157 66 78 14-53 2,742 66 79 14-48 482 64 76 14-07 1,716 67 80 14-47 15 70 75 14-85 9 72 73 14-94 850 67 78 14-60 1,068 68 79 14-55 9,301 64 80 14-49 C 12 65 70 I 13-26 157 : 67 75 13-48 298 62 76 13-45 75 56 74 13-54 133 67 76 13-65 1 .. 64 13-00 .. .. .. 42 62 74 13-55 57 60 72 13-15 775 56 76 13-48 D • • • • • • 31 65 73 13-41 25 64 72 13-34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 64 73 13-37 38 Cotts, mixed, all qualities B 15 72 76 14-63 18 73 76 15-24 28 72 74 14-68 1 .. 70 14-50 3 .. 73 14-16 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 72 14-50 68 70 76 14-78 c .. .. .. 2 .. 74 14-75 4 .. 72 14-00 1 .. 62 10-50 .. .. .. 1 ... 60 12-50 .. ' .. 1 ..64 14-25 .. .. .. 9 62 74 13-92 D 3 40 44 -9-49 6 .. 56 6-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 40 56 7-26 39 Black, 46s and above • • B 37 74 78 16-48 4 72 76 13-82 5 65 72 14-14 1 .. 74 13-00 20 62 74 13-87 209 46 73 13-04 44 44 70 13-30 95 60 74 12-78 8 60 72 12-77 423 44 78 13-52 C .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 60 11-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 48 64 11-03 .. 1 .. .. 5 60 68 12-04 .. .. .. 9 48 68 11-20 I 40 Black, 46s and below B 29 70 74 12-68 25 52 74 11-60 66 61 74 12-70 42 68 74 12-82 103 66 76 13-54 26 60 68 12-62 15 65 67 12-69 19 67 72 12-42 31 67 72 12-49 356 52 76 12-86 '• C .. .. .. 2 .. 64 11-25 3 61 64 10-82 1 .. 46 6-75 2 .. 67 10-73 .. .. .. 1 60 9-50 1 .. 66 12-00 .. .. .. 10 46 67 10-62 •• *D .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 60 10-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 60 10-00 41 Black, mixed, all qualities .. B 6 .. 72 12-75 2 .. 58 11-50 7 61 72 13-50 1 .. 74 13-00 2 66 71 12-61 4 .. 60 12-57 8 61 66 12-92 5 65 72 12-50 .. .. .. 35 58 72 12-52 ■ • ■ ■ • • Greasy Lambs. 92 50-56s .. .. •• A 2 62 64 19-29 .. .. .. 1 ..61 18-00 40 58 66 16-76 71 58 72 18-02 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 58 72 17-59 B „ .. .. 1 .. 61 17-50 1 .. 63 17-50 62 56 66 16-35 30 56 72 16-61 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94 56 72 16-46 » •• .. D 3 54 56 14-29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 3 54 56 14-29 42 I 46-50s . . .. .- A 15 .. 74 18-50 26 68 75 17-16 132 57 75 16-88 88 64 74 16-86 260 66 75 16-89 109 65 74 I 16-77 2 .. 68 16-75 5 .. 74 18-00 10 .. 72 17-00 647 57 75 16-93 „ •• B 20 66 70 16-24 146 61 75 15-88 196 61 74 15-95 258 60 73 15-47 411 54 74 15-36 153 60 72 15-31 29 66 76 16-16 23 56 73 15-88 4 66 70 14-88 1,240 54 76 15-58 „ •• C .. .. .. 30 61 75 14-33 36 55 71 14-09 .. .. .. 4 ..52 11-55 8 47 60 11-75 .. .. .. 4 60 66 12-29 .. .. .. 82 46 75 13-77 D 1 •• 50 7-00 57 41 65 8-89 7 .. 57 9-59 1 .. 50 800 3 40 54 6-98 7 48 58 8-49 .. .. .. 1 .. 46 8-75 .. .. .. 77 40 65 8-67 43 : 44-46s .. .. .. A 68 73 78 17-31 769 67 80 16-85 862 69 78 16-90 274 63 74 15-98 1,510 66 80 16-84 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 74 75 17-47 .. .. .. 3,488 63 80 16-82 B 1,547 66 77 15-07 1,538 51 78 15-28 1,210 61 75 15-38 1,669 50 74 14-12 2,860 50 78 14-90 5 60 72 15-40 .. .. .. 2 ..72 14-92 2 72 74 15-00 8,833 50 78 14-91 ' C 26 65 70 13-02 415 51 74 13-47 241 55 73 13-22 8 50 64 11-20 437 46 75 13-27 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. 64 13-50 .. .. .. 1,132 46 75 13-32 D 7 56 66 11-73 323 35 c 69 10-36 124 47 68 11-44 192 38 58 8-05 164 30 54 7-12. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 810 35 69 9-38 44 40—44s .. .. .. A 1 .. 76 16-50 81 73 77 15-90 J35 70 77 15-97 101 62 76 15-31 461 68 80 16-05 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 879 62 80 15-95 „ •• B 370 65 78 14-48 346 61 76 15-56 301 59 75 14-76 732 50 76 13-72 953 56 78 14-55 18 54 68 13-11 .. .. .. 19 50 68 12-25 .. .. .. 2,739 50 78 14-45 „ • • c 20 66 72 13-31 85 57 72 12-51 76 61 71 13-12 10 52 69 | 11-80 220 46 72 12-22 66 42 68 11-13 .. .. .. 9 42 52 6-33 .. .. .. 486 42 72 12-32 D 23 42 71 10-21 46 47 65 10-39 26 42 67 10-10 116 40 56 7-84 104 40 52 6-95 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 315 40 71 8-31 45 36-40s .. .. ..A .. .. .. 12 75 77 15-41 14 73 76 16-07 7 72 74 14-84 46 72 80 15-43 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 72 80 15-51 „ •• B 12 72 78 14-34 5 63 75 13-69 9 71 73 14-85 34 70 76 13-97 45 70 78 14-39 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 64 68 11-50 .. .. .. 107 63 78 14-21 „ • ■ C .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 69 14-00 .. .. .. 2 .. 72 13-00 1 .. 71 13-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 69 72 13-08 » •• D •• ». .. .. .. .. 1 .. 39 5-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..39 5-50 46 Seconds . . .. .. A 1 .. 72 12-50 57 57 69 13-68 82 55 69 13-67 .. .. .. 3 ..74 15-25 .. .. . .. .. .. 1 ! .. 82 15-75 4 .. 74 15-00 148 55 82 13-75 „ .. B 359 55 71 12-15 300 51 68 12-47 339 51 68 12-02 61 54 74 11-55 192 50 74 12-74 .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 60 75 13-01 .. .. .. 1,301 50 75 13-02 C 204 50 70 12-13 78 44 67 11-33 104 47 67 11-32 4 52 62 11-35 24 50 70 12-71 17 56 58 9-20 .. .. .. 7 45 60 6-18 .. .. .. 438 44 70 11-99 „ •• D 539 48 66 10 77 174 33 66 9-31 80 35 63 8-63 10 40 50 6-69 11 34 54 7-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..60 9-50 .. .. .. 815 34 66 7-94 Greasy Pieces. 76 Merino First Pieces v. AA .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 .. 56 17-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 ..56 17-50 .. A .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 45 13-50 298 33 45 14-21 398 39 55 16-71 422 38 52 16-16 426 34 52 13-84 3 44 48 14-49 1,548 33 55 15-53 B .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 37 56 13-91 .. .. .. 34 32 50 11-94 115 35 50 14-47 81 36 52 15-40 .135 33 46 11-93 12 36 42 12-27 380 32 56 13-59 C .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. 27 41 56 12-18 .. .. .. 2 32 38 11-44 40 30 54 10-01 3 29 38 9-77 72 32 56 10-73 D .. .. .. .. .. .. „. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 34 40 9-58 1 .. 32 9-00 6 32 40 9-49 ' I 77 Merino Second Pieces ..A .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 32 42 11-09 39 39 46 14-68 34 37 52 12-56 16 34 46 10-50 .. .. 94 32 52 13-24 • • B .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 30 42 9-64 10 38 45 12-86 86 36 46 13-18 37 30 48 10-66 .. .. 138 30 48 12-41 C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 32 37 8-39 26 34 47 9-78 46 31 46 10-49 42 32 42 10-82 1 .. 30 10-00 120 30 47 10-38 90 Merino Stained Pieces A .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 35 45 8-57 3 .. 47 9-75 .. .. .. 8 34 36 8-57 .. .. .. 13 34 47 9-26 B .. .. .. .. .. .s. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 33 40 8-21 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 33 54 7-38 .. .i 10 33 54 7-95 C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 33 38 6-85 .. .. .. .. .. 20 28 48 7-34 .. .. 33 28 46 7-98 78 Merino Bellies .. ..A .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. 101 30 47 13-01 37 35 58 13-52 37 35 45 12-73 188 31 44 11-06 .. .. .. 363 30 58 13-01 B .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 39 11-75 .. .. .. 47 35 42 11 63 105 34 50 12-19 166 32 45 12-20 39 34 42 10-97 3 .. 36 10-75 361 32 50 12-75 C .. .. .. .. .. - .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 33 42 10-30 1 .. 33 9-25 3 39 1100 13 30 35 9-17 1 .. 36 10-00 40 30 39 11-75 .. D .. -T .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ l .. 35 8-50 .. .. .. .. ... .. 2 .. 25 7-50 .. .. .. 3 25 35 7-87 47 56-58s First Pieces ..A .. .. .. .. .. .. 205460 15-75 35 48 52 14-18 82 47 60 14-48 743 46 64 16-42 249 43 66 16-73 265 42 58 14-65 .. .. 1,394 42 66 15-95 B i. .. .. .. .. .1. 1 .. 40 11-00 1 .. 52 13-50 16 40 60 13-35 52 41 58 14-63 11 38 55 11-87 115 35 58 13-26 4 46 54 14-23 200 35 60 13-55 C ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 43 9-50 .. .. .. 4 40 42 10-79 .. .. .-. 12 40 43 9-77 D .. .. .. .. •• •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. .. .. 6 .. 40 9-00 .. .. .. 6 .. 40 9-00 48 56-58s Second Pieces .. A .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 62 13-50 .. .. .. 4 34 52 11-97 .. .. .. 8 34 62 12-75 B .. .. .. .. .. ... 1 .. 40 8-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. 49 12-75 .. .. .. 13 39 44 10-04 .. .. .. 19 39 49 10-74 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 33 43 8-93 188 33 58 10-34 .. .. 48 34 42 9-21 .. .. .. 239 33 58 10-15



DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL-CLIP. Showing Grades, Range of Estimated Clean-scoured Yields, and Average Prices paid—continued.

6—H. 38.

