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A.-2. 5. Desertion or dismissal with disgrace since the date of the qualifying service forfeits the decoration. 6. The decorations earned by officers and men deceased will be issued to their legatees or next-of-kin entitled to receive them. 7. A further announcement as to the issue of the riband will be made in due course, and no application should be made pending such notification. 8. For the purposes of this order the definition of " theatres of military operations " is as in Appendix A. APPENDIX a. For the purpose of this order " theatres of military operations " are defined as under : — 1. Western European Theatre. —To include all operations in— (a.) France and Belgium, between midnight 4th-sth August, 1914, and midnight 11th—12th November, 1918. (b.) Italy, between midnight 17th-18th April, 1917, and midnight 4th-sth November,-1918. 2. Balkan Theatre. —To include all operations in— (a.) Greek Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and European Turkey, between midnight 4th-sth October, 1915, and midnight llth-12th November, 1918. (b.) Gallipoli and islands of Aegean Sea, between midnight 24th-25th April, 1915, and midnight 9th-10th January, 1916. Officers and men of the Plymouth and Chatham Battalions, R.M.L.1., who took part in the landing at Seddul Bahr and Kum Kale on the 4th March, 1915, are eligible. 3. Russian Theatre. —To include all operations in Russia since midnight 4th-sth August, 1914. 4. Egyptian Theatre. —To include all operations— (a.) In Egypt, between midnight 4th-sth November, 1914, and midnight 18th-19th March, 1916, but excluding operations for which the Sultan's Sudan Medal has been awarded. (/;.) Conducted by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force between midnight 18th-19th March, 1916, and midnight 31st October-lst November, 1918, but excluding operations for which the Sultan's Sudan Medal has been awarded. 5. African Theatre. —To include all operations as set forth below, but excluding local military operations against Native tribes or rebels for which the African G.S. Medal is awarded. (a.) In British, German, and Portuguese East Africa, Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia, between midnight, 19th-20tb August, 1914, and midnight 25th-26th November, 1918. (b.) In German South-west Africa and on the adjacent borders of the Union of South Africa, between midnight 19th-20th August, 1914, and midnight 9th-10th July, 1915. (c.) In Kamerun and on eastern and northern frontiers of Nigeria, between midnight 23rd24th August, 1914, and midnight 18th-19th February, 1916. (d.) In Nigeria, between midnight 4th-sth January, 1917, and midnight 15th-16th May, 1917. (c.) In Togoland, between midnight 6th-7th August, 1914, and midnight 26th-27th August, 1914. 6. Asiatic Theatre. —To include all operations— (a.) In Hedjaz, between midnight 4th-sth November, 1914, and midnight 13th-14th January, 1919. (/;.) In Mesopotamia, from midnight sth-6th November, 1914. (c.) In Persia and in the Persian Gulf, from midnight sth-6th November, 1914. (d.) In Trans-Caspia, from midnight 18th-19th July, 1918. (c.) At Shaik Said (south-west Arabia), on 10th and 11th November, 1914, and at Perim on 14th and 15th June, 1915. (/.) Conducted by the Aden Field Force, between midnight 2nd-3rd July, 1915, and midnight 13th-14th January, 1919. (g.) In the frontier regions of India, carried out by forces which actually took the field between sth August, 1914, and the 31st October, 1918. (h.) At Tsing-Tau, between midnight 22nd-23rd September, 1914, and midnight 7th-Bth November, 1914. 7. Australasian Theatre. —To include all operations against the German Pacific Dependencies as follows :— (a.) New Britain, from midnight lOth-llth September, 1914, to midnight 21st-22nd September, 1914. (b.) New Ireland, from midnight 15th-16th September, 1914, to midnight 18th-19th October, 1914. (c.) Kaiser Wilhelm Land, on 24th September, 1914. , (d.) Admiralty Islands, on 21st November, 1914. (c.) Nauru, on 6th November, 1914. (/.) German Samoa, on 29th August, 1914.