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No. 149. The Telegraph Engineer, Auckland, to the Chief Telegraph Engineer, General Post Office, Wellington. (Memorandum.) Telegraph Engineer's Office, Auckland, 14th January, 1914. I have received the attached letter from the Campbell and Ehrenfried Company (Limited) with reference to the transmission to that firm, as Lloyd's agents, of any information concerning maritime casualties, derelicts, or overdue vessels. They are particularly anxious for an early reply. Will you please direct whether such information acquired at our wireless station could be forwarded, and upon what arrangements ? [ R. M. Baird, The Chief Telegraph Engineer, General Post Office, Wellington. Telegraph Engineer. P. & T. 71/90.]

Enclosure in No. 149. The Campbell and Ehrenfried Company (Limited), Auckland, to the Telegraph Engineer, Auckland. Sir,— Auckland, 12th Januaiy, 1914. As Lloyd's agents we are in receipt of a communication from the secretary of Lloyd's, which is as follows : " I shall be glad if you will be good enough to endeavour to make arrangements with the authority controlling the operation of the station for the immediate transmission to your office of any information coming to the knowledge of the operatois concerning maritime casualties, derelicts, overdue vessels, &c." We shall be glad to hear if your regulations peimit making the above arrangements, and, if so, what conditions you would require to make in regard to payment of the above. We propose writing to the secretary of Lloyd's by the outgoing Vancouver mail, and shall be glad to have your reply as soon as possible. We have, &c, Campbell and Ehrenfried Company (Limited) : The Telegraph Engineer, Auckland. Edward W. Rowllings, Secretary.

No. 150. The Assistant Secretary, General. Post Office, Wellington, to the New Zealand Inspector, Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited, Wellington. Sir, — General Post Office, Wellington, 15th January, 1914. 1 beg to inform you that in May last this Department informed the Union Steam Ship Company that it had no objection to radio-stations on the company's vessels licensed by this Dominion receiving and sending " ocean letters " in accordance with the arrangement made by the Marconi Company. It is hoped the conditions set out in the Marconi Company's circular No. 229 [see No. 132] will be strictly observed in the case of ships in New Zealand wateis. it is important that, in order to avoid " blocking," such messages shall not be transmitted when either of the ships concerned is in ..range of a coast station. I have, &c, F. V. Waters, Assistant Secretary. J. Gill, Esq., New Zealand Inspector, Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited, Australasia Chambers, Wellington. [P. & T. 71/19.] ___^^^^_^^^___>„

No. 151. The Telegraph Engineer, Auckland, to the Chief Telegraph Engineer, General Post Office, Wellington. (Memorandum.) Telegiaph Engineer's Office, Auokland, Ist May, 1914. With further reference to my memorandum of the 14th January last, I have now received the following reply from the Campbell and Ehrenfried Company : — " Confirming ouis of the 25th March [not printed], with reference to maritime intelligence fiom the wireless station at Auckland, we have now received a communication from the secretary, Lloyd's, which is as follows : ' Regarding the transmission to your office of maritime intelligence fiom the wireless station at Auckland, I.shall be obliged if you will be so good as to infoim the Telegraph Engineer of the Auckland District, in reply to his letter enclosed with your communication, that it is provided by Article XLV, paragraph 4, of the Service Regulations appended to the International Telegjaph Convention of 1912 that Administrations shall facilitate communication to marine-infoimation agencies of information respecting wrecks and casualties at sea or presenting a general interest for navigation ; and that it is suggested that information of this nature should be forwarded to-your office in older that the same may be telegraphed to Lloyd's. The Telegiaph Engineer should also he informed that this information is required at Lloyd's in the general inteiests of the maritime and insurance communities, and with a view to the prevention of fraud on underwriters.' " We shall be glad to hear that you will be able to make the necessary arrangements as indicated in the above." Will you please put me in a position to reply. R. M. Baird, Telegraph Engineer. The Chief Telegraph Engineer, General Post Office, Wellington. [P. &T. 71/90.]