GRADES.—AA : Extra super wool, well grown, of good colour and condition, entirely skirted. A : Super wool, well grown, in good condition, and skirted. B : Medium wool, well grown ; may be of indifferent colour and condition, and/or unskirted. C : Inferior wool, indifferent growth and character, dirty, heavy in condition, slightly seedy, and/or unskirted. D : Very inferior, and/or excessively seedy. Auckland. Gisborne, Tolaga and Tokomaru Bays. Napier. Wanganui and Waltara. Wellington, Nelson, and Blenheim. Christchurch. Tiraaru. Dunedln and Oamaru. Invercargill. Dominion Totals. Quality and Description. Grade. „ Range of Average io ntr ,w Range of Average Range of Average NnrrlV ,„_ Range of Average Numher Range of Average v„ h( , r Range of Average Nnm her Range of Average Nlimh( , r Range of Average v nm Kpr Range of Average Nllmh „ r j Range of Average ulc dumber Estimated Pricepaid Number Estimated Pricepaid Number Estimated Price paid umber Estimated Price paid * f Estimated Price paid * f Estimated Price paid * Estimated Price paid * . Estimated Price paid . Estimated Price paid of Estimated Price paid t, i Clean-scoured —Pence per T> , „ Clean-scoured —Pence per Clean-scoured —Penceper Clean-scoured —Penceper B °,__ Clean-scoured —Penceper Clean-scoured —Penceper Clean-scoured —Pence per d-i.. Clean-scoured —Pence per P1 Clean-scoured —Pence per . (-lean-scoured —Pence I Bales - ' Yields. Pound Bale8 ' Yields. Pound. . J5ale8 ' Yields. Pound. Bales - Yields. Pound. bale9 ' Yields. Pound. isale8 ' Yields. Pound. " ale8 ' Yields. Pound. Bales \ Yields. Pound. uales ' Yields. Pound. Bales - I Yields. per Pound. Ill I ! ! I | I _ I I I * i | Greasy Pieces —continued. % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % 49 56-58s Stained Pieces .. A .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -- .. •• •• •• 1 •• 58 10-75 10 54 66 12-15 .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 54 66 11-58 B 1 49 7-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■. .. .. • • 2 .. 54 10-75 .. .. .. 1 58 10-75 .. .. .. 4 49 58 9-91 c " .. -. .. -. .. .. - - • • • • • ■ 4 36 42 7-99 326 40 54 9-69 .. .. .. 50 36 58 10-28 .. .. .. 380 36 58 9-79 !! D .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 48 9-00 .. .. .. 1 20 30 4-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 28 48 6-75 50 56-58s Bellies A 4 50 66 12-36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 40 60 13-44 24 42 60 14-41 1 .. 59 14-75 124 36 65 12-02 .. .. .. 161 36 66 12-42 B 1-12 47 64 10-48 .. 15 49 65 13-01 .. .. .. 14 40 49 12-40 81 37 61 13-72 21 42 58 13-74 74 32 48 11-83 .. .. .. 317 37 65 12-09 C 8 34 60 8-82 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 50 7-50 75 32 63 10-39 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 84 32 63 10-16 " .. D 1 58 9-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • • ■ . • • • ■ • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • 1 .. 44 8-50 2 44 58 8-76 51 50-56s First Pieces A 3 . 60 15-00 4 53 65 12-07 34 53 55 13-97 17 54 56 13-50 136 50 69 14-16 1,803 48 70 14-83 364 52 68 14-94 852 45 68 14-58 3 54 58 14-51 3,216 45 70 14-73 B 4 58 60 14-47 57 43 62 11-20 .. .. .. 8 40 52 10-03 86 42 57 12-85 486 36 70 13-52 94 46 62 13-10 453 42 64 13-16 34 52 62 13-22 1,222 36 70 13-23 C .. .. .. .. 4 47 53 11-50 .. .. .. 28 48 56 12-08 23 39 54 10-56 5 43 52 11-30 91 36 60 11-31 23 42 52 9-95 174 36 60 11-34 " D .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 49 51 11-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 50 11-07 51 36 50 10-59 30 38 46 9-89 88 36 51 10-45 52 50-563 Second Pieces 4. ■ - 1 .. 49 11 00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 80 45 60 14-72 55 52 62 13-89 36 38 52 11-16 6 .. 50 11-75 178 38 62 13-37 B .. 1 35 8-25 7 43 49 10-39 .. .. .. 23 42 50 9-11 81 40 61 12-57 45 48 56 12-85 90 34 50 10-07 14 44 50 11-57 261 34 61 11-31 C 2 52 8-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 36 50 9-69 35 39 58 10-13 20 43 50 10-94 98 36 49 9-92 4 .. 46 9-94 170 36 58 1004 D .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 41 8-50 .. .. .. | .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 32 44 5-36 5 36 44 8-75 10 32 44 7-81 ' 53 50-568 Stained Pieces .. B 44 .. 54 9-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 53 10-00 3 .. 56 10-80 22 52 54 11-42 3 41 65 10-91 .. .. .. .. .. .. 76 41 65 10-99 C 2 .. 42 7-05 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..50 10-75 37 47 53 10-21 19 44 54 10-12 6 32 38 5-41 .. .. .. 65 32 54 10-04 54 50-56S Bellies A 1 ..53 13-50 .. .. .. 4 ..50 12-00 12 .. 56 13-50 18 49 60 13-53 359 48 66 13-50 59 51 66 13-05 296 38 54 12-18 2 .. 48 12-50 751 38 66 12-91 B 34 42 50 11-24 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. 50 12-00 105 40 58 11-93 1,051 41 62 12-96 241 46 62 13-09 236 40 52 11-38 17 41 47 11-82 i 1,689 40 62 12-63 c .. .... .. .... .. .. 23 44 57 11-16 27 . 56 9-74 1 .. 48 9-50 53 40 50 10-43 12 40 46 10-02 ! 116 40 57 10-51 " " D 1 .. 44 7-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..40 7-50 .. .. .. 2 ..44 7-50 14 30 45 6-85 3 .. 34 7-50 21 30 45 7-31 55 46-50s First Pieces ..A 6 58 64 13-66 70 57 67 13-29 142 53 69 13-16 62 57 66 12-92 146 50 72 13-22 1,101 50 73 13-06 666 52 70 13-25 1,916 48 72 13-51 156 54 68 13-25 4,265 48 73 13-31 B . 31 54 64 11-67 175 45 63 12-30 12 50 64 11-30 107 48 70 11-47 582 43 70 11-77 225 48 70 12-35 914 42 70 12-00 227 46 68 11-97 2,273 42 70 11-96 c . .. .. .. .. •• 26 51 61 10-98 .. .. ... 73 40 65 11-33 50 34 55 9-61 19 38 60 10-24 337 32 66 11-10 65 48 62 10-75 570 32 66 10-96 D .. .. .. 5 59 67 10-92 5 47 63 10-56 .. .. .. 5 40 50 7-58 28 50 59 10-30 5 54 57 10-50 127 30 66 8-96 93 38 58 9-52 268 30 67 9-43 56 46-50s Second Pieces ..A .. .. .. . .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. 1 .. 60 12-00 24 42 66 11-57 12 46 66 12-19 42 38 64 10-06 7 44 56 11-11 ! 86 38 66 11-23 B 1 57 11-00 4 47 55 10-42 9 49 55 10-99 1 .. 52 7-00 • 12 46 50 9-17 127 42 64 11-29 124 41 66 11-92 163 38' 52 9-94 21 40 56 10-20 462 38 66 10-98 c 7 41 45 8-67 .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 40 58 9-34 268 38 52 9-68 61 38 59 9-86 134 36 56 9-59 24 39 54 9-91 514 36 59 9-78 D 3 .. 56 7-86 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 39 7-50 1 .. 56 9 00 .. .. .. 13 28 50 9-02 1 .. 38 7-50 19 28 56 8-70 57 46—50, Stained Pieces ..A .. .. .. .. 11 60 65 12-47 .. .. .. 1 ..62 12-00 5 49 55 11-92 11 56 10-75 29 40 52 9-41 2 41 58 10-41 59 40 65 10-24 B .... 1 .. 49 11-00 .. .. 7 45 54 9-31 6 35 49 10-90 29 45 56 10-64 109 36 50 8-91 11 41 46 9-25 163 35 56 9-51 c .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 40 48 8-06 129 35 48 9-29 61 42 56 10-22 196 30 50 8-90 10 40 45 8-45 400 30 56 9-21 D .. .. .. •• .. .. .. .. -■ I .. .. •• .. •• •• •• 6 28 42 6-27 29 36 46 8-42 35 28 46 8-09 "•••••• I 58 46 50s Bellies ..A 2 .. 62 12-50 .. .. .. 16 53 57 11-03 5 .. 57 12-00 6 55 60 12-12 509 48 66 12-17 338 50 68 12-19 887 46 60 11-64 23 46 60 11-66 1,786 46 68 11-94 B 2 48 54 11-39 23 53 59 11-09 89 49 61 10-89 4 .. 60 11-86 137 . 44 60 11-18 1,279 53 62 11-78 633 46 65 12-11 558 44 60 11-00 87 46 58 10-87 2,812 44 65 11-60 c .. .. 1 .. 59 11-00 6 47 -51 9-54 2 .. 50 10-50 45 42 60 11-04 38 40 54 9-60 10 40 53 10-75 120 43 60 10-12 38 48 56 9-78 260 40 60 10-17 D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 48 53 8-27 1 .. 55 9-50 11 28 48 8-14 28 32 52 8-09 44 28 55 8-16 99 * * * * 59 44—46s First Pieces .. AA .. .. .. ■■ .. 3 ..64 13-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 3 .. 64 13-00 A 192 60 71 13 45 978 58 76 12 86 1,927 52 74 12-94 166 55 73 12-59 1,011 55 75 12-83 101 53 65 12-45 .. .. .. 856 52 74 13-04 680 52 72 12-93 5,911 52 76 12-92 B 86 57 69 11-61 1,067 51 72 11-83 1,859 51 69 11-84 180 46 72 10-63 825 42 70 11-04 144 43 64 11-36 5 57 70 12-80 519 48 67 11-58 764 46 70 11-48 5,449 42 72 11-60 C 3 .. 63 11-50 265 53 70 11-33 238 47 65 10-83 5 48 58 10-27 287 38 70 10-89 23 48 48 8-82 1 .. 53 9-50 180 40 66 10-52 154 42 64 10-21 1,156 38 70 10-81 " n D 4 .. 54 7-50 133 44 70 10 61 291 41 74 10-13 15 44 54 7-98 9 36 50 7-35 3 .. 52 9-50 .. .. .. 53 36 56 8-57 140 36 60 9-15 648 36 74 10-02 «0 44-46s Second Pieces ..A .. .. .. 10 52 59 10-05 29 52 61 10-22 .. .. .. 3 52 56 10-14 3 35 60 11-10 11 47 58 11-44 19 38 59 10-16 66 38 64 10-02 141 35 64 9-92 B 13 54 68 9-91 167 49 64 9-43 227 49 61 9-83 3 50 56 9-17 43 40 58 9-81 16 35 57 10-06 2 .. 53 10-00 116 38 53 9-63 491 36 64 9-61 1,078 35 68 9-87 c .. .. .. 19 42 57 9-17 29 48 55 8-51 8 38 56 8-51 84 35 58 8-56 18 .. 54 8-99 .. .. .. 110 38 52 8-50 152 30 60 9-17 420 30 58 9-38 " D 6 40 61 8-83 16 49 52 7-15 6 41 49 7-59 .. .. .. 2 40 6-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 38 6-50 22 38 62 8-91 54 38 62 8-03 fil 44-46S Stained Pieces ..A .. .. .. 1 .. 63 10-25 9 57 61 11-32 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 44 53 9-73 3 .. 