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Session 11. 1921. NEW ZEALAND.


Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

Sib Printing and Stationery Department, Wellington, 19th August, 1921. I have the honour to submit the annual report upon the working of this Department for the year ended 31st March, 1921. The tables accompanying the report show the nature, extent, and result of the year's working. Gazette. —The number printed was 1,270, the number of subscribers 188, and the amount received £556. Hansard. —The number of Hansards printed for session 1920 was 4,000, the number of subscribers 144, and the amount received £72. Stamp-printing. —The number of sheets of stamps of various values printed was 1,402,093, the number of stamps 134,773,771, and the value £3,689,913. Stereo and Electro Plates. —The number of stereo-plates cast during the year was 26,955, the weight being 24,5491b. The number of electrotypes was 4,151, and the weight 1,1701b. Rubber Stamps. —The number of rubber stamps made was 5,296. Railway Tickets.— lo,4s7,Bl2 railway tickets were printed, the largest number (1,141,009) being printed in November. Work of the Year. —There has been no diminution in the volume of work, the whole staff being kept busy throughout the year. Two staffs are still employed in the Machine Branch, necessitated by the amount of printing going through. The quantity of pads now being ordered instead of loose forms increases the work of the Binding Branch, and at times overtime is compulsory in this branch to keep level with the demands made upon us. Though the working of extra hours is neither satisfactory nor economical, it is sometimes a necessity. It is, however, avoided wherever possible. Paper and Stationery. —The paper position is now much easier, the large stocks coming to hand from England and Canada enabling us to carry out the requirements of the country free from the anxiety that has been experienced during the past five years. Prices have fallen, and it is anticipated that, though the cost of paper will never come down to that of pre-war days, prices will be much easier than they have been for some years. Owing to the unsettled condition of affairs all over the world, it is, however, still necessary to preserve economy in paper-consumption, and the fact that the market has grown easier should not result in extravagance in the ordering of matter to be printed. The cost of printing is very high at present, and only essential printing should be undertaken. Stationery is easier, and we have been able to stock a little more liberally, though it is still necessary to cut down requisitions. I have called attention to this over-ordering for some years, but though there has been a slight improvement there is still a lack of the necessary scrutiny by some of the responsible officers of the Departments ordering. The position has also grown easier in regard to prices and supplies of binding-materials. Machinery. —Since my last report several new machines have been installed, but if all the new work sent in for estimating the cost is to be undertaken, much more machinery will be required. Prices are about 120 per cent, over pre-war days, but it is now easier to obtain machines than has been the case for any time during the past five years. Still more machinery is required, but it will be difficult to place unless structural alterations are made to the building. A stamp-coiling machine has been installed in the Stamp Branch. This machine is doing good work, the stamp-vending machines throughout the Dominion being supplied with the coils for the use of the public. The railway-ticket-printing machines, at present under construction by Waterlow and Sons, are expected very shortly, and will be a great improvement on the machines now in use. In the Binding Branch three very valuable up-to-date machines have been installed —the latest case-making machine, a rounding-and-backing machine, and a cloth-cutting machine. These machines should pay for themselves very quickly. Four new letterpress-printing machines have been set up in the Machine Branch—one quadcrown and two double-royal Wharfdales, and a Kelly press (a most satisfactory and up-to-date small machine). . . The " Reliable " flat-bed litho-printing machine has not yet come to hand, but it is hoped that it will arrive very shortly.


Accommodation. —It will, in the near future, be necessary to increase the accommodation, so that more room may be obtained to enable the work to be done in the most efficient manner. It is poor economy when work which requires skill and judgment has to be carried out where light is bad and room cramped. The new wing of the Department is ideal, and it is hoped that some time in the near future the old portion of the building will be brought more in keeping with up-to-date printing establishments, where light, space, and air are considered such valuable aids to the achievement of the best work. The Staff. —I have much pleasure in testifying to the conscientious services of all holding responsible positions in the Department. I have, &c, Marcus F. Marks, Hon. the Minister in Charge. Government Printer.

