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Enclosures. W.O. 3973.—British War Medal. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve the issue of a medal to record the bringing of the war to a successful conclusion, and the arduous services rendered by His Majesty's Forces. ' . 1. The medal will be in silver. 2. The riband will be orange (watered) in the centre, with stripes of white and black on each side, and with borders of royal blue. 3. Provided the claims are approved by the Admiralty, the medal will be granted to those of the undermentioned classes who performed twenty-eight days' mobilized service, or lost their lives in active operations before completing that period, between the sth August, 1914, and 11th November, 1918, both dates inclusive : — (a.) Officers, warrant officers, petty officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Naval Air Service, Royal Indian Marine, Royal Naval Reserve (including Trawler and Fishery Sections), Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, and Dominion and Colonial Naval Forces. (b.) Mercantile Marine officers and men serving in His Majesty's commissioned ships and auxiliaries under special naval engagements (T. 124 and its variants, including T. 299). (c.) Officers and enrolled members of the Women's Royal Naval Service who proceeded and served overseas. (d.) Members of Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service and Royal Naval Nursing Service Reserve, and recognized official nursing organizations, who served in a hospital ship at sea or proceeded overseas and served in a naval hospital abroad. (c.) Canteen staffs who have served in a ship-of-war at sea. (/.) Non-nursing members of medical units — e.g», dispensers, storekeepers, clerks, wardmaids. &c. —who served in a hospital ship at sea or proceeded overseas and served in a naval hospital abroad. 4. Desertion or dismissal with disgrace since the date of the qualifying service forfeits the decoration. 5. The decorations earned by officers and men deceased will be issued to their legatees or next-of-kin entitled to receive them. 6. A further announcement as to the issue of the medals and riband will be made in due course, and no applications should be made pending such notification.

W.O. 3974,—" Victory Medal "—Award.

His Majesty the King having been pleased to recognize by the grant of a distinctive medal the services rendered by His Majesty's Forces in operations of war since the sth August, 1914, the following regulations for the award of the medal as regards the Navy are issued for information : — 1. The medal, which will be designated the " Victory Medal," will bo similar in design to that issued by the other Allied and Associated Powers for corresponding services, and will obviate the interchange of Allied commemorative war medals. It will be in bronze, and will be attached to the riband by a ring. No clasp will be issued with it. 2. The riband will be red in the centre, with green and violet on each side, shaded to form the colours of two rainbows. 3. Provided the claims are approved by the Admiralty, the medal will be granted to the undermentioned classes who were mobilized and rendered approved service either (i) at sea between midnight the 4th sth August, 1914, and midnight llth-12th November, 1918, or (ii) on the establishment of a unit within a theatre of military operations : — (a.) All officers and men of the R.N., R.M., R.N.A.S., R.L.M., R.N.R., R.N.V.R., R.N.A.5.8.R., and Dominion and Colonial Naval Forces. Trained pilots and observers and men of the R.N.A.S. employed in actual flying from naval air-stations at home on oversea patrols will be eligible. (6.) Mercantile marine officers and men serving under special naval engagements (Form T. 124 and its variants, including T. 299) in H.M. ships of war and commissioned Fleet auxiliaries. (v.) Members of Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service, and Royal Naval Nursing Service Reserve. (d.) Officers and enrolled members of the W.R.N.S. (c.) Canteen staffs who served in a ship-of-war at sea. > 4. The following services are not approved as qualifying : — (a.) Service in depot ships, except those which go to sea ; boom defence vessels, examination vessels, and other craft employed on harbour service. (b.) Service at shore bases and depots, except those within theatres of active military operations, (c.) Services of a temporary and special nature at sea, or in theatres of military operations— e.g., casual inspections and inquiries, purchase of material, trials, passage, &c. (d.) Service at sea subsequent to midnight, llth-12th November, 1918, execprt in certain specified cases, with regard to which a further announcement will be made.