54 10-00 13 37 48 8-66 5 42 48 8-48 38 37 63 9-40 B 1 58 9-50 9 42 57 8-57 24 42 60 9-97 1 .. 50 7-50 2 50 56 8-98 6 42 53 9-25 .. .. .. 88 38 47 8-21 137 40 46 8-23 268 38 58 8-71 c .. .. .. 5 47 55 8-18 5 47 55 8-51 .. .. .. 8 39 53 8-25 20 36 52 9 08 25 40 52 9-87 188 36 56 8-40 31 35 45 8-21 282 36 56 8-55 D .... 11 24 43 2 91 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 30 49 8-76 25 24 49 5-76 99 ' ' 62 44-46s Bellies . ..A 85 58 66 12-07 269 57 67 11-58 435 53 67 11-29 35 52 60 10-81 690 45 68 11-52 43 53 62 11-68 1 .. 55 11-50 524 50 64 11-99 606 42 75 11-65 2,688 45 75 11-62 B 64 55 64 11-02 882 53 66 10-94 1,407 48 63 10-83 194 48 60 9-89 884 43 66 10-50 147 43 62 11-02 40 54 55 11-42 202 50 62 11-04 653 45 62 11-07 4,473 43 66 10-80 c .. .. .. 126 43 59 9-92 193 47 63 9-93 20 48 57 9-57 375 47 64 10-48 1 .. 49 9-25 3 .. 47 9-75 58 46 56 10-17 74 46 56 10-06 850 43 64 10-21 " t .. D .. .. .. 35 27 62 8-80 89 40 '50 8-68 8 .. 44 6-50 3 36 50 6-32 .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 38 46 6-93 44 34 48 7-27 191 27 62 8-19 (to 40-44S First Pieces .. A 94 I 63 70 12-78 287 57 72 11-46 571 57 71 12-46 31 50 70 11-81 293 58 72 12-45 17 57 63 12-02 3 .. 66 13-50 25 56 72 11-91 23 58 68 12-49 1,344 50 72 12-45 B 309 56 68 11-16 1,147 53 70 11-18 1,250 47 67 11-27 184 48 66 9-87 654 40 68 10-93 13 50 67 11-40 3 54 57 11-25 2 62 64 10-50 42 58 64 11-27 3,604 40 70 11-11 C 8 56 66 9-51 242 52 66 10-50 210 48 64 10-32 17 45 66 9-45 346 45 66 10-29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 54 62 9-93 827 45 66 10-34 " D 7 50 59 7-47 235 41 67 10-63 278 42 66 10-30 37 40 63 9-18 21 35 50 5-98 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 40 58 8-43 582 35 66 10-19 64 40-44s Second Pieces ..A 12 56 71 10-04 33 49 61 10-30 56 49 67 10-67 4 52 60 8-14 .. .. .. 7 40 52 8-84 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112 40 71 10-25 B 603 53 68 9-40 278 47 60 9-28 416 45 64 9-69 70 42 54 7-98 183 40 64 8-67 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 48 58 8-85 22 52 59 9-46 1,574 40 68 9-31 C 69 50 63 8-66 69 47 61 9-06 95 47 60 8-62 209 42 52 , 7-71 603 38 64 8-10 13 .. 52 9-00 .. .. .. 1 ..58 10-00 9 .. 55 8-00 1,068 38 64 8-17 D 208 40 64 7-45 20 30 56 7-17 43 39 57 6-69 13 30 46 j 5-03 23 30 42 5-29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• . • •• 307 30 64 7-07 65 40-44S Stained Pieces ..A .. .. .. 30 49 67 10-90 4 53 60 9-56 2 .. 64 9-54 5 .. 64 9-50 1 .. 57 9-37 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 49 67 10-41 B 79 47 66 8-57 67 47 62 8-80 64 45 60 8-91 9 46 56 7-15 20 53 63 9-47 2 .. 44 7-50 .. .. .. 2 ..50 7-50 3 .. 52 7-50 246 ; 44 66 8-76 c 51 48 62 7-85 38 47 60 8-58 43 45 59 8-60 13 43 54 6-50 86 42 60 8-52 1 .. 25 4-50 .. .. .. 9 38 48 5-44 1 .. 48 7-00 242 i 25 62 8-23 " t D 3 .. 56 7-67 8 24 51 5-93 9 47 59 8-93 1 .. 46 7-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 19 46 52 6-99 40 24 59 7-23 66 40-44S Bellies .. .. A 101 57 67 10-58 148 51 72 10-97 313 56 66 11-19 3 59 60 10-91 216 58 68 11-54 8 52 59 10-84 .. .. .. 5 .. 58 11-54 42 56 62 11-53 836 51 72 11-46 B 506 55 65 10-51 667 47 67 10-54 1,353 49 66 10-58 374 45 60 9-64 764 45 67 10-68 38 49 58 10-81 1 .. 57 11-25 .. .. .. 46 54 62 10-99 3,749 45 67 10-51 C 7 56 60 9-15 72 47 63 9-95 95 47 61 9-60 68 48 58 9-38 495 42 66 10-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..56 10-00 738 42 66 9-98 " t .. D 8 49 56 8-17 72 50 51 8-36 96 30 59 8-62 8 45 56 8-97 15 28 45 5-77 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 38 4-50 200 28 59 8-32 67 36-40S First Pieces ..A 1 .. 65 12-25 19 63 72 12-14 43 62 67 11-92 .. .. .. 37 65 70 12-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 70 13-00 3 .. 64 12-00 104 62 72 12-18 B 2 .. 62 10-24 156 61 66 10-72 207 51 67 10-87 4 50 68 10-21 22 48 67 10-34 1 .. 66 10-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • 392 | 48 68 10-77 C 4 .. 60 9-50 16 45 61 9-95 43 52 63 10-17 .. .. .. 28 50 64 10-03 .. .. .. .. ! .. .. •• •• •• 6 ..58 10-00 97 45 64 10-05 jj D .. .. .. 20 43 65 10-91 34 30 64 9-43 .. .. .. 3 41 45 6-62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • ' • • • • 57 30 65 9-84 68 36—40s Second Pieces .. A .. .. .. 7 54 65 9-42 8 50 61 10-34 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 15 54 65 9-55 B 2 .. 66 10-50 24 54 60 8-70 54 49 60 9-63 .. .. .. 2 54 58 8-79 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• , •• 82 ; 49 66 9-58 C 1 .. 61 9-25 3 52 55 8-29 13 43 57 8-31 6 48 53 9-10 18 50 56 8-38 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• 41 43 61 8-35 D .. .. .. 1 .. 47 7-00 10 41 53 7-23 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 11 41 53 7-21 69 36-40s Stained Pieces ..A .. .. .. 2 57 61 10-37 6 .. 59 10-00 .. .. .. 1 ..64 10-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 54 58 9-05 .. .. .. 11 54 64 10-01 B 2 64 66 9-38 8 53 60 9-58 13 52 62 8-92 4 53 58 9-50 1 .. 55 9-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • 28 52 66 9-61 C 1 .. 46 6-50 19 52 55 7-99 .. .. .. 3 48 56 7-24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 23 46 56 7-88 D .. .. .. 3 .. 53 6-50 4 42 59 6-62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 7 42 59 6-57 70 36-40s Bellies .. .. A 2 .. 62 11-50 3 .. 62 11-00 20 60 65 11-21 .. .. .. 16 62 68 10-94 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 57 10-00 .. .. .. 43 57 68 11-09 B 11 60 64 10-54 33 55 61 | 10-26 71 53 64 10-58 13 53 63 9-10 16 56 64 10-75 .. .. .. .. •• .. •• •• •• •• 144 53 64 10-39 C 1 .. 59 9-50 2 57 60 9-98 12 49 59 8-60 1 .. 52 8-50 12 50 62 9-54 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. •• •• •• •• 28 49 62 9-13 )) .. D .. .. .. 12 51 57 7-52 9 50 59 7-28 .. .. .. 1 .. 45 6-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 22 45 59 7-31 7Q Merino Locks ..A .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 82 23 40 7-46 2 30 41 7-75 23 30 43 7-20 63 25 48 7-10 .. .. .. 170 25 48 7-35 B .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 35 38 7-34 26 33 38 7-26 10 30 39 7-11 44 23 35 6-82 3 28 35 6-78 88 23 39 6-89 C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 106 25 38 7-19 107 27 34 6-78 187 20 38 6-84 88 24 33 6-77 4 z2 30 5-78 492 20 38 6-79 D 3 24 5-50 . .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 1 •• 28 6-25 .. 4 24 28 5-55 » ' ' . . */ • • . • • sn Half-bred Locks .. ..A 1 .. 50 9-00 .. .. .. 5 43 47 7-86 :. .. .. 2 .. 48 9-50 26 33 42 8 14 7 44 50 7-96 151 24 46 7-16 .. .. .. 192 24 50 8-06 B 1 .. 41 7-25 .. .. .. 16 34 46 7-26 9 .. 40 7-50 5 40 43 7-83 94 30 41 8-01 49 35 47 7-82 401 24 44 6-79 33 28 44 6-50 608 24 47 7-34 C .. .. 2 42 46 7-37 20 32 42 6-14 1 .. 30 5-50 131 30 40 7-02 645 33 41 7-81 175 27 42 7-62 606 25 43 6-66 74 30 44 6-48 1,654 25 46 7-32 " D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 25 36 3-57 .. .. .. 4 25 36 3-57 81 Threequarter-bred Locks ..A 19 44 54 7-54 85 44 57 7-47 95 42 58 7-08 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 38 50 7-14 6 39 49 7-82 19 38 46 6-55 16 32 52 6-47 264 32 54 7-22 B 24 41 55 7-39 198 35 56 6-89 455 34 56 6-66 4 40 50 6-62 7 47 56 7-51 61 37 58 7-69 17 39 52 7-79 72 32 48 6-65 174 25 51 6-41 1,012 25 55 6-89 C 3 31 53 6-92 10 30 56 6-34 45 25 52 6 06 37 37 50 6-61 152 35 54 6-79 575 38 46 7-33 253 31 50 6-63 70 24 46 6-46 89 29 47 6-25 1,234 24 56 6-26 " D .. .. 5 27 51 5-23 7 25 37 4-46 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. -- •• •• .. 7 34 44 5-00 19 27 51 5-20 M Crossbred Locks .. ..A 59 44 65 7-60 428 33 64 7-04 572 38 65 6-82 .. .. .. 2 42 63 7-93 2 40 50 7-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 38 50 7-65 1,088 33 65 7-07 82 .... B 664 40 62 7-19 300 34 63 6-79 431 36 50 6-61 30 39 66 7-32 17 39 58 6-91 3 .. 46 6-85 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 40 42 6-28 1,450 34 62 6-82 C 448 28 62 6-58 51 32 62 6-51 48 30 50 6-14 564 30 56 6-32 1,673 26 56 6-58 6 .. 37 6-50 .. .. .. 3 32 35 5-83 .. .. .. 2,793 26 62 6-51 D 12 25 40 2-90 25 28 44 4-09 20 20 42 4-04 9 20 46 3-35 22 20 50 3-02 .. .. .. .. .. .. -• .. •- 5 •• 30 3-50 93 20 50 3-67 " I „ H .. .. A 49 68 75 13-44 134 65 73 12-66 369 61 76 13-67 29 64 74 13-26 196 62 76 13-27 141 45 70 14-89 105 58 71 14-65 27 65 72 13-58 1 .. 70 13-63 1,051 45 76 13-68 83 _ B 274 56 75 1138 211 44 73 12-42 390 54 75 12-42 143 60 73 11-65 311 52 76 11-61 163 44 70 13-78 93 44 70 14-01 11 62 71 12-46 9 58 68 13 00 1,605 44 75 12-24 C 70 56 60 8-13 54 50 66 10-43 121 55 69 10-60 46 64 70 10-09 206 50 72 10-96 25 38 58 9-75 14 35 70 11-60 8 52 55 7-45 1 .. 54 10-50 545 35 72 10-34 .. D .. .. .. 5 .. 65 9-10 5 47 68 9-19 5 44 68 8-54 3 52 66 9-13 .. .. .. •• .. .. •• .. •• •• •• •• i8 44 6 » 896



DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE 1917-18 WOOL-CLIP. Showing Grades, Range of Estimated Clean-scoured Yields, and Average Prices paid—continued.

