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TABLE No. 2-continued. GENERAL SUMMARY-continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1893-94 to 1914-15— continued.

Description of Services. 1904-5. Expenditure, 1913-14. | 1914-15 Total Net | Expenditure to 31st March, 1915. 1905-6. | 1906-7. 1908-9. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1912-13. 1907-8. !_ I £ 6.481 £ 8,753 ■ £ 14,353 £ 9.132 15.075 ! £ 17.003 I £ 9,441 £ . 11,681 £ 14,694 £ 33,914 £ £ 33,219 2,321,739 Immigration 6.481 j 8,753 14,353 1 9,132 15,075 ' 17.003 i 9,441 11,681 14,694 33,914 33,2i9 2.321,739 Public Works (Departmental) .. 12.814 13.517 16,710 | 18.219 24,512 41.176: 42,733 49,864 57,426; 66,650 *100,719 951,464 13.517 16,710 | 24,512 42,733 49,864 57,426 66,650 ! *100,719 | 951,464 18,219 41.176 j : > . : . . : : : : Development of Water-power 468 2,901 4,664 j 315 .. .. 1,021 ; 9.082 { t t 18.451 468 2,901 4,664 315 1,021 9.082 % t 18.451 Irrigation and Water-supplyf 1.562 2,794 i § § 4.356 1.562 2,794 § § § 4.356 ..„„- Railways Pavment to Midland Railway Bondholders 779,891 1.021.265 1.227,880 d,093, 535 1.116.184 1 .128.400 1.104.071 1,125,905 1.148.832 1.104.897 2,i46,753|> 33.039,362 Or. 652 Cr. 6,987 \ Or. 29,528 l Cr. 5.485 l Cr. 6.022 150.000 ! ; ! ! : Roads :— |_ 1 ; 1 Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges Roads on Goldfields.. Development of .Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery .. Lands Improvement Account 202.850 306,065 | 308,500 285,248 422.174 297.932 229,537 383,511 337,584 J 3^ 3 '?f,- '- 484,365 y L t\ a la i 26,112 45,139 38.970 38.494 47,375 40,830 25,626 41.067 36,761 24.143 30,065 Total, Roads .. .. .. 228.962 351.204 347.470 323.742 469,549 338.762 1 255,163! 424,578 374,345 | 377,464; 514,430 10,615,759 228.962 351,204 347,470 323,742 469,549 338.762 j 255,163 j 424,578 374,345 377.464 514,430 10,615,759 Development of Goldfields 6,258 ' 18.533 11.064 j 8,633 32.859 18.597 10.845 '' 21,244 10,644 i 4.889 2,384 ' 884,820 r'- 7 /j/j/j j-.,. / /j/j/j n,. in n v i riitz n*. oztz 6.2.58 18.533 11.064 8,633 32,859 18.597 10.845 Cr. 1.000 Cr. 1.000 . 21,244 10,644 Or. 30 Cr. 1.015 4,889 | 2,384 Cr. 255 884,820 Cr. 1.000 Cr. 1.000 , Cr. 30 Or. 1,015 Cr. 255 Purchase of Native Lands 6.281 13.777 9.135 2.190 2,099 30,567 2,976 Cr. 2,466 Or. 917 Or. 857 ' Cr. 1,060 6.281 13.777 9,135 ! 2.190 2,099 30.567 2,976 Cr. 2,286 Cr. 2,466 Cr. 917 Cr. 857 ' Cr. 1,060 Native Lands Purchase Account Cr. 2,286 " I " " .. . .. •• - Total, Land Purchases 6,281 13.777 9,135 2,190 2,099 30,567 690 Or. 2,466. Cr. 917 j Or. 857 Cr. 1,060 2,063.803 6.281 13.777 9,135 2,190 ! 2,099 30,567 690 Cr. 2,466 Cr. 917 ! Or. 857 Or. 1,060 2.063.803 , Telegraph Extension : ■ I 79,298 77.186 114.068 155,491 163.033 123.423 111.867 147,692 251.375 392.648 288,395 2.958,168 79.298 77.186 114.068 j 155,491 163,033 123,423 111,867 147,692 251,375 392,648 288,395 2,958,168 I i * Includes " Unauthorized," £94. f Previously included under Lands Improvement. J Expenditure from 1912-13 is under the Aid to Water-power Works Account. § Expenditure from 1912-13 is under the Irrigation and Water-supply Account. || Includes £1,000,000 expended 1908-9 and 1909-10 under Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Acccunt.