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No. 152. The Assistant Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to Lloyd's Agents in New Zealand, and Shipowners and Steamship Companies. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, 21st May, 1914. I have the honour to inform you that under Article XLV (4) of the Detailed Seivice Regulations appended to the International Radio-telegraph Convention, Administrations are required to facilitate the communication, to the marine-infoimation agencies which they may appoint, of the information respecting wrecks and casualties at sea or presenting a general interest for navigation, which the coast stations can communicate regularly ; and that the Postmaster-General has appointed Lloyd's agencies and the steamship companies in New Zealand as the " maiine-infoi mation agencies " referred to. The Department will not collect any infoimation from private sources for the infoimation of the agencies. It will announce the fact of hearing distress calls, or communicate other infoimation concerning casualties- —such, that is to say, as comes to the knowledge of wireless stations in the course of business apart from private messages, or is given the Department for communication. A fee will not be charged for the service for the present. I have, &c, F. V. Waters, Assistant Secretary. The Campbell and Ehrenfried Company (Limited), Lloyd's agents, Auckland; and also to Lloyd's agents at Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Invercargill, Napier, Nelson, New Plymouth, Timaru, and Wellington. The Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin, and eighteen other steam ship companies in New Zealand.

No. 153. The Amalgamated Wireless [(Australasia), Limited, Sydney, to the Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited, Sir,— Wireless House, 97 Clarence Street, Sydney, 18th July, 1914. It has come to our notice that messages handed in on board ships the evening before their arrival in port are often not delivered until after the passengeis have gone ashore next morning. To obviate this trouble and enable us to assure the public that their messages will be delivered shortly after transmission, we suggest for your kind consideration that radio-telegrams received from ship stations, in the address of which a telephone-number is included, be, transmitted by telephone to theaddressee while the exchange is open. The oiiginal message to be deliveied by post, bearing the endorsement " Telephoned to addressee." The telephone-numler could te included in the addiess in the, following manner: "Smith Limited, Wellington; telephone 155." The additional words in the address would, of course, be taxed, but in con sidei ation of this and for the sake of convenient charging we suggest that no fees be levied for telephoning. The regulations for transmission of radio telegians by telephone do not deal with this subject, and we shall be glad if you will kindly favour us with your view on this matter. We have, &c, W. H. Payne, The Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Traffic Superintendent. |P. & T. 71/133.]

No. .154. The Acting - Secretary, [ General Post Office, Wellington, to the Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited, Sydney. Gentlemen, — General Post Office, Wellington, 10th August, 1914. In reference to your letter of the 18th ultimo, suggesting that radio-telegrams received from ship stations, in the address of which a telephone-number is included, be transmitted to the addressee by telephone while the exchange is open, I beg to infoim you that this Department agrees to perform the service and not to make any charge therefor. I have, &c, J. C. Williamson, For Acting-Secretary. The Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Limited, " Wireless House," 97 Clarence Street, Sydney. [Acknowledged, 21st August, 1914.]

No. 155. The Deputy Postmaster-General, Sydney, to the Acting-Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 7th September, 1914. Wireless station has been opened at Noumea. [P. & T. 71/84.]