GRADES. AA : Extra super wool, well grown, of good colour and condition, entirely skirted. A : Super wool, well grown, in good condition, and skirted. B : Medium wool, well grown ; may be of indifferent colour and condition, and/or unskirted. G : Inferior wool, indifferent growth and character, dirty, heavy in condition, slightly seedy, and/or unskirted. D : Very inferior, and/or excessively seedy. Auckland. Gisbome, Tolaga and Tokomaru Bays. Napier. Wanganui and Waitara. Wellington, Nelson, and Blenheim. Christchurch. Timani. Dunedin and Oamaru. Invercargill. Dominion Totals. Number. Quality and Description. Grade. Number Range of Average N h Range of Average w„ m v,„ r Range of Average to-,™*™. Range of Average Kange of Average KnInh „ Range of Average „ Range of Average number Range of Average Number ,P?- nge .°j T^y era ?® Number ia - nge 1 °j r^ erag ® U j r Estimated Pricepaid JNu ™ ber Estimated Pricepaid Nl ™ ber Estimated Price paid N ™ber Estimated Price paid Nu ™ ber Estimated Price paid Nt ™ ber Estimated Price paid Nu ™ ber Estimated Price paid JNu ® DeI Estimated Price paid Estimated Price paid , Estimated Price paid Bales Clean-scoured —Pence per p i . Clean-scoured —Pence per T{ , Clean-scoured —Penceper .. . Clean-scoured —Penceper Clean-scoured —Penceper , Clean-scoured —Penceper i. i Clean-scoured —Pence per p-ips Clean-scoured —Pence per Bales Clean-scoured Pence per n a i ( . 3 Clean-scoured Pence Iiaies. Yields. Pound. ilales - . Yields. Pound. BaIes ' Yields. Pound. Balei - Yields. Pound: Bales " Yields. Pound: Bales * Yields. Pound. Bales * Yields. Pound. J3ales * Yields. Pound. I5a,es * Yields. Pound. JM,e8 * Yields. perPound. Greasy Crutchings. % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % % to % . % to % 93 Menno .. .. B .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 38 52 11-44 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 55 38 52 11-44 „ ■■ C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 44 10-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• 2 .. 44 10-00 91 50-56s .. .. ..A .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 2 50 54 12-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 48 54 12-69 .. .. .. 42 48 54 12-65 .. B .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 56 11-25 .. .. .. 57 44 54 11-88 .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 50 52 12-61 .. .. .. 68 44 56 11-89 „ • • C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 40 50 8-37 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 48 10-25 .. .. .. 6 40 50 9-76 „ ■■ D .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 42 8-50 .. .. .. 1 .. 42 8-50 71 46-50s .. .. ..A .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. 69 13-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 53 68 12-51 42 54 66 12-51 133 53 66 12-77 .. .. .. 232 53 69 12-70 „ •• .. .. B 2 .. 53 10-50 1 .. 61 10-50 19 47 63 11-15 2 .. 53 10-50 187 50 66 11-39 1,793 40 68 12-08 604 50 66 12-12 115 46 64 11-33 2 .. 58 10-50 2,725 40 68 12-00 „ .. C .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 51 61 9-26 .. .. .. 14 50 64 10-19 52 50 54 9-68 47 43 62 10-44 24 44 57 9-86 .. .. .. 144 43 64 10-40 „ .. D .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 37 45 6-42 .. .. .. 2 ..35 5 00 4 .. 35 6-10 .. .. .. 5 .. 36 6-21 .. .. .. 14 35 45 6 09 72 44-46s .. .. A 7 60 72 12-28 45 65 76 12-68 40 63 74 12-13 12 60 74 12-03 26 58 74 11-90 12 58 » 62 11-97 .. .. .. 485 53 72 12-22 115 57 78 12-24 742 53 74 12-23 „ .. B 11 58 64 11-27 73 55 69 11 00 131 54 69 11-02 92 50 70 10-56 378 50 70 10-79 43 50 61 11-25 81 42 62 11-07 400 48 67 11-13 295 52 74 11-03 1,504 42 74 10-98 C 1 .. 62 10-50 17 54 63 9-36 35 57 63 9-84 21 54 69 9-89 38 46 66 10-55 7 34 58 9-29 67 46 61 10-76 127 48 64 9-67 84 48 64 9-67 397 34 «9 9-95 .. D .. .. .. 2 .. 63 7-50 3 57 61 7-65 .. .. .. 19 35 50 5-63 1 .. 46 7-00 .. .. .. 19 36 52 7-73 11 42 50 7-05 55 35 63 6-86 73 40-44s .. .. .. A 270 60 78 11-59 257 66 74 11-70 594 51 77 11-77 60 64 76 11-51 829 50 78* 11-74 .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 68 76 12-39 31 56 76 11-85 2,058 50 78 11-73 B 885 56 73 10-04 628 49 73 9-74 1,317 51 73 10-62 1,019 50 70 9-71 2,547 48 75 10-10 1 .. 58 10 00 .. .. 21 ' 58 70 10-87 78 58 74 11-07 6,496 48 75 10-25 „ .. C 55 52 62 9-12 178 59 68 9-62 346 53 69 9-54 281 46 70 9-63 836 44 76 9-46 9 .. 60 10-00 1 .. 64 10-50 24 46 64 8-99 9 58 62 9-56 1,739 44 76 9-53 „ •. .. .. D 1 .. 40 6-00 14 33 60 6-92 53 27 61 6-64 9 38 52 6-81 149 25 56 6-60 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 50 6-00 .. .. .. 230 25 61 6-62 74 36-40s .. .. .. A 1 .. 68 11-50 47 67 76 11-59 216 65 75 11-76 .. .. .. 68 65 75 11-43 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 60 61 10-73 4 68 78 12-84 340 65 78 11-66 », .. B 44 56 66 10-01 124 60 71 10-83 395 56 74 10-63 36 55 66 9-39 108 52 70 9-78 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• .. .. .. 707 52 74 10-32 C 14 52 64 8-90 57 54 70 9-39 98 53 70 9-43 25 50 65 8-93 42 50 70 9-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 236 50 70 9-34 .. D .. .. .. 7 55 63 7-79 26 40 65 7-66 .. .. .. 5 35 46 4-82 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 35 65 7-29 75 Seconds .. .. ..A .. .. .. 1 ..61 9-00 2 51 66 8-81 .. .. .. 1 ..62 11-00 .. .. .. 8 64 1109 40 52 55 9-88 .. .. .. 52 51 66 10-04 „ .. B 49 56 66 9-08 104 49 60 8-41 • 92 49 62 8-50 9 52 60 8-00 32 52 64 8-23 23 46 58 10-83 12 50 58 11-08 121 46 66 9-31 77 46 65 9-16 519 46 66 9-11 „ ■■ c 79 52 62 8-42 116 44 60 8-10 207 43 61 8-36 144 42 60 7-92 241 30 63 7-81 53 35 56 9 11 22 43 58 10-23 3 .. 60 9-15 9 42 64 8-31 874 30 64 8-18 „ .. D 14 46 60 6-48 24 27 55 5-45 42 22 59 5-94 3 40 46 5-61 30 20 52 4-85 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 40 48 5-71 12 30 56 6-73 128 22 60 5-71 Totals, Greaay .. .. 43,264 .. 14-25 53,058 .. 14-25 86,012 .. 14-44 41,627 .. 14-22 133,232 .. 14*94 67,170 .. 15*97 27,447 .. 15-88 65,214 ... 15-19 32,078 .. 14-67 549,102 .. 14-85 Scoured Fleece. All 317 Merino, short .. .. grades 1 .. 86 33-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 75 88 30-21 196 78 94 37-56 12 78 92 37-69 1 .. 93 32-25 .. .. .. 248 75 94 36-36 316 » l°ng •• » •• •• .. . • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 70 91 27-99 459 80 97 38-49 181 78 94 37-46 2 85 86 37-24 231 79 90 39-42 892 70 97 38-26 315 58s • • • • • • „ • • •. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 84 22-27 97 80 96 34-21 121 90 96 33-42 .. .. .. 1 87 26-00 221 80 96 33-13 314 56-58s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 119 88 98 30-84 74 88 96 31-95 .. .. .. 10 90 94 31-25 203 88 98 31-28 313 56s .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 80 90 23-85 396 84 98 29-09 160 90 96 30-18 1 .. 86 22-00 8 92 98 26-73 577 80 98 29-26 312 50s .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 75 15-00 .. .. ... .. .. .. 2 80 85 23-62 161 82 98 27-31 20 84 96 26-19 1 .. 96 28-50 6 .. 94 28-45 191 75 98 27-15 311 48-50s .. .. .. „ 1 .. 92 22-75 .. .. .. 1 90 19-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 88 98 25-09 55 88 98 25-02 .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 88 98 24-97 310 46-48s, short .. •. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 81 90 20-05 .. .. .. 4 .. 82 18 00 12 95 98 24-80 24 94 96 24-11 .. .. .. 10 90 97 23-37 54 81 98 23-51 309 „ long .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 81 91 18-75 .. '.. .. 2 76 90 19-55 93 92 98 23-75 103 88 98 23-79 .. .. .. 46 92 98 22-82 275 76 98 23-00 308 44-46s, short .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 81 90 17-24 .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 90 98 22-25 1 .. 96 21-50 .. .. .. 2 ..85 19-00 37 81 98 19-55 307 „ long .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 77 91 19-08 .. .. .. 3 ..92 21-93 49 90 98 22-52 13 90 96 21-11 1 .. 97 23-50 93 80 90 20-69 196 77 98 20-89 306 40-44s, short .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 81 83 16-17 .. .. .. 1 ..88 20-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• 4 81 88 17-04 305 „ long .. .. „ 2 .. 9? 19-00 .. .. . 44 79 94 18-27 .: .. .. 2 86 88 19-09 3 .. 96 21-75 2 .. 94 19-72 .. .. .. 8 97 21-50 61 79 97 18-98 303 36-40s „ .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 77 93 16-92 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 10 77 93 16-92 301 36s „ .. .. 4 95 19-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. "2 78 86 19-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..80 17-50 .. .. .. 7 78 95 18-71 Scoured Pieces. 327 Merino, First Pieces „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 83 88 25-77 4 84 94 27-55 8 76 86 25-42 325 80 92 36-25 43 81 92 35-66 1 .. 92 31-00 87 74 86 30-19 473 76 94 34-30 326 56-58s „ ,, 1 .. 82 23-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 76 18-50 98 80 98 27-48 22 88 96 28-68 .. .. | ' .. .. .. 123 76 98 27-58 325 50-56? „ „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 90 29-50 156 86 98 26-58 147 86 96 28-35 .. .. 22 86 90 31-89 327 86 98 27-67 324 50s „ . • „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 80 96 20-48 89 90 98 24-75 13 92 96 25-98 .. .. .. | .. .. .. 107 80 98 24-73 323 48-50s „ „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76 73 84 21-36 38 82 98 22-76 21 88 98 23-49 2 80 90 20-60 .. .. .. 137 73 98 22-37 322 46—48s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. 86 17-83 .. .. .. 180 72 84 19-93 37 86 98 23-00 44 88 96 21-64 13 78 82 13-62 2 .. 96 20-00 282 72 98 20-62 321 „ . • „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 12 74 87 15-72 .. .. .. 7 76 96 18-37 16 82 97 19-50 4 86 96 20-42 6 83 92 16-38 49 84 94 18-09 94 74 97 18-04 320 40-44s „ „ .. .. .. 1 .. 83 16*25 10 82 90 15-99 .. .. .. 11 81 92 15-57 3 .. 88 18-00 .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 25 81 92 16-97 319 36-40s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 22 .. 87 15*50 3 86 88 16-93 21 88 94 18-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 86 94 16-73 318 36s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 87 15-50 .. .. .. 