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Knight Bachelor, for many years Speaker of the Legislative Council of this Dominion. 2. As you are doubtless aware, Sir Charles Bowen was a conspicuous figure in the public life of this country. He had a useful parliamentary career, and during the course of a long life rendered many eminent services to this Dominion. 3. I regret the delay in reporting the occurrence. I have, &c, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor-General. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 6. New Zealand, No. 82. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 17th April, 1918. With reference to Mr. (now Viscount) Harcourt's despatch, " Miscellaneous," of the 22nd December, 1911, intimating that His Majesty the King had been graciously pleased to approve of the recognition of the title of " Honourable " in the case of retired Chief Justices and Judges of Supreme Courts in His Majesty's self-governing Dominions who have been or may be hereafter permitted to bear it after retirement, I have the honour to recommend, at the instance of my Prime Minister, that the privilege may be accorded in the case of Sir John Edward Denniston, Knight Bachelor. 2. Sir John Denniston was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand on the 11th February, 1889, and retired on pension on the 4th February last. I have, &e, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor-General. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.-2, 1918 No. 27.

No. 7. New Zealand, No. 88. Sir, — Government House, Wellington, 26th April, 1918. At the instance of my Prime Minister, I have the honour to transmit to you the accompanying synopsis, prepared by the Attorney-General, of the Acts passed during the fourth session of the Nineteenth Parliament of New Zealand, together with the Acts duly authenticated with the Seal of the Dominion. I have, &c, LIVERPOOL, The Right Hon. Walter H. Long, M.P., Governor-General. Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Enclosure. Report on Legislation passed by the General Assembly of New Zealand during the Session ended on the 15th Day of April, 1918. \<\m the information of His Excellency the Governor-General I beg to report as follows : — I. The synopsis attached hereto relates to the Acts passed by the General Assembly of New Zealand during the session which ended on the 15th day of April, 191S. 11. In my opinion neither of the said Acts is repugnant to the law of England. Dated at-Wellington, this 18th day of April, 1918. P. H. D. Bell, Attorney-General.