Receipts and Payments Account for Year ended 31st March, 1921. 1921. I 1921. Mar. 31. Receipts. £ s. d. Mar. 31. Payments. £ s. d. To Sundries .. .. .. .. 354 2 8 By Salaries .. .. .. .'. 94,600 Oil Publishing .. .. .. .. 928 12 6 Wages .. .. .. .. 16,143 14 2 Publications.. .. .. .. 1,828 11 3 Overtime .. .. .. .. 4,013 16 3 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 226,211 8 5 Cost-of-living bonus .. .. .. 1,537 17 10 Hansard salaries (recovered) .. .. 8,132 0 6 Stationery .. .. .. .. 107,688 13 6 Balance to Treasury Adjustment Account 27,950 18 1 "Stores .. .. .. .. 7,921 9 5 Freight, cartage, insurance, &c... .. 10,399 16 5 Machinery .. .. .. .. 7,431 0 4 Type and printing material .. .. 174 12 3 Monotype extras .. .. .. 289 17 9 Monotype metal .. .. .. 673 6 4 Fuel, gas, &c. .. .. .. 2,566 19 11 Water-supply .. .. .. 81 16 6 Medical services .. .. .. 139 19 0 Office equipment .. .. .. 38 6 0 Postage, telegrams, and exchange .. 1,454 19 10 Telephone-exchange subscriptions .. 74 15 0 Refund of amounts overpaid .. .. 21 7 8 Window-cleaning and rubbish-removal .. 132 2 6 Proportion of rent High Commissioner's Office .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Motor vehicles .. .. .. 395 9 10 Payment to L. G. Gosney for improved ready-reckoner .. .. .. 50 0 0 Contingencies .. .. .. 94 10 0 Salaries (Hansard) .. .. .. 8,132 0 6 Salaries (unauthorized expenditure) .. 1,199 1 6 £265,405 13 5 £265,405 13 5 Profit and Loss Account for Year ended 31 st March, 1921. Dr. Cr. To Paper and materials— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. By Sales— £ s. d. £ s. d. Stock at beginning .. 35,174 14 0 Manufacturing .. 207,714 2 2 Add purchases .. 95,760 14 7 Stationery .. 30,227 16 8 Publishing .. 1,621 611 130,935 8 7 239,563 5 9 Less stock on hand on Work in progress .. 4,667 10 0 31st March, 1921 .. 66,080 8 0 . Insurances refunded .. 1,624 1 3 64,855 0 7 Stationery— Stock at beginning .. 3,359 5 8 Add purchases .. 32,942 17 9 36,302 3 5 Less stock on hand on 31st March, 1921 .. 8,569 10 8 — 27,732 12 9 Salaries and wages .. .. 117,382 1 11 Insurance .. .. .. 676 0 2 Repairs and maintenance— Plant .... 891 4 7 Premises .. .. 374 14 7 1,265 19 2 Lighting, power, and water .. 2,324 3 6 Depreciation .. .. .. 3,237 19 0 Interest on capital .. .. 5,281 12 0 Freight (inward) .. .. 6,02113 5 228,777 2 6 General expenses— Office salaries .. .. 5,306 12 2 Salaries and wages (Stamp Department) 4,502 3 2 Postage and telegrams .. 1,684 16 2 Exchange .. .. .. 1,945 111 Freight (outward) .. .. 942 6 6 Discounts .. .. .. 71 4 10 Telephone rental .. .. 74 15 0 Medical services .. .. 137 17 0 Sundry office expenses .. 252 15 10 Bad Debts Reserve Account .. 100 0 0 15,017 12 7 Balance being net profit for year .. .. 2,060 1 11 £245,854 17 0 £245,854 17 0