1 ..95 18-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • - •• •• 3 87 95 16-42 337 Menno, Bellies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 80 88 28-58 118 84 98 28-82 16 84 98 35-89 .. .. .. 25 78 84 27-93 224 78 98 31-16 336 56—58s „ .. ■. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 84 94 22-72 8 93 94 28-41 .. .. .. 1 83 20-00 27 83 94 24-97 335 50-56s „ .. • • „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 80 22-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 84 98 25-29 44 89 96 27-09 .. .. .. 3 60 90 24-66 109 80 98 25-66 334 50s „ .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. 1 .. 82 20-25 24 88 90 22-80 10 88 92 26-41 .. .. .. 1 74 18-00 36 74 92 23-62 333 48-50s „ .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 94 98 23-75 17 92 96 24-21 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 94 98 24-04 332 46-48s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 64 85 14-84 .. .. .. 8 70 78 15-28 5 86 94 20-85 11 86 92 "23-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 64 94 19-45 331 44-46s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 78 85 15-11 .. .. .. 8 72 86 16-59 10 .. 96 22-16 3 74 92 16-77 .. .. .. 9 85 87 16-77 35 72 96 19-22 330 40-44s „ .. .. „ 1 ..88 17-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 70 88 16-91 5 84 96 18-38 19 88 94 17-27 .. .. .. 7 74 96 17-71 42 70 96 17-39 329 36-40s „ .. .. 5 .. 92 18-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 80 88 18-17 7 88 96 19-10 6 92 96 20-10 .. .. .. 27 80 96 18-77 48 80 96 18-90 328 36s „ .. • • „ 6 .. 91 17-25 1 .. 77 14 00 1 .. 81 16-00 10 80 82 15-71 3 78 86 14-74 .. .. .. 3 88 16-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 77 91 15-45 347 Merino, Second Pieces „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 75 82 27-64 109 80 92 28-78 2 78 88 26-28 4 .. 82 25-00 .. .. .. 134 75 92 28-06 346 56-58s „ . • „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 82 19-00 33 76 93 23-01 .. .. .. .. . • • • • • • • • • 35 76 93 22-51 345 50-503 „ .. „ 1 .. 80 17-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 70 17-25 41 84 96 22-04 o 88 90 24-31 1 .. 88 22-50 3 72 90 19-28 53 72 96 22-29 344 503 „ „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 80 18-00 56 80 92 21-50 4 .. 94 23-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 80 94 21-51 343 48-50s „ • • „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 89 19-50 .. .. .. 1 83 18-25 44 82 94 20-75 14 80 96 23-09 .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 82 96 21-10 342 „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 76 83 15 40 .. .. .. 1 ..82 17-50 9 88 96 21-00 28 86 94 18-99 13 .. 82 17-50 .. .. .. 53 76 96 18-82 341 44-46s „ .. 1 .. 86 16-50 3 79 80 14-79 4 78 86 15.71 .. .. .. 4 .. 88 16.00 12 76 94 19.88 3 .. 94 21-00 14 80 84 17-01 11 94 95 21 22 52 76 95 17-06 340 40-44s „ „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 75 86 13-99 . . .. ...... ...... .. 4 75 86 13-99 339 36—40s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..| .. .. .. " .. " 2 84 " 94 18-76 1 .. 92 19-00 .. .. .. 35 74 88 16-10 38 74 94 16-32 338 36s „ „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. 75 14-00 4 .. 88 16-50 2 84 92 16-10 .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 75 92 15-42 355 Merino, Stained Pieces .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 72 82 19-42 70 80 88 21-21 9 85 90 22-17 .. .. .. 15 73 82 20-08 143 72 90 20-53 354 56-58s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 70 80 16-41 21 84 92 20-83 10 84 90 20-25 3 ./ 82 20-00 12 .. 88 22-00 54 70 92 20-13 353 50-56s „ „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 80 92 18-50 56 86 92 20-37 5 .. 82 18-50 9 78 91 17-15 137 78 92 19-10 352 48—50s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 66 13-00 7 62 68 9-48 4 64 68 13-17 27 80 90 17-52 21 88 92 17-52 .. .. .. 3 .. 80 15-73 63 62 92 16-08 351 „ .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 72 80 17-00 7 88 92 17-30 15 82 94 17-43 6 62 84 13-05 3 .. 73 15-00 52 62 94 16-62 350 44-46s „ .. 1 .. 88 15-50 .. .. .. 1 .. 76 13-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 82 94 15-15 10 84 92 17-49 .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 76 94 15-80 349 40—44s „ „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 .. 75 13-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 84 90 16-75 8 88 90 16-08 .. .. .. 7 88 94 17-77 32 75 94 15-51 348 36—403 „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 .. 88 16-00 .. .. .. 4 .. 84 14-00 12 84 88 15-37 363 Merino, Locks .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 80 86 20-36 187 82 96 22-12 82 84 96 22-28 6 76 84 18-79 51 65 97 19-58 329 76 97 21-63 362 56-58s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 80 15-25 6 74 80 14-89 31 80 94 19-16 15 90 96 20-75 6 .. 85 19-00 24 87 96 18-73 83 74 96 18-29 361 50-56s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 80 94 18-89 37 84 94 19-91 .. .. .. .. .. .. 127 84 94 19-20 360 48-503 „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 80 94 18-00 .. .. •• 28 88 90 18-65 .. .. .. 43 80 94 18-43 359 46—483 „ .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. 84 15-60 16 84 92 18-27 .. .. .. .. .. •• 26 84 92 17-20 358 44-463 „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 80 84 15-40 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..83 16-00 3 .. 86 17 00 .. .. .. 6 -. 78 14-50 18 78 86 15 28 357 40-443 „ .. .. „ 1 ..87 13-50 1 .. 76 12-00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 68 88 12-78 .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 9 68 88 12-82 356 36-40s „ .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 86 88 13-32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 15 86 88 13-32 Scoured Lambs. 369 50-56s Firsts .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 94 24-50 11 88 93 21-57 .. .. .. 8 92 94 20-47 21 88 94 20-24 368 48-50s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 83 16-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 90 94 22-50 .. .. .. •• •• •• 4 80 85 15-17 9 80 94 18-60 367 46-48s „ .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 91 92 19-63 .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. .... .. .. 2 91 92 19-63 366 44-463 ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 81 93 17-51 . .......... 1 .. 88 15-00 11 81 93 17-30 365 40—44s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 70 92 14-92 18 70 92 14-92 364 36—40s „ .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 94 96 18-00 13 88 95 16-55 .. .. .. •• •• •• 15 88 96 16-70 373 46-48s Seconds .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 86 14-50 10 75 96 15-61 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 11 75 96 15-46 372 44—46s .. .... .. .... .. 3 88 95 16-87 .. • • • • • • 1 .. 86 15-00 4 86 95 16-40 371 40-44s „ .. .. „ 2 85 88 13 98 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j] [[ jj j] .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 85 88 13-98 Scoured Crutchings. 381 50-56s Firsts .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . t .. .. .. 9 86 98 22-75 .. .. .. . - • • • • • • • • • • 9 86 98 22-75 380 48-50s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 78 17-00 15 84 96 21-35 20 80 94 21-22 .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 78 96 21-02 379 46—48s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (.. 5 88 94 20 62 35 85 97 18-88 2 .. 90 19-75 .. .. .. 42 85 97 19-13 378 44—46s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 88 96 17-00 5 94 96 19-37 .. .. .. 2 .. 96 19-00 .. .. .. 11 88 96 18-46 377 40—44s „ .. .. 2 .. 86 16 00 , .. .. 1 .. 81 12-75 .. .. .. 6 80 90 15-16 .. .. .. 1 ..96 19-00 .. .. .. •• •• •• 10 81 96 15-45 376 36-40s „ .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 ..84 13-00 .. .. .. 1 ..90 15-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• 4 84 90 13-66 388 50-56s Seconds .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 7 84 92 19-63 .. .. .. •. • - • • • • • • 7 84 92 19-63 387 48-50s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 90 19-50 1 .. 94 19-50 .. .. .. •• -- 3 90 94 19-50 386 4648s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 76 90 16-02 4 76 90 17-21 3 .. 81 17-47 .. .. .. 12 76 90 10-76 385 44—46s „ .. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 .. 94 18-00 .. .. .. .. •• •• •• •• •• 6 .. 94 18-00 384 40-44s „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 74 80 11-62 .. .. 1 .. 82 14-25 .. .. .. .. .. .. •- •• •• •• •• 4 74 82 12-29 Scoured Dead. 396 50-56s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 86 88 20-00 .. .. .. ■■ •• •• •• •• •• 2 86 88 20-00 395 48-50s .. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 92 21-50 2 95 96 23-26 .. .. .. •• -• •• 3 92 96 22-48 394 46-48s .. .. .. -- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. 1 92 19-00 .. .. .. •• •• 1 •• 92 19-00 393 44-46s .. .. .. „ -- .. .. 5 76 83 15-26 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .'. .. .. .. .. .. 5 76 83 15-26 392 40-44s .. .. .. „ -- -- .. -• .. .. 1 .. 86 15-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 92 18-00 .. .. .. -- •• •• 2 86 92 16-75 Total scoured .. .. 29 .. 18-16 12 .. 14-58 249 .. 17-20 38 .. 13-23 653 .. 26-16 3,582 .. 28-48 1,657 .. 27-50 122 .. 17-15 863 .. 25-95 7,205 .. 26-87 Grand totals .. .. 43,293 .. 14-25 53,070 j .. 14-25 86,261 .. 14-44 1 41,665 .. 14 22 133,885 .. 14-98 70,752 .. 16-42 29,104 .. 16-29 [ 65,336 .. I 15-19 32,941 .. 14-91 556,307 .. 14-96



XIX. FROZEN MEAT—1915, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 SEASONS. Statement showing the Quantities, Descriptions, and Weights of Meat killed at Meat-export Slaughterhouses in each District during the above Seasons ended 30th June each Year.

7—H. 38.

Approximate Coit of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,000 copies, including graphs), £135. • By Authority : Marcus F. Mabks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92l. Price Is. &/.]

