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No. 2. New Zealand, No. 41. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 28th February, 1918. I have the honour to inform you, in reply to your despatch, Dominions No. 1, of the 3rd January, that my Ministers will adopt the policy recommended by you in that they will not require certificates of interest for goods imported into this Dominion from Madeira, Porto Santo, and the Azores. I have, &c, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor-General. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1918 No. 8.

No. 3. New Zealand, No. 52. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, sth March, 1918. I have the honour to inform you that I duly referred to my Ministers your despatch, Dominions No. 772, dated the 30th November, 1917, and its enclosures, relative to the revision of the form of certificate of survey for sea : going steamships under the Indian Steamships Act No. VIII of 1884, and of the rules to be applied at Indian ports to passenger-ships. 2. I am advised that it is not the practice of the Marine Department of this Dominion to allow, by its certificates, steamships to carry any deck passengers outside New Zealand; and my Ministers do not consider it advisable to depart from this course, as the Department's Surveyors are not in possession of knowledge of all the local conditions affecting other parts of the world, and, in consequence, are not in a position to certify how many passengers could safely be carried on deck. I have, &c, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter 11. Long, M.P., Governor-General. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 4. New Zealand, No. 54. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 6th March, 1918. I have the honour to inform you that I regret to report the death, at Oamaru, New Zealand, on the 6th February, 1918, of the Honourable Sir Henry John Miller, Knight Bachelor. 2. The late Sir Henry Miller rendered, during the course of many years, valuable public service to this Dominion. In 1865 he was appointed a member of the Legislative Council, of which body he was a life member, and was Speaker of the Council in 1892-1893. From July, 1872, to September of the same year the deceased gentleman was a member of the Executive Council in the Fox Ministry. I have, &o, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor-General. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 5. New Zealand, No. 77. Sir, Government House, Wellington, Bth April, 1918. I have the honour to report, with regret, the death at Christchurch, on the 12th December last, of the Honourable Sir Charles Christopher Bowen,

A.-2, 1918, No. 24.