Treasury Adjustment Account. 1921. 1921. Mar. 31. £ s. d. Mar. 31. £ s. d. To Sundry Debtors Account .. .. 28,752 6 6 By Repairs and Maintenance Account .. 352 7 4 Stationery Trading Account .. .. 1,000 0 0 Wages Account .. .. .. 2,273 0 4 Stamp-printing Department Wages Ac- Publications Account .. .. .. 2,929 6 7 count .. .. .. .. 4,502 3 2 Interest Account .. .. .. 5,281 12 0 Bonus Arrears Account .. .. 5,643 15 5 Balance Receipts and Payments Account 27,950 18 1 Balance .. .. .. .. 1,111 0 9 £39,898 5 1 £39,898 5 1 Balance-sheet as at 31st March, 1921. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Capital Account .. .. .. 158,090 6 3 j Buildings .. .. .. 42,305 12 7 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 11,370 1 11 Less depreciation .. 1,057 12 6 Suspense Account .. .. .. 629 3 7 41,248 0 1 Bad Debts Reserve Account .. .. 100 0 0 Plant — Balance Profit and Loss Account .. .. 2,060 111 Printing.. .. .. 15,895 16 6 Binding .. .. .. 6,077 17 10 Litho and photo .. .. 1,759 16 1 Engine-room .. .. 472 10 9 24,206 1 2 Less depreciation .. 1,574 11 0 22,631 10 2 Type .. .. .. 7,721 2 8 Less depreciation .. 575 17 0 7,145 5 8 Furniture .. .. .. 399 4 5 Less depreciation .. 29 18 6 369 5 11 Sundry debtors .. .. .. 25,616 18 11 Stock on hand .. .. .. 74,127 12 2 Treasury Adjustment Account .. 1,111 0 9 £172,249 13 8 ; £172,249 13 8 Examined and found correct. Robert J. Collins, H. M. C. Robertson, Controller and Auditor-General. Accountant.

Return of Printing and Stationery issued to Departments for the Year ended 31st March, 1921.

Printing. StationeryPrinting. Stationery. Advertising Office Agriculture Audit Office Bacteriological Laboratory Bankruptcy Cambridge Sanatorium .. Coal Control Cook Islands Administration Crown Law Office Customs Defence Military Supplies Purchase Office Repatriation Education — Head Office Examination Branch .. School Journal Teachers' Superannuation Fund Electoral External Affairs Forestry Friendly Societies ■Gazette General Assembly— Bills Hansard Joint Account Statutes Geological Survey Government Accident In- £ s. d. 90 2 6 3,099 14 0 135 14 0 13 1 0 35 3 6 £ s. d. 43 9 3 1,211 11 5 153 3 4 55 0 11 22 14 4 5 3 8 34 0 0 90 3 2 Government House Government Life Insurance Government Statistician Health Hector Observatory Hospitals and Charitable Aid House of Representatives— Appendix Journals Miscellaneous Order Paper Immigration Imperial Government Supplies Industries and Commerce Internal Affairs Internal Affairs, Minister's Offices Journal of Agriculture .. Justice Kahiti Labour Land and Deeds Land and Income Tax .. Land for Settlements Lands and Survey Legislative Council — Appendix Journals Miscellaneous Order Paper.. Marine Mental Hospitals Meteorological Mines £ s. d. 219 6 0 1,618 1 6 8,744 10 5 2,459 16 7 41 15 0 £ s. d. 63 11 1 306 0 4 128 18 5 635 17 7 5 6 7 24 0 3 118 15 0 19 19 0 82 0 6 1,005 2 1 4,739 0 4 106 11 9 44 18 7 594 4 11 3,267 16 1 54 18 1 7,225 12 6 389 11 6 568 0 6 1,132 17 6 142 16 0 19 11 6 136 1 3 119 19 0 59 0 0 447 10 9 559 17 6 267 13 0 1,408 5 8 261 19 0 296 10 5 606 18 5 255 3 5 4,376 15 2 1,228 3 6 8,875 15 11 88 14 5 1,072 10 7 3 12 1 103 5 0 206 4 6 577 6 4 175 18 6 9,785 9 4 3 17 0 55 1 2 62 17 9 207 1 7 8 14 7 2 19 2 4,194 9 6 1,517 11 9 2,466 14 8 3,529 17 0 900 11 0 2,538 12 6 11 12 0 8,691 1 8 171 4 0 1,282 17 1 812 8 0 427 10 7 480 16 2 13 11 5 3,263 4 10 2,249 17 6 8,589 13 0 876 3 0 4.566 14 3 105 14 6 231 12 9 85 7 7 43 10 1 31 12 2 73 10 0 168 18 6 60 6 6 224 12 6 1,873 18 0 580 9 9 79 8 9 453 2 6 21 0 8 surance Government Firewood Depot 335 4 6 317 14 9 9 8 2 174 16 7 16 15 0 18 14 0



Return of Printing and Stationery issued to Departments, etc. — continued.