37 H.—38. • • » XIX. FROZEN MEAT—1915, 1915-16, 1916-17, 1917-18, 1918-19, and 1919-20 SEASONS. Statement showing the Quantities, Descriptions, and Weights of Meat killed at Meat-export Slaughterhouses in each District during the above Seasons ended 30th June each Year. Note. In the case of the 1915 season the particulars represent the killings from 3rd March, 1915, to 30th June, 1915. In the case of each remaining season the parbiculars represent the killings from 1st July to 30th June in the respective years. Wether, First Quality, Wither, First Quality, Wether, First Quality, wotvior ftopnnd Onaiitv Ewe, First Quality, Ewe, First Quality, w a ____, « L&nib, Speciallv Prime and Lamb First Qnalitv • Tiamh "First Qnalitv uMnttAn oti j 72 lb. and under over 72 lb. 861b. to 98 lb. ,K Q 1 y- 72 lb. and under. over 72 lb. Lwe, Second Quality. Canterbury Quality. 42 lb. and under. ' over 42 lb. Lamb, Second Quality. Beef, Prime Ox. Beef, Second and Heifer. Beef, Boning, in Quarters. Beef, Cow, Prime. Beef, Cow, Second. Boneless Pieces Total. District. Season. 1 ' . Carcases. lb. Carcases. lb. | Carcases. lb. Carcases. lb. | Carcases. lb. Carcases. lb. Carcases. lb. Carcases. lb. Carcases. lb. Carcases. lb. Carcases. lb. Quarters. lb. Quarters, i lb. Quarters. lb. Quarters. lb. Quarters. lb. lb. lb. 1 ' lb. Auckland .. J915* 10,542 ® 93 ' 922 820 966 47,431 8,644 o o™ J?! " " 31 ' 141 1.090,608 4,014 185,368 7,871 237,278 13,802 2,807,314 2,594 680,406 258 41,388 6,849 925,821 1,555 178,347 .. .. 124,097 7,445,849 loifclT S7'fid9 i'ols'tar 1km InlJw ooq't?! fs'fm ?'ooa o'«nf Ito'cn! " " 84 ' 493 2 ,975,740 12,321 568 ; 983 19,288 604,915 116,856 20,096,910 19,498 2,423,670 5,144 804,300 86,436 11,061,361 15,809 1,816,911 72,565 .. 733,406 44,004,340 )l ' t rSl ISQ Ai'all IA'RB! «ni'o2o "o " 49,847 1,762,547 7,787 359,619 12,816 391,335 104,550 18,760,284 9,065 1,198,169 4,682 800,003 58,220 7,707,651 9,806 1,145,896 248,011 16,670 607,318 36,438,981 1Q1 I R'7QR'fim ft'oro 1 to? rill IA'AOO 4QHR9 R KA'I™ a'III }£'™A f'® 4,220 162,035 53,820 1,828,572 6,665 311,061 24,050 751,603 94,875 16,264,372 11,111 1,454,683 1,698 298,182 52,929 6,848,308 11,007 1,273,960 158,679 18,513 651,660 39,099,670 1Q1Q 90 oa'ata i'?*r S?i'787 '9qq 9n'fnn Jn'aQQ ao'ReJ i'Jin Jo'foS ' 283,528 44,435 • 1,559,894 7,377 328,033 16,992 564,940 122,389 18,995,397 15,328 1,874,548 9,359 1,433,190 70,345 9,050,537 15,475 1,704,342 443,808 68,168 867,109 .52,026,537 1919 20 98,858 5,030,-64 4,156 311,787 233 20,800 10,839 517,714 80,682 4,505,773 2,477 189,927 13,187 627,939 43 1,682 19,532 656,644 2,072 95,679 14,561 420,578 75,799 12,030,426 16,549 1,924,014 7,291 1,033,455 52,267 6,514,949 18,135 1,957,403 750,075 45,411 618,909 37,134,520 Totals .. .. 382,081 21,504,062 26,995 2,081,193 • 2,403 177,070 38,432 1,925,517 296,401 16,702,726 14,982 1,151,695 52,403 2,538,895 12,204 447,245 283,268 9.874,005 40,236 1,848,743 95,578 2,970,649 528,271 88,954,703 74,145 9,555,490 28,432 4,410,518 327,046 42,108,627 71,787 8,076,859 j 1,673,138 148,762 3,602,499 216,149,897 Gisborne .. 1915* 67,140 3,561,197 1,294 100,401 .. .. 23,358 1,149,864 40,647 2,178,726 1,268 82,673 5,896 289,543 3*716 132,733 51,561 1,779,933 4,257 191,951 28,329 897,820 7,494 1,230,468 2,149 271,541 131 19,297 3,083 400,545 322 36.354 .. 47,244 206 172 12 370 290 9fu'i?7 J5'?S'2 9Q'O77 ' 7CA O?2'aor 69 2,656 156 > 089 5,328,191 10,190 456,189 72,702 2,244,698 44,247 7,842,681 6,915 971,851 708 129,434 22,017 3,192,115 2,232 290,976 6,479 178,979 781,822 47!269!313 1916 17 204,117 29,-77 2,251,967 -,155 192,929 7,590 409,498 77,780 4,532,711 8,047 618, 7j9 5,101 2o8,026 .. .. 91,264 3,066,883 4,845 218,968 19,135 569,330 41,687 8,070,260 2.663 430 120 355 68 280 16 708 0 665 855 871 114 996 54 321 594 663 35 679 801 1917-18 224,897 12,670,686 20,905 1,608,897 2,231 178,302 13,404 659,850 168,590 9,127,708 9,155 709,512 25,860 1,239,187 6,091 216,501 73,649 2 307 278 1 871 84 838 26 480 751 922 44 941 8 630 196 1 810 283 206 '07 39 595 0 142 I 580 622 605 83 163 1 846 84 163 66Q 291 40 157 472 1918-19 286,951 15,045,313 14,080 1,067,679 4,560 251,894 10,145 523,046 203,088 11,339,368 12,218 934,678 22,311 1,048,462 7,411 267,506 89,622 2 943 992 3 208 145 190 26 992 778 865 53 717 9 928 750 2 843 451 708 56 11 172 5 013 2201 914 1 444 176 290 . 59 162 786 249 47174 989 1919-20 284,664 15,277,284 4,694 357,987 292 23,118 14,776 647,338 216,107 11,493,346 5,146 392,361 20,003 916,036 8,395 284,040 119,139 3,739,995 1,816 80|857 38,738 1, 3 6,195 874,030 249 46,930 lffi 2,231,481 3,610 437,277 ie,280 77,662 KK Totals .. .. 1,296,463 72,088,656 90,132 6,918,942 10,462 754,991 102,119 5,158,471 847,371 46,939,118 49,924 3,828,242 88,186 4,231,888 25,682 903,436 581,324 19,166,272 26,187 1,177,993 212,376 6,301,080 224,526 41,056,778 22,575 3,282,456 1,706 314,708 83,780 12,272,532 9,144 1,139,056 24,605 501,531 3,767,679 226,060,755 Hawke's Bay .. 1915* „'??'® 4 !! 678 fj 2 '™? . " 7,592 377,106 27,138 1,434,599 818 64,533 1,037 48,790 5,035 168,781 63,249 2,036,706 2,024 92,194 26,846 772,846 9,731 1,711,976 4,266 600,947 618 77,407 3,270 421,204 2,101 249,345 88,856 19,251 184,442 11,066,496 lQlfU17 9lt'oIn ll'ms'nss Is'qq* I'orln i'*7? lll'ini o'oqo 14 o'°9a 671 23,030 271,744 9,209,996 13,937 625,773 23,417 723,211 26,327 4,801,542 10,253 1,329,913 3,601 475,198 15,501 2,011,792 5,323 564,575 200,212 41,493 721,519 43^291,168 1Q17-1S 9ATOA9 IA'rok'qm 90'nfi I'HA oti t' o™ KRMok 9n?'t?Q !A'2A? " " 219,926 7,494,595 15,423 700,887 12,686 374,374 24,774 4,804,476 3,643 542,887 2,317 347,437 7,997 861,068 625 73,058 34.890 37.665 646,352 38,781,141 . 1917 18 247,942 14,685,333 29,964 2,314,221 1,900 168,343 10,124 561,525 207,513 11,462,556 10,604 810,970 13,116 619,03o 15,107 523,913 148,330 4,943,488 2,411 108,755 29,748 834,650 39,142 7,866,035 3,656 565 010 1 281 193 314 6 397 973 455 931 105 261 12 935 43 351 779 869 46 792 150 IX s 'Mi 60 ?' 4 ? 0 8 '?ol "-its VAl* 5! ?Aii 14 - 099 503 ' 135 1U ' 675 3 ' 689 > 124 5 - 642 239 > 62 ° 16 ' 323 45 °' 3o ° 2^°3 ' 9 £«»:»» 193 S I;il4 733 8?:sol if® eKe toZtiS 1919 20 288,o3o 15,606,325 7,611 583,598 517 47,517 16,199 783,636 187,888 9,992,653 2,952 18,834 855,823 11,317 413,775 154,054 4,696,672 1,834 83,101 37,111 990,845 24,568 4,297,544 4,049 567,754 1,555 219,538 6,793 892,591 1,660 188,138 90,008 62,570 676,658 40,599,508 Totals .. .. 1,237,331 72,988,529 142,559 11,041,421 15,431 1,392,079 54,364 2,883,471 814,265 45,254,079 49,944 3,795,124 49,621 2,335,700 46,229 1,632,634 968,978 32,070,581 41,271 1,850,330 146,131 4,146,226 149,581 28,336,882 27,353 3,836,469 9,565 1,348,300 44,792 5,853,159 11,373 1,267,881 438,494 243,830 3,678,586 220,715,189 Taranaki .. o?'?™ Hon " " nla , nS'lno 46 "I " " " *" 19,762 654,181 995 45,755 1,848 53,173 9,505 1,633,683 2,903 381,578 1,331 184,495 10,147 1,228,854 1,723 198,790 277,603 8,891 109,984 6,599,044 1QIK 17 qq's7? 9'kq? }oa'an7 9 f® !H!o 46,046 441 20,897 15 559 39,868 1,291,086 1,412 64,572 3,935 111,880 19,014 3,324,507 6,372 788,227 5,403 827,375 39,628 4,766.203 7,785 863,788 913,803 33,902 267,206 16,032,410 1Q17-1S s'KSfi'770 9?i ?o'?o£ 9 o o SS'SIt , ™ Hfl o ® 2,252 99,712 28,176 912,582 1,911 78,834 3,888 111,116 23,419 4,159,944 5,911 730,291 5,531 822,098 47,520 5,714,151 11,418 1,223,726 631,136 23,937 296,601 17,796,071 iqiLIQ wws q'ooo 9a£'a?n Hi o'So'roo i'ilj 84 ' 8 „° 2 ' 297 0 '1 5 3 18,857 41,021 1,343,029 1,594 77,330 7,188 207,336 21,495 3,781,031 1,458 195,460 153 24,273 35,347 4,260,352 4,620 481,683 88,367 37,399 288,001 17,280,088 IOIQJO fio'isa 9'n7R ?RA'ARR 9n*9ao ' aHI 9OO'R?A 'A?? 178,397 5,690 2/2,282 870 33,024 11,763 752,517 1,906 87,380 4,857 152,769 19,174 3,269,270 2,619 349,901 4,925 724,930 23,978 2,948,032 4,678 493,289 162,881 15,768 261,287 15,677,248 1919 -0 69,388 3,906,897 2,076 160,466 225 20,289 4,735 239,640 46,496 2,557,943 941 72,119 6,207 267,874 539 20,144 23,767 807,436 1,425 66,063 9,501 285,007 34,889 5,494,711 7,332 873,353 2,862 411,232 23,207 2,783,771 6,910 706,722 534,382 87,788 321,599 19,295,837 Totals .. 271,918 15,621,336 15,103 1,158,883 1,184 106,188 15,471 781,747 183,106 10,102,163 6,201 479,375 15,276 695,087 4,199 172,296 164,357 5,760,831 9,243 419,934 31,217 921,281 127,496 21,663,146 26,595 j 3,318,810 20,205 2,994,403 179,827 21,701,363 37,134 3,967,998 2,608,172 207,685 1,544,678 92,680,698 Wanganui .. J 9 }?* S'mn o Inl " " 3, i?? , 18 '22 9 „ 989 '12? 524 41,663 663 33,374 161 5,592 23,045 765,704 886 40,235 3,052 91,917 7,493 1,289,562 1,658 193,855 1,586 228,206 10,651 1,362,307 3,540 416,481 556,144 49,160 136,087 8,165,248 iQlftIl7 a -tin f?'