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Accommodation. —It will, in the near future, be necessary to increase the accommodation, so that more room may be obtained to enable the work to be done in the most efficient manner. It is poor economy when work which requires skill and judgment has to be carried out where light is bad and room cramped. The new wing of the Department is ideal, and it is hoped that some time in the near future the old portion of the building will be brought more in keeping with up-to-date printing establishments, where light, space, and air are considered such valuable aids to the achievement of the best work. The Staff. —I have much pleasure in testifying to the conscientious services of all holding responsible positions in the Department. I have, &c, Marcus F. Marks, Hon. the Minister in Charge. Government Printer.

Receipts and Payments Account for Year ended 31st March, 1921. 1921. I 1921. Mar. 31. Receipts. £ s. d. Mar. 31. Payments. £ s. d. To Sundries .. .. .. .. 354 2 8 By Salaries .. .. .. .'. 94,600 Oil Publishing .. .. .. .. 928 12 6 Wages .. .. .. .. 16,143 14 2 Publications.. .. .. .. 1,828 11 3 Overtime .. .. .. .. 4,013 16 3 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 226,211 8 5 Cost-of-living bonus .. .. .. 1,537 17 10 Hansard salaries (recovered) .. .. 8,132 0 6 Stationery .. .. .. .. 107,688 13 6 Balance to Treasury Adjustment Account 27,950 18 1 "Stores .. .. .. .. 7,921 9 5 Freight, cartage, insurance, &c... .. 10,399 16 5 Machinery .. .. .. .. 7,431 0 4 Type and printing material .. .. 174 12 3 Monotype extras .. .. .. 289 17 9 Monotype metal .. .. .. 673 6 4 Fuel, gas, &c. .. .. .. 2,566 19 11 Water-supply .. .. .. 81 16 6 Medical services .. .. .. 139 19 0 Office equipment .. .. .. 38 6 0 Postage, telegrams, and exchange .. 1,454 19 10 Telephone-exchange subscriptions .. 74 15 0 Refund of amounts overpaid .. .. 21 7 8 Window-cleaning and rubbish-removal .. 132 2 6 Proportion of rent High Commissioner's Office .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Motor vehicles .. .. .. 395 9 10 Payment to L. G. Gosney for improved ready-reckoner .. .. .. 50 0 0 Contingencies .. .. .. 94 10 0 Salaries (Hansard) .. .. .. 8,132 0 6 Salaries (unauthorized expenditure) .. 1,199 1 6 £265,405 13 5 £265,405 13 5 Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31 st March, 1921. Dr. Cr. To Paper and materials— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales— £ s. d. £ s. d. Stock at beginning .. 35,174 14 0 Manufacturing .. 207,714 2 2 Add purchases .. 95,760 14 7 Stationery .. 30,227 16 8 Publishing .. 1,621 611 130,935 8 7 239,563 5 9 Less stock on hand on Work in progress .. 4,667 10 0 31st March, 1921 .. 66,080 8 0 . Insurances refunded .. 1,624 1 3 64,855 0 7 Stationery— Stock at beginning .. 3,359 5 8 Add purchases .. 32,942 17 9 36,302 3 5 Less stock on hand on 31st March, 1921 .. 8,569 10 8 — 27,732 12 9 Salaries and wages .. .. 117,382 1 11 Insurance .. .. .. 676 0 2 Repairs and maintenance— Plant .... 891 4 7 Premises .. .. 374 14 7 1,265 19 2 Lighting, power, and water .. 2,324 3 6 Depreciation .. .. .. 3,237 19 0 Interest on capital .. .. 5,281 12 0 Freight (inward) .. .. 6,02113 5 228,777 2 6 General expenses— Office salaries .. .. 5,306 12 2 Salaries and wages (Stamp Department) 4,502 3 2 Postage and telegrams .. 1,684 16 2 Exchange .. .. .. 1,945 111 Freight (outward) .. .. 942 6 6 Discounts .. .. .. 71 4 10 Telephone rental .. .. 74 15 0 Medical services .. .. 137 17 0 Sundry office expenses .. 252 15 10 Bad Debts Reserve Account .. 100 0 0 15,017 12 7 Balance being net profit for year .. .. 2,060 1 11 £245,854 17 0 £245,854 17 0