Return of Adhesive and Impressed Stamps printed from 1st April, 1920, to 31st March, 1921.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation not given; printing (500 copies), £8 17s. 6d.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92l.

Price 3d.]

Printing. Stationery. Printing. Stationery. Museum, Dominion National Provident Fund Native New Zealand Naval Adviser Patents Pensions Police Post and Telegraph— Head Office Controller of Stores .. Prime Minister's Office .. Prisons Public Service Commissioner Public Service Official Circular Public Service Superannuation Board Public Trust Office Public Works Railways— Head Office Accountant Chief Engineer Chief Traffic Manager Day tickets Mechanical Engineer .. Stationery Clerk Stores Manager Stores, Petone Ticket-printer Time-table £ s. d. 660 18 6 622 5 0 704 8 2 4 13 6 £ s. d. 22 10 2 168 16 2 314 11 2 40 3 9 Registrar-General Stamp Duties State Advances State Coal — Head Office Christchurch Depot .. Greymouth Depot Huntly Depot Wanganui Depot Wellington Depot State Fire Insurance Tourist Treasur}Valuation £ s. d. 1,151 16 0 1,428 18 0 613 10 2 £ s. d. 263 13 11 632 19 1 381 9 1.0 1,171 5 6 1,590 17 6 3,876 3 9 4,754 7 3 33,177 7 7 365 12 2 297 5 6 321 1 6 39 9 7 252 7 8 1,111 12 9 48 3 0 254 3 8 77 8 7 329 0 8 249 15 8 72 1 6 61 1 6 24 4 9 2 0 0 16 18 6 1,272 10 0 519 12 9 ' 3,936 2 3 j 986 9 10 6 7 1 7 17 3 22 7 7 8 0 11 3 1 1 15 4 3 352 18 4 179 15 9 1,229 3 4 667 5 8 ! I 28,415 6 4 262 2 6 Totals .. 196,838 6 11 108 0 6 13 6 10 Sui MARY. 4,598 14 0 2,986 16 0 970 0 9 182 9 3 25 16 6 186 19 0 984 6 10 70 5 6 20,286 1 11 1,253 6 3 2,591 16 9 125 12 2 10 6 10 1 4 11 1920—April May June July August September October November December 1921 —January February March 8,779 15 3 10,621 3 8 14,608 6 0 17,829 15 1 16,505 6 5 16,271 8 1 13,669 1 1 23,260 13 6 17,831 16 0 10,091 13 8 14,410 4 2 32,959 4 0 2,147 8 6 2,106 4 0 2,476 7 6 2,336 7 10 2,191 10 7 1,385 11 4 2,716 9 10 2,974 4 3 2,422 6 0 1,556 2 10 2,424 7 9 3,678 5 11 45 8 9 50 19 9 2,331 13 9 2,350 19 2 15 14 5 Totals 196,838 6 11 28,415 6 4

Description. Sheets. Stamps. Value. Postage Duty Railway Postal notes lietter-cards Post-cards 467,969 12,012 50,700 443.198 211,662 165,000 43,372 101,433,940 1,424,638 5,154,000 2,466,938 1,904,961 1,140,000 267,500 20,895,634 86,160 £ s. d. 979,104 15 0 1,642,255 0 0 270,866 13 4 15,180 10 10 14,307 14 2 5,702 4 9 1,017 3 8 174,112 16 11 587,367 0 0 Newspaper-wrappers impressed stamps P.O. investment certificates .. 8,180 Totals .. 1,402,093 134,773,771 3,689,913 18 8

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Bibliographic details

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1921., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-36

Word Count

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1921. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-36

PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT (ANNUAL REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1921. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1921 Session I-II, H-36