?oo 9'23o'}no 16 1> 976 2,425 123,444 1,416 48,615 77,959 2,577,461 3,048 137,784 7,987 230,891 14,487 2,536,172 2,031 279,692 5,188 833,702 27,088 3,535,409 11,201 1,334,836 678,848 295,683 312,102 18,726,116 1Q17 la 7'.)RQ'Qr? o'??? ?nQ'?9a 3 'nl 9 2 ,872,493 3,280 -53,591 6,648 334,587 7,421 259,595 138,723 4,411,517 3,159 138,210 21,748 606,215 36.834 6,783,029 3.019 438.541 3,437 524,142 30,386 3,885.899 12,671 1,445,223 86,851 249,209 514,088 30,845,250 1Q18-1Q a'lq'a'qsi l-'oai l rso Irr'kqI n'ttl'ln 4 ' 371,699 12,988 633,397 4,875 178,087 119,868 4,482,818 3,184 143,325 24,810 691,515 52,964 9,887,370 1,915 286,160 1,263 192,145 29,018 3,728,341 8,512 949,929 134,100 236,201 597,836 35,870,135 8 i?R'?79 kar i'fS o' 5 ? 7 518,398 2,858 107,941 116,161 3,874,144 5,543 281,186 13,062 381,136 34,941 6,818,388 3,671 563,768 843 132,102 14,114 1,910,582 6,090 729,732 12,504 394,858 530,503 31,830,182 20 146,1<2 8,577,684 11,846 919,571 506 45,019 16,900 926,589 9b,216 5,527,242 4,470 346,,41 18,962 998,113 1,084 40,580 87,335 2,837,213 1,936 88,143 24,277 705,097 30,531 »5,724,717 7,094 1,139,208 660 111,590 7,718 1,012,227 6,651 814,889 227,517 556,086 509,970 30,598,226 Totals '• •• 625,926 36,254,074 50,848 3,939,823 2,138 189,726 55,439 3,014,211 397,487 22,560,053 22,562 1,745 171 51,193 2,641,313 17,815 640,910 563,091 18,948,857 17,756 828,883 94,936 2,706,771 177,250 33,039,238 19,388 2,901,224 12,977 2,021,887 118,975 15,434,765 48,665 5,691,090 1,695,964 1,781,197 2,600,586 156,035,157 Wellington .. j 9 !?* 1o?'qoa qr'aqo 9 777'I-a /am ino'o94 ® 21 40,892 10,509 502,364 31,679 1,081,239 151,680 5,210,261 11,490 521,635 69,039 2,128,610 19,692 3,501,485 2,631 393,551 1,115 141,830 4,875 667,519 953 109,875 242,683 1,100,782 520,317 31,219,034 1Q1R 17 J 09 ' 924 ?9' 45 ? I 'li 13,485,477 8,469 661,125 17,126 842,398 197,775 6,174,894 451,084 15,133,541 26,749 1,203,860 75,751 2,301,900 63,166 11,483,542 8,501 1,187,304 6,198 698,751 40,540 5,410,248 19,284 2,271,261 727,200 593.464 1,523,548 91,412,878 1Q17 i« gf'oot'Aao '}a9 t'?a«'97? tof rla J 16,555 l,278,9o2 24,695 1,212,900 108,086 3,877,550 254,323 15,141,272 28,708 1,303,268 69,480 2,092,568 84,760 16.319,655 8,625 1,259,238 2,444 335,616 24,141 3,399,357 8,131 1,015,178 184,682 376,377 1.465,760 87,945,626 L 9R'raa'7K? ri'K?Q I'lUl'lli l'a\l 11,559 889,79.5 20,913 1,078,679 48,064. 2,016,897 395,532 13,255,380 17,139 776,292 82,198 2,395,430 91,463 17,843,342 5,652 916,327 1,007 165,963 19,449 2,919,429 3,105 381,802 37,385 1,436,167 1,537,084 92,225,042 1Q1Q-90 a 99'AA? o'e2? tio'r,] 7 , Iao'?A« 1 7 -1 29 1.326,960 30,328 1,545,239 36,294 1,330,398 304,293 10,394,971 26,088 1,189,469 41,787 1,279,970 73,290 14,575,411 5,933 925,175 1,617 243,202 17,699 2.659,888 4,341 555,559 19,801 1,075,809 1,490,102 89,406,135 1.-19 -0 o!8,575 31,511,598 3-,091 2,458,520 2,857 258,940 2j,196 315,500 17,988,329 10,613 822,153 39,519 2,083,048 15,519 572,241 294,011 9,776,363 12,592 571,102 69,389 2,232,945- 72,105 13,216,239 12,863 1,902,470 10,617 1,243,168 24,320 3,448,839 9,435 1,157,792 42,980 1,014,763 1,526,744 91,604,596 Tota!a " 2,357,590 139,580,851 233,075 17,903,927 16,011 1,415,830 128,015 6,617,831 1,504,755 86,847,202 64,846 5,019,877 143,090 7,264,628 437,417 15,053,219 1,850,923 68,911,788 122,766 5,565,626 407,644 12,431,423 404,476 76,939,674 44,205 | 6,584,065 22,998 2,828,530 131,024 18,505,280 j 45,249 5,491,467 1,254,731 5,597,362 8,063,555 483,813,311 NORTH ISLAND .. J Ka'oaa'??!! OK'AI? R l 04 ' 764 10,436,377 4,396 327,697 19,039 920,045 40,591 1,388,345 340,438 11,537,393 23,666 1,077,138 136,985 4,181,644 67,717 12,174,488 16,201 ! 2,521,878 5,039 692,623 38,875 5,006,250 10,194 1,189,192 1,165.286 1,225,328 1,281,099 76,865,961 loir 17 ' ® f ,?a'2?A 67,806 „,639,0o7 577,010 33,376,371 39,916 3,015,245 34,254 1,754,645 199,946 6,249,754 1,081,237 36,516,015 67,657 3,057,161 203,080 6,217,495 284,097 50,085,354 53,570 6,980,657 26,242 3,768,760 231,210 29,977,128 61,634 7,142,347 2,599,107 1,143,521 4,345,603 260,736,225 1Q17 la l Rfi'oiJ'aia a's?I'??A 1 '3; 2 f'® 44 tl'llt 'nlf 26,326,063 41,557 3,221,247 41,922 2,080,165 117,759 4,236,857 782,259 32,789,396 61,833 2,799,786 139,753 4,144,938 316,024 58,897,648 32,926 4,599,246 18,766 2,897,576 184,972 24,233,981 43,522 5,018,077 1,185,570 758,179 4,124,782 247,486,870 IqiLIQ l'97Q'/1R 7Q'7BQ'?RA i KOJ'OOC 918,921 51,307,343 39,974 3,074,880 89,603 4,369,387 78,880 3,116,790 832,220 28,160,565 32,864 1,501,601 194,474 5,632,456 344,880 64,172,346 25,602 3,700,846 5,609 913,472 153,282 20,310,507 28,780 3,275,798 433,312 1,855,794 4,523,741 271,424,557 101Q-9A 1'AAR'UW aA'I?n'AK9 H AHA 1 ' > ?'ioA vI'tA .''AOO A 'lol 54,893,901 56,017 4,329,694 98,239 4,834,436 69,473 2,525,532 677,949 23,214,642 49,764 2,270,878 120,013 3,607,980 328,550 58,442,525 31,880 4,395,058 16,993 2,580,002 145,983 19,464,002 32,761 3,746,716 650,587 1,653,265 4,604,996 276.299,817 1919 20 1,40b,19w 80,410,052 62,474 4,791,9-9 4,630 415,683 88,645 4,418,023 942,889 52,065,286 26,599 2,050,721 116,712 5,748,833 36,897 1,332,462 697,838 22,514,323 21,675 984,945 193,577 5,692,917 270,332 46,218,060 54,082 7,280,829 23,234 3,065,913 131,122 16,883,858 46,461 5,262,221 1,661.242 1,844,280 4,377,362 262,641,577 Totais " 6,171,309 358,037,508 558,712 43,044,189 47,629 4,035,884 393,840 20,381,248 4,043,385 228,405,341 208,459 16,019,484 399,769 19,707,511 543,546 18,849,740 4,411,941 154,732,334 257,459 11,691,509 987,882 29,477,430 1,611,600 289,990,421 214,261 29,478,514 95,883 13,918,346 885,444 115,875,726 223,352 25,634,351 7,695,104 8,480,367 23,257,583 1,395,455,007 Nelson and Marl- 1915* 3,933 202,828 212 11,711 . J .. 2,251 103,270 3,490 176,020 50 V761 ~ 115,947 241,751 440 19,979 231,513 7! ~ T ~ I ~ ~ " ~ ~ FT ~ 18,447 1,106,780 borough }?'aa7 itl 4 ? 3,445 9,901 460,538 16,940 872,909 423 30,406 1,888 82,219 222 7,966 32,405 1,114,015 2,299 104,713 35,897 1,108,193 1,548 221,924 1,415 172,719 435 53,733 632 79,976 411 45,618 .. .. 88,797 5,327,838 1Q17 !u 9A'oao 1 ft'™ 7 f l'2ll 1488 > 979 472,964 295 22,859 1,343 58,410 .. .. 33,148 1,168,245 3,780 171,880 19,370 609,273 2,956 413,957 2,620 297,172 690 85,292 1,227 151,987 704 74,497 .. .. 75,357 4,521,483 una 10 ' oak * a ak ra= 8 f'f 89 2 '®i 5 115 '£P 15,311 796,590 355 27,383 1,392 59,570 .. .. 31,622 1,117,011 3,068 139,881 14,729 457,344 1,216 173,490 1,564 191,726 499 65,546 613 80,535 379 43,743 1,191 1,108 75,315 4,518,899 1Q10 9n i7'o9A oMA2 3 ' 201 134,227 14,001 725,115 472 36,588 2,385 99,087 .. .. 28,811 962,776 2,514 114,977 10,553 316,848 2,880 415,456 2,371 284,005 1,258 150,966 1,815 229,426 788 82,376 1,136 1,074 76,320 4,579,175' 1919 20 17,920 931 > QQ 1 287 21,795 15 1,363 2,883 123,021 15,121 779,323 269 20,660 1,209 49,789 .. .. 22,448 773,831 1,731 78,603 8,603 253,833 2,089 305,894 1,568 178,337 1,208 127,651 1,507 179,931 822 83,009 .. 216 65,137 3,908,257 Totals "• __JJ 94,345 4,983,698 3,320 250,569 301 27,213 24,011 1,085,029 73,842 3,822,921 1,864 141,657 8,217 349,075 3,319 123,913 155,525 5,377,629 13,832 630,033 96,766 2,977,004 10,689 1,530,721 9,538 1,123,959 4,090 483,188 5,794 721,855 3,104 329,243 2,327 2,398 399,373 23,962,432 Canterbury .. J 39 'J 79 , 999 „„ 5 > 407 251,453 129,943 6,917,590 4,054 314,690 5,005 218,461 448,639 16,098,965 122,640 4,435,450 92,308 4,245,237 76,291 2,339,502 1,492 262,921 419 51,578 4 417 34 4,796 .. .. .. 197,212 625,105 37,506,307 1Q1R 17 I?'?AA'*A? i'So „ 2 '® 9 ? 32,130 1,391,610 298,092 15,039,641 2,763 225,464 61,663 2,711,029 953,948 31,957,118 71,496 2,419,682 44,655 2,217,384 388,590 11,236,483 14,470 2,184,730 14,971 1,725,530 4,181 516,937 10,356 1,293,201 6.296 664,974 155,047 147,234 1,339,070 80,344,197 1017 !! T 9 ' , Z'o™ 20,621 991,738 211,951 10,991,473 4,824 372,938 32,423 1,422,546 908,744 31,266,410 80,199 2,759,716 60,687 2,759,693 196,362 5,887,379 22,150 3,721,541 13,654 1,708,111 8,014 1,072,916 17,008 2,254,229 7,019 827,032 133,867 150,588 1,305,188 78,311,292 1Q a 1Q Ja-'aAa , ahb'vJ, I'ltl 6 ' 931 353,367 244,554 13,166,467 7,373 566,032 27,498 1,250,761 784,309 28,966,214 4,694 176,144 189,330 8,700,948 94,303 3,071,371 18,479 3,132,066 6,807 914.628 3,410 533,698 8,223 1,163,643 2,798 338,974 61,673 55,578 1,222,662 73,359,732 !QIQ In 9A7' i?'9Ar'eAo 2An 'ol? ™' 982 277,883 15,108,806 12,430 964,365 53,323 2,376,886 896,750 32,734,323 .. .. 181,502 8,371,813 170,131 5,300,291 17,310 2,795,916 7,698 976,701 3,544 562,895 8,901 1,243,614 3,821 451,682 19,403 22,948 1,393,086 83,585,197 1919 -0 -07,8.)0 11,20o,868 5,171 396,444 391 35,132 19,867 928,679 352,417 18,451,886 8,325 642,654 99,102 4,379,216 1,037,604 36,421,525 .. .. 108,917 246,050 7,474,106 18,944 2,891,458 12,806 1,514,054 5,687 843,965 10,972 1,434,384 5,771 650,995 14,474 62,525 1,538,666 92,319,942 Totals •' j 938,125 51,653,336 j 39,696 3,068,905 3,766 339,226 100,599 4,673,829 1,514,840 79,675,863 39,769 3,086,143 279,014 12,358,899 5,029,994 177,444,555 279,029 9,790,992 677,399 31,267,652 1,171,727 35,309,132 92,845 14,988,632 56,355 6,890,602 24,840 3,530,828 55,494 7,393,867 25,705 2,933,657 384,464 636,085 7,423,777 445,426,667 Otago .. .. 