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No. 143. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, to the Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington. (Memorandum.) Postmaster-General's Office, Wellington, 14-th October, 1913. Instructions have been issued that if urgent calls for Lyttelton are received from ships at the Wellington wireless station when the telegraph-offices at Wellington and Christchurch are closed they arc to be transmitted by telephone to Christchurch, thence by telephone to the Harbourmaster at Lyttelton. The Harbourmaster can be reached by telephone from Christchurch at any time during the day or night. In addition three persons in Wellington will be communicated with by telephone in the case of the Union Company being concerned, and two others in the case of any other company being concerned. It should now be practically impossible for any failure to occur in respect of any such call. The Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington. R. Heaton Rhodes.

No. 144. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent, Telegraph Office, Christchurch. (Memorandum.) General Post Office, Wellington, 24th October, 191.3. Instructions have been issued that if urgent calls fer Lyttelton are received from ships at the Wellington wireless station when the telegraph-offices at Wellington and Christchurch are (dosed they are to be transmitted by telephone to Christchurch. If not already done, please give instructions to your officers that on receipt of the calls the information is to be immediately sent by telephone to the Harbourmaster at Lyttelton. W. R. Morris, Secretary. The Superintendent, Telegraph Office, Christchurch.

No. 145. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Superintendent, Telegraph Office, Wellington. (Memorandum.) General Post Office, Wellington, 24-th October, 1913. Instructions have been issued that if urgent calls for Lyttelton are received from ships at the Wellington wireless station when the telegraph-offices at Wellington and Christchurch 'are closed they are to be transmitted by telephone to Christchurch, thence by telephone to the Harbourmaster at Lyttelton. If such calls are received at Wellington from a vessel of the Union Steam Ship Company during office hours a telephone message is to be sent to the Union Company's office, Wellington, and, if after office hours, to Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Horton, and Captain Stott, telephones 1029, 998, and 1785 respectively. If such calls are received from steamers other than those of the Union Company during office hours a telephone message is to be sent to the Harbourmaster, No. 1313, and after office hours to the Harbourmaster, No. 481. The Marine Department is also to be notified of the distress call of any ship during office hours. Please give the necessary instructions to your officers if this has not already been done. The Superintendent, Telegraph Office, Wellington. W. R. Morris, Secretary.

No. 146. The Secretary, Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Melbourne, 19th December, 1913. Proposed with your concurrence to institute scheme for transmission Christmas and New Year greetings from and to Australia and New Zealand by wireless. Greetings to consist of not more than four words plus name and address of addressee and name of sender. Messages to be handed in at any post and telegraph office in Australia or New Zealand on or before 23rd instant in case of Christmas, and 28th in case of New Year greetings. Charges to be 45., apportioned thus : Is. each Australian land line, Australian radio, New Zealand land line, New Zealand radio. Stereotyped form greeting to be indicated by code letter, viz. : X to represent " The compliments of the season," Y to represent " Christmas greetings," Zto represent " New Year's greetings," Kindly replv early. [P. & T. 71/103.] '

No. 147. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Secretary, Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne. (Telegram.) Wellington, 22nd December, 1913. As special arrangement agree exchange wireless Christmas and New Year greetings telegrams. Officers instructed accordingly.

No. 148. The Secretary, Postmaster-General's Department, Melbourne, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Melbourne, 22nd December, 1913. Instructions issued here re season's greetings wireless.

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