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TABLE No. 2— continued. GENERAL SUMMARY-continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1893-94 to 1914-15— continued.

Description of Services. 1904-5. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. E; Expenditure. !xpenditure. 1909-10. ! 1910-11. j 1911-12. 1912-13. 1913-14. Total Net Expenditure to 31st 1914-15. March, 1915. Public Buildings :— General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary Judicial Post and Telegraph Customs Quarantine-stations Mental Hospitals Public Health Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School Buildings Agricultural £ £ £ 9.021 2.231 14.216 697 71 1.047 13.083 15,899 35,192 16.008 38,419 43,918 13,018 7.903 414 '.'. 15.949 16.235 8,049 4.265 : 7.926 1.765 1.204 4.786 10,259 42,721 69.223 109,459 1.362 2.618 2.707 £ 9.021 697 13.083 16.008 13.018 £ 2.231 71 15,899 38,419 7,903 £ 14.216 1.047 35.192 43.918 414 8,049 1.765 10,259 109.459 2.707 £ 16,260 4,119 28.938 43.724 47 7.987 7,497 15,576 100,197 1,690 £ 16,260 4,119 28,938 43.724 47 7.987 7,497 15,576 100,197 1,690 £ 39,635 5.172 37.211 62,262 2,507 15.296 j 4,402 11,153 102,340 5.543 £ 39,635 5.172 37.211 62,262 2,507 15.296 4,402 11,153 102,340 5,543 41.964 i 3,157 31.606 | 68,574 233 19.839 I 319 I 7,259 98,103 6,103 £ 44,044 237 22,295 117,815 12,707 1,484 124,926 1,160 £ 34,721 2.004 44.133 130,815 8,809 12.745 90.535 3,684 22,644 £ 44,719 18.806 45,431 122,999 | 46,181 376 8,750 105,000 6,475 46,455 £ £ 43,199 *52,239 23,612 31,478 28,445 38.808 78,815 60,838 26,001 53,996 1,435 998 121,954 122,940 4,398 2,428 Cr. 34 41.741 68.275 £ 15.949 4.265 1.204 42.721 1.362 16.235 7.926 4,786 69.223 2,618 Workers' Dwellings Total, Public Buildings 117.328 ! 165,311 227,026 117.328 165,311 227,026 226,035 226,035 285,521 285,521 277,157 324,668 350,090 ] 445,192 I 369,600 431,966 6.288.791 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences :— Lighthouses Harbour-works 2.167 962 1,308 2.684 2,963 2,963 1,417 2,867 1,417 2,867 7,481 4,439 7,481 4,439 6,762 4,548 j 5,372 , 1,470 4,092 2,865 5,428 6,004 1.144 9,031 5,174 7,415 3,346 Or. 1,462 339 539 Cr. 300 ,3,887 12,563 681 Harbour-defences 2.515 1.300 1.541 1.541 2,579 2,579 7,297 7,297 l \ 1 h- ! _! , 1 Total. Lighthouses, &c. Rates on Native Lands Contingent Defence Tourist and Health Besorts 5.990 4.946 4,504 631 548 695 46,588 35.569 14.874 17.508 15.888 42.271 4.946 548 4,504 \ 695 6.863 ! 837 18,;574 45,048 6.863 ! 837 ; 19,217 19,217 27 10,766 24,286 27 16,682 8,427 ' 12,576 16,785 j 7,297 ! 17,131 1.122,635 68,672 10,766 4,977 6,071 10,437 j 23,790 i 30,186 ! 15,221 989,616 . . ~ 14,507 5,912 13.361 12,906 14,989 8,232 Cr. 12 252. 748 ' Lands Improvement .. 2,248 1.052 5,605 9,561 9,561 19,542 19,542 ' 6,910 ; 11,125 20,394 ' 22,550 : Cr. 383 16.996 ! Cr. 432 13,810 Or 522 134,565 : Charges and Expenses of raising Loans .. 10.764 236 Cr. 5,175 C 236 Or. 5,175 Or. 8,487 \ Or. 8,487 575 575 17,715 ! 66,367 67,470 I 72,950 j 105,449 35.495 Cr. 12,000 ! Cr. 66,392 Cr. 66,954 , Or. 71,681 \ Cr. 96,741 Cr. 34,865 1,253.030 , |- Interest, and Sinking Funds 218,500 L_ Coal-exploration and Mine-development 10,835 Thermal Springs , ! _ —___: 14,600 Total Ways and Means Credits Grand Total —Net Expenditure 5.175 .. 1,321,510 1.730.686 2,035.144 01 8,487 | •• .. .. 10,530 103,524 105,792 43,400 01,99,688 |2,183,245 2.022,876 1,891,918 2,190,731 2,347, 965 2,421,464 2,565,019 8,487 I 1,99,688 2, ~ ,183,245 : 63.36.,9i4 * Includes £15,000 under Section 104 of the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Public Bodies Em] lowerini Act, 1914.