1915* 77'r?9 , ooa'aoa "ka , 7 I 2 38 ' 44 jj 43,311 2,334,671 2,211 175,058 .. .. 152,320 5,429,812 27,731 957,977 28,824 1,374,658 20,288 633,585 1,340 214,149 589 56,236 182 30,425 198 26,223 232 23,968 110,111 33,998 209,238 12,554,263 1Q1R 17 - a k'S'S 3' 8 ® 7 SI'™? , ,!j 9 ®' 2^4 11,030 509,143 72,184 3,883,702 2,762 208,373 16,038 737,520 144,414 4,822,094 155,659 5,681,474 34,560 1,575,972 112,437 3,283,479 8,976 1,465,566 15,592 513,363 1,861 256,561 6,675 786,467 5,362 497,577 603,667 67,946 491,832 29,509,928 1Q17 la 7o' 9 m ?'aI2'S , 89 ®'I1a 'J 34 97 '020 6,357 325,322 71,819 4,006,110 4,245 329,768 19,028 897,175 126,552 4,456,483 146,930 5,356,782 49,227 2,165,023 84,557 2,646,916 9,044 1,526,934 4,387 547,492 3,297 371,138 8,320 1,061,884 6,966 743,628 344,242 102,279 524,084 31,445,054 101a 10 7<'raq 2™'™? 3 ' 846 20o,808 53,826 3,077,950 4,339 337,160 11,404 552,561 115,967 4,291,989 97,297 3,627,697 67,076 3,108,190 39,496 1,301,749 7,877 1,168,669 1,522 199,483 607 78,675 2,088 287,290 1,556 185,593 83,018 50,093 409,525 24,571,457 101Q 9a l?>'A2? 5 ' 610 283,979 89,054 5,061,113 6,652 514,967 22,930 1,099,937 125,08S 4,579,029 SO,759 2,925,249 46,215 2,137,354 67,849 2,163,357 12,116 1,961,342 3,978 484,547 840 115,982 5,121 677,397 2.324 254,651 125,940 27,238 461,159 27,669,543 . ' 971 4,4l8,196 6,919 o34,378 364 32,532 6,487 316,676 84,851 4,780,224 4,378 337,859 24,871 1,192,590 104,424 3,808,193 98,018 3,559,207 40,611 1,873,881 77,189 2,460,706 4,828 729,623 3,937 486,489 2,191 279,123 4,115 544,599 2,800 314,329 189,354 6,938 431,248 25,874,897 Totals •• •• 419,958 24,578,044 48,038 3,708,090 3,105 277,814 34,102 1,679,373 415.045 23,143,770 24,587' 1,903,185 94,271; 4,479,783 768,765 27,387,600 606,394 22,108,386 266,513 12,235,078 401,816 12,489,7«2 44,181 7,066,283 30,005, 2,287,610 8,978 1,131,904 26,517 3,383,860 19 240 2,019,746 1,456,332 288,492 2,527,086 151,625,142 Southland .. J 9 J5* ,2'aa! 2 '^I 2 ?}?' 9 ? 9 " " 3,064 1 48 ,274 47,502 2,628,064 3,308 261,397 10,405 528,039 160 7,356 119,355 4,356,761 23,091 1,058,568 52,512* 1,718,862 9,222 1,381,791 6,375 708,958 1,429 220,672 9,740 1,164,266 1,590 174,084 281,107 '41,102 277,101 16,626.086 ioir 17 ?15' 650 248 22,257 6,070 298,370 83,784 4,633,154 4,382 338,777 14,738 723,482 .. .. 179,713 6,831,892 34,241 1,581,794 63,053 2,128,263 26,117 3,970,827 14,447 1,609,893 2,278 359,335 17,428 2,185,221 7,267 765,570 673,762 172,408 514,351 30,861,069 ioi7 ia r. i7« , 2? 62,407 2,630 134,133 55,082 3,120,501 3,647 282,212 10,879 536,061 .. .. 133,882 4,958,163 41,579 1,926,498 39,061 1,294,171 25,259 4,042,109 9,441 1,192,209 2,779 404,234 13,070 1,706,815 3.802 429,826 286,057 71,340 419,761 25,185,647 1010 Jo aA909 A'^l'anA ' f 120,519 1,856 101,615 46,738 2,679,700 4,244 332,500 11,813 585,220 2,056 81,088 77,215 2,892,123 31,487 1,463,522 26,169 895,967 14,335 2,331,970 5,100 651,648 1,475 218,574 9,004 1,200,511 1,856 210,944 108,512 24,936 312,067 18,724,016 loio 9a a9A?S 2'™ 757,269 912 81,694 4,260 214,371 75,328 4,237,756 5,227 404,600 20,251 969,497 233 8,741 78,524 2,823,096 16,200 751,926 43,898 1,381,573 10,827 1,736,549 4,765 624,554 968 143.329 7,490 1,006,905 1,716 196,340 102,328 64,005 334,970 20,098,203 0 8-,048 4,719,990 7,099 544,349 510 45,969 3,585 169,064 59,497 3,358,311 3,710 286,259 19,075 910,342 .. .. 105,276 3,792,832 21,500 992,299 43,140 1,679,013 11,518 1,717,712 9,960 1,239,697 2,482 333,678 12,292 980,965 2,995 328,066 163,043 25,083 354,778 21,286,672 Totals '• ;; 400,305 23,283,658 44,187 3,408,047 3,713 332,846 21,465 1,065,827 367,931 20,657,486 24,518 1,905,745 87,161 4,252,641 2,449 97,185 693,965 25,654,867 168,098 7,774,607 267,833 9,097,849 97,278 15,180,958 50,088 6,026,959 11,411 1,679,822 . 69,024 8,244,683 19,226 2,104,830 1,614,809 398,874 2,213,028 132,781,693 South Island .. } 9 J5* ,5'°! 6 ' 0 ? 3 fj' 501 428,223 .. .. 11,494 541,442 224,246 12,056,345 9,623 754,906 15,410 746,500 604,216! 21,652,080 276,817 9,991,939 144,663 6,698,442 156,705 4,923,462 12,054 1,858,861 7,383 816,772 1,615 251,514 9,972 1,195,285 1,822 198,052 391,218 272,312 1,129,891 67,793,436 1Q1R 17 JHa 7 ® 8 ' 401 „ 377 33,634 50,221 2,659,661 471,000 24,429,406 10,330 803,020 94,327 4,254,250 1,098,584 36,787,178 439,273 16,047,063 115,755 5,479,863 599,977 17,756,418 51,111 7,843,047 46,425 4,021,505 8,755 1,186,566 35,091 4,344,865 19,336 1,973,739 1,432,476 387,588 2,434,050 146,043,032 ?Q17 ia QOO'aaa OA'22 2,049,325 2,330 204,021 32,868 1,599,724 347,831 18,591,048 13,011 1,007,777 63,673 2,914,192 1,035,296 35,722,893 394,159 14,242,906 155,273 7,023,094 339,350 10,437,739 59,409 9,704,541 30,102 3,744,984 14,780 1,933,580 ! 39,625 5,174,915 18,491 2,074,983 764,166 324,207 2,324,390 139,463,476 loia io OR1 i 9 'I®H 8 2 ??' 3 ? 7 3,035, 300 3,560 323,736 15,148 776,232 360,429 19,720,707 16,311 1,263,075 52,107 2,448,112 902,332 33,339,291 210,828 7,812,975 290,961 13,412,541 174,697 5,726,431 41,907 6,806,195 14,993 1,957,485 5,991 896,493 19,928 2,731,979 6.589 779,254 254,394 131,715 2,019,570 121,174,104 loio 9a ool'iaA 2,667,396 3,338 300,712 28,674 1,389,559 456,266 25,132,790 24,781 1,920,520 98,889 4,545,407 1,022,071 37,322,093 188,094 6,711,121 246,431 11,376,070 292,431 9,162,069 43,133 6,909,263 18,812 2,369,807 6,610 973,172 23,327 3,157,342 8,649 985,049 248,807 115,265 2,265,535 135,932,118 9 984,789 21,285,055 19,476 1,496,966 1,280 114,996 32,822 1,537,440 511,886 27,369,744 16,682 1,287,432 144,257 6,531,937 1,142,028 40,229,718 225,742 8,125,870 172,759 7,917,360 374,982 11,867,658 37,379 5,644,687 28,271 3,418,577 11,568 1,584,417 28,886 3,139,879 12,388 1,376,399 366,871 94,762 2,389,829 143,389,768 TotaJs " j 1,852,733 104,498,736 135,241 10,435,611 ! 10,885 977,099 171,227 8,504,058 2,371,658 j 127,300,040 90,738 J 7,036,730 468,663 21,440,398 [ 5,804,527 | 205,053,253 1,734,913 62,931,874 1,125,842 51,907,370 j 1,938,142 j 59,873,777 | 244,993 38,766,594 145,986 16,329,130 49,319 6,825,742 156,829 19,744,265 67,275 7,387,476 3,457,932 1,325,849 12,563,265 753,795,934 DOMINION TOTALS 19i 5* 447 ' 947 24,287,478 11,573 892,581 .. .. 77,959 3,827,966 419,010 22,492,722 14,019 j 1,082,603 34,449 1,666,545 644,807 23,040,425 617,255 21,529,332 168,329 7,775,580 293,690 j 9,105,106 79,771 14,033,349 23,584 3,338,650 6,654 944,137 48,847 6,201,535 12,016 1,387,244 1,556,504 1,497,640 2,410,990 144.659,397 iqir 17 I'd ™ a, oaMAO 7 >321,077 4,628 396,451 118,027 6,298,718 1,048,010 57,805,777 50,246 3,818,265 128,581 6,008,895 1,298,530 43,036,932 1,520,510 52,563,078 183,412 8,537,024 803,057 23,973,913 335,208 57,928,401 99,995 11,002,162 34,997 4,955,326 266,301 34,321,993 80.970 9,116,086 4,031,583 1,531,109 6,779,653 406,779,257 ioi7 ia }"<™ oaa 30 ? } 73 '554 13,336,954 14,872 1,328,565 79,992 4,143,773 803,875 44,917,111 54.568 4,229,024 105,595 4,994,357 1,153,055 39,959,750 1,176,418 47,032,302 217,106 9,822,880 479,103 11,582,677 375,433 68,602,189 63,028 8,344,230 33,546 4,831.156 224.597 29,408,896 62.013 7,093,060 1,949,736 1,082,386 6,449,172 386,950,346 loia O 1Voa'R?O 8 ,' 7 21'2 4 3 150,372 11,606,470 10,649 925,241 81,457 4,260,159 1,279,350 71,028,050 56,285 4,337,955 141.710 6,817,499 981,212 36,456,081 1,043,048 35,973,540 323,825 14,914,142 369,171 11,358,887 386,787 70,978,541 40,595 5,658,331 11,600 1,809,965 173,210 23,042,486 35,369 4,055,052 687,706 1,987,509 6,543,311 392,598,661 loio OA 17AAAO, ,A, ca!'?™ A 14 > 033 ' 823 22,455 1,832,047 86,165 4,399,227 1,410,023 80.026.694 80,798 6,250,214 197,128 9,379,843 1,091,544 39,847,625 866,043 29,925,763 296,195 13,646,948 412.444 12,770,049 371,683 65,351,788 50,692 6,764.865 23,603 3,553,174 169,310 22,621,344 41,410 4,731,765 899,394 1,768,530 6,870,531 412,231,935 I 1,/90,981 | 101,695,107 81,950 6,288,895 5,910 | 530,679 121,467 5,955,463 1,454,775 79,435,030 43,281 3,338,153 260,969 12,280,770 1,178,925 41,562,180 923,580 30,640,193 194,434 8,902,305 568,559 17,560,575 307,711 51,862,747 82,353 10,699,406 34,802 4,650,330 160,008 20.,023,737 58,849 6,638,620 2,028,113 1,939,042 6,767,191 406,031,345 GRAND TOTALS 1915-20 8,024,042 462,536,244 693,953 53,479,800 58,514 5,012,983 565,067 28,885,306 6,415,043 355,705,381 299,197 23,056,214 868,432 41,147,90!' 6,348,073 223,902,993 6,146,854 217,664,208 1,383,301 63,598,879 2,926,024 89,351,207 1,856,593 1328,757,015 360,247 45,807,644 145,202 20,744,088 1,042,273 135,619,991 290,627 33,021,827 11,153,036 9,806,216 35,820,848 2,149,250,941 ! ! : L_ L_ ! : 1 I ! ! i ! I 1 1 I I i T TT go * I ncom plete season.

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